#gamergate 8chan a new woman to hate advocacy of violence antifeminism boner rage creepy doxing empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs gamebros geek girls harassment mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny no games for girls no girls allowed threats twitter video games

Yet another woman in gaming has been driven from her home by death threats

Post memes on Twitter making fun of #GamerGaters, get death threats.
Post memes on Twitter making fun of #GamerGaters, get death threats.

The memes above? A fan of indie game developer Brianna Wu made them, using the text from some of Wu’s acerbic tweets about #GamerGaters. Wu thought the memes were funny, and posted them to Twitter.

It turns out that #GamerGaters don’t really have much of a sense of humor about themselves.

Over on 8chan, the regulars decided to take over the meme.

It got nastier — TRIGGER WARNING for what follows for explicit, violent threats.

And nastier still.

Oh, but #GamerGate isn’t about misogyny. …

Then, believe it or not, it got worse:

And then it escalated to death threats:

All this because she made a few fucking jokes on Twitter. About #GamerGaters. While being a woman.

Oh, but #GamerGate is about ethics.

But guess what, assholes:


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9 years ago

RE: creepy cupcake

Funny. Most of the online threats I got were from people I knew offline. It’s almost like people online are real people, who I often interact with off the computer as well!

But I’m glad you don’t have that problem. Good for you.

RE: Kizone Kaprow

What the everloving fuck are you going on about?

9 years ago


Ah, I think I know what Kizone Kaprow is saying. You see…

9 years ago

…I miss the psychic spam and his special castle. 🙁

9 years ago

Fun fact, they’re not calling Brianna “Literally Wu”.

9 years ago

Er, “now calling”, not “not calling”.

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