#gamergate alpha males are these guys 12 years old? bad boys beta males boner rage creepy dark enlightenment davis aurini dudes who look like anton lavey entitled babies evil fat fatties evil sexy ladies grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny nice guys oppressed men PUA red pill sarkeesian! YouTube

Misogyny Theater Presents Davis Aurini in "Women are flitting dogs."

I thought I’d give the Misogyny Theater treatment to our dear friend Davis Aurini, the woman-hating, Anton-LaVey-looking “filmmaker” who is busily raising money for the documentary about Anita Sarkeesian and the Social Justice Warrior Menace that he’s allegedly making with his friend Jordan Owen.

I made him into a vampire and set him in a Dollar Store filled to the brim with Halloween decorations, but, alas, I fear that even this is not enough to match the level of exquisite ridiculousness of his own YouTube videos and/or his short film Lust in the Time of Heartache, which I featured on WHTM not long ago.

But what the heck. The video is only a minute and a half long. WATCH IT!

The audio for the video is an unedited chunk from the video you can find here, in which Mr. Aurini offers some reflections on women and why they’re like a bunch of untrained dogs. Aside from the dog bit, most of this is pretty standard manosphere stuff. But it is kind of amusing to see a grown ass man still this bitter about the girls who wouldn’t date him in high school.

#GamerGaters: if you really want to convince the world that you’re not a bunch of misogynistic asswipes, you might want to jettison this guy from your movement.

Ok, I lied about the unedited part. At one point Aurini set down his scotch glass and it made a clunk. I edited that out. The rest is unchanged from the original.

For more on what’s wrong with Mr. Aurini, I would recommend the video below, which goes through some of the arguments Aurini and Owen have made about Anita Sarkeesian and shows just how illogical many of them are. It’s a bit of a time commitment, but I think it’s worth it.

H/T — TheBluePill

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10 years ago

He seems to be including himself in the group of non-bad boys who want to treat women with “love, dignity and respect”. For some reason I’m not really picking up a love, dignity and respect vibe from him, not sure why.

10 years ago

He’s bitter, because whether he presents himself as a Good Guy or a Bad Boy, the women all smell that he’s a phony and avoid him. No wonder he can’t stop drinking. (Another point against him, and I say this as someone who formerly dated a “charming” boozer — a dude who quickly lost his charm the drunker he got.)

10 years ago

Just played the first video for Mr.Grump. I almost had to perform the Heimlich Maneuver on him! He’s OK, though he did have to get a new cup of coffee.

If women are dogs, may I please be a Dire Wolf?

10 years ago


“Women are flirting with the scumbags”

How come women never flirt with you then?

Thank you for this. I got such a good laugh out of it.

10 years ago


Neuro-linguistic mind-control?

… you mean a persuasive argument?

10 years ago

He seems to be including himself in the group of non-bad boys who want to treat women with “love, dignity and respect”. For some reason I’m not really picking up a love, dignity and respect vibe from him, not sure why.

He loves women like he loves objects; only if they’re his.
He treats women with the dignity he believes they deserve; Not much.
He respects women the way he respects a well made tool; Only when it works as intended.

10 years ago

Oh my god, neuro-linguistic programming/neuro-linguistic mind control is a real thing. Well, in the same way that PUA is a real dating method. And like PUA, they take a couple seeds of actual psychological things (like how body posture can affect mood, or various aspects of charisma) and take it way overboard by calling it brain washing and building up a mythos around it.

This is hilarious. Apparently, just by looking at how someone’s eyes dart around, you can, with 100% accuracy, figure out if they are lying, how their brain processes information, and how best to make them do what you want them to do.

Not sure how this translates to text, but still.

10 years ago
10 years ago


Don’t get me wrong, it was a good, thorough refutation of the more recent conspiracy-theories surrounding her, but he didn’t mention the earlier, even more batshit stuff from Jordan Owen about how she attempted to use Neuro-linguistic mind-control techniques in he Kickstarter vid that were taught to her by a handwriting-analyst-turned pickup-guru (evidence by the fact that she put adverbs in front of verbs, used “and” in a certain way, and gave the direct command “donate what you can”).

I thought this must be (quite a good) joke parodying the tinfoil hatness of these guys, and then I Googled, and HOLY HELL.

10 years ago

Lea: “I like how he openly announces how angry it makes him to see women happy. Having a happy sex/no sex life on your terms instead of his? He hates that. Single over 30 and yet still having standards and expecting to be treated like a human being? He hates that. Happy with your body and totally unconcerned about this wannabe Scooby Doo villain thinks of it? He hates that. ”

I think you describe Aurini as well as other bitter misogynists mentality to a T here. They spend so much time obsessing over Things that are completely beyond their control.
And even if they were right that women at 30+ could only get a boyfriend if they lowered standards significantly, who cares?
I’d take being single over being with a person who treated me like shit any day. What’s the fun of being in a relationship if you’re only together because you can’t get anyone else. it’s like they think that for women the only path to happyness is marriage.

10 years ago

Alex Jones has gotten on board with Gamergate.

For real?

10 years ago

I’m guessing Anita Sarkeesian, with help from the NWO, Illuminati, the Luciferians, the Trekkies, and Mothers Against Drunk Driving, was sent back in time toe the second shooter on the grassy knoll help out the shape changing lizard people who control our world.

With the aid of the Saucer People under the direction of the Reverse Vampires?

10 years ago

He makes a pretty convincing vampire.

I won’t sleep tonight.

10 years ago

One of the examples of NLP I saw during my brief google search was saying “Diet, exercise, and sleep with me are the most important things for a healthy lifestyle, wouldn’t you agree?” Because if you say it fast, someone might miss the “sleep with me” part. When they agree, LOL, they just agreed that sleeping with you was important.

Truly a level of psychological manipulation not seen since the golden days of losersayswhat.

10 years ago

“Diet, exercise, and sleep with me are the most important things for a healthy lifestyle, wouldn’t you agree?”

Way back when I worked as a cashier in a party supplies store, my fellow cashier and I made a game of ending transactions with rude customers with a chirpy “Fuck you very much, and have a great day!” Not sure it’s exactly the same principle, since we weren’t actually trying to sleep with them, but it made us very giggly as teenagers. And we were never caught!

10 years ago

If you are willing to trick people into fucking you with subliminal manipulation, you don’t care much for consent and you don’t think very highly of yourself. The fact it doesn’t work at all makes it funny that these guys are so horrible.

10 years ago

I wonder how many evil hypnotizing words Owen uses in his video. Actually, scratch that. I wonder how you could possibly speak a sentence without using one of those evil hypnotizing words.

Even I just hypnotized you to “scratch that.” If you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, pawing at your curtains, I apologize.

10 years ago

See, if you work the phrase “below me” into a conversation, you subconsciously convince the person you’re talking to to blow you.

Well, if any of them ever tried that on me, I guarantee I’d be thinking, “Yeah, I’d like to blow you. Off, that is. Which is the general direction in which you need to fuck.”

One of the examples of NLP I saw during my brief google search was saying “Diet, exercise, and sleep with me are the most important things for a healthy lifestyle, wouldn’t you agree?” Because if you say it fast, someone might miss the “sleep with me” part. When they agree, LOL, they just agreed that sleeping with you was important.

What a shock it must be when, after all this manipulative conversational wordfuckery, no one actually sleeps with them. Of course, by then, whoever sold them the NLP tapes is $100 richer and laughing up their sleeve, so…ha, ha.

10 years ago


The funny thing was that example I found wasn’t on any sort of MRA or PUA-style site. It was on what appeared to be a conspiracy site, in a post that was trying to teach you how to avoid being NLPed, mostly in the context of deal with salespeople.

The greatest tip was to randomly roll your eyes around to prevent the NLPer from getting an accurate read on your eye movements, and therefore on your brain processes. Needless to say, after reading that I think I’m going to be immune forever.

10 years ago

The Ancient Aliens mindset at work. State your premises, assume them to be true and use them to support whatever you want.

10 years ago

The greatest tip was to randomly roll your eyes around to prevent the NLPer from getting an accurate read on your eye movements, and therefore on your brain processes.

Well, eye-rolling I can most definitely do. In fact, it’s my default reaction whenever I hear a blaring barrage of bafflegab.

10 years ago