#gamergate 8chan a new woman to hate advocacy of violence antifeminism boner rage creepy doxing empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs gamebros geek girls harassment mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny no games for girls no girls allowed threats twitter video games

Yet another woman in gaming has been driven from her home by death threats

Post memes on Twitter making fun of #GamerGaters, get death threats.
Post memes on Twitter making fun of #GamerGaters, get death threats.

The memes above? A fan of indie game developer Brianna Wu made them, using the text from some of Wu’s acerbic tweets about #GamerGaters. Wu thought the memes were funny, and posted them to Twitter.

It turns out that #GamerGaters don’t really have much of a sense of humor about themselves.

Over on 8chan, the regulars decided to take over the meme.

It got nastier — TRIGGER WARNING for what follows for explicit, violent threats.

And nastier still.

Oh, but #GamerGate isn’t about misogyny. …

Then, believe it or not, it got worse:

And then it escalated to death threats:

All this because she made a few fucking jokes on Twitter. About #GamerGaters. While being a woman.

Oh, but #GamerGate is about ethics.

But guess what, assholes:


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10 years ago

Is there a reason we need to let GG comments through? Isn’t the whole point that they need to not be given a platform?

10 years ago

I saw some, they’re funny too. I use imgflip to post the link on imgur then use that link to post here.

I tried to post the memes on here with imgflip but I couldn’t so I use imgur.

Well I’m glad JB is good for something umm good.

10 years ago

Question – I’ve heard the “anti gamergate sjws have doxxed gamer gaters! Bohooooo” who? Where? Because I’ve seen Jack shit there, and feel like the projection is strong.

10 years ago

A point just occurred to me, glancing quickly through the comments and on twitter, and it’s a response to the claim that the so-called ‘true GamerGaters’ can’t be held responsible for the actions of those who doxx and harrass in their name. Here’s the point; for the sake of argument, let’s agree that an organisation or coordinated group (even an ostensibly decentralised one like GamerGate) is more defined by what it achieves and what it aims to achieve than who claims to be a member.

Given this, what does GG aim to achieve? If you believe the ‘moderate’ followers, it aims to root out journalistic corruption, but once you discount the blatant lies (Zoe Quinn sleeping her way to success or Anita Sarkeesian defrauding people) and the bad faith arguments (claiming organised ‘pro-SJW bias’ in mainstream game media, when the term SJW is only ironically sel-applied, not really organised around, and independent journos or bloggers are ignored) what are you left with? A vague idea of rooting our corruption doesn’t mean anything if you can’t give clear cut examples of real corruption that you actually intend to tackle.

Given this, the next point is to clarfiy exactly what GamerGate has actually achieved in the two months (give or take) of its existence. There’s an ever growing list of outspoken women driven from social media altogether, and even from their homes. But that’s it. No geniune corruption has been uncovered and eliminated, no grand conspiracy has been revealed and crushed. Nothing has been achieved by it but the hurting of innocent people.

If we give them the benefit of the dount and look instead at their intentions and intentions, things look no better. The more I think about it, the more absurd and disgusting GamerGaters seem to me.

10 years ago

Agh, sorry for all the typos :/

10 years ago

Shooting for feminist brownie points. How can you only be concerned with issues of one gender? You’re like the Al Sharpton of females 18-24

We don’t award brownie points, grasshopper. We award cookies. You don’t get any. Why? Because this “what about Teh Menz” stuff and racist/sexist dogwhistling gets really old, really fast.

10 years ago

Question – I’ve heard the “anti gamergate sjws have doxxed gamer gaters! Bohooooo” who? Where? Because I’ve seen Jack shit there, and feel like the projection is strong.

So the thing is, it seems clear that some Gators have been doxxed and otherwise faced consequences for their activities. (At least one of them was apparently fired for engaging in GG activities while at work so you know, in at least that case it was more down to his behavior than anyone else’s.) The thing is, GG is an actual semi-organized group of people, whereas the rest of us are just … everyone else on the planet who isn’t part of GG.

All we can do is continue to not doxx or harass people, condemn anyone that does doxx or harass people, and offer sympathy to anyone who has wrongly had their lives upended by doxxing or harassment. (But not that dude who was GGing at work, because dude, that’s just your own poor judgment coming back to bite you in the ass.)

10 years ago


But here a question, how the act of few are attributed to a whole group of person eg “gamergate” ?

An extract from inurashii’s tumblr post sums it up fairly neatly. I’ve bolded the bits I think go directly to your question.

GamerGate is not an official entity, but it IS an existing collective. There are no membership lists, no appointed leaders, and no expulsion process. Anyone can set goals, anyone can promote materials. This gives GG a tremendous amount of flexibility and has allowed it to bring together a lot of people quickly and dodge a lot of potential liability issues. But to any rational person, that should be a double-edged sword: it means that the group cannot disavow membership of harassers.

Either GamerGate can be a collectivist “people’s movement” that shields harassers, or it can be an organization with clear goals, bylines, leadership, and the ability to tell someone to get the hell out.

The whole thing is worth reading.

10 years ago

Damn it, reading about this whole debacle just fills me with unconsolable rage. Why in the flaming fuck are there so many goddamned misogynistic assholes on this planet?

It’s because of issues like this one that I’m now convinced we must do our utmost to purge the gaming community of these reactionary bigoted dickheads. Give them no quarter, as they have likewise done to us!

Fuck, I seriously feel like hurting someone right now.

10 years ago

Yeah, I’m going to be less polite than mildlymagnificent was – you fuckers don’t get to speak for “all gamers” when it’s convenient then disown the assholes who started this mess in the first place and are trying to hide behind you.

You should at least let your allies wear the badge with pride if you’re set on remaining a part of a movement founded on hatred and harassment, perpetuated with bullying and troll-brigading, and increasingly given to epistemic closure and echo chambering (“DO NOT ENGAGE!” has become the rallying cry of GGers regarding people who are determined to refute their bullshit loudly and repeatedly).

10 years ago

Actually I think Carolyn Vaneseltine summed it up well here: The “good name” of GamerGate.

To be clear: I don’t think every person calling themselves part of GamerGate is evil. I think a lot of you probably do care about games journalism, and while I think you’re misguided, that doesn’t mean you’re all monsters.

But as long as you use the term “I’m part of GamerGate” to mean “I want better ethics in video game journalism”, then you are choosing to stand under the same umbrella as the people who use the term “I’m part of GamerGate” to mean “I will harass female game devs into quitting the industry”.

And the harassers’ claim to the name is stronger than yours, because they started GamerGate.
If you truly care about ethical journalism in video games, then now is the time to act. Don’t give harassers a shield of respectability to hide behind. State your clear, unequivocal rejection of harassment tactics and then start a new movement.

If you don’t step away… then you are part of a hate movement.

There’s still time to change your mind.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Is there a reason we need to let GG comments through? Isn’t the whole point that they need to not be given a platform?

No idea, katz. David’s the one to ask about that.

10 years ago

This right here?
Herp Derp, how do you know all the rape and death threats are coming from the people engaged in a campaign of death and rape threats?

It is so fucking stupid.

Misogynist fluff for brains tried that same dismissal in the atheist community. They also claimed that the women were doing it to themselves or that mysterious people outside of the community (probably scaaaaarey Christians) were doing it to make atheist men look bad. The women who are still being threatened and harassed were also accused of making atheist men look bad by talking about what atheist men (and a few women) were doing to them.

I’ve seen all the plays in the misogynist harasser playbook and none of them are smart, remotely ethical or original. It’s the same old nut and slut to shut her up, then threaten her with rape and murder tactics that have been used to discredit and silence women down through the ages. It’s the only shtick they’ve got.

10 years ago

@FrieVpnFrieburger the fact that GGers aren’t contributing to their stated cause (journalistic integrity) while simultaneously contributing to chasing women away from gaming and developing is a salient point. Would you mind if I repost your comment in its entirety with attribution to you and this thread to my tumblr?

10 years ago

There are always going to be idiots and haters. If I moved every time I got a threat I’d still be bouncing around like a BB in an empty paint can. I dare to say that the issues I faced were slightly more conducive to violent opposition attacks than an offbeat gamer spat involving some slobbering goober in his mom’s basement, operating under a pseudonym, scaring Sally with stupid tweets.

Over some insipid gamer issue? Wow. Just wow. You know there are half a dozen men in my lifetime who I can name off the top of my head and who actually had views on real issues, spoke out against them publicly and got killed because of it. On real issues that instill much more of a response than some coward pseudonymous Twitterer blasting out a vulgar missive from the bunker of his mom’s basement. Ferchrissakes. RIP Alan Berg. Peter McWilliams,

And you new-age feminists wonder why the vast majority of ‘the rest of us’ are scratching our heads, mocking you, or just laughing hysterically at the carnival show?

Tracking the New Misogyny? How about attending to the ‘old’ stuff first? I’ll be waiting for you when you put down the mouse and keyboard and log off your role as Warrior Princess Goddess of Marlarkia on WOW (or whatever polygon spewing nonsense has warped your delicate sensibilities). We’ll make a run on the Pope together. You provide cover. I’ll do the heavy lifting. Same as it ever was. I think the Saudi family is too well protected for you to free your oppressed sisters in that part of the world, but the Pope? We might be able to bum rush that old fuck.

(Because I have noted a strong feminist inability to differential humor from threat, as well as not being entirely clear on the nature of the ‘intelligence’ behind automatic threat assessment terrorist technology, let me be clear: I do not actually wish to do any physical harm to anybody, let alone the Pope.

I already know too many feminists who can’t take a joke so I thought I’d make that clear before any misshapen girls in sun dresses start reaching for smelling salts. That’s descriptive, not disparaging. I like misshapen girls in sun dresses as much as the next guy.

(cross posted to my blog ( with a link back to here since I can never (almost assuredly) count on getting my posts blocked because there’s no honest way to answer my challenges without looking even sillier and there’s nothing left you can DOX me on. I DOX myself so deep and wide that the Grand Canyon is jealous. The more you know about me the greater my gravitas.


Shaun Day
Shaun Day
10 years ago

If you are associating yourself with GG in any way *without* actively trying to get rid of the abuse, threats, lies, and harassment, you are part of the abuse, threats, lies, and harassment. There is no room for middle ground here.

10 years ago

…there’s no honest way to answer my challenges without looking even sillier and there’s nothing left you can DOX me on. I DOX myself so deep and wide that the Grand Canyon is jealous. The more you know about me the greater my gravitas.

Anyone who says something like this seriously deserves nothing but mockery. I don’t even want to use him as a chew toy; I just want to point and laugh.

10 years ago

I mean, I’m not even a particularly good writer, so I should leave the real fisking of that silly comment to someone like katz. But even I know that “I DOX myself so deep and wide that the Grand Canyon is jealous” is just seriously BAD writing, of the kind that can win contests for really BAD writing.

10 years ago

Shorter thetimchannel: “If someone cares about one thing, they cannot possibly care about any other things. I know this because I am very smart.”

10 years ago

Yeah, I don’t really want to deal with these guys.

They just give off too much of an “all attention is good attention” vibe and clearly aren’t going to have anything even sort of resembling a back-and-forth conversation. So letting their comments through feels to me like giving them what they want.

10 years ago

The more you know about me the greater my gravitas.

Things we know about thetimchannel:

1. He is a laughably pompous douchenozzle who can’t write for shit.
2. ?

Calculate gravitas accordingly.

Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

@ Lea and anyone else, “derp” is ableist, stop using it here.

10 years ago


“GamerGate is not important enough to care about, but important enough for me to tut-tut at you because #notallgamers”

Seriously? Who’s overreacting here? Us, or the people who have made a mountain of threats and harassment over “some insipid gamer issue”?