antifeminism antifeminist women are these guys 12 years old? doubling down harassment irony alert judgybitch misogyny MRA rape culture the c-word twitter

Janet Bloomfield booted from Twitter, hopefully for good


Speaking of harassers, as I was in the previous post, everyone’s favorite PR maven and serial libeller,  Janet “Judgy Bitch” Bloomfield, has been suspended from Twitter — this time, one hopes, for good, as she’s a prime example of someone using Twitter as a “hate amplifier,” which she has stoked in the past with deliberate and malicious libel. She also made a second account to get around her previous suspension, which one would think would in itself  be enough of a TOS violation to justify permanent suspension. The real question isn’t why she was suspended; it’s why she wasn’t suspended for good a long time ago.

EDIT: Removed portions of this post so as not to further inflame the situation.

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10 years ago

RE: Orion

he appear to be reasonable 90% of the time, but periodically gets strangely fixated on some personal sticking point and very aggressive about it. Generally after that thread winds down he reintegrates pretty well.

I have noticed this behavior, and I’ve grown pretty sick of it.

Phoenician, I don’t know what crawled up your ass and died, but give it a rest already. This has happened a bunch of times. We aren’t sorry not to have to hear Thunderf00t ‘s voice for a brief period, because he’s likely coming back. This is not the same as us thinking he should be burned at the stake for thought crime or whatever horseshit you’re perseverating on.

For Chrissakes dude. This seems to be an overarching theme of behavior with you, and so I figure you’re unlikely to stop, so at least have the decency to fuck off.

10 years ago

Perhaps you ought to change the old mantra “Feminism is the radical belief that women are equal to men – and the all too common belief that anyone you disagree with should be silenced.” The next time you wonder why people might be sneering at “Social Justice Warriors”, you won’t have to look too far.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. There is nothing wrong with folks expressing personal gratification when an individual who expresses arseholes views is suspended from Twitter. That doesn’t equate to “Dudebro should be silenced for the common good! All hail the hivemind!” Concocting a ‘So what you’re saying is…’ argument out of nowhere and adding a whopping dash of ‘#AllFeminists’ is not cool. Add in the ‘just because you disagreed’ minimizing statement (many individuals have called out Thunderf00t’s offensive, racist and sexist video commentary and have every right to flag it up, if this has been the case, for the distress, pain and upset this has caused) and you’ve served an MRA troll cocktail of a comment right there.

Seriously, wut.

10 years ago

You know how when Phoenician first showed up and I was all, dude’s a troll? It was because I’d seen him acting like this on other sites. Why he does this sometimes and acts like a regular commenter at others I remain unsure, but this isn’t a one-off.

I concur.

10 years ago

I always love the “you only don’t like it because they’re saying things you disagree with!” argument. Mostly because I’ve heard it used by folks who were saying shit to me like, “You will regret leaving your parents and you will stand at their graves alone and miserable and cry because you realized you lost the best thing and IT’S TOO LATE!”

It’s like, uh, yes person, I DO disagree with your behavior, but that’s kinda an understatement. Your behavior is beyond the pale. It’s crafting an elaborate fantasy out of my suffering and then emotionally masturbating to it. Yes, I find that behavior unacceptable.

Thunderf00t hasn’t been banned from the Internet. He hasn’t been banned at all, just suspended. Dude will probably be back in a week, or popping up like a mushroom somewhere else. He has been MOMENTARILY INCONVENIENCED, for reasons we do not know.

Why you care so deeply for this guy, Phoenician, I don’t know or care.

10 years ago


Phoenician, please tell me that your entire existence is just an elaborate attempt to find out how close someone can get to being a troll without quite going over the line. The alternative is that you’re actually like this.

I suspect that both these things are true.

10 years ago
10 years ago

And I don’t buy half the stuff she claims on her pitiful blog. I seriously doubt she’s going for a Ph.d. I doubt she has an agent and publishing book. I even doubt she made that wedding cake. She probably stole that pic from someone’s Pinterest page.

The cake may well be a lie, but there’s no doubt about the doctorate, book deal, etc. She’s not even smart enough for a bachelor’s degree from a diploma mill. Else why believe that a fake Anita Sarkeesian tweet (with waaaaayyyyyy too many characters), concocted on a fake-tweet meme generator, was real, or try to pass it off as such? That’s not Ph.D. level smarts, that’s kicked-out-of-community-college dumbth.

10 years ago

Thunderf00t hasn’t been banned from the Internet. He hasn’t been banned at all, just suspended. Dude will probably be back in a week, or popping up like a mushroom somewhere else. He has been MOMENTARILY INCONVENIENCED, for reasons we do not know.

Exactamundo. He hasn’t been silenced. He has a perfect right to prattle away at any damn nonsense he likes on his own blog, as long as it’s not stinking up somebody else’s house. And Twitter has a perfect right to suspend him for however long they see fit, seeing as he stinks up their house like…well, like a ThunderFART.

10 years ago

like a ThunderFART.


10 years ago

What is your deal here

It’s called “integrity” – the belief that if you think something is wrong when directed against one person, then it’s wrong directed against another person. Even if you dislike them.

But, fuck it, if you lot would rather call me “a troll” rather than examine your own behaviour, you go right ahead.

10 years ago

You’re defending giving someone who engages in hate speech a platform and we’re the ones who lack integrity? You just keep telling yourself that.

10 years ago

But, fuck it, if you lot would rather call me “a troll” rather than examine your own behaviour, you go right ahead.

Oh, please. I’m not sure why this is the hill you wanna die on, but please fuck off with your defense of the poor maligned bro who doesn’t think women are fully human.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

I still have yet to see a clear point. “Integrity” is not a point. You’re still just dancing around some kind of idea that you won’t state outright. That lacks integrity. That is a tactic used by someone who doesn’t want to have to defend a thesis. Leaving your point vague and unstated means you don’t have to muster any kind of evidence for it, which is almost the opposite of integrity.

In short: show some integrity of your own before you start picking at the integrity of others.

10 years ago

I have reviewed your claim to integrity, PiatoR, and feel compelled to point out that your pants are on fire. If this is a flounce I give it a three.

10 years ago

I’m feeling pretty comfortable about my integrity. If David or any other Mammotheers were to engage in harassment using a social media site, I would think they should be given the boot as well.

But thanks for your concern, I guess.

10 years ago


But, fuck it, if you lot would rather call me “a troll” rather than examine your own behaviour, you go right ahead.

Examining behavior is great when there is any behavior to examine. You brought up thunderf00t first; I’ve seen nobody else talk about him before you. I’d at least comprehend your position if you thought that we should be sad about JB’s ousting because of XYZ, but that’s not the position you’ve presented.

Now that you’ve brought him up, and people are commenting, from my perspective I see people being pretty reasonable. Even the people who think thunderf00t is a vile individual don’t seem to want him suspended or banned for no good reason (or at least, wouldn’t recommend that as official policy; ‘what you want to happen’ is very different from ‘what you think should happen’).

So sorry dude, but to me it looks like you came in swinging at air. Then when people gathered around and questioned you, you swiftly erected a straw person to continue pummeling. Good luck with that.

10 years ago

Let’s go back to your point, Phoenician:

Uh-huh. because you’re usually pretty sympathetic to people having the right to speak their minds – unless you disagree with them *enough*.

Thunderf00t has all the right to speak his mind – he does NOT have the right to Twitter’s platform or anyone else’s attention. Nobody’s going to prevent him from preaching to his choir of howler monkeys, but damn right I am cheering that his bigoted ass had to stop clogging Twitter with his prattle for a while.

Learn the difference between free speech (the government cannot prevent you from speaking your mind) and FREEZE PEACH (when I say bullshit, you are obligated to shut up and listen to me).

10 years ago

I’m really not sure what PiatoR is trying to suggest. That we have double standards? I think that being glad to see bigoted assholes temporarily deprived of a soapbox is a pretty simple single standard there. Whether I like JB, or thunderf00t (spoiler: I don’t) is immaterial to whether or not they’ve breached a social media service’s ToS. Doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to indulge in a little schadenfreude when it happens. And as numerous others have pointed out, it’s not like tf doesn’t have other means of communication – “free speech” does not mean the untrammelled freedom to say whatever you want, on whatever medium you want, only on your terms.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

If PiatoR wanted to say that we should not be happy about TF being booted from Twitter for the reason of being unpopular, rather than having violated the Twitter TOS, the following evidence would first need to be submitted:

– that TF has been banned from Twitter. From what I’ve seen, he’s only suspended. That’s not the same.
– that TF has been banned from Twitter despite having not violated the TOS, because he was unpopular.
– that people on this site are celebrating TF being banned from Twitter because they don’t like him, and not because he has violated Twitter’s TOS.

You see how not bothering to state, in words, what the point actually is frees PiatoR from having to actually come up with these pieces of evidence? How being vague and shifty about one’s thesis permits one to fling around unsubstantiated accusations of hypocrisy, and talk about a lack of integrity in extremely generalized terms that nobody can easily engage or refute?

10 years ago

The day Twitter bans someone for unpopularity is the day I assume rulership of the universe. It’s hard enough to get someone banned for being abusive.

10 years ago

@Phoenicians: as much as I detest JB and Thunderfart, I agree with you on this point. It is one thing if he violated TOS in an objectively verifiable manner, but there is no way that it should be possible to organize a campaign to eliminate somebody from a social medium just because you don’t like what they say. I am old enough to have experienced the aftereffects of the McCarthy era, and I know that left/feminist people are at least as vulnerable — if not more so — to this sort of thing.

10 years ago

It’s called “integrity” – the belief that if you think something is wrong when directed against one person, then it’s wrong directed against another person. Even if you dislike them.

Funny, but that’s what the GamerGomers are all jumping on Zoe Quinn for, too. Only in their case, “integrity” has fuck-all to do with it; they simply have it in their heads that she is some kind of whore, thanks to her asshole ex (whom she was right to dump), and “integrity” is just a bullshit excuse.

Same goes for what you’ve said, too.

And Twitter is hardly HUAC. They don’t ban anyone for mere “disagreements”. I’ve had a troll threaten to expose my personal data there, and you know what? They told me it was just a “difference of opinion” and didn’t do squat. Luckily, the troll had nothing, he was just some random asshat who thought I was a “cunt” based on my profile. But if he’d been someone who actually knew me, and actually had something on me, I might not be here right now, informing you just how far off the mark you are on this point.

Just sit back and let that marinate for a bit.

10 years ago

Phoenician, you’re arguing vehemently against something NOBODY HERE SAID. That’s tiresome. Give it a rest, dude.

10 years ago


Nobody mentioned organising a campaign to eliminate Thunderf00t from Twitter, the social medium in question. I don’t understand what point you agree with.

(FYI, Thunderf00t was suspended from Twitter back in September for taking part in ‘abusive behaviour’ and violating Twitter’s abusive behaviour policy and terms of service).

10 years ago

t is one thing if he violated TOS in an objectively verifiable manner, but there is no way that it should be possible to organize a campaign to eliminate somebody from a social medium just because you don’t like what they say.

Then it’s a good thing no one did that.