
"Have you ever felt an Instant Magnetic Attraction with someone? (point to yourself)" and other surefire pickup lines from NLP dating guru Bart Baggett

“Have you asked yourself if the unlimited potential of our relationship is what is making you so happy.”
“Have you asked yourself if the unlimited potential of our relationship is what is making you so happy?”

So in my recent post about Jordan “Sarkeesian Effect” Owen’s ridiculous video accusing Anita Sarkeesian of using super seekret mind control techniques in her Kickstarter fundraising video, I talked a bit about Bart Baggett’s “The Secrets to Creating Chemistry,” (pdf) which attempted to apply some dubious techniques from Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) to dating.

I think I captured how incredibly silly Baggett’s claims are – I mean, this is a guy who thinks that you can manipulate people into bed through such occult tricks as … using adverbs before verbs and adjectives before nouns.

But I’m not sure I captured just how deeply weird his little manual is, particularly when Baggett attempts to provide real-world examples of how you can use his, er, techniques to con people into falling in love or lust with you – that is, specific things you are supposed to say to the people you’re trying to manipulate create chemistry with.

There’s just one problem with all these examples: they sound like they were written by robots from outer space with only the most minimal understanding of human language and/or psychology. Which they’ve gleaned from a pamphlet on how to sell insurance.

Here are some of his actual examples. (In the quotes that follow, I won’t bother to correct any of the typos; Baggett’s manual is riddled with egregious typos and proofreading failures that add to the surreality of it all.)

“Have you asked yourself if the unlimited potential of our relationship is what is making you so happy.”

No. No I have not asked myself that, at least not in those words.

“Have you naturally discovered how attractive you are becoming?”

Wat. Why not just, “hey you look great, did you do something different with your hair?” Or “cool shoes,” or “you have beautiful eyes” or, I dunno, “me like pretty lady.” I mean, virtually anything is better than “Have you naturally discovered how attractive you are becoming?”

“Becoming aware of the potentials of our relationship allows you to start experiencing the inner sense of malizing how completely we fit each other’s needs.”

“I was wondering if you mind can conceive of the power and feeling and closeness we are discovering.”

Again, these are literally things that Baggett thinks human beings should be saying to other human beings they are dating.

At the end of a date, don’t just say, “hey, I had a great time, let’s do this again.” Say

“During our time together, could be thinking about the next time we will meet?’

Sometimes Baggett assembles entire paragraphs worth of this NLP gobbledygook. Here’s something he suggests you say in order to convince someone you’re dating “to understand the benefits of committing to a relationship with you.”

“During our time together. I was wondering if you have ever considered the chief benefit of deciding to begin a monogamous relationship with that one’s special person you find attraction. As you begin to consider all the obvious reasons to make a commitment NOW, doesn’t it seem natural to feel more excited about our relationship.”

No. No it doesn’t.

“As your affection for me expands, are you realizing how incredibility happy you are to be with me.”

No. No I am not.

In one section of his manual, Baggett talks about using phony “quotes” that you’ve allegedly overheard in order to sneak your super seekrit NLP “embedded commands” into the conversation.

“The strangest thing happened last weekend. This woman walked right up to this guy and said, ‘Could you image you and I embracing in a long passionate kiss, right now?’ Wasn’t that a strange this to just come out and say to someone? People never cease to amaze me.”

Subtle, dude, subtle.

Here are some “Super Sentences Using Magic Phrases.”

“Have you already discovered how naturally you can develop a connection with someone you just met?”

“Naturally, and I will want to duplicate the excitement we feel, so let’s discuss what we will do on our next date.”

“Have you become aware of how fast you and I are clicking tonight?”

And here’s a super subtle and sophisticated way to “blur the line of truth and opinion.”

“You and I are here. We both came here alone. It’s getting late. It’s time we get outa here.”

Yeah, that’ll work.

Baggett also suggests that you use “binds” to trick people into agreeing with you. As he explains it, “[b]inds are when you link one statement (that they accept as true) with another statement you want them to accept as true.”

Watch this master at work:

“The more you feel a lack of trust, the more you will realize you really want to trust me completely.”

Yeah, nothing makes a person seem more trustworthy than attempted manipulation so blatant that it can be seen from outer space.

Baggett is apparently unaware that most people are actually pretty good at sensing when they’re being bullshitted.

“Most of my past girl/boyfriends have said that one of my best qualities is how comfortable they instantly feel and how rapidly they begin to feel that chemistry.. that attraction. I’m not sure what it is about me or if that same feeling could be happening right now. That’s just how other’s saw me. What do you think?”

Gosh, I can’t imagine your date would ever suspect that you were basically just trying to hypnotize them:

“Have you ever fallen madly in love? As you remember that time when you fell madly in love,and you see a picture of it, if you were to where you see that picture NOW, where might you be pointing?

As you just keep thinking about that, space as I talk to you, simply allow my words to come from that space, imagine that you would really start to feel absolutely fantastic. …

In fact, you may notice somewhere inside you want to create an opening for my words. So if I were to say to you,‘Watch what happens as you put a picture of you and me together in a very special ,way, right there in that space,” notice how special that feels. …

If you could just think about what really turns you on (point to that place), it can allow you to COME … to the same conclusion over and over again … that what you really want is to create on opening for DESIRE … create a place for ecstasy … and focus on the energy that swells up inside you, don’t you feel that way now?” (… Enjoy the ride.)

I think he must have meant to say “enjoy the ride home, by yourself, because your date fled in terror when you started up with the creepy hypnotic patter.”

Here’s the start of Baggett’s “Instant Seduction” pattern:

Have you ever felt and Instant Magnetic Attraction with someone? (point to yourself.)

Maybe as you were looking at them and you started to LISTEN INTENTLY as you found every word fascinating.

Sometimes this JUST NATURALLY HAPPENS, it seems as if there is just a chord of light (gesture from your solar plexes to his/hers) connecting you with that special person.

And as that beam of light begins to GLOW and PULSATE with the strength of that connection, it just seems NATURAL that they are BEING PULLED CLOSER AND more intimate as time passes. … .

Run! RUN!!!!

Why bother going through a weird NLP seminar manual that’s nearly 20 years old? Well, partly because it’s funny. Partly because this guy actually made a living teaching this crap to people. People PAID HIM MONEY to learn to turn every conversation into an odd, unnatural, offputting attempt at hypnosis.

But what makes this relevant here is that this is where the pickup artist phenomenon came from. And a lot of this nonsense is still embedded, as it were, in “pickup artist” techniques today. PUAs today may not use actual hypnotic suggestions to con their targets, but they still use a lot of the old NLP lingo, and they’re still obsessed with manipulation and mind games.

It’s the PUAs, not Anita Sarkeesian, who are the real heirs to Bart Baggett.



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zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
10 years ago

Kind of ironically, the context other than PUA where this sort of language actually gets uttered is the femdom hypnofetish community. Still really silly, but at least it’s consensual there.

I think I’ve posted this here before, but this is one of the most hilarious and stupid and evil things I’ve come across on the internet: a “pattern” to try and trick your girlfriend into having anal sex. It involves the secret forbidden mesmeric technique of pointing at your schlong.

10 years ago

There is a way to use words to make people want to spend more time with you. It’s called conversation. Instead of looking for ways around being interesting and enjoyable to be around, why don’t these dudebros ever just work on being more interesting and enjoyable to be around?

It’s easy. Check it out:

To be more interesting, have some interests. Be willing to share them and be open to others sharing theirs with you. Don’t forget that part of conversing is listening.

To be more enjoyable to spend time with, try communicating clearly and not being a creepy skeev.

Results may vary.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago


The theory is, you distract and confuse the conscious mind, and slip suggestions into the unconscious mind while the conscious mind isn’t looking

Interesting … the one time I’ve had hypnosis done (it was an attempt to deal with my noise-related stress and Did Not Work) I was constantly distracted by the stupid “relaxing” script the dude used. Telling me I was walking down a splendid staircase and into a bedroom with a four-poster just had me wondering What the hell stupid architect puts the main bedroom at the *bottom* of a flight of stairs?. Be nice to think it was a deliberate distraction instead of just a stupid one! 😀

10 years ago

I think I’ve posted this here before, but this is one of the most hilarious and stupid and evil things I’ve come across on the internet: a “pattern” to try and trick your girlfriend into having anal sex. It involves the secret forbidden mesmeric technique of pointing at your schlong.

As opposed to the more direct method of just accidentally-on-purpose clumsily trying to insert oneself in the wrong orifice, and immediately getting called out with a death glare and a “what the hell do you think you’re doing???” Kinky.

10 years ago

Maybe guys using this technique think the glazed look followed by a quizzical ‘Huh?’ are signs of success, rather than normal confusion? Because if someone tried this line on me, I’d be stumped trying to puzzle out what they just said (and wondering just how much alcohol they’d had). Not mesmerized, just puzzled.

lacerta viridis
10 years ago

@kirbywarp Yeah, I suspect that’s it exactly. I can actually sort of imagine myself hearing something like this and thinking “oh god, they’re trying so hard, and it sounds like maybe English isn’t their first language or something”.

Honestly, most of this comes across to me as more pathetic/bizarre than creepy/gross, unlike most PUA stuff – I guess because it seems to be a lot more geared towards ‘please like me and think I’m cool oh god please’ rather than ‘time to make people feel bad about themselves in order to have just-barely-consensual sex with them!’

But, yeah. If my partner suddenly came out with “As your affection for me expands, are you realizing how incredibility happy you are to be with me?” I’d be kind of worried about them, not swooning at their feet.

10 years ago

The last quote sounds less like hypnosis and more like someone who’s really full of himself. “Have you ever found someone as amazing as me? You’re in love with me and hang on my every word, don’t you? Huh? Huh?”

10 years ago

Clearly, the only proper response to this (and to so many other such tricks) is, ‘You don’t get out much, do you?’

lacerta viridis
10 years ago

@Puddleglum I’ve wondered similar things about terpers who claim incredible success rates with their amazing being-a-rude-asshole techniques. Maybe all these guys just figure that any response other than actually screaming and running away = FANTASTIC SUCCESS?

10 years ago

What I really want to happen if someone uses this dudes lines…

Dude: (blah blah passive voiced blah blah blah)?

Lady [pulls out flashlight/penlight]: “Can you say ‘Ahhhh’?”

Dude: “Wha?”

Lady: “I want to see if your tongue’s turned purple from all that prose.”

10 years ago

@lacerta viridis, yup, pretty much. This one didn’t run away! She likes me!

10 years ago

Also, the passive voice bugs me. I am an ‘actor’ in my own life, who does things. I am not an inanimate apparatus that is assembled and has things occur around it.

Dennis Jernberg (@dennis_jernberg)

I read and reread those quotes and read them again. I imagined how actual human women would respond if confronted with lines like that. Maybe they only make PUAs sound creepier than they are, but it convinced me that Baggett must be some sort of mad scientist, probably from outer space, spinning them out in a robotic monotone in an (obviously failed) attempt to take over the world.


This should be a word. Why isn’t this a word?

I believe it is a word. Problem is, contrary to Baggett’s usage, it’s not an adverb but a noun. It’s obvious he meant “incredibly”.

More proof that Baggett has no feel for human language, certainly not editing. Maybe he actually is a robot pretending to be human if he never noticed this wrong selection by his inner autocorrect. No doubt this robot was sent by the Hypnotoad to enslave womankind.

Disclosure: hypnosis doesn’t work on me.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

What really makes me laugh about this bozo’s stuff – apart from the ATROCIOUS ENGLISH – is that I have felt immediate, if not magnetic, attraction, and have been very much aware of how happy I am as our relationship grows. That’s hardly unique, of course; it’s just what drew my attention to the headline. But at no point did Louis ask mangled-English, egocentric-waffle questions. If anything we were both OMG I’m so happy! Are we doin it rong?

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

I have, and it was only a daydreamy sort of trance, with, as I said, my mind going on tangents. I got itchy, which I always do when I’m relaxing/sleepy: dude tried to stop that, and it made no difference. It was all a bit too New Age for my liking, and being told “You are doing/feeling this or that” just irritates me, even if the suggestion-planting works, which it didn’t in this case.

10 years ago

I remember reading/hearing about a study showing that your level of believing you could be hypnotised had no bearing on whether you could be or not. It made me feel sorry for people who are really keen to try it, but for who it doesn’t work.

Is Bagget’s use of “naturally” meant to refer to the euphamism “do what comes naturally”? Most of the rest of it, I can’t think of anything it could subconsciously mean.

A bit of blatant innuendo/flirtation would be a much more effective way of using double meaning IMO. A guy with a quick wit and a dirty mind can be very sexy.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

A guy with a quick wit and a dirty mind can be very sexy.

True, and he can still be sexy when the double entendre was inadvertent! 😀

10 years ago

I’ve had success with self-hypnosis and trancework, but when someone else tries to hypnotize me, I get extremely paranoid and fight it.

10 years ago

Forgive me if this is TMI, or sounds like bragging, but I really have had women go to bed with me sooner than they had planned. Now, none of them were same-day pick-ups at a bar or anything (I don’t like bars), but there were a few who gave me a go on the second or third date, or even the first in-person meeting after some online chatting. How do I know this was sooner than they’d planned? They’d often tell me, afterwards, how they’d surprised themselves. Why did they do it, then?

To a one, they’ve told me that they’d trusted me. That they’d sensed I was safe.

I honestly don’t know how it works, but I seem to radiate an aura of “most harmless person on the planet”. Recently, a lost little girl picked me at random out of a Broadway show crowd to help her find her mommy.

Know what would have fucked that up to a fare-thee-well? Trying to control their minds with word salad.

Piece of advice to any PUA’s actually reading this: women are not trying to avoid getting laid. Chances are good that if a woman is dating, she would like to get laid very much. But most are trying to weed out the rapists and serial killers before they take them home. Acting creepy as fuck will not help your quest.

10 years ago

This makes the pick-up sequence in the opening of “The Sure Thing” seem like a good idea (long speech about space, and astronauts and weird psycho-babble, ending with, “how would you like to have a sexual experience so intense it could conceivably change your political views”).

10 years ago

I went to be hypnotized. I paid to be hypnotized. I made a point of asking them before I went if it was guided imagery and they said no it is the real thing. It was not. All I got was 35 minutes of guided imagery.
I was not pleased.

10 years ago

Me too, Puddleglum. It wasn’t exactly third person so much as editorial oversight. Bizarre.

10 years ago

I asked my boyfriend if he naturally discovered how attractive he was becoming and in reply he just showed me a picture juxtaposing saggy old Iggy Pop with a hairless cat. Does this mean it’s working?

10 years ago

Yeah, I’ve only been hypnotized by people I trust. On the other hand, some hypnotists I know say that humans are pretty much constantly under a light trance about something or other. Like, if you’re driving a route you take every day, and all of a sudden you’re at your destination but don’t remember the trip, you were tranced by the routine of it all.

It’s actually why a lot of NLP tricks “work”. People are well into their daily pattern, not thinking about the routine too closely, and the NLPer does a “pattern interrupt” and shocks them into behaving abnormally. Brains are weird.