a woman is always to blame antifeminism dark enlightenment evil SJWs evil women grandiosity hate speech heartiste imaginary oppression literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy oppressed white men paranoia PUA racism rape rationalization hamster reactionary bullshit red pill your time will come

The West is like a stupid white girl who goes home with a black guy: Heartiste and his racist fans warn white "ethnomasochists" of the danger of "ebola laced black men."

"The result -- racial pride dwindles." Nazi propaganda poster that would not be out of place on Chateau Heartiste
“The result — racial pride dwindles.” Nazi propaganda poster that would not be out of place on Chateau Heartiste

Not content with simply being a misogynist piece of poop, the “game” guru Heartiste is also, among other terrible things, a flaming racist given to hyperventilating about the alleged civilization-destroying powers of people with skin darker than his – and the alleged naiveté of white people who aren’t as racist as he is.

In one recent post, Heartiste awarded “freelance comment of the week” status to a racist rant posted on his site by someone calling himself Anton Chigurh, who thinks Western countries are being wimpy about ebola because they don’t want to offend Africans and seem racist.

“Chigurh” made his, er, argument in possibly the most racist manner imaginable:

The West is like the stupid white girl at the bar who gets invited to go off on her own by a black guy. She is terrified of looking racist in front of her friends, one of whom is a black girl from the office who she likes to impress with her liberalism.

So she goes happily with the black fella, who turns out to be a savage niqger. Later, after the niqger brutally rapes her without a condom and leaves her in an alley for dead, she thinks, well, at least now everybody knows I’m not a racist.

A day later she sits in her hospital bed, recovering from her internal and external injuries and having contracted Ebola and AIDS. …

She hoarsely tells her friends visiting her, including the sassy black girl from the office who she wants so desperately to impress, “It’s not his fault. He had a hard life. …White people are so racist, and we made them slaves for like 800 years, sometimes they get angry. I don’t blame him.”

That’s the mass of Western whites right now.

Heartiste added a few smug comments about “white ethnomasochism” and opened the discussion up to his other shitty commenters, who did not fail to deliver.

Arbiter railed about ebola-carrying black guys and then somehow blamed it all on … the Jews.

A woman at the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital contracted ebola from treating the Black who came there to parasitize on American taxpayers’ money. She will most likely die, and it’s because of the anti-White government and media. …. he went to the U.S. without caring that he would kill people there. He didn’t care one bit about the Americans he was going to steal from. And yet there are vigils for him and weeping comments on the internet. And NO word of the fact that he – of course – knew he had ebola. …

This is entirely because of the Tribe controlling the media.

Bango Tango mocked the white women at his office whom, he thinks, pretend not to be racist in order to curry favor with black women they secretly
(and correctly) despise:

It is funny how white girls do go out of their way to impress the black girls with their liberalism. I see it all the time at the office. They are secretly aware of how ignorant and dumb fuck retarded many mudsharks actually are so feel the need to go out of their way to prove to themselves as well as black people they are not racist. The rationalization hamster at work again.

Zombie Shane leaned heavily on the caps lock for his comment:

Our Orientalistic Elites in the West are so overjoyed at the success of Multiculturalism and the thermonuclear stigmatization of the cry “Racist!” that they now sense that they can ride Open Borders and Mass Immigration all the way to the Final Solution which is the eradication of the White Race and Christianity altogether.NEVER MISUNDERESTIMATE THEIR ANTI-CIVILIZATIONAL ANTI-HUMAN NIHILISM!!!!! Our Orientalistic Elites welcome Ebola. It is all part of the plan.

Remo suggested that white gals might come to their racist senses if … they start getting raped by ebola-carrying black guys:

If blacks are seen as ebola carriers the scared stupid white women will get afraid … I am waiting for the for the first case of an ebola laced black man raping a white woman and her dying from it. … Fear is a funny thing and chiefly motivates white women.

OldGuy searched for a silver lining:

It isn’t all bad. Just mostly bad. … I don’t sweat all that miscegenation. Every white women who marries black removes her children from any serious economic competition with my grandchildren and great grandchildren. Go girl! If this keeps up, it will be easy sledding for my great grandchildren. And face it, would you want to marry a white woman who is so stupid or so uncaring about her children she would condemn them to a black existence?

Our culture is f*ked, basically, both from internal and external forces. Just forget about it. However, YOU do not have to be f*ked. You can easily prosper if you understand the system, just like players prosper if they understand the female psyche.

And he took a bold stance against anti-Semitism:

Don’t blame the Jews. Blame the women.

A fellow named Will, meanwhile, rode into the discussion on a Men’s Rights hobbyhorse:

I know that this might be a stretch…

But just another thing that points out where our society is headed and the feminism movement:

Notice in football games EVERYONE wears pink for *breast cancer*. This is awesome. And more power to defeating cancer. But, what about prostate cancer… see this huge movement for breast cancer and all of these football teams Doug things for breast cancer. Much more than prostate cancer at least

Huh. Why might Will think that this hive of racism and misogyny would be a good place to push an MRA agenda? I wonder.

EDIT: Cloudiah points out that Anton Chigurh is the name of the remorseless killer in No Country for Old Men. Well, I guess that’s a more recent cultural reference than Tyler Durden, another favorite handle of manosphere/PUA douchebags.

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andrea harris
10 years ago

Heartiste is another candidate for being found someday wandering on the interstate wearing nothing but a tie and raving about giant green men from space coming to take all the women.

10 years ago

Statistically speaking, most crimes, including rape, are committed intraracially. So white women are significantly more likely to be at risk of being sexually assaulted by white men than by men of colour.

Of course, the myth of black men menacing vulnerable white women is a one that is commonly spread by racist shitbuckets.

10 years ago

Todd Kincannon, former head of the Republican Party in South Carolina and self styled Pro Life person is advocating summary execution of anyone with Ebola symptoms.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

I think the part that enrages me most is the hate directed at Mr Duncan, who went to hospital in Texas telling them of his symptoms, that he’d been in contact with ebola victims (ie. carrying a sick child to a car), and they fucking sent him home.

And now he’s dead.

Fuck them. Fuck the racism that was probably an element in that hospital’s dismissal of his illness, and fuck Roissy and his poisonous little mates for treating that man as the criminal in this.

10 years ago

Meanwhile, malaria and tuberculosis each killed 500x as many people as Ebola in the same amount of time.

10 years ago

Meanwhile, the biggest reason there’s not already a vaccine for ebola is that there isn’t enough of a market to make the investment in developing one worthwhile.

10 years ago

I think the part that enrages me most is the hate directed at Mr Duncan, who went to hospital in Texas telling them of his symptoms, that he’d been in contact with ebola victims (ie. carrying a sick child to a car), and they fucking sent him home.

And now he’s dead.

Fuck them. Fuck the racism that was probably an element in that hospital’s dismissal of his illness, and fuck Roissy and his poisonous little mates for treating that man as the criminal in this.

This, a thousand fucking times. The hospital worker(s) that sent him home after that are criminally negligent, and if race was a factor, that just makes it doubly nauseating. Fartiste and his Shartistes can all fall naked into a cactus patch.

10 years ago

Also, I’m not about to waste time fretting about my (nil) risk of contracting Ebola when racist shitheadery kills so many more people every year, in Canada as well as points south.

10 years ago

Todd Kincannon, former head of the Republican Party in South Carolina and self styled Pro Life person is advocating summary execution of anyone with Ebola symptoms.

That is not how to conduct a quarantine. Has Mr. Kincannon so badly misunderestimated reality that he doesn’t realise that policy would likely increase the rate of spread?

the myth of black men menacing vulnerable white women is a one that is commonly spread by racist shitbuckets.

But the white women rightfully belong to the white men because evopsych! The black men are trying to trespass! Won’t somebody think of the poor, poor white men? I mean, having their property ruined like that is so traumatic!

I think the part that enrages me most is the hate directed at Mr Duncan, who went to hospital in Texas telling them of his symptoms, that he’d been in contact with ebola victims (ie. carrying a sick child to a car), and they fucking sent him home.

Shhh! kittehserf, you’re letting facts spoil a perfectly horrid rant! That’s misandry and ethnomasochism!

Also, got to love how the theoretical black rapist from the hate wank has both AIDS and Ebola! Cause you just know someone with both could not possibly be too sick to commit a violent assault!

Meanwhile, malaria and tuberculosis each killed 500x as many people as Ebola in the same amount of time.


Dennis Jernberg (@dennis_jernberg)

This is actually the big fashionable meme in the conservative reality bubble right now, and the Fox News set are milking the birther angle while they’re at it. Like the TEA Party, these guys are just saying in public what most conservatives prefer to keep behind closed doors.

Can we not call them children please? Children are better than they are.

We have to understand exactly what kind of children they are. Specifically the kind who bully other children on the school playground and call them things like “Fatrelle” and “Dentist Junebug”. Some kids never grow out of that stage. I suspect Heartiste never stopped beating kids up on the playground, the same way JudgyBitch never left her middle-school mean-girl clique.

Once I walked past two boys squabbling in someone’s front yard. They were about 7 or 8. The white one called the black one a “portorican”. Heartiste and his clique are doing the same kind of thing with a lot more third-hand ideology and pseudo-intellectual word salad.

Heartiste is another candidate for being found someday wandering on the interstate wearing nothing but a tie and raving about giant green men from space coming to take all the women.

He’d probably end up with a radio talk show.

10 years ago

Someone already covered the point that most rape is intraracial. So I’ll move on to the other thing that stuck out.

These racist shit bags seem to be geographically challenged and don’t understand that Africa is a huge continent and the Ebola outbreak is only a big problem in Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone. A person arriving here from say, Somalia or South Africa is no more likely to be “Ebola laced” than someone arriving from France or Sweden.

10 years ago

Remember when some right winger, I forgot who tried to spread fear that immigrants from Latin America might bring Ebola over the border. Mind boggling.

10 years ago

Also, got to love how the theoretical black rapist from the hate wank has both AIDS and Ebola! Cause you just know someone with both could not possibly be too sick to commit a violent assault!

Oh, but haven’t you heard? Black men not only have insatiable sex drives and penises the size of baseball bats, they also have super-powers!

10 years ago

@Dennis: silly moment– I looked at “portorican” and mentally pronounced it with the accent on the wrong syllables (poh-TOH-REE-can)… so it took me a couple minutes to realize what was meant. >_>

10 years ago

A woman at the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital contracted ebola from treating the Black who came there to parasitize on American taxpayers’ money.

There’s an awful lot wrong with this statement. As a Canadian, though, one really stuck out for me. When did my USian neighbours get universal health insurance like Soviet Canuckistan, here? I thought you nice folks had to pay for your own health care!

10 years ago

These racist shit bags seem to be geographically challenged and don’t understand that Africa is a huge continent and the Ebola outbreak is only a big problem in Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone.

They must have forgotten that the part where the Sahara is is also in Africa again, or you know they’d be trying to add an Islamophobic spin to this. I actually had an argument about this once, in Texas, when I said that I used to live in Africa and someone very earnestly tried to convince me that I could not possibly have done so because he was quite sure that Libya could not be in Africa, since there were Arabs there. Maps, dude, have you heard of them?

10 years ago

It’s getting harder to tell the difference between the “Men’s Rights Movement” and Stormfront every day. I guess once you’ve decided women aren’t really fully human it’s not much of a stretch to make the same judgement of people with different skin colours to you.

But remember, MRAs aren’t just a bunch of angry white dudes – just ask them.

10 years ago

Also, I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that the poor man who died of Ebola in Texas probably knew that “parasitize” is not a word, unlike Embarrassing Racist Stereotype #6756734234 above.

10 years ago

@ Bina – well, then that blows the whole argument that micegenation is a bad deal for the white women who participate. Someone should tell the OldGuy who thought his grandkids would have such an advantage! Imagine how foolish he’ll feel when he hears that.

10 years ago

I don’t know what’s funny-sadder: That these guys are all so terrified of black dudes, or that they consider themselves superior to them in any way.

It must be so sad to be so insecure in one’s masculinity that one is forever looking for scapegoats instead of taking an honest look in one’s own mirror…

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago


@Dennis: silly moment– I looked at “portorican” and mentally pronounced it with the accent on the wrong syllables (poh-TOH-REE-can)… so it took me a couple minutes to realize what was meant. >_>

I did the same thing first time I saw a Portakabin. I read it as por-take-a-bin. Took me ages to realise it wasn’t pronounced that way. 🙂

10 years ago

The funny-saddest thing to me is how most race supremacists that I’ve ever met have actually been from the bottom of their own racial barrel. It’s almost like they need to have a massive hate of the other to attempt to camouflage their own awareness of how underwhelming they are.

10 years ago

If these dudes were at all secure in their masculinity they wouldn’t be anywhere Fartiste.

10 years ago

Yup, racists are definitely inferior specimens. And it must really gall them that the president of the US is a handsome black man, too.

10 years ago

In their case I suspect that someone pissed in the gene pool long ago.