#gamergate a woman is always to blame antifeminism crackpottery doubling down drama kings elliot rodger entitled babies evil women grandiosity imaginary backwards land irony alert lying liars misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy playing the victim PUAhate sarkeesian! that's completely wrong threats

A Voice for Men offers proof that it was a feminist who threatened Anita Sarkeesian. Minus the proof.

Snidely Whiplash, actual cartoon villain
Snidely Whiplash, actual cartoon villain

“Andy Bob” of A Voice for Men has decided that the recent threats against Anita Sarkeesian are fake because … they’re too melodramatic.

In a rather remarkable bit of logicking titled “Anonymous feminist provides Anita Sarkeesian with a potential new source of revenue,” Andy Bob quotes this line from the threat email:

“Feminists have ruined my life and I will have my revenge, for my sake and the sake of all the others they’ve wronged.”

And adds:

The only thing missing is the swish of “his” cape as he exits, stage left, with his “semi-automatic rifle, multiple pistols, and a collection of pipe bombs” cunningly concealed beneath “his” jauntily angled fedora.

Huh. You may recall that the most famous person to publicly declare that “feminists have ruined my life”– that is, Marc Lepine — followed that declaration with a shooting spree that left 14 women dead.

You may also remember a certain fellow named Elliot Rodger, who announced his shooting spree this spring with a video in which he, for all intents and purposes, did his best impersonation of a comic book supervillain, complete with evil laughs. Railing against the “girls” who committed the horrible injustice of not dating him, he declared in his final video that

I will punish all of you for it. (laughs)

On the day of retribution I am going to enter the hottest sorority house of UCSB… and I will slaughter every single spoiled, stuck-up, blonde slut I see inside there. …

I will take great pleasure in slaughtering all of you.

You will finally see that I am in truth the superior one. The true alpha male. (laughs)

The fact is that mass killers often have grandiose visions of themselves as avenging angels/devils, and see the world in stark black and white terms.

I have no idea if the latest threats against Sarkeesian are “real,” or if they’re the work of some sadistic asshole trying to terrorize her into silence with words, or whether they were written by her cat, but the fact that these words are melodramatic is hardly proof that they weren’t meant sincerely.

The “if it’s melodramatic it’s fake” argument is also a highly, well, ironic one to make in an online publication that’s home to some of the most melodramatic writing this side of a #GamerGate manifesto.

Here, for example, is John Hembling, then the managing editor of AVFM, writing about the efforts of feminists to get Facebook to take down gender-based hate speech (whether directed at women or men):

They are not simply adherents of an ideology of hatred and violence, wrapping itself in the increasingly transparent veneer of false and pious humanism. … They are fascists, and if you support their cause, that of censorship, you may be a fascist as well.

And here is an actual sentence from an AVFM post by August Løvenskiolds:

Cunt-power is cunning but every now and then, it peeks through the veil to expose a fetid maw of endless hunger and hatred.

So, yeah, Men’s Rights activists in general, and AVFMers in particular, are not exactly strangers to melodrama.

But Andy Bob evidently never reads the publication he is writing for, as he goes on to, er, argue:

There is no doubt whatsoever that this email was written by a feminist posing as an MHRA. The entirely fictitious character, who is supposed to have written it, conforms so closely to the feminist mischaracterization of MHRAs as dangerously violent psychopaths who dream of brutally silencing women that it could only have been written by someone whose goal was to maintain and embellish this outrageously slanderous threat narrative.

Yeah, it’s not as if MRAs and #GamerGaters ever present themselves in a menacing manner.

The character created as the author of the email is an artful pastiche of those mythical MHRAs, Elliot Rodger and Marc Lépine, neither of whom had any connection with known MHR organizations, despite fraudulent feminist claims to the contrary. …

The feminist author promises to “write my manifesto in her spilled blood” in order to raise the spectre of Rodger, who wrote a lengthy manifesto that primarily detailed his inability to get laid and revealed that he was the kind of sad and crazy pussy-beggar who would probably have been persona non grata in the MHRM had he ever attempted to gain entry—which he never did.

Given that Lepine lived and died long before there even was an Men’s Rights movement, it seems a bit weird to brag that he wasn’t a member of any “known MHR organizations.”

And while Elliot Rodger didn’t, as far as I know, identify as a Men’s Rights activist, he was a reader of and a commenter on PUAhate, a website connected to regular A Voice for Men contributor Jalon Cain (aka “Aaron Sleazy”), who volunteered as a moderator on the site and promoted it on his own site. Both Lepine and Rodger shared many of the beliefs of the current Men’s Rights movement.

Even more to the point, there’s no logic to Andy Bob’s argument. The fact that neither Lepine nor Rodger were card-carrying MRAs doesn’t prove that the author of the latest threats isn’t an MRA. Nor does it prove that the writer of the threats is a feminist. These are logic fails as big as Paul Elam’s ego.

The “MHRM produces crazed murderers who target women” threat narrative has been so closely observed throughout the text of the email that it could only have been written by someone who assisted in its construction. Two of the reasons why feminists posing as MHRAs are so easy to detect are the style of language they employ and the fact that their purported representation of MHRAs has the unmistakable tone of caricature that frequently devolves into the realm of pantomime.

Well, aside from the fact that the writer actually used a lot of specific phrases that are used often, and in one case almost exclusively, by MRAs.

“Anita Sarkeesian is everything wrong with the feminist woman, and she is going to die screaming like the craven little whore that she is if you let her come to USU.”

Really? And her little dog too?

This statement sounds more like it came from Snow White’s wicked stepmother as she raises a Sarkeesianesque eyebrow in envious rage than a real-life psycho.

Or from Elliot Rodger — who gleefully announced that “I will slaughter every single spoiled, stuck-up, blonde slut” he saw, before attempting to do just that.

There isn’t the slightest hint of articulated performance in the glib and terrifying words of genuinely deranged psychopaths like Elliot Rodger and Marc Lépine.

Apparently Andy Bob never watched Elliot Rodger’s extravagantly melodramatic final video.

The only question that remains is: Who has a history of making death threats via emails to venues hosting talks on potentially contentious issues and has a vested interest in publicly demonizing the MHRM by maintaining a false threat narrative through attempted character assassination and misrepresenting everything we stand for?

Could it be …. Satan?

Well, no. He means AVFM’s version of Satan: Feminists — as the title of his post proclaims even more categorically.

Of course, A Voice for Men has never offered proof that any of the alleged threats made against its conference came from feminists. Or that these threats even existed. Indeed, even while AVFM was raising literally tens of thousands of dollars for “security,” the site’s lawyers were accusing the Doubletree Hilton hotel of faking the threats for money. Indeed, in the comments on AVFM, Andy Bob himself sneered at the Doubletree employee that Elam suggested might have faked the threats. But now Andy Bob has conveniently changed his mind and is presenting the alleged threats against AVFM as real. The irony meter level here is over 9000.

Several of the commenters to Andy Bob’s post go on to accuse … me of writing the threats.

 Bryan Scandrett Andybob • 18 hours ago  Maybe I'm stuck in some MRA group think vortex here but a brief scan of that article flags Futrelle as a person of interest as author of the threat. Looks a lot like someone over working a frame up, trying to lead the law to the "crims" he wants punished.  "I went through the email – the full text of which I found in this Pastebin – cutting and pasting some of its more memorable phrases into Google to see just where – if anywhere – these phrases showed up online. And I found that quite a few of them are phrases that are used almost nowhere else but in the misogynistic subcultures I write about on this blog – specifically, in the Men’s Rights and “Game” subcultures. This is someone, like Elliot Rodger before him, who has been reading if not actively participating in these subcultures"  Google misandrist harpies and mostly you get Anita and David. In 50+ yrs of this shit I don't recall ever seeing those two words put together.Huh.

 Paul Bryan Scandrett • 12 hours ago  They should definitely examine his search history to see *when* he did those searches.  Is examining the email in such detail the internet equivalent of returning to the scene of the crime?Yes, that’s right. He’s claiming that the fact that I analyzed the language of the threat means that I wrote it. And posts this as a comment to an article in which Andy Bob … analyzes the language of the threat.

Andy Bob, for his part, is happy to add to all the insinuations:

I have to admit that this thought crossed my mind. All of the lies about Elliot Rodger being a MHRA link back to David Futrelle as the original source.

Huh. Except that I never said he was an MRA, and in face went out of my way in my writings and media appearances to point out that he wasn’t an MRA — just someone who shared a great number of beliefs with MRAs.

If he is heavily invested enough in publicly demonizing the MHRM to fabricate this kind of obvious fraud (E.R. being a MHRA), it isn’t that much of a stretch for him to go one step further and actually fabricate a fake E.R. clone sending threatening emails to maximize his investment.

The only fraud being perpetuated here is by you, dude. Well, you and the Honey Badgers.

He stops just short of accusing me of literally writing  the threatening email.

Then, I wondered why he would take the risk of exposing his act of terrorism by writing what is, essentially, an account of how he went about doing it. Futrelle is too much of a coward, and not quite stupid enough, to be so obvious about committing such a serious crime.

But then, based on nothing more than his own “feels,” he goes on to accuse me of trying to encourage others to write similar threats:

My guess is that he knows the email is a fraud, thinks it is wonderful, and hopes to encourage others to commit similar frauds by offering instructions on how to accomplish them. After all, who knows better than he just how many loony feminists have access to keyboards? …

Futrelle’s post indicates that he is playing a very dangerous game in which he is dancing closer to the abyss of disrepute than ever before.

Yes, the guy who just wrote a post analyzing the language of the threat is accusing me of “playing a dangerous game” by … analyzing the language of the threat.

It’s only a matter of time before he missteps, and falls in, hopefully taking the perennially smirking, and equally appalling, Sarkeesian with him.

Dream on, dude. I’m not going away. She’s not going away. You’re utterly transparent in your insinuations. You have neither logic nor evidence on your side. All your accusations are nothing but ideologically driven fantasies.

But then again, that’s pretty much all the Men’s Rights movement is.

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10 years ago


What a convoluted mess. How do people even…

10 years ago

How many MRAs does it take to change a light bulb?

None, that bulb put itself out, therefore a man shouldn’t have to go changing it.

10 years ago

Besides, it’s obvious that the lightbulb was burnt out by a feminist. Just look at the number threads on the bulb; it doesn’t match the number on the socket! Only a feminist could make such a laughable mistake. Plus, the wire broke on the left hand side, when everyone knows lightbulbs always burn out on the right. Those feminists just had to leave their leftist calling cards around.

10 years ago

Marc Lépine wasn’t an MRA. He was their prototype both in style (melodramatic) and substance (misogynous). He was the martyred patron saint (coughcoughwheeze) of the Menz Herpyderp’n Rightz Bowel Movement.

They would all be him, except they lack the nerve. They think agitating for “human rights” consists entirely of sitting on their arses, kvetching about how horrible those “misandrist harpies” (i.e. WOMEN) are.

They are beyond pathetic.

10 years ago


That joke almost made me wish more of my friends knew about the MRM so I could irl steal it. Then I remembered that it’s a good thing they’re so obscure that no one in my real life would get it. Either way, it was a good one 🙂

I was wondering how long it would be before someone tried to pin this on a feminist/Sarkeesian herself. The good thing is no one beyond the MRM or GamerGate is going to buy that ridiculous conspiracy theory. No one beyond the MRM and GamerGate see Sarkeesian as The Devil. Both of these things are becoming synonymous with terrorism and mass murder because…well, they cause terrorism and mass murder. Whoever made the threat has effectively sunk GamerGate and set the MRM’s reputation further back than they could even manage themselves, which is why they’re desperately pointing fingers literally anywhere else.

Simultaneously, it seems to have ripped a gaping hole in Gun’s Rightsers’ logic, so whatever idiot decided to be an oppressive little fuckstain and shoot that email off, it backfired in a big way. I really hope they find the guy, though, because that’s a ticking time bomb if he is on that campus and was earnest in that threat. If I were a woman attending USU, I’d be having serious second thoughts about another semester. The idiots and the bad guys are screwing themselves over in the public eye like we always knew they would, and I’m feeling pretty good about life.

Inez Milholland
Inez Milholland
10 years ago

Thanks, @kirbywrap! That was extremely helpful, not to mention supremely embarrassing for Aurini & Co.

Aurini: “She’s a lying LIAR! She didn’t file a police report!”
Info Officer: “In all fairness, she did contact us. There’s no police report because the matter is beyond our jurisdiction, so the Feds are handling it.”
Aurini: >:( “Curses! Foiled yet again by the Femspiracy!”

10 years ago

Newt could have told them that the ” anyone who quotes us is a liar” ploy simply does not pass the smell test. Criminy!

10 years ago

Fantastic posting. A complete rebuttal. David, my only quibble is that your talent is wasted on this AVFM article which presents no evidence at all to support its thesis. It’s too easy!

10 years ago

I know it’s pretty damn obvious to most of us here but I think it’s worth articulating anyway:

There’s a pretty heavy gender bias in the use of language talking about doing things “for attention”, being “dramatic” and “exaggerating” when describing aggressions. It carries the implicit assumption that a woman’s integrity, honesty, recollection and perceptions are less reliable than men’s. It’s the same reason that I’m fucking sick of seeing “he-said, she-said” used as an excuse to throw up your hands and ignore rape allegations, as if that response is “neutral” and doesn’t favour rapists.

10 years ago

So true, striving. Really good observations there.

10 years ago

@David – did you do an impersonal search when you looked for the phrases? Because your previous searches and browsing habits will affect your googling. Obviously that’s not going to negate the instances you found that show they really are that melodramatic, but it will give MRA results more weight than non-MRA results.

10 years ago

Btw… why stop at the terrorist of the threats? We can make actual shooters false flags! Not only you cannot prove that Lepine and Rodger were MRAs… also YOU CANNOT PROVE THEY WERE NOT FEMINISTS, CAN YOU??!!
Those misandrist harpies are totally capable of pretending to be MRAs and go around shooting people JUST TO MAKE MRAs LOOK BAD and get to play victims, right?. They are eeeeevil, those feminists.
Actually, why just those? Let’s just state preemptively that anything bad, violent, or terrorist against any man, in the past or future is obviously misandry by the matriarchy. And any violence against women is just a false flag fabricated by feminists to blame men. Or a lie.
Is that how that works?

Inez Milholland
Inez Milholland
10 years ago

@striving ask any female attorney. If she were to take the exact same tone and engage in the same kind of grandstanding a lot of male litigators are fond of, she’d be skinned alive. Tone policing: it’s totally a thing.

10 years ago

Rogan: What’s that? Dudes blaming bad behavior on a feminist? WHOEVER COULD’VE ANTICIPATED THIS SHOCKING TURN OF EVENTS? Someone fetch me my fainting couch and smelling salts! I think I’m going to swoon!

Kid: *goes to fetch both*

10 years ago

Sarah: nice try, but it’s impossible to out-Poe these guys. There were actually manospherians arguing that Rodger’s manifesto was too hyperbolic to be for-reals and was obvs a parody of MRA/redpiller beliefs because feminism makes it okay to mock our FIGHT FOR RIGHTS, at the same time as other manospherians were arguing that of course it’s wrong to kill people but you can see how feminism destroying society is such a huge problem that men feel the need to fight back, and some just go too far.

So if he did have MRA-style beliefs, it’s women’s fault that they DROVE HIM TO IT. If he didn’t really, MRAs are being unfairly picked on by their detractors because feminism makes it okay to PERSECUTE MEN.

No matter what the situation, the manosphere is never to blame or a contributing factor, but women/feminism always is.

10 years ago

MRAs show that they have nothing to do with shooters by condoning their actions.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

“Sarah: nice try, but it’s impossible to out-Poe these guys.”

I am reminded of that Tea Party group that posted a graphic from BioShock satirising the Tea Party in complete earnest.

That was the day it finally got through to me that it’s literally impossible to come up a parody of right-wingers so ridiculous and deliberately offensive that they won’t admit to believing it.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Even the most melodramatic, mustache-twirling, Persian-stroking cartoon villain wouldn’t stoop to the level of silencing women via death threats, doxxing, and harrassment. That’s too dastardly even for Snidely Whiplash.

And of course, giving names like “Operation Disrespectful Nod” to premeditated troll brigades is not at all melodramatic, self-aggrandizing and cartoonish.

10 years ago

I sense giant buckets of projection. These dudes are likely to try to falsify some quote, tweet or meme to smear teh wimminz, so of course they suspect that feminists are all about concocting false death threats to discredit them.

10 years ago

@M. the Social Justice Ranger:

I really don’t think they grok that Columbia (and especially the Fraternal Order of the Raven) was essentially one giant send-up of the perils of worshipping nationalism at the expense of everything else. The fact that the Founding Fathers are literally worshipped as gods is straight out of the Tea Party philosophy.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago



This is what cartoon supervillains sound like when they laugh.

10 years ago

Slightly O/T: I want to see the version of Bioshock Infinite from the universe where the studio didn’t make Ken Levine tone down the anti-Tea Party aspects of it. (He had multiple people threatening to quit and chose to tone them down, especially the bits that could be seen as anti-Christian.) Now that would be one hell of a game.

10 years ago

Drat, I really am showing that Bioshock is one of my autism special interests, aren’t I? I need to tone it down.

On the topic of the article: I have no words. None. Except maybe: what ridiculous hypocrites.

10 years ago

“The MRM really is 50% angry untouched boner feels, 25% wait I have to do my own laundry now, and 25% projection.”

I’d give projection a much higher portion.

The right wing in general is very dedicated to the idea that anytime one of their folks (or even one of their enemies if they can blame it on the gummint) goes off to the deep end, it has to be a false flag operation — 9-11, the Boston Marathon bombing, you name it. A few years ago a ship hit the Oakland Bay Bridge, necessitating repairs. According to one guy, the repairs were a cover for planting explosives. This would be one of 25 national buildings/monuments where “repairs” were used as a cover for planting explosives that Obama could trigger remotely so he could take everyone’s guns and impose (UN) military rule. Once you start down this track, there’s no limit how far you can go.

10 years ago

Gun ownership isn’t even particularly high in the Bay Area, so if someone was looking to take out a bridge in order to take all of people’s guns, none of our bridges would be particularly logical targets.