#gamergate antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit threats

#GamerGate activist: Media coverage of death threats against Brianna Wu means "they're now taking us seriously."

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The screencap above shows a discussion on the still-active #burgersandfries IRC channel about the media coverage of the recent death threats directed at indie game devveloper Brianna Wu.

Apparently any publicity is good publicity, even if your “movement” is getting media attention for being the likely source of death threats against a female developer.

Before some stray GamerGater comes by to inist that this guy “isn’t really a #GamerGater because that’s on IRC,” this seems to be the guy’s Twitter account. As you can see, @Thidran regularly Tweets and retweets comments using the #GamerGate tag or the abbreviation GG; he’s also obsessed with Zoe Quinn. BUT IT’S NOT ABOUT HER WE’VE ALL MOVED PAST THAT.

H/T — r/GamerGhazi for the screencap.


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10 years ago

Shaenon, wow that’s disgusting

10 years ago

I would to see the expressions on their faces when the SWAT teams come through their doors and windows at 5am

10 years ago

Maybe I feel optimistic today, but I don’t even think it would be that bad if they make it to Fox news. I don’t have any expectations whatsoever in Fox’s “journalistic integrity” and we know already they’re racist and sexist and conservative-libertarian as fuck, so it’s not like it would be below them.
But giving a platform to these obviously absurd arguments would be almost funny and even could alienate some of their viewers…
(also it would be really entertaining to see the GGers try to articulate a single criticism to ‘journalism’ that doesn’t apply to Fox, and Fox to to frame a news story without an evil imminent threat other than mostly white educated ladies writing games and speaking on youtube and twitter)

10 years ago

Oh that’s priceless, Shaenon. Yet more proof that “collusion” only matters when it’s someone GamerGaters already want to hate, and that they’ll almost always find the woman at fault regardless of the situation.

10 years ago

@Shaenon, I’d tell you to give that to any GGers you know, but I have the sad feeling that it would just float around a bit and disappear, not become a central, oft-repeated example of corruption like ZQ has. If they’d even circulate it for you, and not tell you to do it yourself because it’s not their responsibility.

10 years ago


I keep trying to write post about GamerGate, but those damn goalposts just will not stay in one place long enough.

QFT. There seems to be a feeling that if they just SAY they’re nice loud enough, that all the bad stuff that’s happened as part of GG will just go away somehow. Problem with that is that as someone’s already said in a blog somewhere, by definition GamerGate is whatever someone does in the name of GamerGate, and that includes the harmful stuff.

The Underpants Gnomes had a more solid plan for achieving their purported aims than GamerGate.

Step 1: wreck shit
Step 2: ???

10 years ago

You know, I had heard the old joke that: “In conversation with beautiful people, 99 % of what most men say boil down to: “Hey, how ’bout some dick?” but I didn’t actually think I’d ever see an honest to god actual example of that, in print form.

Thank you Shaenon. That was enlightening.

10 years ago

Also, did we all see that #GamerGate* brigaded a survey on diversity in gaming? Social researcher Jennifer Allaway was trying to collect actual data on whether diversity in game content is important to players, containing such clearly biased questions such as “Describe your racial identity” and “How many years have you work in the game industry?”

Instead of making sure that GamerGate were represented in the study by, you know, encouraging each other to fill it out honestly, they flooded it with disingenuous, sexist, threatening answers in order to “contaminate the data”. Allaway herself said:

Had #Gamergate participated in my survey honestly, as a researcher, I would gladly have taken their data. After all, I recognize that they play games, and to exclude their data purely on the grounds of our moral disagreement would be unethical. They would have added a layer of diverse opinions to the data set.

But hey, why participate honestly in a legitimate academic study when you can sabotage it instead, right guys? INTEGRITY! TRANSPARENCY! NO AGENDAS! Ququasar, you can add this to your list of GamerGate achievements.

*Or, sorry, people who claim to be part of #GamerGate, posting on 8chan, which is currently acting as the primary GG base #NOTALLGAMERS etc.

10 years ago

The news would “take you seriously” if you shat on the floor in the middle of a White House tour as well. That’s not an endorsement.

John Waters was once asked what the most certain fast-track route to fame was, and he replied “Kill someone famous”.

10 years ago

Although Waters was, of course, joking. Worryingly, some people really do seem to think that this is a good idea.

10 years ago

Aaaaaaand also there’s this.

Summary version: once GamerGate “wins” they intend to go after SJWs in all manner of geeky hobbies. And also if Hillary gets elected everything is doomed. Because of course.

[CW for everything you’d expect]

10 years ago

@tinyorc, I’ve found the same thing in my discussions over Twitter with GamerGate people – some of it might be due to the intentionally stifled form of communication that it enforces, but nobody’s been able to give me an answer as to what GamerGate actually wants. Someone linked me to a video by Matt (the one with the skull) where he went on about Zoe Quinn’s personal life for seven minutes, and another talked about feminists pushing their agenda on games but didn’t answer when I asked for an example of what is allowed now that wouldn’t be allowed in the future.

The closest thing I got to a reason was that someone gave Bayonetta 2 a 7.5 because they thought women could be represented better in it – so “people having different opinions” is the only issue I’ve identified so far.

10 years ago

Well, GG already gobbles up shit from and got a whole bunch of conspiracy theorists on board, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they got in PrisonPlanet before Fox News.

10 years ago

Wait, I hadn’t noticed that before. They think that PR emails (for which the companies doing the PR compile lists, or purchase them) are evidence of a conspiracy?

Yes. Here is Vox Day’s tweet on it (note that at least one person tried to call him out on his stupidity):

And here is his post on the same issue (read the comments, his followers are as stupid as he is):

10 years ago

Good god Vox hasn’t worked a day in his life as a journalist has he?

Several prominent gaming journalists across America are part of a secret mailing list on which they discuss what to cover, what to ignore, and what approach their coverage should take to breaking news, Breitbart London can reveal.


10 years ago

Good god Vox hasn’t worked a day in his life as a journalist has he?

To be fair, that was written by someone named Milo Yiannopoulis. I don’t know who he is, but apparently he’s a new writer at Breitbart. I saw where someone else said he didn’t give a shit about video games or video game players, and he was actually disdainful of both before the gamergate hashtag became a thing, so I suspect what he’s doing is attempting to bolster his burgeoning career. (Baldwin, on the other hand, has done voice work in video games, and I think that gamergate has given him the most attention he’s had since Firefly fandom has waned. I’d be interested to see how his career goes once his current TV projects wrap.)

10 years ago


Had the same luck. “Corrupt journalists!” “Who?” “The hard left feminists who want to censor games!” “HARD left? How?” “You don’t get to decide that!” “You don’t get to make up straw enemies because criticism” “You’re moving the goalpost!” “Uh…what?” *ensue GGer ragequit*

One guy linked me to an article that I’ll have to dig up and post here, because it’s just priceless. It includes a “Gamer Bill of Rights”, the first AND fifth of which call for no bad reviews of any video game ever.

10 years ago

Here we are. Bask in the glory of TEH GAMERZ RIGHTZ ZOMG:

10 years ago

We simply want a small vocal minority to realize – We, who love games, did not vest them with the power to dictate to the market “what games are”.

“We, of course, vested this power on ourselves.”

We believe that power belongs to the gamers. to the players. To us.

“You, of course, don’t count as players.”

We respect your right to review, comment & pontificate.

“Unless you’re a woman and/or think video games could be more inclusive, in which case we reserve ourselves the right to act like screeching macaques towards you.”

We desire accountability, reform and an acknowledgement that the customer should decide what they play –

“Unless said customer is a woman or POC or a feminist or… they don’t count.”

We will continue to stand up for Freedom of Expression, Artistic Vision and a free market to decide what it wants.

“Unless said expression, artists or market blah blah blah.”

We suggest fans of Gone Home review Gone Home – and fans of God of War Review God of War. It is in this moment that professionalism engages, and a journalist demonstrates whether they are worthy of our trust.

“Only people who already have an emotional investment in a video game should review it. No conflict of interest whatsoever!”

(gotta go home, continue later)

10 years ago

@ryeash, that’s… astonishingly ill-conceived 🙂 What a find!

A Wolverine
A Wolverine
10 years ago

Milo’s previous claim to fame was running a now dead website and getting sued by his writers for not paying them.


10 years ago

I must give credit where credit is due. A Mr. @acesrhigh, in his own words:

It’s not 100% SPOT ON THO GUIZE.

He would also like us to know of #GamerGate: “We want to games free of limitation”, and his ragequitting buddy had a sentence I deciphered as best as I could “who’s one the hard left is not in the eyes of the beholder”. I think I confused my Gibberish dialects, because he was very offended by my interpretation.

10 years ago

@ ryeash – I tried putting that through my Dudebro/AlphaGamer translator, but it blew up! Now how will I understand what they’re trying to say?

10 years ago

There is room for Gone Home, just as there is room for God of War III (as their artists envision them, and as the fans enjoy them) We believe “increasing possibilities” is important to grow and enrich the tapestry that is our gaming culture; but it must be done with Care and Patience.

“Changes must come Gradually and Slowly, so as to not Upset our Fragile Egos. By which I mean, never, or at least until we’re dragged kicking and screaming into the light, then we’ll still complain and push back every step of the way like the good reactionaries we are.”

We are always open to rational debate on the validity of these points, however; intellectually dishonest engagement may be met with creative ridicule.

“And by creative ridicule we mean death threats and harassment. All in good fun, of course.”

10 years ago


They’ve created a whole new language…

(Can’t figure out embedding images…)