Speaking of harassers, as I was in the previous post, everyone’s favorite PR maven and serial libeller, Janet “Judgy Bitch” Bloomfield, has been suspended from Twitter — this time, one hopes, for good, as she’s a prime example of someone using Twitter as a “hate amplifier,” which she has stoked in the past with deliberate and malicious libel. She also made a second account to get around her previous suspension, which one would think would in itself be enough of a TOS violation to justify permanent suspension. The real question isn’t why she was suspended; it’s why she wasn’t suspended for good a long time ago.
EDIT: Removed portions of this post so as not to further inflame the situation.
Banning JB from spewing hate and harassing people in a private space in no way prevents her from having her stupid opinions. She can say whatever she wants, but nobody is obligated to listen – or give her a platform to speak.
The one point per comment style is particularly irritating.
Yes, but one could get into that habit quite easily by hanging out on IRC. You pretty much have to hit enter to post your thoughts about once per sentence, or else you (very commonly) hit a character limit. It’s also annoying to be having a conversation and have someone dump a huge paragraph into the middle of it. Pretty much the opposite of what’s considered appropriate in any other context.
So, wait. You are going by this post, but apparently didn’t bother to follow the links or learn anything about the person who is the topic of the post? And then you felt obligated to slam us about how we’re not properly engaging with rational arguments?
All while apparently not having much motivation to do so, since he doesn’t exactly care for JB. I guess is misunderstanding of what “ad hominem” means was a powerful enough force for him to go on a random blog and *tsk tsk* the inhabitants for being too happy.
Maybe you should take the time to familiarize yourself on a topic before spouting opinions about it? Then you’d look a bit less like a dumbass.
There needs to be a name for people who enjoy wasting the time of others. They’re the online equivalent of the demon in Good Omens who created the ring road round London just to add low-level stress and irritation to the days of thousands of people, hoping they’d then pass it on to everyone else they interact with.
But, but, Cassandrakitty, we aren’t mocking in the Wilson approved way.
Clearly, this is merely a hate train/circle jerk.
Also, pay no attention the correct definition of ad hominem or whether libel and slander are illegal.
Hmm, there was another troll who ended comments with “peace” recently. Socks are so stinky, we need some Febreze in here.
I is dead. Wilson has killed me and I is dead. You win, Wilson, you win.
Finally, something we agree on.
@Wilson, you cannot even try to take some sort of moral or reasoned high ground when you are just another bottom dwelling troll who is swimming in the muck with JudgyBitch and her ilk. That was your fail right there. There is no way you can be on the moral high ground while defending JB.
Concern trolls are always so deeply concerned they cannot help but act the fool in their eagerness to share their concern. Criminy!
Is he concerned that we may not be getting enough sleep? Because he might actually be able to help with that. Who needs Ambien when you have boredom?
When is Wilson going to show the same level of intelligence as a basketball ball?
Essentially his whole argument is that JudgyBritches, Thundert00t and himself are making valid points about a non-existent campaign to silence a brave group of rebels. The trouble is this brave group of rebels are nothing more than spoilt brats screaming at the top of their lungs in several crowded venues. That these brats have been thrown out of one venue for their arrogant and selfish behaviour is little more than fair dealing.
Volleyball. Wilson was a volleyball.
It’s too early to go to sleep where most of us are, Wilson. Can’t you at least time your attempts to bore people better?
Wilson, brah, this isn’t an IM chat! It’s cool if you want to contribute but the generally accepted way of posting in this kind of setting is collect your thoughts, scribble ’em down, check if anyone else has contributed something you’d like to respond to sinse you began writing your post, then either make amendments and post or just post.
Hope that helps.
Sorry, dude, the “people who don’t realize that you’re trolling” room is way over to the right.
I think I’ve got Wilson’s “discourse” style down-pat. Paragraph-long “argument” full of fallacies and concern trolling, followed by rapidfire denials and general obtuse nonsense.
Truly he is a champion of the lost art of debate.
Wilson, coming in here, telling everyone you don’t ever want to email anyone from this place is not how you befriend people. Also, telling people things they already know which they’ve already discussed at length, very tiresome.
Insulting people’s intelligence – also not a good way to make friends.
OMG, you guys, this is where university admissions offices have been going wrong! All this time they’ve been using the SATs, Oxbridge exams and so on, when what they should have been doing was ask prospective students to show them their baseballs.
Or just accept anyone who checks the “yes” box next to “Do you lift?”