antifeminism antifeminist women are these guys 12 years old? doubling down harassment irony alert judgybitch misogyny MRA rape culture the c-word twitter

Janet Bloomfield booted from Twitter, hopefully for good


Speaking of harassers, as I was in the previous post, everyone’s favorite PR maven and serial libeller,  Janet “Judgy Bitch” Bloomfield, has been suspended from Twitter — this time, one hopes, for good, as she’s a prime example of someone using Twitter as a “hate amplifier,” which she has stoked in the past with deliberate and malicious libel. She also made a second account to get around her previous suspension, which one would think would in itself  be enough of a TOS violation to justify permanent suspension. The real question isn’t why she was suspended; it’s why she wasn’t suspended for good a long time ago.

EDIT: Removed portions of this post so as not to further inflame the situation.

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10 years ago

(side note: how sad is it that janet only gets one verse? Makes parodies a bit less fun.)

10 years ago

Not true. Go to the account page and click the gear button next to Follow. You can file the report from there. Good luck, though, because if you aren’t a direct victim Twitter doesn’t give a shit what you think.

If you report abuse, you have to link to a tweet as evidence; it’s a mandatory field (I tried it). Or do you report sockpuppeting as spam? I didn’t try that.

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

Katz: I’m usually pretty sympathetic to symmetry arguments (eg, if it’s not OK for other people to dox you, it’s not OK for you to dox other people either), and I’ll usually take the position that some approach doesn’t become OK (or not OK) because the person doing it is on the right (or wrong) side of an argument, for the same reason that Phoenician is saying: Because everyone thinks their side is the right side and that argument could therefore be used to justify any behavior in anyone.

…BUT that argument doesn’t apply to Thunderfoot. At all.

Uh-huh. because you’re usually pretty sympathetic to people having the right to speak their minds – unless you disagree with them *enough*.

Perhaps you ought to change the old mantra “Feminism is the radical belief that women are equal to men – and the all too common belief that anyone you disagree with should be silenced.” The next time you wonder why people might be sneering at “Social Justice Warriors”, you won’t have to look too far.

Once again – APART from having a mass campaign of flagging directed against him what did Thunderfoot do to justify being suspended?

10 years ago


We. Don’t. Know. What Thunderfoot did. Neither do you. Nor do any of us know what he didn’t do, though you are clearly attached to the idea that he must have had some campaign against him, because obviously the rumors of him being suspended for harassment couldn’t be true but the rumors of being unfairly targeted must be.

What is your deal here? Nobody even brought him up in the first place, yet now you’re obsessed with finding a hypocrisy nobody displayed.

10 years ago

Can somebody find my eyes? They just rolled out of my head.

Phoenician, please tell me that your entire existence is just an elaborate attempt to find out how close someone can get to being a troll without quite going over the line. The alternative is that you’re actually like this.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

What the fuck is biting you today, Phoenician?

Robert Ramirez
Robert Ramirez
10 years ago

I am calling bullshit of the Philistine during Greek times! Mass flagging is not what happen to ThunderAss, it was what happened to Anita Sarkeesian on YouTube the very first time she posted her first video. I dare Philistine to show us any evidence that this is true in ThunderFlatasses case

10 years ago

IIRC PiatoR is a long time commenter on a few places (I think I recall the name from somewhere pretty rough-and-tumble – balloon-juice, perhaps?) and he’s always been a little abrasive at times but not a for-reals troll.

But seriously, PiatoR, you’re trying to pull “you’re just as bad!” with us? You know better than to slag us off as unthinking SJW hordes who just hate whoever we’re told to hate. If we take umbrage at someone who releases videos about how feminism poisons EVERYTHING it might be because they make him seem slightly misogynist. Which we mock here. It’s kind of the point. As far as why thunderf00t got suspended? People who’ve done pretty awful things haven’t been. And given that tf seems to be a lamented loss amongst the GamerGate community he’s pretty firmly associated with harassers and bullying trollmobs in my mind. I’m not sure why you feel he deserves the benefit of the doubt more than JB.

10 years ago

You know how when Phoenician first showed up and I was all, dude’s a troll? It was because I’d seen him acting like this on other sites. Why he does this sometimes and acts like a regular commenter at others I remain unsure, but this isn’t a one-off.

10 years ago

You know how when Phoenician first showed up and I was all, dude’s a troll? It was because I’d seen him acting like this on other sites. Why he does this sometimes and acts like a regular commenter at others I remain unsure, but this isn’t a one-off.

I keep remembering that you said that, I’m just not quite sure what the correct response to that information is.

10 years ago

Maybe he’ll knock it off soon? I’m not sure what to do when someone who acts like a normal commenter most of the time starts acting like a troll either, other than say “hey, you’re being an asshole, stop it”, which the kinder souls here might not appreciate.

10 years ago

Pff, he’s earned it.

10 years ago

Am I an hypocrite for rejoicing that thunderf00t got booted from Twitter? Damn right I am not. In my ideal world, Twitter would have banned thunderf00t anyway because he’s a raging bigot and Twitter wouldn’t want to lend their platform to him.

10 years ago

After this conversation with some dumbass who thinks we should be nice to gamergate misogynists because they’re so marginalized and cast off by the patriarchy, I don’t have it in me to do this again. I’m going to have to leave it to the rest of you wonderful Mammotheers to explain to Phoenician that being relieved about Thunderdouche’s twitter account being suspended or banned does not make us as bad as the MRAs.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

…We only have Thunderfart’s explanation for his suspension. His version doesn’t seem to hold water.
So I don’t know what’s going on with that, and can only gray-file it until I find out more from a reliable source.

As far as twitter and racism:
They seem to be down with that okeydoke.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

If you report abuse, you have to link to a tweet as evidence; it’s a mandatory field (I tried it). Or do you report sockpuppeting as spam? I didn’t try that.

Hmmm, you’re right. Link to this tweet:

It’s an admission that she made the account to evade the ban.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

Err. I didn’t know that would embed. Here is the URL broken:

https://twitter com/BloomfieldJanet/status/520670500880912384

10 years ago

Gah, she’s back already?

Also, holy shit PiatoR really? Come on now. I’m not going to shed any tears if Tf00t vanishes from Twitter forever, but I don’t think anyone here would support him (or anyone else) being suspended from an online space for no good reason. And we have no idea what that reason is, other than Sarkeeeeeeeeesian conspiracy theories. Take it down a notch, perhaps?

10 years ago

Curses to work for making me miss the troll.

Can’t say I’m surprised at Phoenician showing zir ass, only surprised it took this long.

10 years ago

Uh-huh. because you’re usually pretty sympathetic to people having the right to speak their minds – unless you disagree with them *enough*.

Perhaps you ought to change the old mantra “Feminism is the radical belief that women are equal to men – and the all too common belief that anyone you disagree with should be silenced.” The next time you wonder why people might be sneering at “Social Justice Warriors”, you won’t have to look too far.

Once again – APART from having a mass campaign of flagging directed against him what did Thunderfoot do to justify being suspended?

Do the words HARASSMENT and HATEMONGERING mean anything to you?

Anything at all?

Or are they just different, but still socially acceptable, sauces for topping your Freeze Peach?

10 years ago

I let friends use accounts of mine on forums, etc. that I don’t like to troll by. Never done that here, never would, just on doucheboards. I know that’s the explanation for uncharacteristic behaviour exhibited by “me” online though. Could the same be true of Phoenician?

10 years ago


I wouldn’t count on it. I’ve known Piator for years. This is standard operating procedure. He hangs out in a bunch of liberal and/or feminist spaces where he appear to be reasonable 90% of the time, but periodically gets strangely fixated on some personal sticking point and very aggressive about it. Generally after that thread winds down he reintegrates pretty well.

10 years ago

Well fuck him and his M.O. He can go be an asshole lots of other places. I don’t feel like catering to that kind of behavior.

Gina Tingles
Gina Tingles
10 years ago

Damn, Judgy Bitch is a cockroach, back on Twitter. She’s such a sociopath. And I don’t buy half the stuff she claims on her pitiful blog. I seriously doubt she’s going for a Ph.d. I doubt she has an agent and publishing book. I even doubt she made that wedding cake. She probably stole that pic from someone’s Pinterest page.

Seriously, what is that broad’s damage? What makes a grown ass woman (and one who claims to have children) think it’s okay to libel people via her Twitter feed making up false, defaming tweets? How does someone think calling people “cunts” and “whores” from Twitter proper PR?

I’d tell JB to get therapy but I think she’s a lost cause.