#gamergate 8chan a new woman to hate advocacy of violence antifeminism boner rage creepy doxing empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs gamebros geek girls harassment mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny no games for girls no girls allowed threats twitter video games

Yet another woman in gaming has been driven from her home by death threats

Post memes on Twitter making fun of #GamerGaters, get death threats.
Post memes on Twitter making fun of #GamerGaters, get death threats.

The memes above? A fan of indie game developer Brianna Wu made them, using the text from some of Wu’s acerbic tweets about #GamerGaters. Wu thought the memes were funny, and posted them to Twitter.

It turns out that #GamerGaters don’t really have much of a sense of humor about themselves.

Over on 8chan, the regulars decided to take over the meme.

It got nastier — TRIGGER WARNING for what follows for explicit, violent threats.

And nastier still.

Oh, but #GamerGate isn’t about misogyny. …

Then, believe it or not, it got worse:

And then it escalated to death threats:

All this because she made a few fucking jokes on Twitter. About #GamerGaters. While being a woman.

Oh, but #GamerGate is about ethics.

But guess what, assholes:


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10 years ago

Speaking of pompous asses, here is something completely unrelated to gamergate: WWI and WWII posters re-captioned for the MGTOW movement.

It is exactly as hilariously nonsensical as that sounds.

10 years ago

@ wordsp1nner – guess we Ebil Laydeeeeezz really are Nazis now, huh?

Anyone else check out thetimchannel? My biggest take away was the old ‘but other laydeez are suffering worse, so hush about it, privileged snowflake’.

10 years ago

Well, that was… Something. Really something, I guess.

What do you call the kind of people who refuse to take sides because they want to laugh at both “sides” and, who, in their not-taking sides fall straight and right into the side that mocks, harasses and laughs at people?

I mean… look, timchannel, guy?

There are always going to be idiots and haters. If I moved every time I got a threat I’d still be bouncing around like a BB in an empty paint can. I dare to say that the issues I faced were slightly more conducive to violent opposition attacks than an offbeat gamer spat involving some slobbering goober in his mom’s basement, operating under a pseudonym, scaring Sally with stupid tweets.

Who cares? Honestly, who the fuck gives a shit? Are you me? No. Are you other people? No. You refuse to move when threatened by anyone and everyone, how commendable, Other people might be less willing to put themselves in danger to prove a point. So your lack of regard for your own safety isn’t really a point of bludgeoning others, or do you also loudly praise yourself when you stub your toe and don’t scream?

Over some insipid gamer issue? Wow. Just wow. You know there are half a dozen men in my lifetime who I can name off the top of my head and who actually had views on real issues, spoke out against them publicly and got killed because of it. On real issues that instill much more of a response than some coward pseudonymous Twitterer blasting out a vulgar missive from the bunker of his mom’s basement. Ferchrissakes. RIP Alan Berg. Peter McWilliams,

This paragraph is meaningless in this context. Just… insipid and wrong. I guess if your conclusion is: “Are people really hacking others, threatening to murder them, threatening to rape them and coming up with elaborate conspiracy theories over insipid gamer issues”, then there’d be some point to this. Yet for some reason, your conclusion seems to be that someone else moving out of their home because of those threats is insipid… How strange.

And you new-age feminists wonder why the vast majority of ‘the rest of us’ are scratching our heads, mocking you, or just laughing hysterically at the carnival show?

I mean, look at this. Instead of it being:

A) “Wow, threatening to murder someone because of their opinion on games is wrong”

you’ve jumped straight to:

B) “Wow, reacting to someone threatening to murder you is so stupid, you new-age minority carnival show person”.

You know, I why that is. It’s almost as if it’s some neat excuse to harangue feminists and laugh at their “getting hysteric” because of something-something.

Get a grip, you fucking vacuous retrograde meme-repeater.

10 years ago

Tim has a deficit balance so far in the gravitas meter. However, to his credit the BS meter is in the red.

10 years ago

Fibinachi!!! You are the adorable one!

10 years ago

That got sort of harsh towards the end, though. And I’m supposed to be all zen and relaxed! Sorry.

Also to you, timchannel guy – I’m sure you don’t actually harbor a vacuum anywhere but in your soul.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

Tim seems to have taken the bold, brave, totally original stance that when terrible things are taking place, and people are talking about how fucked up that is, the correct solution is to just stop talking about it.

I mean, that worked so well for racism! The solution for racism, as we all know, is to just stop talking about it. It went away immediately, in 1877, when Congress decided Reconstruction was over and it was time for everyone to just stop talking about race and move on from the Civil War. The United States has been a postracial paradise ever since, with people of all colors and backgrounds living together in perfect harmony, with no prejudice or discrimination to be found.

As this example shows, getting people to stop talking about problems is always the correct answer, and it’s such an easy one. Those people have already been victimized; yammering on about it won’t undo that! And shutting people up is way faster than trying to resolve any underlying issues. In fact, those issues cease to exist once people stop bringing them up.

You are so wise, Tim. I wish someone else had thought of this brilliant solution first and saved us all time!

10 years ago

There are always going to be idiots and haters. If I moved every time I got a threat I’d still be bouncing around like a BB in an empty paint can.

Keep on bouncing, little BB, bounce right on out of here.

Shit, I have cats with more gravitas than you, and they lick their assholes for a living.

10 years ago

I’m so glad Tim dropped by to air his dudely privilege. Of course threats are no big to him.

10 years ago


Sure, you can use it if you like, though I’d suggest fixing a few of the typos before posting it anywhere. I’m not sure if it’s possible to edit comments on here or I’d have done it myself.

10 years ago

“Shit, I have cats with more gravitas than you, and they lick their assholes for a living.”

I will not lower myself to your level of foolishness and let you beat me with experience. The fact that you have cats whose sexual prowess impresses you is unsurprising to me.


10 years ago

Speaking of pompous asses, here is something completely unrelated to gamergate: WWI and WWII posters re-captioned for the MGTOW movement.

It is exactly as hilariously nonsensical as that sounds.

I was all “Ha ha, those are really funny! Great job!” and then I got to the bottom and went “…Oh. They’re real.”

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

I will not lower myself to your level of foolishness

You can’t lower yourself, on the scale of foolishness, any farther than you already have. Once you’ve pulled out the “stop worrying your pretty head about rape, little lady” card, you’re already on the ground floor.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Because I have noted a strong feminist inability to differential humor from threat…I already know too many feminists who can’t take a joke

“Why do you take everything so seriously? It was just a joke!”
“Where’s your sense of humour?”
“It was just a game.”
“That’s just kids being kids. It’s how they have fun.” (Or substitute “girls” or “boys” for “kids”).

All of these statements have one thing in common — they are typical responses from bullies (or their parents) when confronted with their wrong-doing. In dismissing it all as a joke, they are doing two things that are tip-offs to bullying:

they are showing a lack of remorse for the hurt they caused;
they are blaming their targets for feeling hurt and daring to articulate it.

Adults do it too, Timchannel.
Would you kindly fuck off now?

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Basically, a joke is not a joke when it is bullying.

That’s why we don’t think your bullshit’s funny, Timmy.


10 years ago

Wait, a cat licking it’s butt is ‘sexual prowess’? Wasn’t where I thought that was gonna go. Seriously dude, we didn’t need the boner update.

10 years ago

(cross posted to my blog ( with a link back to here since I can never (almost assuredly) count on getting my posts blocked because there’s no honest way to answer my challenges without looking even sillier and there’s nothing left you can DOX me on. I DOX myself so deep and wide that the Grand Canyon is jealous. The more you know about me the greater my gravitas.

Oh look, a new pompous ass for me to sink my claws into! And it has its own “channel”. How sweet.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

…That one poster has the Kalashnikov with the drum mag…has ooh shiny…

10 years ago

It’s so cute when dudes like Timmy show us their issues right off the bat after only a slight batting around. What’s wrong, Timmy, not enough respect?

I love guys like this. Such chew toy. Many gnaw. Wow.

And for someone who claimed that we can’t take jokes, how on earth did he get sexual prowess out of that? Talk about missing a joke.

10 years ago

@ katz

This is why I love you.