a woman is always to blame antifeminism dark enlightenment evil SJWs evil women grandiosity hate speech heartiste imaginary oppression literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy oppressed white men paranoia PUA racism rape rationalization hamster reactionary bullshit red pill your time will come

The West is like a stupid white girl who goes home with a black guy: Heartiste and his racist fans warn white "ethnomasochists" of the danger of "ebola laced black men."

"The result -- racial pride dwindles." Nazi propaganda poster that would not be out of place on Chateau Heartiste
“The result — racial pride dwindles.” Nazi propaganda poster that would not be out of place on Chateau Heartiste

Not content with simply being a misogynist piece of poop, the “game” guru Heartiste is also, among other terrible things, a flaming racist given to hyperventilating about the alleged civilization-destroying powers of people with skin darker than his – and the alleged naiveté of white people who aren’t as racist as he is.

In one recent post, Heartiste awarded “freelance comment of the week” status to a racist rant posted on his site by someone calling himself Anton Chigurh, who thinks Western countries are being wimpy about ebola because they don’t want to offend Africans and seem racist.

“Chigurh” made his, er, argument in possibly the most racist manner imaginable:

The West is like the stupid white girl at the bar who gets invited to go off on her own by a black guy. She is terrified of looking racist in front of her friends, one of whom is a black girl from the office who she likes to impress with her liberalism.

So she goes happily with the black fella, who turns out to be a savage niqger. Later, after the niqger brutally rapes her without a condom and leaves her in an alley for dead, she thinks, well, at least now everybody knows I’m not a racist.

A day later she sits in her hospital bed, recovering from her internal and external injuries and having contracted Ebola and AIDS. …

She hoarsely tells her friends visiting her, including the sassy black girl from the office who she wants so desperately to impress, “It’s not his fault. He had a hard life. …White people are so racist, and we made them slaves for like 800 years, sometimes they get angry. I don’t blame him.”

That’s the mass of Western whites right now.

Heartiste added a few smug comments about “white ethnomasochism” and opened the discussion up to his other shitty commenters, who did not fail to deliver.

Arbiter railed about ebola-carrying black guys and then somehow blamed it all on … the Jews.

A woman at the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital contracted ebola from treating the Black who came there to parasitize on American taxpayers’ money. She will most likely die, and it’s because of the anti-White government and media. …. he went to the U.S. without caring that he would kill people there. He didn’t care one bit about the Americans he was going to steal from. And yet there are vigils for him and weeping comments on the internet. And NO word of the fact that he – of course – knew he had ebola. …

This is entirely because of the Tribe controlling the media.

Bango Tango mocked the white women at his office whom, he thinks, pretend not to be racist in order to curry favor with black women they secretly
(and correctly) despise:

It is funny how white girls do go out of their way to impress the black girls with their liberalism. I see it all the time at the office. They are secretly aware of how ignorant and dumb fuck retarded many mudsharks actually are so feel the need to go out of their way to prove to themselves as well as black people they are not racist. The rationalization hamster at work again.

Zombie Shane leaned heavily on the caps lock for his comment:

Our Orientalistic Elites in the West are so overjoyed at the success of Multiculturalism and the thermonuclear stigmatization of the cry “Racist!” that they now sense that they can ride Open Borders and Mass Immigration all the way to the Final Solution which is the eradication of the White Race and Christianity altogether.NEVER MISUNDERESTIMATE THEIR ANTI-CIVILIZATIONAL ANTI-HUMAN NIHILISM!!!!! Our Orientalistic Elites welcome Ebola. It is all part of the plan.

Remo suggested that white gals might come to their racist senses if … they start getting raped by ebola-carrying black guys:

If blacks are seen as ebola carriers the scared stupid white women will get afraid … I am waiting for the for the first case of an ebola laced black man raping a white woman and her dying from it. … Fear is a funny thing and chiefly motivates white women.

OldGuy searched for a silver lining:

It isn’t all bad. Just mostly bad. … I don’t sweat all that miscegenation. Every white women who marries black removes her children from any serious economic competition with my grandchildren and great grandchildren. Go girl! If this keeps up, it will be easy sledding for my great grandchildren. And face it, would you want to marry a white woman who is so stupid or so uncaring about her children she would condemn them to a black existence?

Our culture is f*ked, basically, both from internal and external forces. Just forget about it. However, YOU do not have to be f*ked. You can easily prosper if you understand the system, just like players prosper if they understand the female psyche.

And he took a bold stance against anti-Semitism:

Don’t blame the Jews. Blame the women.

A fellow named Will, meanwhile, rode into the discussion on a Men’s Rights hobbyhorse:

I know that this might be a stretch…

But just another thing that points out where our society is headed and the feminism movement:

Notice in football games EVERYONE wears pink for *breast cancer*. This is awesome. And more power to defeating cancer. But, what about prostate cancer… see this huge movement for breast cancer and all of these football teams Doug things for breast cancer. Much more than prostate cancer at least

Huh. Why might Will think that this hive of racism and misogyny would be a good place to push an MRA agenda? I wonder.

EDIT: Cloudiah points out that Anton Chigurh is the name of the remorseless killer in No Country for Old Men. Well, I guess that’s a more recent cultural reference than Tyler Durden, another favorite handle of manosphere/PUA douchebags.

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10 years ago


Oddly enough, I’m less worried about Ebola transmission from non-white folks (immigrant or otherwise) than from a stupid white person who apparently doesn’t understand quarantine.

But you know all these chucklefucks will take away from this is that said stupid white person was a woman.

At least the comments section for that particular post doesn’t landslide into women-bashing, which is heartening for Gawker. Well, I think one comment does, but it seems to get ignored in favour of calling out Synderman for being an arrogant arsehole rather than for her eeeevil feeemale ways.

The “Fuck The World. My Panini Is Ready” meme did make me laugh.

10 years ago

According to the WHO, the Ebola virus can persist in semen for at least ninety days.

Considering the virus tends to kill people in less than that, and have them bed-ridden and bleeding in even less, we’re still not talking a legitimate concern here.

10 years ago

Apparently the Ebola virus can persist for at least ninety days post-recovery.

10 years ago

My brain just shut down hard at “mudshark”. What the flying fuck is that even supposed to mean? I mean, I know the usual ‘mud’ connotation, but where the shitballs does ‘shark’ factor into it?

10 years ago

As a history buff, I can tell you that “Egypt is not African” is often a deliberate meme meant to push away Ancient Egypt from African history. Likewise with the often desperate attempts to deny Ancient Egyptians could be black.

There was a troll who came around here a couple times last year who went so far in the opposite direction that he claimed Cleopatra was black. We all had a good laugh and a shake of our heads over that one.

10 years ago

The Ebola conspiracy has gotten pretty well developed. I ran across one article that claims Obama ordered the virus engineered in CDC labs, along with a “cure” or “antidote” that protects the person who gets it but leaves him still fully capable of transmitting it. Illegal aliens are receiving the virus and cure and being sent across the border. Obamacare was a cover to make money available for this project, whose purpose is to eliminate Christians and throw the nation into an age of “Liberal Darkness.” I don’t think I’ve ever seen more shit so neatly wrapped into one shitbomb.

10 years ago

By the way, Heartiste and his guys must absolutely burn every time they see a white woman with a black man and realize that means she thinks the black guy is better than they are. Not supposed to happen, bwahaha.

10 years ago

@genedaniell: Take heart in the fact that is a satiricial site.

10 years ago

What if you saw a picture of Heartiste doing the same thing? Using what language would you convey that this is not age-appropriate behavior for a neurotypical adult, without mentioning Heartiste’s age or the fact that we expect this kind of thing of 3-year-olds? Or would you just let it slide without comment?

I guess I didn’t make myself clear. I didn’t mean to suggest not calling out crappy behaviour. I meant that calling something childish is, to me, a way of dismissing or diminishing the crappy behaviour. Like, let’s replace ‘childish’ with ‘kittenish’ (my cat gave me permission). If I said, ‘Sitting in the laundry basket is so kittenish’, it doesn’t come across as disapproving, whereas if I said, ‘Sitting in the laundry basket is so dumbass’, it clearly shows I think the behaviour is wrong.

10 years ago

My brain just shut down hard at “mudshark”.

Mine did too.

10 years ago

Fuck them. Fuck the racism that was probably an element in that hospital’s dismissal of his illness, and fuck Roissy and his poisonous little mates for treating that man as the criminal in this.

Heartiste and these racist dirtbags are horrible. I will only say that particular hospital in Dallas has been understaffed and underfunded for decades. It’s also the local hospital that treats most of the folks in the surrounding areas who have limited means from uninsured to those who couldn’t pay anything at all.

10 years ago

RE: cassandrakitty

Ebola causes autism?

*makes muffled howling noise, buries head under pillow*


More like Ebola is a false flag designed to distract the public from MMR vaccines causing autism.


RE: vaiyt

Likewise with the often desperate attempts to deny Ancient Egyptians could be black.

NUBIA! It existed! It was a thing! Also, Egypt was quite a variegated society, with lots of folks, including Nubians, Jews, various Greeks… it’s not like every ancient people were pockets of humanity with no interactions whatsoever. Come on!

10 years ago

Regarding Egypt, I discovered in college that some Americans have trouble imagining any racial categories beyond ‘black’ and ‘white’.*

The thought experiment I suggested to a classmate was: if you revived Amenophis II, dressed him in a sack suit and porkpie hat, and sent him into a lunchroom in Tuscaloosa in 1950, would they serve him or call the police?

*Apparently, Asians and Jews can count as either, depending on where you’re from. A friend told me how confusing it was to become white just by moving across the country.

10 years ago

RE: Robert

*snrk* We’re from Texas. Where we grew up, there were exactly three races in popular conception: blacks, whites, and “Mexicans.” All other races would be lumped into one of the three.

Obviously, Boston had a very different local race system. And that’s just within the US; obviously it was very different when we were in NZ…

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

Like, let’s replace ‘childish’ with ‘kittenish’ (my cat gave me permission). If I said, ‘Sitting in the laundry basket is so kittenish’, it doesn’t come across as disapproving, whereas if I said, ‘Sitting in the laundry basket is so dumbass’, it clearly shows I think the behaviour is wrong.

But why is it dumbass? It was adorable when my friend’s 3-year-old did it.

10 years ago

But why is it dumbass? It was adorable when my friend’s 3-year-old did it.

Seriously? I’m done.

10 years ago

If you can’t tell I was talking about adults sitting in the fucking basket, I’m soooo done.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

If you can’t tell I was talking about adults sitting in the fucking basket, I’m soooo done.

My point is that it is impossible to describe or explain what is inappropriate about a neurotypical adult sitting in a laundry basket without resorting to the context of that person’s age. In the context of a 3-year-old, there’s nothing unusual about this behavior. It’s actually cute. It’s not cute when it’s a grown-ass man, not because it is absolutely inappropriate, but because it is age-inappropriate in that context.

What I’m saying is that if you can describe to me what is dumbass about this behavior without resorting to any reference to the person’s age, I would like to hear it. Because I am at this time not convinced that removing the ability to tell people to grow the fuck up leads to a point where we can still censure adults for acting like children. A society that can’t enforce age-appropriate social behavior is not a society that can function smoothly.

10 years ago

Why are “that’s childish, you should stop doing that” and “aw, they’re just being boys” being conflated? They’re not the same thing at all, and they’re deployed as arguments by different people for different reasons.

10 years ago

What I’m saying is that if you can describe to me what is dumbass about this behavior without resorting to any reference to the person’s age, I would like to hear it. Because I am at this time not convinced that removing the ability to tell people to grow the fuck up leads to a point where we can still censure adults for acting like children. A society that can’t enforce age-appropriate social behavior is not a society that can function smoothly.

“That’s weird, why are you doing that? Is it more comfortable for your knees? Oh, it’s just because you refuse to take responsibility for your own actions and have decided that instead of buying a chair or acquiring better furniture, you’ll hole up and hold on to your baskets forever, claiming anyone who shops for chairs is actually an Ikea-stitute out to get you into a hardwood floor arrangement.

That seems a little strange”

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago


But why is it strange? Things are inappropriate for reasons. Things are strange for reasons. “Strange” and “inappropriate” are relative terms; nothing is strange intrinsically, but only in relation to expectations. What I expect may be different from what you expect, and so what is strange to me may not be strange to you.

There is a reason why I don’t expect adults to sit in laundry baskets, and that is because they are adults and adults don’t do that in our society unless they are non-neurotypical in some way. It comes down to how we expect adults to behave. There’s nothing intrinsically weird with making a laundry basket your chair; it’s only weird if you are an adult and you live in a society that arbitrarily decides that this kind of behavior is inappropriate for adults.

10 years ago

The problem I have with what we were talking about is that it accuses children of being abusive asshats by nature. They are not. Every time that an adults behavior, in this case rape and death threats, is dismissed as childish it is asserting that rape and death threats are appropriate for children. The children learned to be abusive asshats from adults. Not the other way round.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago


That wasn’t Puddleglum’s argument, as far as I can gather. Puddleglum was saying that referring to MRAs as vicious children who never got past the playground-bully stage is giving them a pass on their behavior, because children don’t choose to be childish, and it positions onlookers as the adult babysitters. I think the opposite is true: that not calling out childish behavior as such is the same as either pretending it doesn’t exist, or pretending that this is acceptable for adults qua adults, although it might be inappropriate for other, unrelated reasons.

It also seems to me that never comparing adult behavior unfavorably to that of children would impossibly blur certain important social norms. I am open to being proven wrong on this, but Puddleglum doesn’t seem interested. If someone else wants to explain how this would work if implemented on a societal level, I will listen.

Insofar as your point, I would not personally refer to a rape threat as childish. However, the ME-ME-ME temper tantrum behind it is childish.

10 years ago

My point is that abusive behavior is not childish, but something like, say, insisting that only people who love the things you love are allowed to talk about those things actually is childish, and we need to be able to say so in the latter case.

Jon H
10 years ago

cassandrakitty wrote: “Also, I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that the poor man who died of Ebola in Texas probably knew that “parasitize” is not a word”

FYI, parasitize *is* a perfectly cromulent word. It’s what a parasite does to its host.

The racists who used that term about a human are garbage people, but it is a word.