Monty Python has a famous series of sketches featuring a confused Robin Hood wannabe named Dennis Moore, who ultimately (spoiler alert) ends up stealing so much from the rich that he renders them poor. Confronted by this fact, Moore (played by John Cleese) is momentarily dumbfounded. “Blimey,” he says. “This redistribution of wealth is trickier than I thought.”
Over in the Red Pill Subreddit one fella is having a similarly difficult time trying to understand what’s gone wrong with what he sees as the proper distribution of, well, pussy.
Yep, we’re back in the land of pussyconomics again. (Technically, macropussyconomics.)
Things might be a little easier to understand, Red, if you were to actually think of women as human beings and not simply as walking, talking pussy banks.
Feminists don’t see “pussy” — or sex in general — as a female asset, much less women’s “biggest asset in the marketplace.” They see sex as an activity that men and women and others can do with one another and mutually enjoy, if they’re into that sort of thing. They don’t see “slut shaming” as a devious way to drive up the “cost of pussy.” They see it as a retrograde practice that’s shitty for women and generally makes sex worse for everyone.
I know this is all a bit radical to believers in old-school pussyconomics. But as hard as it may be to believe, Red Pillers, asking you to regard women as human isn’t just, you know, some perverse demand feminists have come up with just to be mean to men. It actually makes understanding the world a bit easier.
This will definitely be on the final exam.
H/T — TheBluePill
I mean, I couldn’t really let these go to waste.
[This content has been removed due to copyright infringement]
@Chevrolet: it is not their ideal, since we live in a fallen world where humans get old and die. lol But their belief is that if two people marry in their teens or early 20s, they are basically making a calculated pact: she’ll stick with him when she’s at her hottest and he’s at his most callow and brokest, and then later he’ll stick with her when he’s made some bank and social cachet.
I think it’s a pretty horrible way to look at it, but there ya go. Those are the terms of the RP marriage deal.
Worse, even if you accept that premise, it was not actually all that effective for women, since once they’d “paid” up front by spending their youth on some young guy just getting his career off the ground, it wasn’t all that uncommon for him to get a younger mistress later and/or cast her out on her ass, whereupon she didn’t typically have a lot of practical recourse. Charles and Catherine Dickens, for pete’s sake.
Far as I’m concerned, under that regime the only logical way to play your hand is straight up unapologetic gold-digging– only an fool trades cash-in-hand for credit later– but of course your typical sub-average RPers doesn’t like that, either. lol
“I don’t understand why feminists don’t support slut shaming because that would appreciate their biggest asset in the marketplace.”
Note to fool: you don’t support an asset by denigrating it. That’s why cattiness on the part of women is invariably a mistake, and it’s why women who hang around the manosphere are playing a sucker’s game. Crude but true. NB.
Buttercup Q, I LOLed.
Cloudiah, great work on the haiku.
Remember, manosphere types are great at multi-tasking–they can hold several demonstrably false beliefs at once. In this case, every last man-jack of them is convinced that in any environment that he advocates for, he will also be the one to come out on top. So, in our statist compussynism that this twit wants, he assumes he’d be a part of the ‘inner party’ and thereby gain his choice of the best HB8+ types. Likewise, the post-apoc anarchists each assume that they will be the man with the gun who rules over their harem of suddenly helpless womenfolk.
The amusing thing about this (“amusing” here should be read as “mockable”, rather than actually being thought to cause amusement, of course) is that they each believe this about themselves, which means that, especially in the larger communities like the various Men’s Rights subreddits, they are all actively engaged in an effort to con their own allies (since each one believes that he will be the one to come out on top once society adopts his program–this would naturally place most of the others there in the lower tiers).
Oh noes, what a bunch of manginas, misandering themselves all without any help from you or me or any other feminist! Where are these Red Pillers with the Colace to turn them all into walking shitbags, eh?
Yup. Asking feminists to play by patriarchal rules is a fool’s game. And of course, dude’s a prize fool.
@ katz
Kitty! In that first picture zie looks like two fuzzy little connected spheres with legs attached. How old was the kitty then?
is obviously MISANDRY1!!1!
Well it’s clear that there’s only one solution to the ongoing pussynomic crisis/pussycession: We must abolish the Federal Pussy Reserve.
– Vote Pussy Paul 2012
They *really* don’t understand what feminism is, do they? Also, I thought marriage was bad and wrong because nobody ever has sex after marriage because their wives are too busy spermjacking alphas in bars and draining their husbands’ bank accounts or something like that.
Here is a picture of two newborn Turkish Van kittens. They are apparently quite expensive, though I got a very similar-looking kitty for free from a local shelter. Maybe I should shelter-shame her.
I’m delighted to have something to point and laugh at, David. I’d say it’s great timing.
katz, lacerta viridis, I am ded of TEH CUTE!
Need more point ‘n’ laff stuff, please, PLEASE!
If you need some “awe” as well as “aww”, check this out:
It is amazing.
(And that is why I’m not an art critic, incidentally.)
Let’s see how this link works …
wordsp1nner, that is AMAZING.
Geez, folks, you all seem to have missed the obvious implications.
The bottom 80% can’t get pussy anymore..so naturally are forced to gay marry. And that’s why they need to oppose gay marriage — because then they’ll never get any pussy. But they will have a tidy house with a nice garden.
Kevin – our house is neither tidy nor has a nice garden.
I blame the kids.
@ Robert – I also blame my kidsssss.
::stops to clean plasticine off the keyboard::
I would get gay-married, but the gay guy I’d pick is already happily gay-married to someone else.
These guys really do view women as commodities, I can see why they want a Gor RPG. Actually being able to own women is what they really want
There are loads of gorgeous sculptures on that site. Glass is now officially my favourite sculpture medium.
Ah, the Pussyconomists are ranting again and getting the same WTF reaction out of yours truly. But then, in their eyes I’m a mere beta, or is that omega?
I think they’re basing the entire concept on a category error, that ladybits are a fungible commodity, or something like that, and basing an entire economic theory on it based on some mutant form of Austrian economics or maybe monetarism or whatever. These tools seem to think they’re living on Gor and applying Austrian theory to the slave-girl market.
I was very sympathetic to Austrian and other free-market economics for many years. Then I saw what happened when the “austerian” agenda was actually put into practice, namely economic and social collapse. Contrast the success of social-democratic countries and US states. Thatj’s what cured me and turned me into a confirmed socialist.
I wouldn’t be surprised if at least some of the Pussyconomists really do think marriage is communism.
Gah! Missed a typo. “Thatj’s” should be “That’s”.
P.S. Cats in wheelbarrows are good. Also, puppies and wombats and orangutans. Anybody have pictures of cats on keyboards? I hear they’re quite fond of them…
Like these hard-working kitties, you mean?
(Looks like that last kitty has just read some MRA rubbish.)
Those glass sculptures are AMAZING. However, with the hands is deep in the uncanny valley. o.O
I gotta remember to show those glass sculptures to Beloved at some point. She loves glasswork. I am a bit disappointed to discover that it’s just done with lost-wax molds. I was speculating about how one could manipulate cane glass like that ….