Not content with simply being a misogynist piece of poop, the “game” guru Heartiste is also, among other terrible things, a flaming racist given to hyperventilating about the alleged civilization-destroying powers of people with skin darker than his – and the alleged naiveté of white people who aren’t as racist as he is.
In one recent post, Heartiste awarded “freelance comment of the week” status to a racist rant posted on his site by someone calling himself Anton Chigurh, who thinks Western countries are being wimpy about ebola because they don’t want to offend Africans and seem racist.
“Chigurh” made his, er, argument in possibly the most racist manner imaginable:
The West is like the stupid white girl at the bar who gets invited to go off on her own by a black guy. She is terrified of looking racist in front of her friends, one of whom is a black girl from the office who she likes to impress with her liberalism.
So she goes happily with the black fella, who turns out to be a savage niqger. Later, after the niqger brutally rapes her without a condom and leaves her in an alley for dead, she thinks, well, at least now everybody knows I’m not a racist.
A day later she sits in her hospital bed, recovering from her internal and external injuries and having contracted Ebola and AIDS. …
She hoarsely tells her friends visiting her, including the sassy black girl from the office who she wants so desperately to impress, “It’s not his fault. He had a hard life. …White people are so racist, and we made them slaves for like 800 years, sometimes they get angry. I don’t blame him.”
That’s the mass of Western whites right now.
Heartiste added a few smug comments about “white ethnomasochism” and opened the discussion up to his other shitty commenters, who did not fail to deliver.
Arbiter railed about ebola-carrying black guys and then somehow blamed it all on … the Jews.
A woman at the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital contracted ebola from treating the Black who came there to parasitize on American taxpayers’ money. She will most likely die, and it’s because of the anti-White government and media. …. he went to the U.S. without caring that he would kill people there. He didn’t care one bit about the Americans he was going to steal from. And yet there are vigils for him and weeping comments on the internet. And NO word of the fact that he – of course – knew he had ebola. …
This is entirely because of the Tribe controlling the media.
Bango Tango mocked the white women at his office whom, he thinks, pretend not to be racist in order to curry favor with black women they secretly
(and correctly) despise:
It is funny how white girls do go out of their way to impress the black girls with their liberalism. I see it all the time at the office. They are secretly aware of how ignorant and dumb fuck retarded many mudsharks actually are so feel the need to go out of their way to prove to themselves as well as black people they are not racist. The rationalization hamster at work again.
Zombie Shane leaned heavily on the caps lock for his comment:
Our Orientalistic Elites in the West are so overjoyed at the success of Multiculturalism and the thermonuclear stigmatization of the cry “Racist!” that they now sense that they can ride Open Borders and Mass Immigration all the way to the Final Solution which is the eradication of the White Race and Christianity altogether.NEVER MISUNDERESTIMATE THEIR ANTI-CIVILIZATIONAL ANTI-HUMAN NIHILISM!!!!! Our Orientalistic Elites welcome Ebola. It is all part of the plan.
Remo suggested that white gals might come to their racist senses if … they start getting raped by ebola-carrying black guys:
If blacks are seen as ebola carriers the scared stupid white women will get afraid … I am waiting for the for the first case of an ebola laced black man raping a white woman and her dying from it. … Fear is a funny thing and chiefly motivates white women.
OldGuy searched for a silver lining:
It isn’t all bad. Just mostly bad. … I don’t sweat all that miscegenation. Every white women who marries black removes her children from any serious economic competition with my grandchildren and great grandchildren. Go girl! If this keeps up, it will be easy sledding for my great grandchildren. And face it, would you want to marry a white woman who is so stupid or so uncaring about her children she would condemn them to a black existence?
Our culture is f*ked, basically, both from internal and external forces. Just forget about it. However, YOU do not have to be f*ked. You can easily prosper if you understand the system, just like players prosper if they understand the female psyche.
And he took a bold stance against anti-Semitism:
Don’t blame the Jews. Blame the women.
A fellow named Will, meanwhile, rode into the discussion on a Men’s Rights hobbyhorse:
I know that this might be a stretch…
But just another thing that points out where our society is headed and the feminism movement:
Notice in football games EVERYONE wears pink for *breast cancer*. This is awesome. And more power to defeating cancer. But, what about prostate cancer…..you see this huge movement for breast cancer and all of these football teams Doug things for breast cancer. Much more than prostate cancer at least
Huh. Why might Will think that this hive of racism and misogyny would be a good place to push an MRA agenda? I wonder.
EDIT: Cloudiah points out that Anton Chigurh is the name of the remorseless killer in No Country for Old Men. Well, I guess that’s a more recent cultural reference than Tyler Durden, another favorite handle of manosphere/PUA douchebags.
My argument, as was discussed originally, was that dismissing the behavior as childish goes toward furthering the tendency on the interwebs of assuming that the perps are children, which they are not.
I’ve seen no evidence of that. Where is this occurring?
Well, okay. TL:DR – you’re talking at cross purposes.
The problem is that what people mean by the word “childish” isn’t actually how children behave. It’s a set descriptor for an array of behavior that MRA’s exemplify, yet attached to a group of people that for the most part act nothing like those people we are using their identity to describe.
I work with children. They can be little rascals, and they can be generous. Sometimes they throw tempter tantrums, and sometimes, they stoically sit on a porch for three hours without saying a word because you said it was important that they were patient at this time. It’s children, y’know. They’re odd.
Now! Obviously, we all know what we mean when we say something is childish. It’s a useful term to have! It’s meaningful and evocative. Puddleglum’s argument (And other’s, made before), is however, that for the most part, we all agree that children are not directly legally responsible for their own actions at all times. They’re not expected to be, because their brain are not mature yet, they’re still growing, and they pick up all that stuff we assume “Adulthood” is as they do so.
People like Heartiste is responsible for his actions, and he is choosing to act like a complete fool. There’s that bit about “never ascribe to malice what ignorance can explain”, but in this case and many others, it’s clearly malice we’re dealing with – intentional and focused. I know, deal with, talk to and work with endless examples of children, some as young as 2 or 3, that exhibit understanding, kindness and joy on a level so vastly different from the MRA-ilk that it boogles the mind.
So by refering to their antics as “childish”, it might create the idea that their behavior is just an example of some ignorant accident people will grow out off at some time, once they know better, and not actual, direct, deliberate cruelty. It’s the along the same lines of thinking that would argue calling them mentally ill is not really a smart idea, because it creates the notion that their abhorrent ideas and behavior come from the mental illness, not their atrocious decisions and desires.
Your argument is actually very different from that, Policy of Madness:
I see the childish=misogynist as a deflection of the actual adult evil going on. At least ‘immature’ implies that the natural state should be mature. Calling them children doesn’t do that. It diminishes them, sure, because we don’t value children’s opinions, but it also deflects the very adult evil they’re advocating.
Wow, I could go on and on (children as a class are powerless, why compare them to people with power? or how children are often the victims of these people) , but sheesh, this is already longer than I’d planned.
People’s seating arrangements aren’t particularly important (I know it’s an illustrative analogy 🙂 ).
I’ve never met children who act with such obvious cruelty, malice and mendacious intentions. I don’t expect children to, and if I met any who does, I don’t call their behavior childish – I call it strange, cruel, malicious or mean.
Your argument is slightly more of a general normative thing –
See, I don’t consider it age-appropriate behavior for any age to threaten violence, shout, cry, throw tantrums or hate everything and refuse to accept any kind of castigation for having utterly cruel views on humanity. I expect people, people of all ages that I talk to and interact with, not to do that. I’ll give them a pass for the most part because god knows, it’s always difficult to be nice at all times, but I don’t have a mental box in my head where I sort out “Abusive behavior” and allow anyone under a certain age to do stuff like that.
And that’s very, very different from seating arrangements, clothing, or loud screaming in an area where you’re otherwise expected to be quiet. There are rules for public spaces that we as a society generally agree on, and there are rules for private spaces that people tend to have. We use tables and forks, it’s all chopsticks in Canton. Sure, I expect children to have a hard time remembering all the random ins and out of human etiquette (it’s hard enough for me!) and I also expect them to make more than their fair share of faux passes, but that’s always going to be because they’re only children, holding them to as standard they are literally incapable of living up to is just not fair. And we expect people to learn the rules, whatever they are, as they grow up. That’s why we use age as a stand-in for acceptance of certain things / permission to other things.
So far, so good, we agree, right? I hope so.
The difference is in how censure is applied when the rules are breached and what we actually perceive as “the rules”. There’s actual no real reason not to use a laundry basket as a chair if one finds it comfortable. We’ve all just agreed it’s chairs or pillows, not boxes like a cat and we hope people stop using baskets when they grow up because we already have all these chairs and buying more furniture for all our dinner tables would be a hassle. There is, however, an actual and complete reason not to treat the people in your life with abuse, dishonesty, cruelty and evil intent. So when people do that anyway, we point out that’s wrong. Not because it’s age-inappropriate, but because it’s people-inappropriate.
Massively different discussion from the differentiation of permissions/eligibility that goes into age, and how we structure societies.
Interesting side-note though:
It’s a discussion on how you work with organizing rules and organisations and why you adopt the rules that you do. We can actually talk about the strict need for comparing adult behavior to child behavior in relation to maintaining social norms, because I’m not entirely convinced that’s always necessary or even particularly smart. I think it’s useful for maintaining social structures and adding layers of hierarchy, yet that’s not quite the same as necessary, reasonable or even particularly useful long-term.
but its not quite the same discussion as the notion that framing certain sets of behavior as childish extenuates and minimalizes the intentional malice in the activities and the intent on part of the people doing it to actually cause harm with their ideas.
Oh dear. I type fast, and that got long.
As I said early in the discussion it happens frequently in the comment threads of political blogs. LG&M every single time the matter comes up, Media Matters every single time these matters of the MRAs comes up. The Washington Monthly. People do not want to believe that adults with the power to fulfill their rape and death threats are the perps. It is easier to believe it is a child who does not. It is often phrased in precisely that way. I want to think that these are teen boys who would be grounded forever if their folks found out what they are doing. In one case of Tumblr harassment it turned out to be a 50 year old d00d and everyone was so shocked because they had convinced themselves that it was some kid.
Snurk. Yeah, dude, keep telling yourself that. But if you were really so smart, wouldn’t you have found a woman to put up with your shit and give you kids, first? As it is, your gene pool is awfully shallow, so there’s no actual superiority there. And someone pissed in it, too. Good luck finding a woman with THAT.
Also, there’s such a thing as social justice activism, and the push for better education for minorities. I guess this soooooper genius has never heard of THAT, either.
Heh. As it is, even though they’re just ordinary flesh and blood same as anyone else, it took a MASSIVE system of sociopolitical infrastructure to keep them enslaved. So, uh, yeah.
I’m glad you’ve only had experience with the kind and generous side of children. I’ve had plenty of contact with the cruel side of children. Children bully each other. They form cliques, pick targets, and mercilessly tease the targets to the point of suicide, and sometimes beyond that point and into actual suicide. They behave far differently around adults. I presume you are an adult; kids are going to put their best faces on for you.
A lot of this is a function of the child’s age. Children begin life amoral; they at first absorb and accept the morality that adults try to mold on them without comment, but as they get older they learn how to be selfish and act in their own pure and amoral interest. And so toddlers only pull the cat’s tail because they don’t understand that it causes kitty pain, whereas a 13-year-old might torture an animal because they know it causes the animal pain. So your experience with children may also depend on how old these children are.
Yes. And that’s why calling a guy who throws a ME-ME-ME tantrum over women having sex with men who aren’t him, despite being 30 years old, a whiny little baby is an apt comparison: this grown adult is acting like someone whose brain has not matured.
I think we’re using the term “appropriate” in different ways. “Age-appropriate” means “people at this age can be expected to behave in this manner.” You are using “appropriate” as a synonym for “acceptable.” That’s a valid use of the word, but not the same use I am using.
And so a screaming tantrum is age-appropriate … for infants. As soon as the child starts to gain the cognitive abilities that allow this behavior to be curbed, parents start trying to curb it. A lot of kids don’t seem to grow out of this until they are tweeners. But the fact is that this is not inappropriate behavior for human beings of a sufficiently young age; therefore it is inappropriate only in reference to the person’s attained years.
I also have to disagree with it being age appropriate to do things like threatening violence. I would not at all think it strange to see a 2-year-old swatting another child with a toy for withholding a wanted object. The fact is that we don’t like it when 2-year-olds do this, and think we need to train them out of it; in this sense, beating another kid in the head with a toy in inappropriate. But in the sense that this is a thing that 2-year-olds do and nobody is surprised to see it, it is age-appropriate. It is age-inappropriate for a 30-year-old man to do this. For the adult dude, it takes the form of anger and resentment at the fact that women are having sex but not with him. The underlying pattern is the same, and that’s why he’s a whiny baby.
I would not disagree with that. Something can be condemnable for more than one reason. Throwing a whiny fit is wrong, independently of the content of the fit, because these guys should have grown out of that shit by now. Issuing threats and abuse is wrong, independently of the means by which the abuse is issued, because threats and abuse are intrinsically (not relatively) wrong.
But here is the thing: a whiny fit can occur without any kind of cruelty being included. A guy who writes and publishes a long, wangsty blog post about how he can’t get laid but totally deserves to get laid because he’s actually a really nice guy, for reals, is not being cruel or abusive. He’s just being a whiny little baby. And we can mock and condemn that, and maybe not even use the term “you’re being a whiny brat, grow the fuck up,” but if we dig down to the foundation of the problem, it’s that he never learned that he’s not the center of creation. And that is a social/psychological development thing; he hasn’t grown the fuck up.
As a society, we define adult behavior mostly in terms of what it isn’t: it isn’t how children behave. This is, at least partially, an arbitrary dichotomy; there is, as we agree, no intrinsic reason why a laundry basket, if comfortable, can’t be a good seating arrangement. However, it is also partially a necessary thing. It’s not unusual to see 5-year-olds start a fit in the store over being denied candy. When people in a place of employment behave the same way, the company cannot function effectively and this person becomes a personnel issue. A kid, when unsupervised, is likely to wander away from homework to play, not comprehending the value of the homework. A soldier in a war zone probably should not do that.
The main outward/presenting difference between children and adults is behavior, but children behave that way for a reason: the game is more fun than the homework. Society must be prepared to sanction adults who slack off of their responsibilities to play games, otherwise some of them absolutely would. You only have to look at what happens when the sanction disappears, because family and friends are willing to provide full support. Some people will go on being responsible, but a non-trivial percentage will turn into hermits who do nothing but play computer games all day and rarely shower.
I don’t actually read comment boards as a rule, so I’ll take your word for that. I don’t believe I have ever called a rape or death threat childish behavior. I don’t think that is childish. However, that’s reason for not misusing the phrase, not for banning it.
Skye, thanks for that info. I didn’t know that. ::sigh::
Thinking over the age-appropriate/childishness discussion, I’m pretty much in agreement with PoM.
Okay, right off the bat I’m going to give myself zero points for sticking to the flounce. But I wasn’t at a point to deal with this without getting irritated, so stepped out. I’m no longer dealing with stressful stuff and can deal.
Policy’s first response to my teel deer included this:
I didn’t say this. I said
Nothing I said suggested I believe misogyny and other crap shouldn’t be called out; I rather thought I’d clearly stated the opposite.
I then quoted part of PoM’s second comment, a part that I thought directly spoke to what I was trying to express about my own desire that I stop using ‘childish’ to mock MRAs, and attempted to use zir example with my own take on it.
PoM’s response to *that* post,
Came across to me as disingenuous snark. Which irritated the hel out of me and I decided to leave the conversation, because from the way the comment ‘sounded’, there was no point in discussing things.
Now I can reread all the comments and I realize that comment was intended differently.
That said, I really don’t think there’s ever going to be a meeting of minds here. I don’t actually believe that when an adult has a meltdown, they are behaving in a non age-appropriate way, I think they’re behaving in a non-appropriate way, period. I don’t have to believe the actions to be inappropriate because of age, for it to be inappropriate.
so… referring to the activities of >30 year old men by invoking that their behavior is childish and babyish does not make it seem as if they merely do the things they do out of ignorance how, because they don’t understand the consequences of their actions how?
As I said, the conversational difference between the debate on whether or whether not everyone is actually an atavistic throwback hedonist masquerading as a thinking being always looking to skirt work, amorally maximizing their own pleasure unless sanctioned by the constraints of presumed retributive violence that is our society is very, very different from Puddleglum’s point about how referring to intentional behavior by calling it childish sort of throws children under the bus and how it occasionally does make it seem as if everyone is in a position of guardianship over these people, required to nicely endure their tantrums and explain to them, again and again, that women are actually people.
I… sorry, how is:
any different from
Conversations about social censure as it relates to age differentiation and the economic need for people to sometimes do things they don’t like is not the same as a point about how the usage of some terminology carries unfortunate consequences in the investment of responsibility, and I don’t feel comfortable assuming those two are in any way related to each other.
Because the message has always been implicity “You are an adult and you DO know better, you have developed past that stage. You are being willfully immature.”
Shit, blockquote monster got me.
You know, the more I read of this discussion, the less point I see in it, lol. Clearly we have a lot of different ideas of what constitutes ‘adult’ vs ‘child’, nevermind the rest of it!
When you consider the fact that all I was doing was expressing why *I* was uncomfortable using ‘childish’ in these comments… sheesh.
Hehe, that happens, Puddleglum. It’s okay.
I didn’t intend that they should be conflated, poor wording on my part. Part of what I loathe about the ‘boys will be boys’ is the idea that the adults doing evil can be dismissed as ‘children misbehaving’ by so many in the mainstream; for the same reason, I dislike ‘that’s childish’ because it is also equating (for me! I get that I do not hold a common view on this!) adult dumbassery with ‘child-like misbehaviour’. What they are doing is not child-like misbehaviour. It’s adult-like misbehaviour. Because adults are doing it.
@Fibinachi, thanks.
So, doing NaNo this year?
“Ebola laced black men.” As distinct from white PUAs riddled with everything from herpes to syphilis.
He should look on the bright side. It will head off that spree of sperm jacking.
Yes, basically this. This is the compact version of my tl;dr.
@Puddleglum, PoM, Fibinachi, thebewilderness, sorry to gatecrash so late into the discussion, it struck a chord with me re: a few things I’ve been thinking about lately.
Particularly around our (by ‘our’ I mean societal) use of the term “childish behaviour”
This. If we assume that toddler is pulling kitty’s tail for reason X and teenager is pulling kitty’s tail for reason Y (these reasons being different due to their differing developmental stages), then a 30yrs+ individual will pull kitty’s tail for reason Z, being also at a markedly different developmental stage. Although on the surface it’s the same behaviour (that long-suffering kitty!), the intent and motivation behind said behaviour for each is very, very different. If we place the behaviour of the 30yrs+ individual or even the teenager under the lens of simply being ‘childish’, we run the risk of ascribing to them the same motivations and intent of the toddler.
In this vein, a child throwing a temper tantrum and an MRA throwing a temper tantrum may be showing the same behaviour, but the cognitive structuring/internalised thought processes (motivation, attitude, intent) bolstering the MRA’s decision to engage in said behaviour are an adult’s. In this scenario I don’t see an adult behaving like a child. I see an adult behaving like a bad adult.
The term ‘childish’ I tend to think of as a bit of a blanket term for all things negative. As adults we continue to show a complex multitude of the same positive and negative behaviours as children – gift-giving for example is a behaviour very prevalent amongst children (I’ve received many pictures of my own face crafted in felt-tip and glitter), and yet when performed later by adults is not viewed as ‘childish’. We seem to operate under an almost ageist categorization system of human behaviour whereby anything healthy, constructive and ‘good’ is seen as adult, anything ‘bad’ (selfish, irresponsible, destructive) seen as child. It almost serves to neatly shift attention away from the fact that adults engage in unhealthy, destructive behaviours for bad yet very developed adult reasons, and stops us from holding them accountable within that adult lens. In addition, as others have pointed out, our knee-jerk attitude to all bad human behaviour as ‘belonging to children’ not only throws children under the bus, but also infers that adults engaging in bad behaviour have ‘simply not learned yet’ how to be adults. Sadly, bad behaviour within adults is often the outcome of very extensive learning processes which need to be tackled and dismantled, in a very different way to children. It’s not that they ‘haven’t learned’ yet how to stop being children, it’s that they’ve learned how to be improper adults.
Sorry for the waffly teal deer, trying to type this on a bus in a hurry and it’s sehr challenging.
Yep, that’s essentially my opinion too.
Thanks for the talk everyone 🙂
Interesting: I don’t think of all bad human behaviour as childish, not by a long stretch. Malice, cruelty, playing mind games, the innumerable bigotries – those aren’t the sort of things that get a “stop being childish” response from me. Those are very much appalling adult human behaviour.
It’s the temper tantrums, the WAAAAH NOT FAIR kicking heels against the wall carryings-on from MRAs over the tiniest thing not going their way, the things we do point and laugh at coming from adults, that have me using terms like manbabies, grow the fuck up, whiny-ass, and so on. It’s not just childish behaviour, or bad behaviour, it’s specifically bad childish behaviour.
Not to be rude, but that’s a pretty silly argument. We don’t consider all bad behavior childish, just specific bad behavior. Nobody thinks that rape is a childish behavior, for example. Slapping someone may sometimes be considered childish, but beating the shit out of them isn’t. Kidnapping? Not childish. Murder? Not childish. And so on.
Like, threatening someone with a gun because they said something you didn’t like (cross-referencing other thread) is generally considered bad behavior even by people who see gun ownership as the norm, right? But nobody would say “hey, stop threatening to shoot that person who you were arguing with, that’s so childish”.