Monty Python has a famous series of sketches featuring a confused Robin Hood wannabe named Dennis Moore, who ultimately (spoiler alert) ends up stealing so much from the rich that he renders them poor. Confronted by this fact, Moore (played by John Cleese) is momentarily dumbfounded. “Blimey,” he says. “This redistribution of wealth is trickier than I thought.”
Over in the Red Pill Subreddit one fella is having a similarly difficult time trying to understand what’s gone wrong with what he sees as the proper distribution of, well, pussy.
Yep, we’re back in the land of pussyconomics again. (Technically, macropussyconomics.)
Things might be a little easier to understand, Red, if you were to actually think of women as human beings and not simply as walking, talking pussy banks.
Feminists don’t see “pussy” — or sex in general — as a female asset, much less women’s “biggest asset in the marketplace.” They see sex as an activity that men and women and others can do with one another and mutually enjoy, if they’re into that sort of thing. They don’t see “slut shaming” as a devious way to drive up the “cost of pussy.” They see it as a retrograde practice that’s shitty for women and generally makes sex worse for everyone.
I know this is all a bit radical to believers in old-school pussyconomics. But as hard as it may be to believe, Red Pillers, asking you to regard women as human isn’t just, you know, some perverse demand feminists have come up with just to be mean to men. It actually makes understanding the world a bit easier.
This will definitely be on the final exam.
H/T — TheBluePill
I mean, I couldn’t really let these go to waste.
[This content has been removed due to copyright infringement]
Kitties! ๐
“I was very sympathetic to Austrian and other free-market economics for many years. Then I saw what happened when the โausterianโ agenda was actually put into practice, namely economic and social collapse.”
That was me too. I used to worship at Murray Rothbard’s altar. Ugh, those days. I think he’s brilliant though, but you can be brilliant and wrong about everything.
The Austrian movement is the probably the best example of formalized fever swamp thinking in existence. The primary thesis of Austrian “economics” is that whatever actually happened in economic history is
1: Irrelevant
2: Distorted by a socialist/statist conspiracy.
From there, they develop axioms that just happeen to correspond wiith free market thinking, and assume that if stuff that happens in real life contradict said axioms, it’s either irrelevant or it happened because of outside factors. Basically, right-wing thinking is fundamentally anti-scientific, because it can never be wrong. If you prove it wrong, they will concoct reasons why it’s right, but something was keeping it from happening in real life.
They must not actually know any women if they think women’s sole asset is a body part.
@Robert I’ve long wondered if the outsize reputation gay couples had for organization and stylishness hasn’t been more about childlessness than something more inherent to being gay, so thanks for cheering up this hetero mother of four. ๐
My living room is strewn with Memory cards and bits of a tacky foam’n’glitter halloween craft kit, my rose bushes are unpruned and my leaves unraked.
Someday…I will get my act together.
(Today is not that day.)
@Dennis Jernberg One of my kitties is weirdly fond of laptops, especially if she can see anything moving on the screen…
I left the room for two minutes and came back to this.
Awww, teh cute :). Wotchoo looking at kitty? Is it mammoths? Are you looking at the silly mammoths on the silly screen? Aboooooog, you are so cuuuute!
Ahem. Sorry.
Don’t be sorry, Misha, that is the correct response to kitties!
Considering that I get all “puppy!” every time I see my neighbor out walking his giant Malamute, far be it from me to critique anyone else’s silly responses to cute critters.
It must be time to put this in again:
One final thought on the Pussyconomy that you (and they) have surely thought of before, and it’s their worst nightmare. Mass-produced sexbots will collapse the Pussyconomy so hard it’ll cease to exist. And then the rest of us humans will go back to being normal people untouched by the Pussyconomists’ delusions, even if they remain trapped in them.
Sexbots. The better way to GYOW. ๐
@kittehserf @lacerta viridis: Only one of them is actually on a keyboard, but the rest are winners. *applauds* ๐
@Daeran: You nailed it.
I’m so sick of the “20% of men are getting all the women” nonsense. If it were true the world would never hear the end of the whining. They need to try harder to come up with more believable bullsh*t.