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Operation Krampus: The #GamerGate Grinches Who Want To Steal Christmas

Krampus, like a lot of GamerGaters, is kind of a dick.
Krampus, like a lot of GamerGaters, is kind of a dick.

The latest brilliant plan by the GamerGaters to bring gaming industry corruption publications that say mean things about them to their knees?

OPERATION KRAMPUS, which is literally a plan to RUIN CHRISTMAS by … boycotting every game maker that continues to send review copies of games to the ever-growing list of game-related publications that the GamerGaters have decided aren’t sufficiently adoring towards the GamerGate Revolution.

No, really:

OPERATION KRAMPUS The Leader of Gamergate  10/13/14 (Mon) 16:56:46 ID: 15d7f7 No.104068[Last 50 Posts][Watch Thread] OPERATION KRAMPUS  Winter is coming, and with it the holiday sales rush. We are two months into #GamerGate, advertisers continue to withdraw, but the gaming websites have issued no apology and continue to survive. It's time to escalate. People have said from the beginning that if this drags out until winter, it will affect games sales and force the hand of developers. It is time to assure that. The operation is twofold:  1) A complete boycott of games made by companies who send review codes/copies to anti-gamer publications. Gamers are under attack by the gaming websites. The developers cannot support both, and anything done by developers that allows these websites to thrive is a show of support. Contact the PR departments of the game companies. Let them know that we are angry and offended. Tell them that we will not support companies who work with the websites that have attacked us.  2) Spread the word to holiday shoppers. Flood #BlackFriday and #CyberMonday with pro-#GamerGate messages. Let holiday shoppers know which companies advertise on anti-consumer gaming websites and that they should not buy from those companies. Provide alternative places for holiday shoppers to make their purchases. Continue contacting advertisers with OPERATION DISRESPECTFUL NOD as before, but spread the word to other customers as well.  The message needs to be crystal clear: Support people who attack your customers and your customers will no longer support you.  First step is to collect information. Compile a list of companies who send review codes/copies to Kotaku, Polygon, and the like and how to contact their PR departments. Then let the emails fly. This will be our winter campaign.
From 8chan’s /gg/ forum
Yep, that’s right, because the eeeevil anti-gamer publications/websites haven’t either apologized to GamerGaters or simply wandered off to die like elephants, OPERATION KRAMPUS is designed to finish them off for good by forcing game companies to cut off their supply of games to review. And presumably to stop giving them interviews and game footage and all that jazz. Given that most gaming publications/websites rely heavily on timely game reviews and inside information in order to attract readers, this would kind of ruin everything for them.

Happily, I suspect that the GamerGaters’ master plan is simply too ridiculous to succeed. Because, seriously? The ever-expanding list of publications and websites they want to destroy consists of a rather large portion of all gaming media, not to mention pretty much every other non-gaming publication that’s written about GamerGate.

Here’s an incomplete list of the websites and publications that the GamerGaters are trying to boycott:

Kotaku; Polygon; Destructoid; Rock, Paper, Shotgun; The Escapist; Motherboard; IGN; GameSpot; Gamasutra; Gameranx;; Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine; Total Xbox; Gameplanet; Gizmodo; TechCrunch; Ars Technica; VICE; The Daily Dot; Badass Digest; The Daily Beast; Raw Story; The Mary Sue; Salon; BuzzFeed; Uproxx; Paste Magazine; Wired; The New Yorker; Cracked; Mic; xoJane; The Verge; Gawker; Valleywag; Defamer; Lifehacker; Deadspin; Screamer; io9; Sploid; Jalopnik; Paging Dr. NerdLove; RationalWiki; TV Tropes.

Now, granted, Dr. NerdLove and The New Yorker don’t exactly publish a lot of video game reviews, but do GamerGaters really think they can stop game makers from sending review copies to IGN, Gamespot, PCGamer, the offical Xbox magazine, The Escapist, and Kotaku? That seems about as likely to happen as movie studion forbidding critics from the New York Times and Entertainment Weekly and the AV Club from seeing their films.

I guess the open question isn’t so much whether OPERATION KRAMPUS will bring the eeeevill game sites and/or companies to their knees — seems a tad unlikely —  but whether the GamerGaters’ collective tantrum will throw a wrench in game sales this holiday season and basically ruin Christmas for everyone in the games biz anyway.

But hey, there’s no reason any of this has to ruin Christmas for me. See, for some reason I’m not on this GamerGate list of baddies yet, as far as I know, so I would like to encourage all game makers out there to send me all their extra review copies and codes. I won’t review any of the games in question, because that’s not what I do, and also I suck at most games, but at least it won’t get the GamerGaters mad at you.

Merry Christmas!

H/T — @EffNOVideoGames

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10 years ago

Lean in close, my children, and I will reveal unto you the true meaning of #GamerGate

For over a decade some Whiny Ass Titty Babies have been demanding their chosen timesink be treated with the same respect as any major art form, and now that they have gotten Exactly What They Want they are NOT HAPPY AT ALL.

They want it to be treated as a consumer product again.

Can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube. Karma’s a bitch, motherfuckers.

10 years ago

Anita Sarkeesian has canceled her scheduled speech for tomorrow following a discussion with Utah State University police regarding an email threat that was sent to Utah State University. During the discussion, Sarkeesian asked if weapons will be permitted at the speaking venue. Sarkeesian was informed that, in accordance with the State of Utah law regarding the carrying of firearms, if a person has a valid concealed firearm permit and is carrying a weapon, they are permitted to have it at the venue.

10 years ago

Welcome! I can’t really post a welcome package from my phone, but I’m sure one will be along shortly.

10 years ago

RE: justabrowngirl

Wooo, Spyro! We still have the first three games! If you like platformers, I’ve heard really good things about Thomas Was Alone. And for something really short and creepy, there’s Loved. (You can play through it in half an hour. I actually played through it again just now because I find it comforting.)

10 years ago


Great, an intersection of gun stupid and misogyny stupid. How could those concealed carry laws possibly go wrong? Only good guys should have guns.

10 years ago

Ugh, red states. They really can’t legally keep weapons out of an event even when there’s been terrorist threats? Geez. I’m guessing if it was a Muslim fundamentalist making the threats they’d find some legal way to ban guns though. Since it’s only a feminist speech, who cares! Maybe I’m just being overly cynical.

It would’ve been completely bad ass if she went ahead with the talk anyway. Now this asshole wins. But I can understand why she’s canceling of course. I probably would have done the same. Fuck Utah and their stupid laws.

10 years ago

I think it’s actually worse than all that. It really doesn’t have much to do with Utah state law. From what I understand, the University of Utah is a no guns campus, despite being in the same state, and Utah State could definitely have chosen to ban guns at this single venue. I live in Utah. I know that even state-owned places can choose to disallow guns, because I’ve seen it happen. What I truly believe happened is that the Utah State officials were frightened by the threat, didn’t care all that much whether their token Women’s Studies department got to have Anita there, anyway, and chose to give Anita the answer that would make any rational human being choose to stay away. They chose not to protect her. Logan, Utah is a very small, very conservative place, and a majority of Utah State’s faculty and administration is also still that way.

10 years ago

GamerGaters are all “We want objective reviews!” but that would mean no opinions at all, ever. Opinions are corruption apparently, unless they match yours :/

Also did someone say Let’s Play :D? I have a friend that I actually met through his let’s plays, Sinuyan. He mainly does horror games, but he doesn’t do a lot of the things most horror LPers tend to do like over the top screaming or scare cams. He’s a total sweetheart, too.

10 years ago

LBT, I love creepy. I lost all my games, let said (my escape) left most of my possessions behind but it was worth it. I been playing lots of hidden object games and jewel quest lately.

10 years ago

After looking into Utah law and University of Utah regulations a little more closely, I apologize for being wrong in my last comment. A FAQ on Utah law on explicitly states:

As a permit holder, exactly, where can I carry or not carry a handgun?

The concealed firearm permit allows an individual to carry a firearm fully loaded and concealed. The permit also allows an individual to carry a firearm into public schools. Permit holders can not carry a firearm into federal or state restricted areas i.e. any airport secured area, federal facilities, courts, correctional & mental health facilities, law enforcement secured areas, a house of worship or private residence where notice given and/or posted, any secured area in which firearms are prohibited and notice posted, or otherwise prohibited by state of federal law.

Although I think the Anita Sarkeesian event, with the increased police presence and security after a terrorist threat, could potentially have qualified as a “law enforcement secured area” so I still just can’t help believing the administrators were secretly relieved to be able cancel the event. So yeah, WWTH, I don’t think you were being overly cynical, at all.

And allowing people to carry firearms in public schools as a general rule? Fuck Utah and its stupid laws, indeed!

10 years ago

I don’t blame Anita for canceling her talk, but I also find deeply troubling when assholes learn that making death threats rewards them with what they want. To make it clear, I blame the school who wouldn’t protect her, not Anita.

Of course, I bet the asshole who made the threats was just another nice guy/girl that loves free speechFREEZE PEACH! No irony there.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago


According to Google, that recently changed, but it was forced on them by the legislature despite the university fighting it in court.

I’m pretty pro-gun rights in general, but the way it was forced on them was completely fucked up, and concealed guns on school grounds strikes me as the worst idea since sliced Hitler anyway.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

Oops, slowpost, sorry.

10 years ago

Anita Sarkeesian has canceled her scheduled speech for tomorrow following a discussion with Utah State University police regarding an email threat that was sent to Utah State University. During the discussion, Sarkeesian asked if weapons will be permitted at the speaking venue. Sarkeesian was informed that, in accordance with the State of Utah law regarding the carrying of firearms, if a person has a valid concealed firearm permit and is carrying a weapon, they are permitted to have it at the venue.

Of all the fucking bass-ackwards things I’ve read today, that last sentence has got to take the bagel. Utah is fucked. FUCKED, I tellz ya.

10 years ago


I fall slightly on the pro-gun-rights side of the sliding scale myself, but this has been a weird ass day for me. I am finding out this stuff about Utah gun laws at colleges on the day when I called up my friend to tell him about the threat on USU campus since he’s a professor there, and he told me he was very uncomfortable today when he had to let a student into his office during his office hours who was carrying a backpack that had a gun clip velcroed to its strap. And there’s other stuff that just makes it all seem even weirder but that I can’t repeat.

So, yeah, Utah colleges apparently can’t ban guns at events where they’ve received terrorist threats. And professors have to sit in their offices with students who may be carrying guns. And apparently, according to the FAQ I quoted previously, I need to make some signs to hang on all the doors to my house if I don’t want to take the risk of letting people in who may be carrying guns into my very own house. That’s totally fucking nuts.

10 years ago

Speaking of misogynists with guns, have you guys seen this:

RoK’s latest dreck targets young Nobel Laureate Malala Youfsazi, calling her a coward and a hypocrite for not returning to Pakistan after being targeted for assassination there. Absolutely horrendous.

10 years ago

@tesformes, well we knew these guys were dreck, but it’s always good to be reminded!

10 years ago

It takes a special kind of misogynist shithead to go after Malala. What the fuck?

Roosh is really courageous encouraging his followers to rape women too drunk to consent. Not like Malala who only got shot for her activism that one time. What a drama queen!

10 years ago

She has already been assassinated once fer crying out loud. There is no rule the perps get a second chance at their target if she doesn’t die from the first attempt.

10 years ago

I told myself I wouldn’t read any more gamer gate stuff. why do I keep doing this to myself? (catching up on internets news. I feel physically ill).

10 years ago

I sent a letter to Intel before I saw the shooting spree threat bullshit. I hope enough people do to get them to reconsider.

I basically told them that their advertising decision made me associate Intel with misogynistic would-be murderers. I hope I didn’t need to spell out why that wasn’t in their best interests.

10 years ago

Don’t fuck with Malala, you fucking asshats. She faced down murderers. Your libertarian patron saint, Julian Assange (who is carrying water for the GamerGaters, BTW), was too cowardly to face a judicial system with laws and shit, but you’re going after a young girl who takes the opportunity to escape from extra-judicial terror? Fucking asshats.

10 years ago


RoK’s latest dreck targets young Nobel Laureate Malala Youfsazi, calling her a coward and a hypocrite for not returning to Pakistan after being targeted for assassination there. Absolutely horrendous.

Holy shit, that ROK article is nauseating. The way the guy who wrote it keeps focusing on and describing again and again how she was shot was just creepy. That’s just, really?

Hallucinogenic-Coffee | October 14, 2014 at 7:11 pm
didn’t know there was a bunch of people on this site who don’t see a problem with a child abuse mascot…

And just who would that be? Oh wait, I know what you’re trying to insinuate, there.

Is it “Make Stuff Up About David Futrelle” Day again, already?

10 years ago

Welp, I guess I can guess what tomorrow’s entries are gonna look like…

10 years ago

A plan that depends on every crazed, obsessive, gamer /not/ buying the latest toys at xmas time? Sure, that’ll work!


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