#gamergate 4chan 8chan a woman is always to blame advocacy of violence antifeminism boner rage creepy douchebaggery doxing empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs evil women gamebros harassment irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny no games for girls no girls allowed oppressed men rape culture threats twitter zoe quinn

In a series of brilliant, furious Tweets, Zoe Quinn tears apart the myth that #GamerGate has "moved beyond" harassment of women

Get over it, dudes.
Get over it, dudes.

Zoe Quinn has had it.

Yesterday, fed up with the equivocating bullshit that’s constantly being said in the media and within gaming circles about #GamerGate, and pissed off at all those who think of themselves as good people but still refuse to see the hatred and misogyny and harassment and doxxing that has been central to GG since the start, Quinn posted a series of (justifiably) angry tweets calling out the cowards in the profession who know that what’s going on is deeply evil but won’t say anything, and documenting the unending harassment she and her boyfriend, and her family, and his family are still getting.

Was that even a sentence? I don’t know. The point is she’s STILL getting harassed. She’s STILL getting “prank” calls. She’s STILL getting death threats. People are STILL digging around in her personal life and the personal life of everyone connected to her.

And she’s not the only one. The newest target of #GamerGate wrath? Indie game developer Brianna Wu, who, as I noted in my last post, got death threats … for posting memes on Twitter.

Meanwhile, two creepy obsessed assholes are still begging for money to make a documentary they hope will ruin Anita Sarkeesian.

Oh, but #GamerGate is about ethics.

I’m just going to paste in a bunch of Quinn’s Tweets here, because they pretty much speak for themselves.

I followed up on the IRC log here and here, but I wouldn’t have known about it if she hadn’t been there first collecting screenshots.

Take the time to enlarge the pics on these tweets:

And then there’s … this:

Also, she gets phone calls:

Oh, you don’t believe she gets phone calls? Ta da:

As the MRAs say: Always Be Recording. Except that Zoe Quinn actually has a good reason to do this.

It’s kind of amazing that Quinn manages to retain a sense of humor in the midst of all this.

Gamer inside joke!

Also, kitty:



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Another Holocene Human
Another Holocene Human
10 years ago

“Julian Assange, wikileaks guy and probable rapist” ya “probable” rapist, the man is wanted on sexual assault charges in Sweden and GB was going to extradite so he is pissing his pants holed up in a fucking South American embassy in London and writing conspiracy theories about the CIA and NSA and whatever the fuck so you’ll confuse him with Angela fucking Davis or something if you’re still a confused lefty who thinks he’s a great guy because he said something critical about the USA MIC.

He said something positive about #gamergate because OF COURSE he did.

What Assange is accused of doing but refuses to face his accuser in a court of law even though he would probably do less time in a candy-ass Scandinavian prison than he’s already done trapped eating and shitting in a fucking office building for diplomats like a right prat is the very thing that George Will and other Serious Conservative Thinkers were anger-fapping out loud about California making illegal (even though actually they just excluded some defenses in state college academic disciplinary boards, ie the people who can expel you for conduct; it would have been nice if they had tackled the criminal code as well).

Hope my language isn’t too crude. These people really disgust me.

Another Holocene Human
Another Holocene Human
10 years ago

Isn’t Gor all heterosexist and transphobic or whatever the kids are calling it these days?

For that matter, isn’t all the “oo la la” stuff your parents used to buy hidden in brown paper bags in the 70s (Harrad Experiment, Kama Sutra, Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex* But Were Afraid To Ask, etc) the same way?

Another Holocene Human
Another Holocene Human
10 years ago

@Bernardo Soares, that open connection between FPS dev and war materiel manufacturers is astounding.

10 years ago

Gor is definitely a step above ordinary vileness.

Alex M
Alex M
10 years ago

@Another Holocene Human

Assange’s concern is that he’d be promptly extradited to the United States and then spend the rest of his life in prison with a specific court order forbidding internet access.

Bogdan Cvetkovic
10 years ago

I did bring up GamerGate on my twitter. One guy showed up and linked this article. I find it admirable that it tries to be balanced, but it still gets a lot wrong.

I found the paragraph comparing “social justice warriors” to Maoist Red Guards to be very lulzy. Indeed, we should be afraid they never have any real power. Why, they would install a communist regime where everyone would be heckled about oppression and privilege. The horror. It’s worse than genocide, I tell you.

But the mob of harassers, the ones who crapflood their targets with so many death and rape threats women leave their careers and houses? Nah, they’re not the real threat. They’re not the zealous cultists. We shouldn’t be scared of them. Thank Zeus they don’t actually have the power to take on their actions.

And the fact that GamerGate is not about attacking Zoe Quinn is completely wrong. The whole “Quinnspiracy” in the first place was started by people trying to dig up as many things as possible to accuse her. As we know there is definitive proof that the 4chan trolls planned for days on end to coordinate attacks and ruin her life and lives of her friends and relatives. And they also tried many times en masse to fake being women and POC like in Operation Lollipop.

You could argue that some people tried to dissuade the trolls from attacking her, but a lot of Gamer Gate supporters aren’t that keen on cleaning house, but more keen on defending the image of GamerGate as not really being misogynist. They also refuse to take on a new label. Their current label, the “movement”, began with trolls on 4chan who wanted to ruin people’s lives.

Anyway, Rebecca Watson made a video showing actual corruption in gaming journalism that Gamer Gate doesn’t really talk about. Notice how a lot of the real corruption in journalism is done by large companies, not the indie gamers. But all the ire is directed at indie gamers and the “social justice warriors”. The whole thing sounds more like wanting to attack perceived “outsiders” while being loyal to large corporations.

Unsurprisingly, it got a torrent of downvotes. It’s quite reminiscent of the creationist votebots in the days of old. How so many atheists on YouTube fail to notice it is beyond me.

Bernardo Soares
Bernardo Soares
10 years ago

Yes. it was of course always clear that especially games like CoD, Battlefield or Arma cater to a military fetish, but they have gone far beyond that. In trying to be as authentic as possible, they simulate the newest weapons and military technology. Of course, this can only work in collaboration with the armament manufacturers, as those have the copyright on the original designs.

Sometimes, you can find references to these collaborations in the credits. Some of the manufacturers deny such a collaboration (Heckler & Koch, for example), but the gun designs have been copied so meticulously that their claim beggars belief.

Some developers (Crytek) have sold their game engines to armies who use them to develop training software as well as software for use in posttraumatic care for soldiers (see here: Bohemia Interactive, as mentioned, is actually one part of a company. The other part develops military training software (and seems to earn more money doing that), uses the Arma engine and knowledge and code are exchanged between the two.

Of course, I’m sure many Gamergaters don’t have a problem with that, have probably exactly the military fetish these developers actively cater to and wouldn’t see it as corruption, as it doesn’t involve women who make games about empathy they don’t like.

10 years ago

@Another Holocene Human

Assange’s concern is that he’d be promptly extradited to the United States and then spend the rest of his life in prison with a specific court order forbidding internet access.

No, it’s not. Before this happened, Assange applied for Swedish citizenship, specifically because he knew it was one of the countries least likely to extradite him to the US. So the whole “they’ll send me to the US” claim is utter bullshit.

His concern is that he’ll be convicted of rape. And that even his supporters will get to see what a loathsome toerag he truly is.

10 years ago

You could argue that some people tried to dissuade the trolls from attacking her, but a lot of Gamer Gate supporters aren’t that keen on cleaning house, but more keen on defending the image of GamerGate as not really being misogynist.

That. Exactly that. And part of their defending GG as not misogynist is justifying and excusing the anti-feminist/misogynist things other GGers say.

10 years ago

The Gators remind me of MRAs, the way they think that calling someone misogynistic is unpardonable but being misogynistic is fine.

It’s like that old Lisak and Millar research that says rapists are happy to admit they’re rapists, as long as you don’t use the R-word. As if the word matters more than the actions it describes.

10 years ago

I just looked at that Patreon for the proposed Sarkeesian Effect video. Apparently they’re up to almost $8600 monthly in pledges, which is over 50% of their initial goal for when they start filming. I guess it’s true what they say: a fool and his money are soon parted.

10 years ago

@Sarah – My brain short-circuits trying to figure out how anyone feels good about those pledges. Firstly because the documentary looks creepy and terrible. But secondly, one of their big gripes about Sarkeesian is how she got soooooo much more money than she needed just to make a handful of videos.

Anita Sarkeesian initially asked for $6k. For the whole project.

Now, people *gave* her a lot more than that, but these dudes are asking for roughly triple the amount per month, for one documentary, that she asked for, one time for an entire series.

Fools and their money indeed.

10 years ago

By all means, I want them to make their docummentary. It’s going to be a hoot, like the Expelled of whiny nerdery.

Tyra Lith
Tyra Lith
10 years ago

@Bernardo: damn, I didn’t know that the german pirates’ party is that bad.
The AfD… well… They had this “campaign” where they copied the “I don’t need feminism because”-women from poland, right?

wow, that “wieviel gleichberechtigung verträgt das land”-blog is absolutely awful. the “quotes”… argh. I will never understand how it is possible for some men to be so afraid of and so offended by women seeking equality/liberation.

10 years ago

A sociological researcher was brigaded by GamerGate for daring to survey gamers about their attitudes to diversity. As she herself says, she would’ve gladly welcomed the data had the GGers answered honestly. Instead she got this onslaught of assholes fucking up her response collection just because they could.

When the only way you can think of to make a difference is to break stuff, it doesn’t matter how nicely you dress it up and convince yourself you’re a good guy – to impartial observers you look like an ass.

Dipshit Knight
Dipshit Knight
10 years ago

Congratulations. You’ve successfully made yourself into another person’s sounding board. Despite the amount of tweets you’ve reused and recycled in order to make what could dubiously be described as a ‘point’ you have failed to properly illustrate why the gamergate argument is not a two-sided one.

As grotesque and incomprehensible it may be to your personal sensibilities, every argument and debate had two sides and both sides deserve equally attention and fair coverage.

I am unimpressed with either this blog or the blogger’s abilities as a writer

Bogdan Cvetkovic
10 years ago

A post script to my rant from before, one of my relatives was sexually assaulted at work. The assaulter lied with a straight face how he didn’t do anything, and then proceeded to dig up as much dirt as he could about my relative to try to invalidate anything she says.

Sounds familiar?

10 years ago

I am unimpressed with either this blog or the blogger’s abilities as a writer

Despite all your sesquipedalian bafflegab and polysyllabic gibberish, I am unimpressed with either your comment or your abilities as a commenter.

How do you like THEM apples?

10 years ago

@Bina, at least this troll named zirself well!

10 years ago

RE: Dipshit Knight

As grotesque and incomprehensible it may be to your personal sensibilities, every argument and debate had two sides and both sides deserve equally attention and fair coverage.

Teach the controversy! Evolution vs. Intelligent Design! Abolitionists vs. the KKK! Both sides deserve equal attention and fair coverage, which is to say, Intelligent Design and the KKK are both full of shit and need to bugger off.

That’s what you meant, right?

10 years ago

@Dipshit Knight

Every argument has two sides. Sometimes, one of those sides is wrong.

10 years ago

Did Sir Dipshit seriously just unironically pull the “two sides” thing that mainstream media is routinely lambasted for? Wow.

Also, good luck arguing about #gamergate’s actual goal, Mr. Dipshit. Like the MRM, it’s very simple to declare a noble goal that your pet movement claims to strive for. And, also like the MRM, it’s very simple to show that the actual actions of that movement do nothing but harass.

10 years ago

For over a month, most of the information and updates I got about GamerGate was from an active, proud participant who honestly believes it’s about journalistic ethics and ending bullying of dissenting voices in the industry. Even with that pro-GG slant, I was never fully comfortable with it, and I’ve been getting more and more uneasy.

If pro-GG people want to take anything away from that, maybe it’s that “telling both sides” won’t actually paint you in a better light. And maybe that’s not because everything is biased against you, but that the movement has some serious fundamental issues that are poisoning your messages.

10 years ago

Congratulations. You’ve successfully made yourself into another person’s sounding board. Despite the amount of tweets you’ve reused and recycled in order to make what could dubiously be described as a ‘point’ you have failed to properly illustrate why the gamergate argument is not a two-sided one.

As grotesque and incomprehensible it may be to your personal sensibilities, every argument and debate had two sides and both sides deserve equally attention and fair coverage.

This was literally the first tweet posted to the gamergate hashtag.

As you can see, it links a slut-shaming video targeting Zoe Quinn. The supposed corruption involving her sleeping with a journalist to get a favorable review for her game has been de-bunked multiple times. The allegations have been shown to be total bullshit multiple times. Which means that the “other side” is literally mucking around in the sex life of someone of whom they had never heard two months ago.

*sips coffee* What was that you were saying? Something about how both “sides” of an issue deserve equal attention?