The latest brilliant plan by the GamerGaters to bring gaming industry corruption publications that say mean things about them to their knees?
OPERATION KRAMPUS, which is literally a plan to RUIN CHRISTMAS by … boycotting every game maker that continues to send review copies of games to the ever-growing list of game-related publications that the GamerGaters have decided aren’t sufficiently adoring towards the GamerGate Revolution.
No, really:
Happily, I suspect that the GamerGaters’ master plan is simply too ridiculous to succeed. Because, seriously? The ever-expanding list of publications and websites they want to destroy consists of a rather large portion of all gaming media, not to mention pretty much every other non-gaming publication that’s written about GamerGate.
Here’s an incomplete list of the websites and publications that the GamerGaters are trying to boycott:
Kotaku; Polygon; Destructoid; Rock, Paper, Shotgun; The Escapist; Motherboard; IGN; GameSpot; Gamasutra; Gameranx; PCGamer.com; Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine; Total Xbox; Gameplanet; Gizmodo; TechCrunch; Ars Technica; VICE; The Daily Dot; Badass Digest; The Daily Beast; Raw Story; The Mary Sue; Salon; BuzzFeed; Uproxx; Paste Magazine; Wired; The New Yorker; Cracked; Mic; xoJane; The Verge; Gawker; Valleywag; Defamer; Lifehacker; Deadspin; Screamer; io9; Sploid; Jalopnik; Paging Dr. NerdLove; RationalWiki; TV Tropes.
Now, granted, Dr. NerdLove and The New Yorker don’t exactly publish a lot of video game reviews, but do GamerGaters really think they can stop game makers from sending review copies to IGN, Gamespot, PCGamer, the offical Xbox magazine, The Escapist, and Kotaku? That seems about as likely to happen as movie studion forbidding critics from the New York Times and Entertainment Weekly and the AV Club from seeing their films.
I guess the open question isn’t so much whether OPERATION KRAMPUS will bring the eeeevill game sites and/or companies to their knees — seems a tad unlikely —Β but whether the GamerGaters’ collective tantrum will throw a wrench in game sales this holiday season and basically ruin Christmas for everyone in the games biz anyway.
But hey, there’s no reason any of this has to ruin Christmas for me. See, for some reason I’m not on this GamerGate list of baddies yet, as far as I know, so I would like to encourage all game makers out there to send me all their extra review copies and codes. I won’t review any of the games in question, because that’s not what I do, and also I suck at most games, but at least it won’t get the GamerGaters mad at you.
Merry Christmas!
H/T — @EffNOVideoGames
Oolong martinis are about as sweet as I like.
IME the sweet liqueurs tend to make people vomit like they’re trying out for a starring role in the new Exorcist movie.
Whiskey sours. The only way I can drink whiskey. π
If you think that won’t make the GGers mad (since you are an anti-GGer), hah!.
The real thing is… they don’t want this to work. On a pure demographics level they can’t afford it. The die-hard gamer is a small slice of the market. It’s not like booze (where the top decile accounts for 50 percent of sales). Games are not repeat business. Since the “gamer” is a small portion of the market and the majority of sales are to “casual” gamers, limiting the market to that specific slice of games they like will cause the game makers to contract, and that means the money to pay the people who make the game will dry up… and so they will kill the goose that lays the eggs.
You know, @Mary, it’s okay to have opinions and a parenting style some people might not agree with.
It’s less okay to be so bloody smug about it. Hm.
Actually wait a sec.
Inflammatory statement meant to start a row, information added afterwards that make the initial statement much less bothersome, single name with feminine identification, shortening people’s names for no real reason, pedantic and smug style of conversation, focus on family son…
You’re a troll, aren’t’cha?
Mary was hoping we’d all go “yes, take those games away from your son! punish him for his masculine interests!” so that she could report back to the treehouse that feminists really are trying to take away their vidya games.
Yep, troll.
I buy troll. In the interest of speculation, why the focus on “stepson?” Is it something about making feminists into the archetypal evil stepmothers?
JB, is that you?
Mary: let me get this straight:
horrible grades that were happening before we made this an extremely game-limited zone.
the stepson definitely has gamergate on his radar screen, and itβs been in his consciousness for longer that itβs been in ours. Lots of teenagers are fully aware of it and opining about it amongst each other, as well as opining about feminist critiques of games. Parents would be wise to not assume their kids know nothing about any of this and, therefore, feel like they neednβt have conversations about it with those kids. Making our home a game-free zone is in part, a response to that situation
So… he’s being punished for bad grades, and the like, as well as in response to his awareness/interest in GG.
This is mid-October. What sort of feedback have you gotten on his grades? The shortest grading cycle I ever had was 6 weeks… which means the grade reports would be coming out… just about now.
So you’ve been what… demanding every piece of homework he’s been assigned? And with that level of scrutiny you decided it was the games, and not the ungodly detailed and controlling level of supervison you’ve been engaging in?
The subtext here is also that this is a recent development (esltwise the summer break ought to have been devoted to remedial aspects of schooling, right? not in letting him run wild all summer playing games etc.).
All in all, the evidence of your words means you are either a shitty parent, or a liar; making up a story to castigage gaming.
I’m tending toward the latter, and so am calling shenannigans.
Oh, and this little gem: Yes, yes, bewilder. There are computers (time on which is pretty restricted) and smart phones (he doesnβt have one)
With all that restriction… How did he come to be so well informed on GamerGate?
With all that loving care and attention why is it he has so strongly invested his identity with a narrowly focused groups of special interest gamers with a hate-on for women?
If that’s the effect of your style of parenting… either you are totally unaware of how much time he spends gaming/using the computer, or you are a liar: in any case you are a lousy parent.
“High-End Customizable Sauna Experience” may be the best title I’ve heard for any game ever. Which is exactly why I’m going to play it.
Sheesh Mary, phone, music, internet, games, college, is there any facet of your nearly-adult stepson’s life you don’t control?
I really hope you’re a troll.
She better watch out for that rock and roll too, it’s the devil’s music you know.
(Hail Satan)
Do you actually want the detailed history in answer to all that, pecunium? I’m sure not. I mean, I already referred to past years, but if you’ve ignored that, there’s no reason to believe that you’re not just in the mood for a good, frenzied swarm.
It’s a good idea to just let swarms buzz themselves out.
Mary, do you have a point that relates to the OP, because this is the second thread today I’ve read where one person has turned into an “all about me”?
I’m really hoping you’ll flounce soon and leave.
If you want ongoing validation for your parenting style, I suggest you find another blog.
Midori can be made drinkable. We found out how in my first year at Uni when we bought a bottle cos we had no idea what it tasted like.
1 measure midori
1 measure peach schnapps
2 measures lemonade
Tastes like fruit juice!
Mary. Don’t come onto blogs and start calling the regulars a swarm or talking as if we’re trolls.
You don’t seem to be comfortable here. Why not just take your own advice and buzz off?
@gilshalos: I have only one improvement I would make. Omit the midori and put in two measures of schnapps. π
Have you tried sour apple schnapps? I didn’t think there was anything better than peach schnapps until I tried that flavour. π
I seem to recall liking a minty schnapps, though I was already two sheets to the wind at the time so that may have been impairing my judgement.
Ooh! Sour Apple schnapps sounds good!
And yes my recipe would be better without any midori, it was concocted on the grounds of ‘We have this bottle and need to drink it’. I don’t think we ever consideresd just throwing it away.
Oh plus if I was pissed off at whoever was buying me drinks, it was expensive to buy π
Midori sours aren’t completely awful? Not sure what’s in them though.
I do like sour apple, but for me it’s got to be sour cherry and a good dash of amaretto for that ‘cherry bakewell’ feel. Dessert in a glass, mmmmm.
I don’t think people outside the UK know what a Bakewell tart is (which is a shame).
:(. I think the same confusion came up in another thread a while back over Victoria Sponge. Sigh.