antifeminism crackpottery entitled babies evil sexy ladies irony alert mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny pussyconomics reactionary bullshit red pill reddit that 80%/20% bullshit

Red Piller: Feminists should support slut shaming to pump up the price of "their biggest asset in the marketplace."

There was so much pussy inflation during Germany's Weimar Repubic that cat owners were forced to transport their pussies in wheelbarrows.
Pussy inflation during Germany’s Weimar Republic was so great that cat owners were forced to transport their pussies in wheelbarrows.

Monty Python has a famous series of sketches featuring a confused Robin Hood wannabe named Dennis Moore, who ultimately (spoiler alert) ends up stealing so much from the rich that he renders them poor. Confronted by this fact, Moore (played by John Cleese) is momentarily dumbfounded. “Blimey,” he says. “This redistribution of wealth is trickier than I thought.”

Over in the Red Pill Subreddit one fella is having a similarly difficult time trying to understand what’s gone wrong with what he sees as the proper distribution of, well, pussy.

Yep, we’re back in the land of pussyconomics again. (Technically, macropussyconomics.)

RedBigMan 5 points 1 day ago   It is only this way because of the way society has run off the rails.  Marriage as an institution was intended to ensure that every man had a woman and every woman had a man. This meant the bottom 80% of men would likely get pussy.  Feminism has effectively disassembled the institution of marriage and as a result we've gone back to a state of nature where 20% of the men are getting 80% of the pussy. So the natural conclusion is to encourage your sons to get as much pussy as they want while simultaneously telling your daughters to keep their legs together.  Ultimately if a large number of women start keeping their legs together until they've secured a man's LTR/marriage interest. Problem is ultimately that the loosest woman determines the price of pussy in the sexual marketplace which is why I dont understand why feminists dont support slut shaming because that would appreciate their biggest asset in the marketplace.

Things might be a little easier to understand, Red, if you were to actually think of women as human beings and not simply as walking, talking pussy banks.

Feminists don’t see “pussy” — or sex in general — as a female asset, much less women’s “biggest asset in the marketplace.” They see sex as an activity that men and women and others can do with one another and mutually enjoy, if they’re into that sort of thing. They don’t see “slut shaming” as a devious way to drive up the “cost of pussy.” They see it as a retrograde practice that’s shitty for women and generally makes sex worse for everyone.

I know this is all a bit radical to believers in old-school pussyconomics. But as hard as it may be to believe, Red Pillers, asking you to regard women as human isn’t just, you know, some perverse demand feminists have come up with just to be mean to men. It actually makes understanding the world a bit easier.

This will definitely be on the final exam.

H/T — TheBluePill


I mean, I couldn’t really let these go to waste.

[This content has been removed due to copyright infringement]

cat-wheelbarrow--large-msg-130411200017 birthday-greetings-cats-with-wheelbarrowALSO A WOMBAT








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10 years ago

Marriage was not set up so a man could have a woman. I wish these tools would look into the history of marriage, but they’re not ones to let facts get in the way of a good tantrum.

me and not you
me and not you
10 years ago

@David – I need something to make me giggle amongst all the GG BS. This is perfect. Also, I want someone to write a book on pussynomics, just so I could more fully follow their attempts at logic. It’s the perfect amount of ridiculousness combined with their desperate attempts to sound intelligent that it never fails to make me laugh.

10 years ago

Wait, if marriage used to mean ‘every man has a woman and every woman has a man’, isn’t that a kind of socialist redistribution of marriage wealth? Is he even reading what he’s writing?

10 years ago

Ultimately if a large number of women keep their legs together blah blah blah

Then what? You’ve got a dangling if statement dude, your sentence does not compile. This bothers me.

As for the rest, it’s wrong even on its own assumptions. The assumption is that dudes will want to have sex with any woman who offers the least “cost,” and therefore will not have sex with any woman who offers a higher “cost,” thus forcing that woman to have a lower “cost” to compete.

But it completely ignores logistics! A woman in New York couldn’t possibly be competing against a woman in Chicago or Los Angeles. At least, not while teleportation is unavailable. The real world analogue is that the cost of living varies wildly in different places in a stable way. The effect could only be local. Also, according to these jokers, a single woman’s capacity for sex is very small, so she could only effect local pricing for so long. And also, low pricing of a good or service makes the demand higher and more widely available. So how is it that low priced sex is only a market for 20% of dudes? If a woman only has sex with Alpha McAlpherson, then her “cost” is “high” and your race-to-the-bottom theory of pussynomics is refuted.

It doesn’t work on its own terms. Literally the only reason the market approach to sex still exists is because it lets bitter men blame women for their bitterness.

10 years ago


Wait, if marriage used to mean ‘every man has a woman and every woman has a man’, isn’t that a kind of socialist redistribution of marriage wealth? Is he even reading what he’s writing?

Pretty sure theres a common idea of wanting the actual real-world government to somehow regulate and redistribute women so that every man gets one. It’s all just a big facade of bafflegab to cover a very simple idea: “I want to have sex, but nobody seems to want to have sex with me. This makes me sad, confused, and angry.”

10 years ago

Such a steaming pile of wrong. So much wow. This dude not only doesn’t understand what marriage is or what it’s actually FOR, he also doesn’t understand how nature (I almost wrote “manure” by accident) works.

And above all, he doesn’t understand women. Obviously, he hasn’t met very many, or talked to them for any length of time, otherwise he’d know that 80% of them are certainly NOT sleeping with just 20% of men, much less due to some imagined breakdown in the significance of marriage. Believe it or not, we tend to judge “slutty” dudes pretty harshly ourselves. Not because they’re dudes, but because they’re bad risks. We often ask ourselves whether someone with a bedpost full of notches would be worth even seeing again, never mind marrying. We talk amongst ourselves about who’s a player, a cheater and a user, and tend to avoid sleeping with guys like them because we’d be likely to catch something gross…among other ramifications. We tend to look out for our friends and warn them about shitty guys, if we can. Because that’s what feminism is about, at its base: women (and thoughtful men, too) looking out for other women’s well-being, and not just their own. Shaming a woman for sleeping with a shitty man is putting the shoe on the wrong foot.

10 years ago

You’ve got a dangling if statement dude

That’s not the only thing he’s got dangling out there by its lonesome.

10 years ago

Even in some hypothetical past where there was a woman for every man, a lot of those women would be regular looking and would also age. How can that be his ideal??

10 years ago

What I read in most of these rants – I mean, deep thoughts is “Waah! The world doesn’t work the way I want it to! I have to actually deal with other people who have different needs and desires from me and weren’t born to cater to *my* desires and *my* needs! Waaaah! If only the world would conform to my fantasy of it, then the world would be great! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!”

10 years ago

Sometimes, I worry about my own attitude to women and whether someone would say I’m treating them as people or objects – I’m a regular visitor to, for example, blogs on Tumblr that don’t exactly show women in the most unsexualized way, you understand. But the level to which these people think that women are some commodity to be traded and distributed seriously puts things into perspective.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

But the level to which these people think that women are some commodity to be traded and distributed seriously puts things into perspective.

I hope that’s not meant to convey that objectifying behavior is actually OK as long as it’s less terrible than TRPers on Reddit.

10 years ago


wat wat wat wat wat

this is just oh my glob wat

wat wat wat wat wat

~ by cloudiah

10 years ago

Strawberry Haiku:

* * * * *
* * * * * * *
the twelve red berries

~ Richard Brautigan

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

I’ve been thinking about dissolving my humungous vagopoly into many smaller holdings. But only if it receives the right economic stimulus package.

I dont understand why feminists dont support slut shaming because that would appreciate their biggest asset in the marketplace

Maybe because you don’t understand feminists. Or what an “asset” is. Or marketplaces. Or much of anything, really.

I’m getting really sick of these up-to-the-minute Ladybits Index updates. The “current price” never seems to vary:

Under 25: infinity
Over 25: zero

Here’s a hint, redpillers: if a “commodity” can say no to you, if a “commodity” does not have a universally agreed-upon value, if a “commodity” has feelings and thoughts and opinions, if you have zero “assets” of your own to offer (other than being a colossal self-absorbed wanksicle)…then you’re not dealing with a free market model. You’re talking about human trafficking.

10 years ago

Oh look, another embittered, entitled jerkass who doesn’t have the slightest clue as to what feminism actually is. Like liberals are to conservatives, feminists are to the manuresphere: A convenient straw enemy whom they can blame for everything they personally don’t like, no matter how contrived and conflicted.

Reality shows? Feminists did it! Boring talk shows? Feminists did it! Slut shaming? Feminists did it! Slutty behavior? Feminists! Traditional gender roles? Feminists! The erasure of traditional gender roles? Feminists! The Big Bang? Feminists… oh, wait, that was actually a good thing for our existence… hmm… The eventual destruction of our universe? Feminists!

Feminists, feminists, feminists. It’s kind of silly how much time and energy these clusterfucks have wasted on hating something they don’t even have a passing understanding of.

Don’t worry about posting this, David. Hilarious stupidity like this is a welcome distraction from the #GamerGate terrorists business that makes me want to puke.

Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

Yeah, need a break from the GG awful. Although I’m still laughing about random dude who bills himself as a “wonderful” person calling me a “bitter c***” because I disagree with GG. No misogyny here, move along.

10 years ago

Believe it or not, we tend to judge “slutty” dudes pretty harshly ourselves. Not because they’re dudes, but because they’re bad risks. We often ask ourselves whether someone with a bedpost full of notches would be worth even seeing again, never mind marrying.

Eh, I’ve been trying to find one of these fabled slutty guys. Every guy I go on a date with immediately falls in love with me, it’s terrible. I’m just trying to have some fun and new experiences, why are guys failing to live up to their horribly insensitive stereotype NOW? 😛

Oh noes am I depreciating pussy? Sorry guys, my bad. Does it help that I am over 25? This pussyconomics stuff is so confusing.

10 years ago

It really warms my heart to see twerps get all worked up and confused over things that don’t actually exist outside of their own imaginations, like pussy economics. How could feminists not do this thing that would increase their imaginary thing in this other imaginary thing? It just doesn’t make any sense!

10 years ago

What do you want to bet this guy and his upvoters are FYGM libertarians when it comes to *actual* economics? But as soon as they’re lacking in something, then they want “redistribution” (sorry for using their dehumanizing analogy system).

It’s essentially just whining. As someone on the Blue Pill said, those idiots always seek others to blame for their problems, so of course it can’t be their fault that they don’t get any sexual contacts – it’s the fault of the evil librul feminazi social system!

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
10 years ago

Oh, the wheelbarrow pictures! Many sweetness.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
10 years ago

“Feminists don’t see “pussy” — or sex in general — as a female asset, much less women’s “biggest asset in the marketplace.” They see sex as an activity that men and women and others can do with one another and mutually enjoy, if they’re into that sort of thing. They don’t see “slut shaming” as a devious way to drive up the “cost of pussy.” They see it as a retrograde practice that’s shitty for women and generally makes sex worse for everyone.”

Eh. Now you’re just being contrary for the sake of it, David… 😉

10 years ago

Welp. Bury me where you find me, for I am dead. Of cute.

10 years ago

Policy of Madness: When put like that, I honestly don’t know. Perhaps I implied it accidentally, and perhaps that means I’m a bigger part of the problem than I realize.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago


Are you part of the problem? I don’t know you. That’s a question only you can answer.

Do you want to no longer be part of the problem? The first step is realizing that you are and formulating the desire to be otherwise, but that’s not the last step. Actual concrete actions must be taken at some point. If your reference to “blogs on Tumblr” was about porn (even soft-core porn) then that’s a topic that is beyond my expertise so I can’t help you. If that were my problem, I might start googling things like “ethical porn” and reading up.