#gamergate 4chan 8chan a woman is always to blame advocacy of violence antifeminism boner rage creepy douchebaggery doxing empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs evil women gamebros harassment irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny no games for girls no girls allowed oppressed men rape culture threats twitter zoe quinn

In a series of brilliant, furious Tweets, Zoe Quinn tears apart the myth that #GamerGate has "moved beyond" harassment of women

Get over it, dudes.
Get over it, dudes.

Zoe Quinn has had it.

Yesterday, fed up with the equivocating bullshit that’s constantly being said in the media and within gaming circles about #GamerGate, and pissed off at all those who think of themselves as good people but still refuse to see the hatred and misogyny and harassment and doxxing that has been central to GG since the start, Quinn posted a series of (justifiably) angry tweets calling out the cowards in the profession who know that what’s going on is deeply evil but won’t say anything, and documenting the unending harassment she and her boyfriend, and her family, and his family are still getting.

Was that even a sentence? I don’t know. The point is she’s STILL getting harassed. She’s STILL getting “prank” calls. She’s STILL getting death threats. People are STILL digging around in her personal life and the personal life of everyone connected to her.

And she’s not the only one. The newest target of #GamerGate wrath? Indie game developer Brianna Wu, who, as I noted in my last post, got death threats … for posting memes on Twitter.

Meanwhile, two creepy obsessed assholes are still begging for money to make a documentary they hope will ruin Anita Sarkeesian.

Oh, but #GamerGate is about ethics.

I’m just going to paste in a bunch of Quinn’s Tweets here, because they pretty much speak for themselves.

I followed up on the IRC log here and here, but I wouldn’t have known about it if she hadn’t been there first collecting screenshots.

Take the time to enlarge the pics on these tweets:

And then there’s … this:

Also, she gets phone calls:

Oh, you don’t believe she gets phone calls? Ta da:

As the MRAs say: Always Be Recording. Except that Zoe Quinn actually has a good reason to do this.

It’s kind of amazing that Quinn manages to retain a sense of humor in the midst of all this.

Gamer inside joke!

Also, kitty:



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Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

The measure of whether a person is “decent,” “good,” or even “not bad” is how they treat those with (perceived) lesser power. I’m not a Christian, but the New Testament has some wisdom here: “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them.” Yes, even terrible people are capable of being nice and displaying love. That doesn’t make them suddenly not terrible people, because their niceness and love is reserved for certain circles. Genuinely nice people are nice to everyone, not merely their friends.

10 years ago

I’m not a Christian either, but that’s a really excellent statement, PolicyofMadness

10 years ago

This reminds me of the responses I got on twitter from #GG dudes while I was covering Eron Gjoni’s legal troubles on my blog. (

Like, for example; I mistakenly thought “Zoe Quinn” was her real name, so I thought Eron’s lawyer was lying when he said “Quinn’s full name never appears in thezoepost.”

Gjoni wrote me back on Twitter to say ZQ wasn’t her real name; so the lawyer was just doing standard twisty-lawyer stuff (and Gjoni’s a manipulator too; which is why I was writing about him.)

And then, some nameless #GGer anon tweeted me to say I was “re-revealing” the fakeness of ZQ’s preferred name, so if I really cared about ZQ I would stop writing about Gjoni and #GG. But I hadn’t “revealed” anything (much less *re-revealed*)… I didn’t actually *know* her name was not Zoe Quinn when I published. That was all after-the-fact Eron, talking about his ex like he had been specifically told not to be doing by a court of law. But according to that #GG guy, it’s my fault for daring to criticize Gjoni in a blog post.

10 years ago

That phonecall… fucking hell, they really are a bunch of 12 year olds, aren’t they? That was a voice that hasn’t even heard of the concept of puberty.


If people who think like that – who want this end to corruption (the details of which I never really got a straight answer on) are there and can be motivated to speak up against it, perhaps that’s the way forward? Am i being too optimistic?

You’re being too optimistic. They’re quite clear that they neither have any obligation to criticise those who are obsessed with hating women, nor any motivation to abandon #GamerGate to the haters and make a new tag specifically addressing corruption.
The funny thing is that, since they’re unwilling to stop the harrassment or divorce themselves from it, they have basically no chance of getting anything positive done*, because any vaguely reasonable voices are being drowned out by the abuse. Basically, they’re just acting as a cheap film of PR shielding the tide of hatred from criticism, and that’s giving them the complete benefit of the doubt and assuming that they really are being honest in having concerns about corruption, which is a thing that I believe about as far as I believe that Batman is a real person.

Alex M
Alex M
10 years ago

In related news: The Escapist, a site that allowed a gigantic slut shaming thread about Zoe Quinn in the middle of her harassment and continues to allow barely-moderated GamerGate threads coordinating attacks, published a piece called “What Male Game Developers Think of #GamerGate” (bolded word only added hours later and still doesn’t show up on the front page). The article is a fucking travesty and the people responsible need be taken to task for it.

It was mostly sourced from 4chan and other pro-GG circles while being presented as if it represents the video game development community as a whole. They could have gotten actual veterans like Tim Schafer, but instead chose to talk to such luminaries “Xbro” specifically because they slanted it in GamerGate’s favor. It uses hideously leading questions that would get a journalism major’s college application shredded. Several of the subjects are known misogynists, MRAs, doxxers, and hackers, most of whom use the interview to spread deliberate misinformation and some even designate targets on the Escapist itself. Many of the interviews are longer than the entirety of their piece “Female Game Developers Share Their Views on #GamerGate” (which is an illuminating; 6 out of 7 women reached for comment are fucking terrified for their lives, yet The Escapist decided to give twenty times more ink to their abusers).

Here’s a Storify for more information.

10 years ago

It also reminds of the time one #GGer asked me politely if we could discuss #GamerGate and like fifty people marched onto my notifications, asking me bad-faith questions about some dude who got fired for #GamerGating at work.

I played #GamerGate bingo with the responses (since I couldn’t have a discussion with an angry mob) and was called “Bingo Bitch.” That won me a round.

Then, the polite #GGer and I adjourned to a chat client to have the discussion I promised him, and I told him about the shitstorm simply accepting his invitation had started on my feed. His only responses were that “he wasn’t responsible for that” and that I should have been nicer; that by starting a bingo game said nasty #GGers felt belittled.

But WTF else are you supposed to do when thirty angry guys are asking you questions rapid-fire? Start issuing deli numbers for when they’ll get their measured, “nice” responses?

10 years ago

LBT, glad to see you! I hope the bad things will be manageable. You are tough.

10 years ago

I fear that all this is going to culminate in someone getting attacked in real life. 🙁

10 years ago

1) Am I right in the impression (admittedly, from one blog) that a large part of Gamergate is driven by Mens’ Righters either just claiming to care about games (like Hoff Sommers, who is funnily enough exactly as clueless about games as the whiners claim Sarkeesian to be) or being both?

Almost. The dyed-in-the-wool MRAs latched onto the movement because it agrees with their goals (attacking women), but the founders were garden-variety misogynists, the kind you can find anywhere.

10 years ago

It was mostly sourced from 4chan and other pro-GG circles while being presented as if it represents the video game development community as a whole. They could have gotten actual veterans like Tim Schafer, but instead chose to talk to such luminaries “Xbro” specifically because they slanted it in GamerGate’s favor. It uses hideously leading questions that would get a journalism major’s college application shredded. Several of the subjects are known misogynists, MRAs, doxxers, and hackers, most of whom use the interview to spread deliberate misinformation and some even designate targets on the Escapist itself. Many of the interviews are longer than the entirety of their piece “Female Game Developers Share Their Views on #GamerGate” (which is an illuminating; 6 out of 7 women reached for comment are fucking terrified for their lives, yet The Escapist decided to give twenty times more ink to their abusers).

Ugh, why am I not surprised?

If these GamerGoop pissants really wanted to talk journalistic integrity, the Escapist would be a good place to start, because from what you’ve described here, it hasn’t got any.

10 years ago

@LBT, great news on the con. I think I remember a post a while ago when you were wondering if you should go or not, glad y’all had a good time 🙂

Yes, even terrible people are capable of being nice and displaying love. That doesn’t make them suddenly not terrible people

Yes and yes. I remember reading a post on Bancroft’s blog a while back cautioning against the ‘benefit of the doubt’ thinking often fallen into when trying to assess someone’s behavioural history – “well, they did a mountain of terrible, BUT they did do this one good thing, so they can’t be so bad”. Rather than “well, they did a mountain of terrible, and ONLY this one good thing, so they must be quite bad”.

10 years ago

Also, hey, LBT! Glad you had fun in Boston. Sorry your brain’s being an unncooperative git. Nice to see you back!

10 years ago

People who threaten to rape and kill are the last people who should talk about “integrity.”

The entitlement is crystal clear in what these guys say. And besides, of all things for GamerGate to be fighting/harassing/threatening for. Video games? Those electronic toys? And at least one fellow takes time out of his routine schedule to put in a weekly harassing call to this stranger? They really do have no life.

I don’t have a Twitter account and am almost never logged in to Facebook, but I realize Quinn’s call to not be silent is directed toward people like me.

10 years ago

RE: idledillettante

But WTF else are you supposed to do when thirty angry guys are asking you questions rapid-fire? Start issuing deli numbers for when they’ll get their measured, “nice” responses?

It’s a Catch22. If you DO be perfectly “civil” and “polite,” they’ll find some way to claim you’re not, or whiplash around and say it can’t be that big a deal because see, YOU’RE a nice one! Not like THOSE dramatic [slur slur slur]!

RE: katz

I hope the bad things will be manageable. You are tough.

Yeah, basically, the incest may have happened more than once, and involved more than one relative. It’s not becoming a running gag, practically.

Kid: Hey Rogan, there’s more hidden stuff! Guess what it’s about?

Me: Is it rape?




*sparkles and streamers and confetti*

Elektra Kenway
10 years ago

My rage grows more and more with every male “gamer” commenting things like “I didn’t read anything but…” and then something about ethics in journalism. I see it on the comments of articles every day.

We all know “GamerGate” has nothing to do with either ethics nor journalism. There’s no excuse (not even the “I didn’t read anything but”).

Anyone claming to support “GamerGate” is confessing their misogyny.

10 years ago

Alex M: I stopped reading The Escapist entirely. The new ethics policy all but puts a target on victims: it states that reporters will not assume any allegation is true, and will use words such as “alleged” and “supposed” to mark such allegations. That, of course, puts a huge onus on victims, since they’re making the bulk of allegations – and now their language is being assaulted with doubt _by the supposedly impartial reporter._

The Escapist’s first gamer shitstorm* article posted after the new ethics policy was about Zoe Quinn releasing IRC logs from 4chan’s raid channel; she was quoted, but her “allegations” were neatly adjectivized and adverbolized with “allegedly” and the like. Meanwhile, the four anonymous 4chan trolls the “reporter” talked to had their claims couched in quotes – yup, minimizing the “allegedly” chatter. The nail in the coffin was the note from the editor that talked about every story having “two sides” with the truth lying somewhere in between. Guize, I can hear your dog whistle.

*I refuse to use the idiotic hashtag, even in passing. It’s exactly the kind of self-aggrandizing nonsense that I refuse to honor through repetition (guize, we’re totally as big as that scandal that brought down Jimmy Clinton – the one where he broke into a hotel and shot Ronald Reagan, what’s it called, Watergate).

10 years ago

Hey, Bernardo, welcome aboard. I’m Canadian, of German descent (immigrant folks). I’d love to hear more about these Menz Rightzers from over there (and yes, they probably ARE copycats of their anglo-amurrican bros, too — I can’t see them coming up with this shit independently. Being a misogynist doesn’t really predispose one to a whole lot of original thinking, as it’s the oldest and commonest bigotry in the world.)

BTW, I’m also fluent in German (English is my SECOND language, even though I was born here), so if there’s any questions about that, feel free to ask me.

Since vaiyt has already answered your first question, I’ll take on this one:

2) What would you recommend as a good tactic to a) uncover these guys’ real driving ideology and b) refute their “arguments” without exhausting oneself and feeling slightly dirty?

Keep reading this site, for starters; it’s a good resource (and a brain-refresher, too, when it gets to be too much; someone’s always posting cute kitties and other mind-bleach). You’ll get a good feel for their basic premises, fallacies, subcultures, etc. And a good laugh when you need it, to boot.

As for their arguments, refuting them is not a very useful tactic, as you’ve no doubt already discovered. Since most of that stuff is garbage anyway, mockery’s a good way to go. If you see anything here that seems relevant there, use it.

And don’t let the shitheads get you down.

10 years ago

Hey, Kid, Rogan, and everyone else in LBT’s system; good luck, guys! Also all the internet hugs you want. You are awesome.

10 years ago

Aw, thanks grumpyoldnurse! We really are doing okay otherwise. (Well, except for our roommates’ ceiling kind of melting and possibly breaking our lease soon. BUT OTHER THAN THAT.)

10 years ago

she was quoted, but her “allegations” were neatly adjectivized and adverbolized with “allegedly” and the like.

Based on yesterday’s post, can we accuse them of hypnotism?

Also, here is a very appropriate dance interlude for anyone who needs to clear their brain.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

What I want to know is why the FBI hasn’t asked Twitter etc for the IP addresses of the #Gits (or, if it has, why Twitter etc haven’t complied). Rape and death threats aren’t covered by freedom of speech and are illegal, even (especially) on the Internet.

10 years ago

When this year’s PAX Prime had several panels on women game developers, how to deal with trolls and misogyny, how gaming can be more inclusive AND a satirical (read: making fun of!) panel on “corrupt games journalism” you know that Gamergate is hardly the “majority”. PAX fucking Prime was not being subtle in its stance against GG and its voices. Dudes, it’s over. The industry, the stats and it’s biggest reps have spoken. Games are not just for men. Wave your white flag already.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

1) Am I right in the impression (admittedly, from one blog) that a large part of Gamergate is driven by Mens’ Righters either just claiming to care about games (like Hoff Sommers, who is funnily enough exactly as clueless about games as the whiners claim Sarkeesian to be) or being both?

I would actually say no, GG is not “driven by” MRAs. Rather, both groups are drawing upon a common source, namely the entitlement that is cultivated in straight white men, and the sheer rage that straight white men sometimes experience when that entitlement is questioned. So you see some overlap in membership, but the members who do not overlap share a common attitude and make the overlap look greater than it is. Men who do not experience this rage are not especially drawn to either group.

2) What would you recommend as a good tactic to a) uncover these guys’ real driving ideology and b) refute their “arguments” without exhausting oneself and feeling slightly dirty?

I would say that their underlying ideology is, generally, the entitlement I just mentioned. Insofar as ferreting it out of individuals? I wouldn’t bother. It’s not worth the energy investment. Refuting their arguments is easy if you can identify the assumptions that underlay them, but learning to do that identification takes practice.

10 years ago

I see the whole GG thing as analogous to sexual assault (give me a minute, I’ll explain!).

There may only be a small percentage of men perpetrating it, and only a small percentage of men speaking out about how men need to do more to stop it, but the assholes doing it are using the other 80% as cover.

I’m pretty sure it’s only a small percentage of GGers who are actually doing the really awful stuff. The problem lies in the big group of gamers attaching themselves to the name who are being used as a big freaking shield by the harmful fuckwads. They’re the ones saying “they’re not with us!” without realising how the whole “movement” exists just so the really nasty fuckers can do what they’re doing while hiding behind the rest.

I’m wording this badly. :/

10 years ago

So, I have like… 15 followers on twitter? Me tweeting against GG’s bullshit warranted a hailstorm of belligerent demands of “proof” for my claims, and other childish behavior. I think I literally talked to *ONE* reasonable soul in that 5 hour period, and even he was spouting unreasonable conspiracy theories to deflect the monstrous things people have been doing. There is no way these guys can convince me that this is anything more than misogyny.

Why? Game journalism has had a bias problem since I first became a gamer 27 years ago, and literally no one gave a shit until now. You know what my response to that unethical behavior was 20 years ago? I ended my subscriptions and moved on. The fact that these punks can’t move past this and do something better with their time after almost 2 months on just goes to show that it has nothing to do with ethics. If you are so concerned that these “journalists” (really just ad-men for the big gaming companies) are being shady, you would simply boycott the entire lot of them and be done with it like I did two decades ago.

But they won’t do that, and the harassment, and the death threats continue.

P.S. : When I really tried engaged these people to find out what they were so upset about, it came back to “Social Justice Warriors” trying to “censor” their games. Yes, they literally think criticism equals censorship.