Reading through the luridly threatening email that forced Anita Sarkeesian to cancel her talk at Utah State University, originally scheduled for today, I found myself wondering, a bit dumbfounded: just where does this kind of hate come from?
It’s a question I’ve been asking myself again and again in recent days as I contemplate the ongoing fiasco that is GamerGate. How on earth have all these people gotten so angry, so worked up, so willing to dox and harass and threaten women (and some of their male allies) over video games?
How exactly does someone reach a point where it makes sense to them to threaten – and perhaps even to seriously plan – a “Montreal-style Massacre” because they don’t like a few videos pointing out sexism in video games?
Even after years spent tracking and trying to understand the misogynistic online culture that’s given birth to GamerGate, I don’t have an answer. And I’m not sure where to get one.
And so, as a kind of preliminary step towards finding an answer to this question, I thought I would ask a simpler and more empirical question: where does the language of hatred found in the threatening email sent to Utah State officials come from?
It’s easy enough to see where it comes from in a general sense: the author of the email repeats a lot of the standard language of the new misogynists online, castigating “misandrist harpies” and railing against the alleged evils of feminism. But it’s only when you begin looking at the specific and sometimes peculiar phrasings in the email that you really begin to see just how familiar the author is with the misogynist tropes of the manosphere, broadly defined.
I went through the email – the full text of which I found in this Pastebin – cutting and pasting some of its more memorable phrases into Google to see just where – if anywhere – these phrases showed up online. And I found that quite a few of them are phrases that are used almost nowhere else but in the misogynistic subcultures I write about on this blog – specifically, in the Men’s Rights and “Game” subcultures. This is someone, like Elliot Rodger before him, who has been reading if not actively participating in these subcultures.
My first discovery was that the author doesn’t only see Marc Lepine, the antifeminist mass murderer responsible for the Montreal Massacre in 1989, as a “a hero to men everywhere for standing up to the toxic influence of feminism.”
No, the author actually seems to think of himself — and I can only assume the author is male, given his obsessions and the gender breakdown of mass killers –as a latter-day Lepine. When he writes that “[f]eminists have ruined my life,” this is in fact a direct quote from Lepine himself: it’s what he reportedly said before opening fire and gunning down his victims, and a phrase he also included in his own manifesto/suicide note.
Some of the specific phrasings he uses seem to be almost exclusively used by MRAs . He writes, for example, of the “toxic influence of feminism,” a phrase that only turns up 47 results on Google.
If you set aside links to news articles about the threats directed at Sarkeesian, two of the top results are links to the artwork used in a promo video for A Voice for Men’s Honey Badger Brigade. The headline? “The toxic influence of feminism in comic.” The topic of the Honey Badger Radio Show being promoted? The “invasion” of geek culture by “social justice warriors” and feminists. The show is a recent one, from this past August.
Other uses of the phrase “toxic influence of feminism” can be found in two separate posts on an Irish MRA blog called “Not A Feminist,” which links to A Voice for Men, Angry Harry, Shrink4Men and other familiar MRA sites. The phrase also shows up in an essay by Henry Makow, an early MRA-turned-conspiracy theorist; his quote shows up on numerous sites online and accounts for a sizeable number of the results. The phrase appears as well in a debate over Men’s Rights on a site called TheDiscussionist and on several other MRA sites.
It also pops up in a couple of discussions of video games — once on a Grand Theft Auto V forum, and once, chillingly, in a post about Anita Sarkeesian on the Tumblr blog of an 18-year-old German right-winger, attacking her as an “attention whore who does no research, knows jack shit about the subject and [whose work leads] to even more of a toxic influence of feminism on gaming.”
In other words, virtually the only time this phrase seems to have been used in the history of humankind – or at least that portion of history accessible to Google – it’s been used by MRAs and video gamers. Mostly MRAs. This isn’t proof of anything, but I do find myself wondering if the writer of the threat letter might be a fan of the Honey Badgers.
Other phrases the email author uses aren’t quite as unique, but they too seem to be used almost exclusively by Men’s Rightsers – and in some cases their critics as well. “Misandrist harpies” is a surprisingly common phrase amongst angry MRAs and other manospherians; you can find it (naturally) on the openly misogynistic Antimisandrist.com, in the comments on A Voice for Men and Captain Capitalism and on the old school MGTOW site Mirror of the Soul. You can also find feminists ironically appropriating the insult as a label for themselves – including a commenter on the AgainstMensRights subreddit and a few of the regulars on this very blog.
It also makes an appearance in a long tirade about, yes, Anita Sarkeesian in a comment on the site Topless Robot.
The author of the threatening email also refers at one point to feminist “poison.” He may well have picked up this formulation from MRA-adjacent atheist videoblogger Thunderf00t, whose video Why ‘feminism’ poisons EVERYTHING has racked up more than half a million views on YouTube; Thunderf00t, who used to direct most of his ire towards creationists, now devotes most of his videos to attacks on feminist women, with Anita Sarkeesian being a central obsession.
MRAs and PUAs are similarly obsessed with the notion of feminism as a cultural poison. You can find dire warnings about “feminist poison” on in the posts and comments on sites ranging from A Voice for Men to Exposing Feminism to Antimisandry.com. The self-proclaimed “counter-feminist” Fidelbogen is especially fond of the formulation, making it the central theme in a long and turgid manifesto with the title “Feminism Poisons Women.” The tedious MRA troll known, a little misleadingly, as genderneutrallanguage manages to work “poison” into both the title and the subtitle of his blog The Poisoned Well: The Poisonous Language of Feminism.
PUAs, especially those who fetishize the alleged cultural innocence of Asian and Eastern European women, also pontificate regularly about the dangers of the “feminist poison.” I could multiply examples almost endlessly.
In one of the more lurid and disturbing passages in his threat-cum-manifesto, the email author declares that Sarkeesian “is going to die screaming like the craven little whore that she is if you let her come to USU.” Something about the phrasing seemed familiar to me, so I tried searching for “craven little whore.” It appeared only in a tiny handful of discussions, none of which seemed to have anything to do with feminism or Men’s Rights.
But the phrase “whore that she is” is everywhere, it seems. If you eliminate the porn links from the results and narrow things down a little more, you find that the phrase is quite popular amongst PUAs and Red Pillers, who are forever recommending that their compatriots treat whatever woman they’re with “like the whore that she is.” It shows up repeatedly in the comments at Chateau Heartiste and in this post on Captain No-Marriage.
Now, as I said before, none of this is proof of anything, but it is highly suggestive. The email author not only seems to share the general beliefs of Men’s Rightsers and misogynist Manospherians; he also, even in the course of his short email, falls back repeatedly on some very specific phrasings that seem to be native to the misogynistic subcultures of Men’s Rightsers and pickup artists.
I think it’s safe to say that this is a person deeply steeped in this subculture – and frankly, more interested in the antifeminist crusade of the Men’s Rightsers than in video gaming as such.
Indeed, the email author says virtually nothing about video games as such in his little manifesto; he seems to have picked Sarkeesian as his target because, to him, she represents all the evils of feminism in one convenient package. He more or less says this outright, declaring that “I’ve chosen to target … Anita Sarkeesian [because she] is everything wrong with the feminist woman.”
In this, he is following again in the footsteps of Marc Lepine, who targeted female students at the École Polytechnique, killing 14 of them, because they to him seemed to symbolize the feminists who , he wrote in his suicide note “have always ruined my life.”
In its original article reporting on the threats, the Standard Examiner quoted a school official as saying that the authorities had “determined the threat seems to be consistent with ones (Sarkeesian) has received at other places around the nation,” which, as depressing as that statement is, does at least seem to suggest or at least hold out the hope that this threat may have come from a serial threatener, not an actual Utah State student who was, as he threatened, armed and ready to go.
Whether he is a sadistic fantasist or another Lepine in the making, it seems clear that whoever wrote the note is steeped in the Men’s Rights world online. He may or may not identify as an MRA, but he seems to have absorbed much of the ideology, and the hatred, preached and practiced by MRAs on the internet every day.
Reblogged this on J. B. Garner – Musings of a Starving Author and commented:
I know you may or may not appreciate these interruptions to the general writing theme of this blog, but some things are far too important to not spread the word about.
David: This is a perceptive, well-researched, extremely prompt response to the news of the terror threat. You are the best journalist today writing on the New Misogyny, a term you coined, I believe. Your years of following these people gives you the deep understanding and resources to explain these connections. Thank you for your hard work and choosing this unpleasant road!
I looked at the phraseology too as I’m sure the FBI is doing. What strikes me as the primary writing “quirk” of this guy is his use of the “ing” ending in both gerunds and present participles. If I were a prof at USU I’d be thinking about a few students whose papers reflect this unusual frequency.
Could be both. I can’t pull it out now, but I seem to remember reading something about how some spree killers go through psychological “dry runs” to work through their pesky conscience issues before carrying through. Like, visualizing the spree while walking through school, if the plan is for a school shooting. These threats could be serving the same purpose. He could be just desensitizing himself by issuing more and more detailed and credible threats, and then one day he’ll carry through on one.
Yeah, you really try to play up the “It’s not proof” line, thinking, quite rightly that someone is going to turn around and accuse you of blaming the entire movement for this guy.
But it is essentially proof of involvement. Of reading. Linguistic style doesn’t come from nowhere, and even any given pair of words are extraordinarily unlikely to appear next to each other. Like hugely improbably if you’re just examining it as random.
I’d reccomend Jgaap if you’re looking for a bit of objectivity.(Though that’s built around identifying is the author themselves is the literally the same person)
Have a couple of babies for snugglies after reading all that:
BABBIES! They’re getting so big! How are things on the sleeping front? Better, I hope.
Just quickly, regarding your lead:
“Reading through the luridly threatening email that forced Anita Sarkeesian to cancel her talk at Utah State University, originally scheduled for today…”
She’s been fairly clear that the reason for cancelling was not threat itself, but the inability of security personnel to keep guns (concealed or otherwise) out (i.e., to secure her/the audience’s safety). There are a couple of tweets from today to that effect.
Threat is disgusting, I think her focus here properly removes a lot of power from it, which is a good thing. Taking her lead here would be A+.
Of course. Of course. Of course!
I understand your caution in pointing out the obvious, David — because surely the MRA PR brigade must be already spinning their denials and disavowals of any possible connections here — but it is obvious nevertheless.
It does not take an FBI profiler to know that this individual is a young White single male who is well acquainted with the MRA / PUA / Red Pill rhetoric, and most likely a frequenter of their discussion boards.
If it quacks like a duck and all that.
Oh, what a cutie, Falconer! Thanks for the mood brightener. 🙂
@ikanreed: I’d suggest a method like latent semantic analysis (obligatory wiki link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latent_semantic_analysis) for this. And that opens up all sorts of new questions. What are the similarities between, say, MRA rhetoric and Stormfront rhetoric?
I find the fact that this person is not interested in video games unsurprising. While he may not actually play the games he’s willing to kill to defend, he sees “gaming” and “geek culture”, spurred on both by the angry male gamers within the culture and the MRA allies without that see places like Reddit and 4chan as last bastions of unfettered ability to be misogynistic and offensive and ignorant without social reprucussions, as a pure “white male safe space” the evvvvviiilllllll feminissssstts and eviiiiiillllllllll “SJWs” are trying to “invade”.
Expanding on the last sentence, the invasion theme is actually pretty common in right wing reactionary movements, which I see #gamergate and MRA/PUA (no point in not lumping them together, they may on paper be about different things but they really have the central theme of “women have too many choices and that’s bad”) is that they privileged group has a sacred space that “outsiders” are invading.
“Those (insert minority slur here) here are invading our jobs! ”
“Invading our neighborhoods!”
“Invading our country/motherland!”
“Invading our gaming”
This is even more true when the people in question either appear to be struggling (Interwar Germany) or are losing at least some of their long-held privileges (post-war South, Civil Rights Era, Pro-Life Movement, Tea Party). That’s when the anger and rage become the worst, because they are well aware that they’re losing, but haven’t gotten to terms that they never had a right to the privilege they’re losing, so they react with extreme anger, violence and hate. The Forces of Reaction honestly never change in their methods, whether it’s the 1840s, 1890s, 1940s, 1990s and now the 2010s.
The good news is that on a fundamental level, this rage means that diversity, sensitivity and empathy are *winning* – the bad news is that unless a lot of people have a change of heart, they’re going to do their best to make a lot of women (and some men, though I don’t think as yet GG has gone after a man the same way they’ve harassed the women – correct me if I’m wrong) very insecure and miserable.
Well, they seem to have stopped with the four-hour-wakefests in the middle of the night.
My boy is sleeping through the night. In fact, for nap yesterday and at bedtime, we let him alone on our bed with a couple of stuffies and he got himself to sleep within a half an hour!
My girl still gets up in the middle of the night, but she’s content to be rocked to sleep in about 90 minutes. She goes right down for her naps but she has a new stuffed penguin that she can’t go to bed for the night without. She calls it Duckie.
They’ve both got a stuffed penguin, each of which came with a stuffed chick, and Beloved calls them PengOne and PengTwo.
My girl tested one of the chicks for buoyancy in the bath the other day, just walked in with it in her hand and chucked it in before I could stop her. It floated, at least, before I plucked it out.
And they are getting big! They’ll be 21 months in a few days and they’re wearing 18 month clothes. They’re consistently small but heavy for their age.
I wish the pastebin weren’t blocked at work, the analsysis tool seems to be able to correctly identify mammothers from their previous quotes, for a lot of metrics. I’d love to just parse the whole document and see what sites its style is most reminiscent of.
I’m expecting David gets called a conspiracy theorist for this by some chump who thinks the mspaint squiggle charts are evidence of the feminist Illuminati existing
Re: “Whether he is a sadistic fantasist or another Lepine in the making”
It IS another Lepine in the making, David. This behavior goes beyond idle fantasizing. I hate to sound so definitive, but, well, it is what it is.
What’s more, judging by the content and style of his letter, this is a quite intelligent and well-organized individual, free of any possible psychotic processes (thus clinically and legally sane), so he understands very well the ramifications, legal and other, of his behavior, and is capable of advanced planning.
He’s currently reveling in his power (he achieved his short-term goal with such an ease) and is already imagining the next step on his glorious mission to become an anti-feminist hero. He’s cocky enough not to believe that he’ll be apprehended, but it must be done soon to dampen his grandiose and dangerous fantasies and plans.
I sincerely hope the LE are working full time on that goal, sparing no efforts.
Can’t wait to see the spin MRAs put on this. I’m sure it will be a No True Scotsman festival.
More on point, i was curious at other ways that bigots have used the idea that their enemy is poisonous or toxic, and well, not to get all Godwin, but yeah it’s been used before.
Inb4 “But what about toxic masculinity, feminazis!!!” (Seriously, trolls need to educate themselves about what the phrase means. Tip: It does not mean that men are poisonous.)
Question/Thought: Is it actually possible to get MRA/PUA/etc identified as a formal hate group? The FBI defines a “hate group as follows:
According to the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), a hate group’s “primary purpose is to promote animosity, hostility, and malice against persons belonging to a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin which differs from that of the members of the organization.” Obviously, gender would apply as well.
The problem is that for the most part, it’s not tied to anything bricks and mortar like traditional hate groups, it’s 99% online, and jurisprudence is a solid 25 years behind the Internet in most areas.
It won’t be hard spin. They’ll tritely dismiss it. That’s what people do.
Falconer, thanks for the babbies. Today is a good day for babbies.
Speaking of that… A mister used mspaint squiggles to prove this threat was a false flag:

Also, GamerGate has now made the “paper of record” because of these threats:
“Losing the debate? Just shout FALSE FLAG, and you silence the opposition, ending the argument, allowing you to claim victory”!
Daeran, if there’s one person on the internet who’s qualified to make up things that look like MRA nonsense, it’s David, therefor it’s David specifically who perpetrated this false flag.
Disclaimer: I do not endorse racism, homophobia, or transphobia. Nor do I endorse keeping your opinions on racism, homophobia, and transphobia to yourself. Keep this inind as you read.
You know what I don’t understand?Every other group that has some kind of outspoken crowd of dolts against it, whether it’s gays or racial minorities or transgender folk, seem to have their threats taken more seriously….even things that aren’t threats against them are taken more seriously than actual threats against women are taken. I mean for Christ’s sake… Don Sterling might be an asshole but for being a racist, even though he never actually threatened anyone, he was pretty much ousted from the NBA… And really the entire country (as he should’ve been). There’s a huge national boycott of Chick-fil-A because of their anti-gay sentiments (as there should be), even to the point where people smear other people who eat at Chick-fil-A, but no one from Chick-fil-A (so far as I know) actively threatened and stalked and intimidated gay people or held anti-gay meetings and discussions at the restaurants. When horrible things are said and done against these groups of people, nobody claims, “Well it’s just how the Internet is and everybody gets trolled so if you can’t handle getting trolled then don’t go on the Internet.” A feminist lives her life in a constant barrage of threats and insults and no one seems to take it seriously. When it happens to her it’s just “trolling.”
She just needs to, “Get over it,” or, “Get used to it.” Nobody’s boycotting video games or Reddit or Twitter or Tumblr or any of the other myriads of places that this content is allowed to be infect and proliferate as a matter of routine. Why is that?
I’ve come to a simple conclusion… Men can be black, men can be gay, men can be transgender, therefore what happens to black people, gay people, and transgender people affects men so that means it’s important. Men can’t be women, so nobody really cares what happens to women. Somehow, when you specifically attack women, it’s “free-speech.” If you do attack any other group that men can be a part of, then you’re terrible person and deserve to lose your job and all your friends and all your notoriety and pretty much everything you have until your only hope for human companionship is to live in a cave with a bunch of other troglodytes. Why can’t we hold misogynists to the same standard?
By the way, no, I’m not saying that people shouldn’t rail against racists and homophobes and transphobes, or that they shouldn’t protest and boycott and oust these people….I just don’t understand why women, particularly feminists, aren’t just as important.