Speaking of harassers, as I was in the previous post, everyone’s favorite PR maven and serial libeller, Janet “Judgy Bitch” Bloomfield, has been suspended from Twitter — this time, one hopes, for good, as she’s a prime example of someone using Twitter as a “hate amplifier,” which she has stoked in the past with deliberate and malicious libel. She also made a second account to get around her previous suspension, which one would think would in itself be enough of a TOS violation to justify permanent suspension. The real question isn’t why she was suspended; it’s why she wasn’t suspended for good a long time ago.
EDIT: Removed portions of this post so as not to further inflame the situation.
An excellent question. Because this:
is not actually a point. Neither is this:
These are not theses, they are arguments in favor of a thesis. What the thesis actually is has not been stated; therefore it can not be disputed.
A thesis consistent with these arguments might be, “I think you are all being hypocrites,” which, if stated outright, could be contested. Avoiding the statement of this thesis avoids any kind of contest of it, which is underhanded tactics.
Another thesis consistent with these arguments might be, “I value freedom of speech above all other considerations,” which, again, could be debated if it were actually stated. Avoiding the clear statement thereof avoids any need to defend the thesis.
For some reason I just can’t pin down, this strikes me as bad manners. Good manners would involve saying, in words, what point you’re actually arguing here, so that people can engage and address it squarely, instead of stabbing at the dark without knowing where the target is.
NOT endorsing that article’s opinion…
Supposedly Thunderf00t’s suspension was caused by linking to videos that criticized Anita Sarkeesian directly. I guess? According to Thunderf00t himself?
And he may or may not be a reliable witness, right?
His account was merely suspended, not deleted. I suspect he’ll be allowed back on.
Why the hell is hatemongering considered “free speech”? Or harassment, for that matter? Maybe it’s just me being a clueless Canuck, but up where I come from, we know that free speech is NOT an absolute right, and neither is it an excuse to act like a complete and utter fuckhead.
On a somewhat related note, I see that the ex-president of Colombia has been declared persona non grata in Venezuela for his prior and ongoing role in a lot of right-wing terrorism involving Colombian paramilitaries constantly staging coup attempts in that land. Not exactly a good neighbor, is he? But of course, some would say that he was only exercising his absolute right to Freeze Peach…
The thing about mass flagging: It exists for a reason.
If something on Twitter is so vile that every other person on Twitter wants to get rid of it, it’s helpful to have a mechanic to hit the Pause button on that person immediately, so you don’t have to wait for a mod to get rid of, say, the child porn spammer.
It therefore follows that it’s allowable to mass flag someone for doing something that violates Twitter’s TOS, because that’s what mass flagging is for.
But it’s abusing the mechanic to get people to trip it just because you don’t like someone. So again, no symmetry argument.
My LDR guy has gotten himself twitter suspended a few times by being highly opinionated about Palestine…but he’s not violating ToS, so they let him back on again.
I am le shocked that googling ‘thunderf00t banned twitter’ results in 2 pages (at least) of people blaming Anita Sarkeesian directly, as if she picked up her FemFone (directly linked to Twitter HQ) and ordered the banhammer.
I am le thrilled that AVFM’s PR Director got banned from Twitter… again. She is really super awesome good at her job! Of course, I’m sure this is just further evidence to them that social media is controlled by FemiNaziManginaSJW’s, and that no doubt someone from the Feminist High Council hopped in the FemMobile (runs on male tears) and personally drove to Twitter to hit the ‘MISANDER/OPPRESS’ button on JB’s account.
The funny thing is, look up the demographics of who works for Twitter. Not seeing a whole lot of women, are you, much less women who are feminists? So assuming that Twitter is unfairly favoring Sarkeesian because evil feminist plot is a bit silly.
Obviously the twitter folks are all hypnotized beta manginas prepared to pull the plug on anyone at a moment’s notice.
She’s back:
How does this human pustule keep resurrecting herself? Bad twitter!
There was a troll? Swatted already, I see, and I never got to, uh, engage…
The guy wants to say he wants Thunderf00t back without quite saying he wants Thunderf00t back, never mind that Twitter suspended the f00l so they won’t be legally liable for his slander campaigns, slander being of course illegal no matter what the f00l and the Bitch think.
Let’s see if he handles his probation as “well” as @JudgyBitch1 (and her alters) did. Speaking of which, let’s see if Twitter lets Judgy carry out her threat to return and “engage” in more of her “PR”…
Down here in the good ole U.S. of A., free speech is considered an absolute, as it’s in the constitutional Bill of Rights. But among conservatives, it’s absolute in a “special” way: they believe liberals using their free-speech rights to criticize conservative shenanigans is “suppression” of conservative “free speech” (i.e. trolling and harassment), and therefore liberals’ free speech rights should be suppressed in the name of — you guessed it — “free speech”! Which makes Freeze Peach yet another of our conservatives’ favorite zombie memes.
Now gun rights? To our conservatives, that right’s really really absolute, to the point where in some places we have to tolerate third-world failed-state levels of violent crime because freedom…
Well, well, well. She did carry out her threat after all. Let’s see how long she lasts this time.
Freedom of speech is not absolute. There is extensive case law covering under what circumstances one’s freedom to speak without legal consequences is revoked. “Fighting words” are explicitly NOT covered under the First Amendment. Neither is defamation (includes both libel and slander). Boatloads of people who talk about free speech seem to be unaware of this, but it’s true.
…Twitter has no way of reporting sockpuppets. There’s no way to alert them that someone they previously banned is using a new account.
And you can’t report the new account for whatever they did on the old account, because it’s mandatory to link to tweets as evidence.
Not true. Go to the account page and click the gear button next to Follow. You can file the report from there. Good luck, though, because if you aren’t a direct victim Twitter doesn’t give a shit what you think.
She’s breaching the Twitter rules, from this page:https://support.twitter.com/entries/18311#
Overlapping accounts is not required for this rule to be breached.
Today I learned that Susan B Anthony’s motto; “Men, their rights, and nothing more; women, their rights, and nothing less” is proof that feminism has never been about equality. This study in poor reading comprehension comes to via some guy JB just retweeted.
She’s like a human shart.
Ban-evasion gets you banned again in every two-bit internet forum I’ve been on.
Dammit, Janet. Why can’t you just get the message and fuck off?
Thanks Bina!
Hey Janet
Yes Twitter?
I’ve got something to say.
I really loathed the skill-less way
You lead your Twitter followers repeatedly astray!
Your tweets were awful when you began it, Janet
Your followers managed to fan it, Janet
I’m going to tell you to can it, Janet
I’ve one thing to say and that’s
Dammit, Janet, I ban you…
@David: If Twitter doesn’t ban JB again soon enough, you might well be giving this post a sequel…
@Policy of Madness: I’m aware of the actual limitations on free speech rights. I used the word “considered” and should have qualified it with something like “by some people”, said people including of course trolls like JB who plead Freeze Peach. Also, I’ll add that some of those who consider free speech rights “absolute” yet whine that we “censor” their free speech by exercising ours are frequently the same people so eager to abuse their “absolute” gun rights. Case in point: some of those “open carry” guys with the assault rifles in Texas and Arizona triggered my MRA red flags something hard, especially the ones wearing trilbies…
@Orion: And right before that retweet, she tweeted a “feminazi” flag. No Miss Nice Guy™ she. Makes one wonder how many more Twitter terms of service she’ll violate before she finally does get booted for good…
Well you can kiss my cushie little sitter, twitter
I am back with a cacophony of bitter, twitter
Ban one account! I’ll make another litter, twitter
I’ve got one thing to say and that’s
Twitter, quit ‘er, I’m not leaving you!