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What is We Hunted the Mammoth? A blogger who hates me offers answers.

This mammoth fights back!
This mammoth fights back!

Lucy Walcott, who publishes a blog called NotParticularlyPauciloquent, isn’t afraid of the big questions. The tough questions. The important questions.

And in a recent post she takes on what is perhaps the most important question of our age: What is We Hunted the Mammoth?

To paraphrase the great Marge Gunderson, I’m not so sure I agree 100% with her police work.

To me, it seems like an arrogant blog made for one purpose and one purpose only, to attack MRA and anything that feminists don’t like.

Uh, what about the cat pictures? I post a lot of cat pictures too.

This blog has no substance, none, none at all.

I’m getting the impression that this isn’t going to be a good review.

It’s about lying about the other side and mocking them all of the time.

As everyone knows, quoting people verbatim is the most insidious form of lying there is.

Oh, I can’t write on the comments section of it, however, because it’s comments are so havily moderated that not a single word of criticism of the sites content can get through. Literally, look at the comments section, about 100% pro-WHTM.

Uh, you’re free to post what you like. I don’t ban for disagreement, As long as you don’t threaten anyone, or make rape jokes, or post victim-blamey shit about people who are already being harassed by half the internet, or post a hundred comments in an hour, or do something else that’s totally vile and/or annoying, you’re pretty much good to go. Trouble is, a lot of the “critics” who come to this site actually do one or more of these terrible things.

Because a lot of them are assholes and/or trolls. Because the Men’s Rights movement is little more than a collection of assholes and trolls.

Now while I am not a MRA, I will state that this site goes above and beyond The O’reilly Factor to become the next Rush Limbaugh of blogging. The sites logo literally says that the whole purpose of the site is to mock.

Also “track.” As in, monitor and write about. You know, like, say, Right Wing Watch, or HateWatch, or Justin Bieber Watch.

Oh, wait, that last one literally is a Justin Bieber watch.

The blog is seeping with arrogance: “I reserve the right to ban anyone at any time for any reason I want.” is just the tip of the iceberg.

Actually, everyone who has a blog has this right, and most of them take advantage of it from time time. I pointed this out explictly, because I don’t want to spend the rest of my life explaining to some asshole rules lawyer who came up with a new and unforseen way to troll the blog why I’m not letting him post any more.

This blog is filled with this head-up-your-ass style of talk. This high-and-mighty level of talk while the blog itself only quotes specific people while refusing to even acknowledge anyone else.

Wait, what? I quote “specific people?” Am I supposed to quote, er, unspecific people? Or groups of people? Or everyone on planet earth?

And it HATES the MRM. Completely, totally, unethically, laments it. Mocks it. I may call out feminism on many points, but I never mock it for shits and giggles.

I mock the Men’s Rights movement because writing about it seriously all the time would be really fucking depressing. Because MRAs are, by and large, shitheads. I mean, seriously, have you ever looked at the horrible things they say and do?

If you haven’t, let me suggest you go through the archives of a most fascinating website called We Hunted the Mammoth for countless examples.

This blog is only around for the notion of inviting a fringe minority of people who seriously hate anything non-feminist.

Really? I like a lot of things that aren’t feminist. Cats. Pizza. Music. I mean, I love Kathleen Hanna and all, but most music is by people who aren’t feminists. And guess what, I don’t automatically hate it because of that. Same with art. Same with books. Same with, well, people. Feminism, historically speaking, is a fairly recent development, and it’s still mostly a minority taste. Which means that most people, and most things, in the world are non-feminist.

If I were given a job hating things that aren’t feminist, I wouldn’t have enough hours in the day to do it. I’d have to hire assistants. Lots of assistants. Assistants who, unlike my current assistants, aren’t cats.

Luckily, the job I’ve assigned myself with this blog is a lot less ambitious than that: I track (and, yes, mock) a relatively small number of people, mostly but not exclusively dudes, whose basically devote their entire lives to coming up with new excuses for hating women.

And yes, I will confess that I’m not really very fond of these people. Except as a source of material.

Which doesn’t help the feminists either. This mocking drivel seems to be very much the thing that many feminists seem to bash male feminists for. Sorry David, but even the Feminist Current wants you to just sit down and shut up.

Huh. Most feminists I know don’t really have a problem with jokes at the expense of MRA asshats. They have a problem when male feminists act like entitled asshats themselves, as I’ve learned by doing just that and getting called out for it. Sometimes sitting down and shutting up is the right thing for male feminists to do, provided that they don’t sit there sulking instead of listening.

Come to think of it, there are a lot of people who could benefit from sitting down and shutting up from time to time. And in some cases, all of the time.

Way to be against misogyny by telling women who aren’t for feminism that they are sad and mockable individuals.

Again, there are lots of women who aren’t feminists. I don’t write about them, much less mock them. The women I write about on this blog are a small minority of these women – mostly female MRAs who are as actively hateful as their male counterparts, and who devote much of their time to, yes, mocking and sometimes viciously harassing other women.

Do they deserve to be called out for that? Well, yeah, as much as any #GamerGate dickhead posting shit about Anita Sarkeesian does.

I am actually starting to think this site is a troll site meant to get feminists to agree with obviously man-hating propaganda to use against them later on.

This is the favorite insincere “criticism” from people who don’t like this blog but who haven’t actually read enough of it to even begin the process of assembling anything approaching a real critique. I would say [citation needed] for the alleged “man-hating propaganda,” but I’ve said that to countless people before and I’ve yet to get a single example of the misandry that is said to be everywhere here.

But sadly, this site is everywhere, and I cannot go anywhere without finding this radical Feminist Rush Limbaugh blog.

Well, that’s a new one, at least. I’ll give you credit for that.

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10 years ago

Gallogly, have you had your Welcome Package yet?

10 years ago

“As everyone knows, quoting people verbatim is the most insidious form of lying there is.”

^This. This is exactly what makes you need to make a valid argument. Quotes and references. And this Lucy has none of that. In one posts she accuses you of lying, mocking and hating everything non-feminist without a single actual quote from you to back any of this up. Frankly, I wouldn’t take her seriously at all.

10 years ago

There was a little conversation I had with myself while pondering whether or not I should click the link to Ms. Walcott’s blog;

“The quotes here don’t make much sense. Better not click to the blog.”

“But, we wants to know, My Precious. We is curious, we is.”

“No, that’s probably a bad idea.”

“But what if the Davidses is lying, Preciousss? What if it’s taking things out of context? How do we know what it’s got in its nasty pocketses?”

“David doesn’t do that, silly!”

“Gollum! How do we know that, Precious? We needs proof! Gollum! Gollum!”

“Well… I guess one little peek couldn’t hurt.”

“That’s it, Preciousssss! Click the link!”

“What the heck? This don’t make no sense! Her links don’t support her statements!”

“Read more, Preciousss! Read more! We wants to know!”

“But, what? Dafuq? Really? Gamergate is Zoe Quinn’s fault?”


“AHHHHHH! My eyes! They burn! Teh stoopid burns!”

I plan on returning that ring to the antique store later today. I mean it, this time.

10 years ago

Now while I am not a MRA, ..

Yeah, if you feel the need to state that you are not MRA even before someone asks, there might be something wrong.

10 years ago

Calling this blog a “Feminist Rush Limbaugh blog”-while pointedly ignoring the MRA uses Limbaugh coined anti feminist slurs frequently..claiming “I am not not a MRA” you write a crude & obvious pro-MRA attack job.
This hypocrisy – followed by logical fallacies, or lies if one prefers …define every serious attempt at conversation with a MRA “activist” I’ve ever seen. It’s like trying to ask MRA “leaders” questions..-every single answer- till they figure out your not a potential recruit to the donor rolls -is either twisted/dishonest or the question is ignored and counter-attack..
It’s like talking to someone reading cue cards..while they hold a flaming torch behind their back..explaining to you how you definitely don’t smell something burning.
They know they cant say one honest thing about their real words and deeds..yet it’s openly visible on their websites And any reasonable human would be repelled by what they espouse. It’s absurd and and a pure reflection of the ugliest aspects of human nature.

10 years ago

Special Snowflake wants to boost her own signal by slagging off on WHTM. How original.

10 years ago

Also wasn’t Kathleen Hanna the singer in Le Tigre? I loved them.

10 years ago

A typical anti-feminist talking point is that feminists have no sense of humor and we just need to lighten up.

Yet, when confronted with feminists with senses of humor, they whine about mean and unserious we are.

Apparently feminists are not to be listened to because we simultaneously can’t joke and joke too much.

10 years ago

Oh, just a little bit of digging and there’s all kind of gold there:
“I didn’t know that slavery… was only practiced mainly by rich landowners who most of which didn’t whip their slaves until I reached college.”

As if whipping was the reason slavery is bad, and it wasn’t a problem because poor people didn’t have slaves.

10 years ago


And when reading about misogyny, having a community around is reassuring that not all the world is so depressing and it makes it interesting and entertaining.

This so much. I love David’s wit and observations, and the fact that the comment section is a place where asshole trolls are not allowed to run rampant and drown out reasonable discourse, sharing of interesting information and, of course, adorable discussions about kitties makes WHTM one of my absolute favorite internet spaces. Even if I have been fairly inactive for a while now due to various personal issues, I still love browsing through the articles and the comment section for both hilarious and informative stuff.

I simply hate the claim that not allowing frothing-at-the-mouth jerks to crap all over the place is “arrogant”. Can’t we have one place where the likes of MRAs and #GamerGaters aren’t allowed to post their hateful vitriol 24/7?

Especially since all their arguments boil down to… umm…

Who am I kidding? They don’t have arguments, just angry, incoherent arglebargle.


Yay for delurking! I see cloudiah already provided the Welcome Package, so I’m just going to say: Welcome!

10 years ago

To grumpyoldnurse

Oh my, that was hilarious, thank you!

Sadly, we should now quickly hate and mock LoTR, because it`s anything but feminist.

10 years ago

I just wanted to drop in and say that I love your site, your mockery of MRAs, and your devotion to cats. Keep up the good work, David.

10 years ago

If your point is to point and mock, does that make you more of a Jon Stewart/Stephan Colbert/John Oliver type dealie?

I though Rush and O’Reilly were more of your make-a-serious-point-by-ranting types….

I would love to know what the problem with being a snark site is anyway. There are enough out there; why choose one when… wait! Could it be that this site has gotten some traction and we just can’t have that, can we?

10 years ago

I kan haz typing

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago


I believe Rush Limbaugh claims to be a comedian of some type. I know he has been described as such by Bill Maher, while Maher was trying to make excuses for Limbaugh’s gross treatment of Sandra Fluke. I could not name a single thing he’s ever said that was funny, so obvs it’s my sense of humor that’s broken.

10 years ago

Oh, just a little bit of digging and there’s all kind of gold there:
“I didn’t know that slavery… was only practiced mainly by rich landowners who most of which didn’t whip their slaves until I reached college.”

As if whipping was the reason slavery is bad, and it wasn’t a problem because poor people didn’t have slaves.

Oh yes. This is a common argument amongst confederate apologists. Actually, about a third of households owned slaves and even those white people that didn’t own slaves were benefitting economically from slavery because that’s what the entire economy of the south was based on.

Some fuckwit trolling Jezebel yesterday was actually claiming that it’s racist to claim that white antebellum southerners were slave owners. So much facepalm.

I really wish that white southerners would accept that they lost the civil and rightfully so because they were in the wrong. It would be nice if the US could move on. It’s been 150 years.

10 years ago

Apparently feminists are not to be listened to because we simultaneously can’t joke and joke too much.

The rest is rationalization.

Michael (contemplativemoorings)

Is she saying MRAs don’t deserve to be mocked?

Or that feminists are above mocking people?

I don’geddit…

10 years ago

“I mock the Men’s Rights movement because writing about it seriously all the time would be really fucking depressing. Because MRAs are, by and large, shitheads. I mean, seriously, have you ever looked at the horrible things they say and do?”

Hear, hear. Still, I don’t know how you do it. I get depressed just reading this blog regularly.

10 years ago

FYI, the HateWatch link goes to RightWingWatch.

10 years ago

The Huffington Post apparently just tried to have Zoe Quinn on to debate her harassers from 8chan, without telling her it would be a debate. Or as some clever person tweeted, “Today we talk to people who don’t want to be hit with hammers and people who want to hit them. Who’s right?”

10 years ago

@Policy of Madness

I’ve seen several pundits say outrageous things and when they were called on it say that it was all just a joke and don’t you have any sense of humor blah blah blah and other passive aggressive moves. I didn’t know that Rush actually placed himself in the real comedy arena, though. I have seen some of his “jokes” that trade in stereotypes and various forms of bigotry, but I didn’t know that he thought of himself as a comedian.

10 years ago

Way to be against misogyny by telling women who aren’t for feminism that they are sad and mockable individuals.

Why, yes, Ms. Walcott, when a person, man or woman, is a misogynist, they are both sad and mockable. ‘Course, I’ve never read any post here that was mocking anyone, man or woman, for simply “aren’t for feminism.” What I’ve read is David mocking the most ridiculous and hateful misogynists.

Come to think of it, someone who seems to believe that quoting a specific person verbatim, linking to the specific piece so that everyone can read their words in context and providing snarky commentary and analysis is “lying” and “no substance” is pretty sad and mockable themselves.

10 years ago

@ Scarlettathena – If Rush Limbaugh considers himself a comedian, then that’s the funniest joke I’ve heard in a good, long while!

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago


What I know is that Bill Maher classified him as such, and I assume that Maher had some kind of indication from Limbaugh that this classification was self-applied.

However, Bill Maher is kind of a shithead in a lot of ways, and he might have made that up. At almost the same time Maher was being criticized for calling Sarah Palin a c— in one of his routines. His defense was that comedy is the most specialest form of free speech, completely above criticism, and too sacred to be subject to any kind of social control, and in any case the women in the audience when he did this routine didn’t actually throw rotten veggies at him, so they must not have minded. His defense of Limbaugh was essentially the same: Limbaugh is a comedian and saying unkind things about comedy is both heresy and a positive threat to democracy and the American Way.