Speaking of harassers, as I was in the previous post, everyone’s favorite PR maven and serial libeller, Janet “Judgy Bitch” Bloomfield, has been suspended from Twitter — this time, one hopes, for good, as she’s a prime example of someone using Twitter as a “hate amplifier,” which she has stoked in the past with deliberate and malicious libel. She also made a second account to get around her previous suspension, which one would think would in itself be enough of a TOS violation to justify permanent suspension. The real question isn’t why she was suspended; it’s why she wasn’t suspended for good a long time ago.
EDIT: Removed portions of this post so as not to further inflame the situation.
But how will AVfM’s PR director do her work, if she can’t personally harass people via Twitter??!!??! Will the AVfM twitter handle now become hers all the time? Will there be more cake?
Did I miss something? Was JB imprisoned? Or is that just a really dumb hashtag that jack used?
Perhaps she can look for employment elsewhere? I mean, she can cite her social media experience, the HR department goes online and lo- oh, wait. Problem.
Yeah, crack out the party olives and stuffed vine leaves. Not only did twitter ban her on one account, they actually banned the alters as well. Maybe even banned her IP, since she hasn’t registered a new account yet.
I guess they could IP-ban her…do Twitter admins even that power? Do you think she’s dedicated enough to the Cause to learn how to set a new IP address?
We should get JB’s fans off of twitter too. They are just as annoying and abusive as she is.
So much pointless gloating.
Brain bleach!
Sorry I know I asked you this a few times already but did you get my emails? I just sent you one.
So rights. Such activist. Many equality. Wow.
Seriously, she thinks she can spray hateful shit around demeaning rape victims and then claim persecution? She think she can slander whoever she likes and then whine about the Sarkeesian-Futrelle conspiracy? Does she even realise how ridiculous she sounds?
I’m sure she has a long future ahead of her in PR.
Hmmm. “Jack Barnes” has the same initials as Janet Bloomfield, alias Judgy Bitch. Coincidence?
JackBarnesMRA may be the same guy who turned me off arguing with MRA’s.
He was the one who flatly asserted that women have not been treated as property through most of Western European history.
You know, I would have expected a rebuttal to run along the lines of “well, a lot of men were treated as property under the feudal system as well,” which I wouldn’t have refuted, this is true.
Instead he said women were not treated as property.
Assfax, he haz ’em.
He and JB deserve each other.
In fact? Considering that most MRA’s seem to think it’s just dandy to make shit up in online arguments, as we learned this week…
I will feel free in any future interactions to use Assfax and/or Phoenician’s Trollslayer:
Meant to say I THINK it was JackBarnesMRA, someone posting elsewhere under that moniker…maybe the same person.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnQ8N1KacJc&w=854&h=510%5D
Is it just my weak eyes playing tricks, or does Judgy’s profile pic look seriously creepy? That rolly-eyed little smirk looks like the sort of thing I’d see in a horror movie, right before a slasher breaks through the funhouse mirror and kills two innocent young lovers, or something.
Proving that they stink at history. Just because you said it isn’t true doesn’t automatically mean it isn’t true. Stuff happened and you can’t change it.
“Hmmm. “Jack Barnes” has the same initials as Janet Bloomfield, alias Judgy Bitch. Coincidence?”
I think not! Seriously I didn’t notice that.
“Is it just my weak eyes playing tricks, or does Judgy’s profile pic look seriously creepy? That rolly-eyed little smirk looks like the sort of thing I’d see in a horror movie, right before a slasher breaks through the funhouse mirror and kills two innocent young lovers, or something.”
I thought the same thing. She could be a villain in a movie, since she plays one so well in real life and part of an evil organization.
By bye, JB. Don’t let the door hit ya where the rot inside you split ya.
JB: still not owning her shit.
I was wondering when Twitter would finally bring down the banhammer on JudgyBitch. Let’s cross our fingers and hope it really is for good.
But I’m not completely hopeful. I know how slow Twitter is in taking on threats like this. You see, back in ’09-’10 I was one of the many people battling the plague of Britneybots (for those who weren’t there: spambots spamming our mentions, and sometimes even our DMs, with nearly identical obscene tweets with malware links), and no matter how many reports we sent to @spam it took Twitter over a year before they finally banished them. It’s the reason for the “report and block” option in the tweet context menu.
Twitter was the ideal platform for spambots then. This time it’s misogynistic trolls. We battled and defeated the Britneybots then. I hope we do the same to the #mrafail.
Speaking of #mrafail: it could be just me, but JB’s profile pic looks like she wouldn’t be out of place in the Fox News reality bubble alongside Ann Coultergeist and the other blonde wank fodder for fascist old coots. And I too won’t be surprised if @JackBarnesMRA really does turn out to be her sockpuppet.
JackBarnesMRA might be a sock, but when I encountered this person they were posting as Knightrunner and seemed to have a photo, career, backstory, and habit of making death threats to feminists.
… Janet could be trolling in drag for all I know, though.
So, general consensus is that Judgy is a pea-soup-barfing demon, then? And that she may be a demonic sockpuppetteer, as well?
I was arguing with her the other day and eventually had to mute most of her followers just so I could work without the constant stream of bullshit.
Think I’m going to unmute a bunch of them just so I can hear the sweet, sweet tantrum.
I’m in trouble, now, Bina! I LOL’d at that and the kids asked me to explain it, and then I went down the rabbit hole.
Thanks, though! Still chuckling.