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What is We Hunted the Mammoth? A blogger who hates me offers answers.

This mammoth fights back!
This mammoth fights back!

Lucy Walcott, who publishes a blog called NotParticularlyPauciloquent, isn’t afraid of the big questions. The tough questions. The important questions.

And in a recent post she takes on what is perhaps the most important question of our age: What is We Hunted the Mammoth?

To paraphrase the great Marge Gunderson, I’m not so sure I agree 100% with her police work.

To me, it seems like an arrogant blog made for one purpose and one purpose only, to attack MRA and anything that feminists don’t like.

Uh, what about the cat pictures? I post a lot of cat pictures too.

This blog has no substance, none, none at all.

I’m getting the impression that this isn’t going to be a good review.

It’s about lying about the other side and mocking them all of the time.

As everyone knows, quoting people verbatim is the most insidious form of lying there is.

Oh, I can’t write on the comments section of it, however, because it’s comments are so havily moderated that not a single word of criticism of the sites content can get through. Literally, look at the comments section, about 100% pro-WHTM.

Uh, you’re free to post what you like. I don’t ban for disagreement, As long as you don’t threaten anyone, or make rape jokes, or post victim-blamey shit about people who are already being harassed by half the internet, or post a hundred comments in an hour, or do something else that’s totally vile and/or annoying, you’re pretty much good to go. Trouble is, a lot of the “critics” who come to this site actually do one or more of these terrible things.

Because a lot of them are assholes and/or trolls. Because the Men’s Rights movement is little more than a collection of assholes and trolls.

Now while I am not a MRA, I will state that this site goes above and beyond The O’reilly Factor to become the next Rush Limbaugh of blogging. The sites logo literally says that the whole purpose of the site is to mock.

Also “track.” As in, monitor and write about. You know, like, say, Right Wing Watch, or HateWatch, or Justin Bieber Watch.

Oh, wait, that last one literally is a Justin Bieber watch.

The blog is seeping with arrogance: “I reserve the right to ban anyone at any time for any reason I want.” is just the tip of the iceberg.

Actually, everyone who has a blog has this right, and most of them take advantage of it from time time. I pointed this out explictly, because I don’t want to spend the rest of my life explaining to some asshole rules lawyer who came up with a new and unforseen way to troll the blog why I’m not letting him post any more.

This blog is filled with this head-up-your-ass style of talk. This high-and-mighty level of talk while the blog itself only quotes specific people while refusing to even acknowledge anyone else.

Wait, what? I quote “specific people?” Am I supposed to quote, er, unspecific people? Or groups of people? Or everyone on planet earth?

And it HATES the MRM. Completely, totally, unethically, laments it. Mocks it. I may call out feminism on many points, but I never mock it for shits and giggles.

I mock the Men’s Rights movement because writing about it seriously all the time would be really fucking depressing. Because MRAs are, by and large, shitheads. I mean, seriously, have you ever looked at the horrible things they say and do?

If you haven’t, let me suggest you go through the archives of a most fascinating website called We Hunted the Mammoth for countless examples.

This blog is only around for the notion of inviting a fringe minority of people who seriously hate anything non-feminist.

Really? I like a lot of things that aren’t feminist. Cats. Pizza. Music. I mean, I love Kathleen Hanna and all, but most music is by people who aren’t feminists. And guess what, I don’t automatically hate it because of that. Same with art. Same with books. Same with, well, people. Feminism, historically speaking, is a fairly recent development, and it’s still mostly a minority taste. Which means that most people, and most things, in the world are non-feminist.

If I were given a job hating things that aren’t feminist, I wouldn’t have enough hours in the day to do it. I’d have to hire assistants. Lots of assistants. Assistants who, unlike my current assistants, aren’t cats.

Luckily, the job I’ve assigned myself with this blog is a lot less ambitious than that: I track (and, yes, mock) a relatively small number of people, mostly but not exclusively dudes, whose basically devote their entire lives to coming up with new excuses for hating women.

And yes, I will confess that I’m not really very fond of these people. Except as a source of material.

Which doesn’t help the feminists either. This mocking drivel seems to be very much the thing that many feminists seem to bash male feminists for. Sorry David, but even the Feminist Current wants you to just sit down and shut up.

Huh. Most feminists I know don’t really have a problem with jokes at the expense of MRA asshats. They have a problem when male feminists act like entitled asshats themselves, as I’ve learned by doing just that and getting called out for it. Sometimes sitting down and shutting up is the right thing for male feminists to do, provided that they don’t sit there sulking instead of listening.

Come to think of it, there are a lot of people who could benefit from sitting down and shutting up from time to time. And in some cases, all of the time.

Way to be against misogyny by telling women who aren’t for feminism that they are sad and mockable individuals.

Again, there are lots of women who aren’t feminists. I don’t write about them, much less mock them. The women I write about on this blog are a small minority of these women – mostly female MRAs who are as actively hateful as their male counterparts, and who devote much of their time to, yes, mocking and sometimes viciously harassing other women.

Do they deserve to be called out for that? Well, yeah, as much as any #GamerGate dickhead posting shit about Anita Sarkeesian does.

I am actually starting to think this site is a troll site meant to get feminists to agree with obviously man-hating propaganda to use against them later on.

This is the favorite insincere “criticism” from people who don’t like this blog but who haven’t actually read enough of it to even begin the process of assembling anything approaching a real critique. I would say [citation needed] for the alleged “man-hating propaganda,” but I’ve said that to countless people before and I’ve yet to get a single example of the misandry that is said to be everywhere here.

But sadly, this site is everywhere, and I cannot go anywhere without finding this radical Feminist Rush Limbaugh blog.

Well, that’s a new one, at least. I’ll give you credit for that.

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10 years ago

Radical feminist Rush Limbaugh? Somewhere, this man is shivering like an army walked over his grave

10 years ago

That’s awesome. If I didn’t already like this blog, it’d make me want to read it. Go you! (And the cats, of course.)

10 years ago

Lol, who is Lucy Wolcott? I looked at her blog, but seeing she had a big post about how GamerGate is only harassing and threatening women because those “arrogant brat”s deserve it and gave up.

Just another misogynist woman who thinks crying “but I am a woman” is a magical get out of responsibility free card. Yes, you can be a woman who gets off on abusing other women. There are many like you. You are not unique.

10 years ago

I like this blog because you mock the MRM/PUA/etc.

It’s the only lense through which I can view their shite without getting depressed or enraged.

It’s sort of the same reason that I only view most right wing outlets in general through those that would mock them – I get the gist of their newest arguments (the gist being all that I need since the overriding drumbeat stays pretty much the same) without actually having to wade through their awfulness.

When I was younger, I used to revel in confronting and testing myself against that sort of thing but now I just don’t have the time or energy.
I’ve heard their crap, digested it – now to turn to happier activities.
Like laughing at them.

10 years ago

Also, just noticed that GamerGate’s latest ridiculous plan is to boycott all games published by developers that advertise on the game sites that they think are infested with SJW boogeymen. So, all of the games, basically. Which is awesome. If we can convince all of GamerGate to stop playing video games entirely, I think that will be a major net win for the world of video games.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

This site is everywhere? You mean, if I look into the drain of my kitchen sink, it will be in the grease trap?

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
10 years ago

“But sadly, this site is everywhere, and I cannot go anywhere without finding [it].”

David — congrats! How did you accomplish that? Pretty spectacular. I only hope this immense popularity translates into increased income for you.

10 years ago

The comment threads here do not strike me as being very strongly policed, given the comments thread on any random post interleaves between batting around a dipstick and stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with the post by about page 3. That’s part of the charm, honestly.

But I think there’s real merit in the ‘tracking’ part of the site that doesn’t often get mentioned: we have a catalogue, an incomplete catalogue mind, but a substantial one, of people not to take seriously, and why. Very useful when someone’s linked a video discussing feminism and you get to turn around and say, ‘hey, you know she once read a book called The Necessity of Domestic Violence and said that there wasn’t much in it she found ethically questionable?’ For some reason they don’t seem to engage very much after that.

10 years ago

If I were to show this to my best friend, she would start on another huge rant (rightly so) about women who seem to hate their own gender. So, for her blood pressure, I’ll just point and look disgusted in her place.

Still, on a serious note, it showcase once again that these people only have one real weapon on their side: lies. Because the facts, truth, and morality don’t back them up at all.

10 years ago

Also had a look at NotParticularlyPauciloquent. The entire blog can be summarised as a rather boring teal deer from just another rather boring self-professed ‘egalitarian’ – “I is gonna claim both sides blah blah blah even though it’s obvious to all that I hates teh feminism, Gamergate is totes journalistic integrity, rape statistics be evil conspiracy, Sam Pepper wuz wrong but omg stop overreacting everyone!…”


The ‘waves of feminism’ post is pretty funny though. I swear this has got to be a TyphonBlue sock puppet.

10 years ago

Talk about cluelessness.

10 years ago

@magnesium: oh god I hope they do. We’re talking audiences of hundreds of thousands for these games at their smallest, and twenty million at their largest, so their financial impact would be less than if there was rain on the day the game came out.

Kevin K
Kevin K
10 years ago

Gee, sounds like she described this blog almost perfectly. Mocking MRA shitheads. It’s what you do.

She doesn’t like that … not one bit.

I hope she does show up here and comment. But she’s already made up her mind that she’s pre-banned, so I guess it’s useless for her to try.

Kevin K
Kevin K
10 years ago

BTW and FWIW — I’m not going over there, just in case this was a desperate “click bait” strategy to jump start a failing blog.

10 years ago

This site about mocking MRAs all of the time? wait a minute… whut??

10 years ago

I’ll take this opportunity to write a review myself!

I love this blog for the tracking, for the mocking, and for David’s sharp sense of humor. And when reading about misogyny, having a community around is reassuring that not all the world is so depressing and it makes it interesting and entertaining. Also I have learned a lot from reading the comments, that generally go for pages of the most insightful and educated observations and additions. What else can one wish for? YES CATS.

David, and mammothers, you’re the best 🙂

10 years ago

this site is a troll site meant to get feminists to agree with obviously man-hating propaganda to use against them later on.

Oh, by Green Tara and all the Enlightened of this age! Are you trolling me, David? Are you going to tell my meatspace friends and a acquaintances that I’m sarcastic and say ‘please’ too much?

YOU BASTARD!!!!!eleventy1!/endsarcasm

Too bad Ms. Walcott has played into your hands by proving you right! I mean, not too bad.

10 years ago

Kevin K, I wouldn’t, there’s really nothing to see that hasn’t been debunked a million times before. And isn’t just downright dull.

‘Failing blog’, pretty much. There’s bugger-all comments or signs of intelligent life.

Hail Bootsy. Praise her.

10 years ago

Not to the point, and not meant to disrupt the conversation, but my answer to the question ‘What is We Hunted the Mammoth?’ would be ‘A blog I have been reading regularly for a few months feeling increasingly bad for lurking.’ Not that I feel the need to comment, but I do read lots of these comment threads and am informed and entertained by them, and feel slightly uncomfortable doing so invisibly. So, um, hi. Cis white heterosexual male. British. One cat. Nice to meet you. Do carry on.

me and not you
me and not you
10 years ago

It looks mostly like she wants to get on the Boob Watch … er, Misogyny Central … listing.

10 years ago

Which doesn’t help the feminists either. This mocking drivel seems to be very much the thing that many feminists seem to bash male feminists for. Sorry David, but even the Feminist Current wants you to just sit down and shut up.

(note: gotta love how your mocking is drivel for shits and giggles, but her mocking is totally serious business)

I’d love to know where this idea comes from, because from what I’ve seen, male feminists are bashed for pretending to be the voice of all things feminist, or critically failing some aspect. I’ve never heard mockery itself being bashed.

Way to be against misogyny by telling women who aren’t for feminism that they are sad and mockable individuals.

Ugh. This plays into the trope that feminists think women can do no wrong. Pro tip: those women aren’t sad and mockable because they’re women, they are sad and mockable because of their ideology (an ideology that goes far beyond “not being for feminism”).

10 years ago

Without the mocking that Walcott seems to hate so much, this would be a terribly depressing and uninteresting blog. We could all read the often-boring and almost-always offensive ramblings of David’s targets anywhere. Frankly, ripping them apart with snappy wordplay and snarky humour is something of a public service.

10 years ago

Can I just say that I LOVE how misogynists and misogynist sympathizers have to pick another misogynist to compare ‘extremist’ feminist blogs to? Apparently, misandry is rampant, RAMPANT I SAY, but there aren’t any examples of extremist feminism that have made it into the mainstream so we’ll just have to pick a nasty example of famous misogyny and put some form of ‘feminine’ in front it. Problem solved. *eye roll*

Feminazi? Makes no sense. Nazis, and Hitler in particular, were deeply misogynistic. All a person has to do is read Hitler’s manifesto Mein Kampf and that fact is clear as day. He was nearly as shitty toward women as he was toward Jewish people. The only difference is that he knew you can’t kill all the women off or you’ll run out of soldiers. And also a convenient second class to do your house cleaning for you.

Bill O’Reilly and Rush Limbaugh? Misogynist. No need to say more.

I almost feel bad that there are no well known misandrists that had the same kind of impact as there misogynist counter parts. The poor misogynists have to make up new composite fantasy species, like winged horses and manticores, to have their powerful go to insults. Us feminists have it easy. We don’t have to make up anything at all, it’s all just there for us already. Oh, how easy our lives are! Then I remember that the reason for this is because misogyny rules the world to such an extent that the most dedicated misandrists will never be able to get a toe hold in popular thought. Sympathy for MRA’s? It stands no chance against THAT kind of history.

10 years ago

Also, just noticed that GamerGate’s latest ridiculous plan is to boycott all games published by developers that advertise on the game sites that they think are infested with SJW boogeymen.

So, they plan to take their money away from the market, thus reducing their participation in it and leaving companies more dependent on reasonable people?

Looks like a win-win.

10 years ago

These people are just my generations’ republicans rebelling against imagined demons of the disempowered. They are starting to fall into the just-world fallacy social conservatism that led to the people they willingly acknowledge as outdated asshats full of hate.

These are the people who explain the “You get more conservative as you get older” trope. Not all of us are like that, but enough of us are that you don’t get much hope that the future will be much better.

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