antifeminism antifeminist women are these guys 12 years old? doubling down harassment irony alert judgybitch misogyny MRA rape culture the c-word twitter

Janet Bloomfield booted from Twitter, hopefully for good


Speaking of harassers, as I was in the previous post, everyone’s favorite PR maven and serial libeller,  Janet “Judgy Bitch” Bloomfield, has been suspended from Twitter — this time, one hopes, for good, as she’s a prime example of someone using Twitter as a “hate amplifier,” which she has stoked in the past with deliberate and malicious libel. She also made a second account to get around her previous suspension, which one would think would in itself  be enough of a TOS violation to justify permanent suspension. The real question isn’t why she was suspended; it’s why she wasn’t suspended for good a long time ago.

EDIT: Removed portions of this post so as not to further inflame the situation.

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10 years ago

I think that when the same person gets the legal department involved more than once in a row the ban hammer is likely to fall hard. It is one thing to violate the terms of service and an entire other thing to involve the platform in your felonies.

10 years ago

The ferocious intensity of purpose needed to force Twitter’s hand is impressive. Especially when you look at the people* who don’t get banned.

* For a given value of ‘people’.

10 years ago

So, Janet Bloomfield claims that feminists consider facts to be abuse, which assumes that she thinks that she replied to borderlinefemme with facts. How exactly does JudgyandIgnorantBitch know for a fact that borderlinefemme wasn’t raped or deserved to be raped for being a whore? I’d say that “you weren’t really raped” is an opinion, and an uninformed one at that.

I’d say that DumbBitch should step on all the legos in the world, but that would imply that she could feel.

10 years ago

Am I the last to realise that Thunderf00t has also had his Twitter account suspended/banned/whatever in the past month too?

10 years ago

Second to last, pallygirl. I didn’t know either. What was the thing that he did that finally got him banned?

10 years ago

Something to do with Anita Sarkeesian, see or

The only reason I know is that I was reading the comments on JB’s blog post that David linked in the OP. And then I kept getting AVfM hits which I ignored.

10 years ago

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Couldn’t have happened to a nicer, more level-headed individual.

At least no innocent pastries were falsely accused in the making of this banning.

Dennis Jernberg (@dennis_jernberg)

Thunderf00t too? Yes! *pumps fist* Looks like Twitter’s starting to get a clue, if only just a bit.

@Alais: Janet’s projecting. To people of her neoconservative mentality, facts are abuse of her, specifically her ego. Their entire worldview is built on truthiness, things held to be more true than facts because they’re held on faith and asserted without perceived need for proof. Facts are the enemy of truthiness. They pop reality bubbles.

So, general consensus is that Judgy is a pea-soup-barfing demon, then? And that she may be a demonic sockpuppetteer, as well?

Yes. In fact, besides the Stepford sexbot, I suspect she’s the kind of girl Paul Elam and his legion of narcissistic manbabies prefer, or at least let into their He-Man Woman-Haters’ Club.

10 years ago

In fact, besides the Stepford sexbot, I suspect she’s the kind of girl Paul Elam and his legion of narcissistic manbabies prefer, or at least let into their He-Man Woman-Haters’ Club.

…at least as long as she only turns her trash-bazooka on other women. The instant she steps on Paulie’s toes (when he doesn’t have them firmly wedged between his own teeth, that is), she will be out, just like that Bumblebee woman.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

How exactly does JudgyandIgnorantBitch know for a fact that borderlinefemme wasn’t raped or deserved to be raped for being a whore?

…MRA rape.

In order for it to be an MRA-approved rape, it must meet the following criteria:
-The rapist must be a total stranger
-The victim cannot have been doing ANYTHING that could be construed as provocation, such as wearing anything much more revealing than a nun’s habit or business suit, having a drink, being anywhere by him/herself at any time, including being alone in his/her own home, or being with men that he/she did not know well.
-The victim must not have ever been on a date with the assailant.
-The victim must not have been at a club, a bar, or on the same college campus as the assailant.
-The victim must not have done any other miscellaneous action to facilitate ease of victimization, say walking alone into a bathroom or walking alone in a public park.

Any failure to meet the above criterion means the rape victim is either a whore, or in the case of a male victim, a faggot, and in either case, totally deserved what was coming to them.

10 years ago

JB and now thunderfoot are booted off twitter!? Whoo! Hallujah!

10 years ago

I was arguing with her the other day and eventually had to mute most of her followers just so I could work without the constant stream of bullshit.

Think I’m going to unmute a bunch of them just so I can hear the sweet, sweet tantrum.

Oh, please do share the best of the tantrum if you do this.

Dennis Jernberg (@dennis_jernberg)

@Bina: Or John The Other. Yea, Elam’s ego is king, and whoever runs afoul of it shall be purged forthwith.

It just occurred to me: does anyone see the similarity between Elam’s “fundraising” and JB’s “public relations”? If not similar, then certainly complementary.

10 years ago

Can we now ban JB and Thunderdoof from the entire internet?

10 years ago

It just occurred to me: does anyone see the similarity between Elam’s “fundraising” and JB’s “public relations”? If not similar, then certainly complementary.

Complaining about women on the internet is all any of them ever do, regardless of title or objective.

Dennis Jernberg (@dennis_jernberg)

Complaining about women on the internet is all any of them ever do, regardless of title or objective.

As we know, they go far beyond mere complaining. Which is why it pleases me so much that karma’s starting to bite them so hard.

10 years ago


You forgot:
The victim must be severely injured or killed by the assailant

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago


Is it just my weak eyes playing tricks, or does Judgy’s profile pic look seriously creepy? That rolly-eyed little smirk looks like the sort of thing I’d see in a horror movie, right before a slasher breaks through the funhouse mirror and kills two innocent young lovers, or something.

Nope, not just you.


I thought the same thing. She could be a villain in a movie, since she plays one so well in real life and part of an evil organization.

Yikes, that’s true!

Dennis Jernberg:

Twitter was the ideal platform for spambots then. This time it’s misogynistic trolls.

So it’s gone downhill …

Ann Coultergeist



Am I the last to realise that Thunderf00t has also had his Twitter account suspended/banned/whatever in the past month too?

Third to last? I didn’t know till you said it here.

10 years ago

Fourth to last. What?

10 years ago

She was such a lovely and clever lady. Suuuurely we’re gonna miss her.

10 years ago


10 years ago

So she’ll retire back to the boys’ tree house to spew soup and murder bunnies, or something. I don’t know if I want to see the tantrum or not. Probably not.

10 years ago

This just in, Malala Yousafzai is one of the winners of the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize. Congratulation, Ms. Yousafzai.

10 years ago

10 years ago

Oh crap. Was happy for all of a few hours when I found out Judgytwit had been booted off twitter again. Then someone pointed me to this latest (rather creepy IMO) video she uploaded to her youtube channel. Short version: I’ll be back … *shudder

Judgy Janet, just get a clue already. Twitter does not like you. Twitter has tried repeatedly to break things off with you. Twitter wants to move on, meet new subscribers, learn new non-rape-apologist/racist/misogynist things. It just hasn’t been the same for Twitter since the first ban. Let Twitter go.