#gamergate antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit threats

#GamerGate activist: Media coverage of death threats against Brianna Wu means "they're now taking us seriously."

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The screencap above shows a discussion on the still-active #burgersandfries IRC channel about the media coverage of the recent death threats directed at indie game devveloper Brianna Wu.

Apparently any publicity is good publicity, even if your “movement” is getting media attention for being the likely source of death threats against a female developer.

Before some stray GamerGater comes by to inist that this guy “isn’t really a #GamerGater because that’s on IRC,” this seems to be the guy’s Twitter account. As you can see, @Thidran regularly Tweets and retweets comments using the #GamerGate tag or the abbreviation GG; he’s also obsessed with Zoe Quinn. BUT IT’S NOT ABOUT HER WE’VE ALL MOVED PAST THAT.

H/T — r/GamerGhazi for the screencap.


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Johanna Roberts
10 years ago

Why aren’t they gone yet? I’m so ready for them to never darken existence again.

andrea harris
10 years ago

I don’t think whoever sent those death threats will like being “taken seriously” by the police if they are found out.

10 years ago

If by “taking seriously” he means “thinking they’re a bag of assholes,” then sure.

I’m so over this shit. I really would like to send these petulant manbabies to bed with no Cheetos, and no games for a month. Grounded.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

They’re very upset with Scalzi for calling them out and mocking them (pineapplepizzagate!).

10 years ago

Reblogged this on J. B. Garner – Musings of a Starving Author and commented:
These guys are sick. Spread the word and do what you can to fight against this thing.

10 years ago

What a sack of dickbutts these guys are.

*waits for someone to show up saying it’s a false flag operation*

10 years ago

“Taking us seriously”? Yeah, dude, the media is totally doing that. They’re taking you seriously as a loosely organized TERRORIST GROUP, you fucking moron.

Dennis Jernberg (@dennis_jernberg)

What they really want is for Fox News to jump on their bandwagon. They want their spew coming out of the mouths of Gretchen Carlson and Megyn Kelly, or better yet Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity. If the GamerGaters make it on Fox, especially appear in person to spread their meme, they’re made.

This of course is what the MRM’s been angling for all along. As the big conservative media outlet, Fox News means legitimacy i.e. official approval by the US GOP. At the very least, they want to get retweeted by @RushLimbaugh and @GlennBeck to their legions of dittoheads.

Which last point gets me wondering: why haven’t they used the #tcot (“Top Conservatives On Twitter”) hashtag yet?

A Wolverine
A Wolverine
10 years ago

Even the Daily Mail didn’t fall for the gaters crap, theres no real way to know if Fox would

10 years ago

Oh for fuck’s sake.

“Taking us seriously” = “acknowledging our presence because we’re too reprehensible to ignore”

The news would “take you seriously” if you shat on the floor in the middle of a White House tour as well. That’s not an endorsement.

10 years ago

I hope people take them very seriously… As terroeists and rapists and murderers. Then they can get locked up and they won’t be a problem anymore. ????

Jenny (@dontgiveah00t)
10 years ago

@Dennis Jernberg – you could be right. The vast majority of MRMs and PUAs are in fact right-leaning (if I remember the stats correctly) so they may well want a right-oriented network like Fox to verify them.

10 years ago

When will this horrible thing be over? It’s gone on for far too long now.

10 years ago

So I guess I’m declaring a personal victory since all the GamerGaters on my twitter feed have gone quiet. The best was one of them had retweeted a missive from whoever’s in charge (and it’s definitely only a few people- all the retweets of orders and calls were Effin identical) that “if you see someone being harassed who’s not a white male, you should step in.”

Seriously, everything wrong with their worldview can be unpacked from that statement.

10 years ago


What exactly has gamergate (ie. people acting under the gamergate label) achieved? Things I’m aware of…

– They’ve managed to get Intel to pull their ads from Gamasutra. Okay, so chalk up 1 petty act of revenge against someone who published a mean article against them.

– They’ve successfully driven two indie game developers and one critic from their homes with death and rape threats. So there’s three acts of blatently evil dumbassery against people who had done nothing wrong.

– They’ve turned the media against them and done their best to turn “gamer” into a synonym for “petulant misogynistic man-baby”. So add an act of idiotic self-harm to the column.

Surely I’m missing something. Surely there has to be more to the ‘movement’ than this.

Have they actually *done* anything in anyway related to uncovering the corrupt collusion between indie developers and journalists they supposedly rail so hard against?*

*footnote: (speaking as an indie game developer myself: pfffhaaaahahahahah. Indies suck at marketing ourselves and have no money for bribes, and journalists are way too busy to go digging through the piles of indie games for the good ones. They couldn’t have picked two more unlikely groups for their conspiracy theory)

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

“Even the Daily Mail didn’t fall for the gaters crap, theres no real way to know if Fox would”

Considering that Fox News featured/features birthers, BENGHAZI!!!11one, Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, this ridiculous rant…

… And literally went to court for the right to lie and call it “News” (and won), I’m sure that they’ll welcome this with open butts.

Jay Elmore
10 years ago

“Zoe Quinn slept with guys in order to get positive coverage of her work!?*” GGers get out the torches and pitchforks. (Actually, I think ZQ might prefer torches and pitchforks to the treatment she’s getting.)

“A PR company tried to dictate the coverage of Shadows of Mordor to journalists and bloggers who got advanced copies are being paid to promote the game!?” [no response because GGers were at Gamestop for the midnight launch]

10 years ago


I’m pretty convinced that the majority of these guys have NO IDEA how the games industry works. They think a mailing list is evidence of controlling the media (as opposed to, say, a way to inform interested people about current events), they seem to think people who spend all their time working in an industry should not have friendships or relationships in that industry, and they don’t understand that indie devs have to WORK THEIR ARSES OFF to get noticed among the masses, especially since “early access” has become a green light for community involvement from the alpha stage onwards.

Oh, and they don’t think women who have had to put up with shit for years to gain a foothold in the industry deserve to be there.

10 years ago

Wait, I hadn’t noticed that before. They think that PR emails (for which the companies doing the PR compile lists, or purchase them) are evidence of a conspiracy?

I have more than 13000 unopened emails in my inbox, most of which are PR crap that for whatever reason I didn’t think was relevant to any of the publications I work for. Again – this is just the stuff I ignored and never got around to deleting, or saved just in case I might need it later. Every journalist gets a shitload of PR emails, especially if they cover anything entertainment-related. How else do they expect journalists to know what’s about to be released/has just been released, or the companies releasing the stuff to get the media to notice that they have something new coming out? How many new games come out every month? Nobody could possibly keep up with all of them unless the information was sent directly to them in easily digestible form, and the people producing the games want them to be reviewed or at least mentioned so that consumers will know they exist, because if nobody knows they exist nobody will buy them. How is this process supposed to work without mailing lists?

Bogdan Cvetkovic
10 years ago

@strivingally, like the MRAs and other people in the “angry white male” crowd, they tend to be pretty sheltered.

10 years ago

He’s also massively obsessed with Something Awful. He literally thinks Silverstring and the game journos and even MSNBC are “the beginner’s fight”
Who is the true final boss you ask? He thinks Something Awful engineered this ENTIRE THING from the start because Zoe is a goon and comes from FYAD and is friends with Mittani. Yeah, she has a ancient post about wanting to make everyone pitch a fit about games big enough to get the FBI involved, typical goon shit, but Anita and now Wu have contrib’d far more to that. So if that was her original intent, she failed with her contributions.
If anyone deserves the honour, it’s Leigh/Kuchera for the big multi-article push. (plus she seems to have not been expecting such a ginormous shitstorm on the side)

also ququasar you forgot about Jenn Frank

10 years ago

Havent the hastag/user GGfeminist been exposed as a hooax a while ago?

10 years ago

I keep trying to write post about GamerGate, but those damn goalposts just will not stay in one place long enough. Trying to actually engage with anything concrete goes something like this.

“The harassment of Zoe Quinn…”


“And Anita Sarkeesian…”


“OK, well the harassment of women in the games industry…”


“Ok, well the games industry overall has an under-representation of women and minorities…”


“Ok, well what do you stand for?”


“Which is why you have a corrupt journalistic championing your cause?”


“OK, well who are the leaders of your movement?”


“OK, we do you have a manifesto?”


“Well this manifesto…”


“Well, this manifesto…”


“Well then what exactly are you fighting for?”

“We transparency and ethics! We want non-gamer academics out of gaming!”

“You mean like former philosophy professor Christina Hoff Sommers?”


“OK, so who are your main ideological opponents?”


10 years ago

Hey, remember back in January when a (male) gaming journalist offered sex to a (female) developer in exchange for information? And this wasn’t hearsay from a vengeful ex posting bullshit to 4chan, it was a screencapped conversation where he proposed, in gynecological detail, an honest to God sex-for-info exchange.!.png

When that happened, gamebros across the Internet rose up to decry this evidence of corruption in games journalism.

Oh, wait, no. They mostly criticized the developer for her response while turning him down, because what if he had The Asperger’s and had no idea it was inappropriate to tell industry contacts all about his penis? Oddly, the issue of journalistic integrity never came up at all.

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