#gamergate alpha males are these guys 12 years old? bad boys beta males boner rage creepy dark enlightenment davis aurini dudes who look like anton lavey entitled babies evil fat fatties evil sexy ladies grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny nice guys oppressed men PUA red pill sarkeesian! YouTube

Misogyny Theater Presents Davis Aurini in "Women are flitting dogs."

I thought I’d give the Misogyny Theater treatment to our dear friend Davis Aurini, the woman-hating, Anton-LaVey-looking “filmmaker” who is busily raising money for the documentary about Anita Sarkeesian and the Social Justice Warrior Menace that he’s allegedly making with his friend Jordan Owen.

I made him into a vampire and set him in a Dollar Store filled to the brim with Halloween decorations, but, alas, I fear that even this is not enough to match the level of exquisite ridiculousness of his own YouTube videos and/or his short film Lust in the Time of Heartache, which I featured on WHTM not long ago.

But what the heck. The video is only a minute and a half long. WATCH IT!

The audio for the video is an unedited chunk from the video you can find here, in which Mr. Aurini offers some reflections on women and why they’re like a bunch of untrained dogs. Aside from the dog bit, most of this is pretty standard manosphere stuff. But it is kind of amusing to see a grown ass man still this bitter about the girls who wouldn’t date him in high school.

#GamerGaters: if you really want to convince the world that you’re not a bunch of misogynistic asswipes, you might want to jettison this guy from your movement.

Ok, I lied about the unedited part. At one point Aurini set down his scotch glass and it made a clunk. I edited that out. The rest is unchanged from the original.

For more on what’s wrong with Mr. Aurini, I would recommend the video below, which goes through some of the arguments Aurini and Owen have made about Anita Sarkeesian and shows just how illogical many of them are. It’s a bit of a time commitment, but I think it’s worth it.

H/T — TheBluePill

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10 years ago

Never allege a conspiracy when a disagreement can be adequately explained with a massive-media-inclusive conspiracy instead.

Johanna Roberts
10 years ago

I think you really captured his inner self, David. Really and truly.

10 years ago

The Sarkeesian Conspiracy video is well-worth thirty minutes of anyone’s time. I watched the full thing last night. Even if you have no interest in Sarkeesian, videogames or aggrieved gamerbro nonsense, it does a really good job of breaking down the anatomy of the conspiracy theory and how you can turn literally anything into a conspiracy with enough tenuous causality and random dot-connecting.

Also, red lines drawn on fuzzy screenshots in MS Paint. Key feature of any good conspiracy theory.

10 years ago

It’s the red-twine-of-delusional-connections for our computer-centric age:

10 years ago

I MIGHT regret this but I just hit “play” on that last video.

10 years ago

Is “dogs […] that are bouncing and flitting about” supposed to be an insult? It sounds cute. I’m picturing a little Jack Russell terrier with dragonfly wings. I’d totally adopt one of those if it turned up at the local animal shelter. (I wouldn’t buy one, though, because I don’t want to support backyard genetic engineers.)

What kind of animal does Aurini think women should act like? I bet it’s something boring like stick insects.

10 years ago

I thought dogs were good and manly and cats were bad? Do manospherians just hate all domestic animals now? They’ve gone after hamsters too. What’s next? Guinea pigs? Bunnies? Goldfish?

I’ll give it a try.

Women are like bunny rabbits. They pretend to be cute. They lure you in by nibbling on carrots and lettuce like women should. No meat, dairy and sweets for them! But then, their real motivations are revealed. They live to breed like rabbits. They just want your sperm. They want to have lots of kids so they can take your money and use it to eat bon bons with. Bunnies are sperm jackers!

10 years ago

“women spend their prime chasing the Alphas and then hit the wall and wants to settle with a beta bla bla bla…”

Misogynists surely make original, copelling ‘arguments’ that are not at all redundant, amirite?

10 years ago

The grapes, they are sour.

They sure do love comparing women to dogs. I wish they’d be a little more creative with their crappy metaphors. Don’t limit yourselves just to dogs, dudes! There’s a whole world of animals out there! Why not try, say, giraffes or ring tailed lemurs? Elephant seals or snow leopards? Nurse sharks or jack rabbits? The possibilities are endless!

10 years ago

First and most importantly, I call Decadent Sluts as my new band name.

Second, he sure has some elaborate fantasies about why women won’t go out with him or strive to please his boner. He mad, bro. No one wants to marry him. That’s such projection. I would not normally point this out, but he brought looks into it: This dude is not attractive. He’s not easy on the eyes. His personal style is comical. He’s not fun or smart or kind or interested in hobbies other people would like to share with him. That’s what all his fakey, cliche mannerisms are about. He’s trying so hard to be interesting. Nihilism, cruelty, stupidity and misogyny aren’t an attractive combo. Whiny, “Poor me. No one went out with me in high school! Wimmins don’t appreciate what a ubermensch I am! I hate them! Wahhhhh! Why are other people happy while I am such a ball of hate and denial?” screeds are not interesting or fun. It isn’t other people’s failings that cause them to think he’s a cold turd instead of hot shit. It’s his. Speaking of weapons grade projection, he actually called women bitter in his sneering rant about how no virginal, young and pretty yet humble and pennant in his presence women want his sad boner.

No self awareness. None.

I like how he openly announces how angry it makes him to see women happy. Having a happy sex/no sex life on your terms instead of his? He hates that. Single over 30 and yet still having standards and expecting to be treated like a human being? He hates that. Happy with your body and totally unconcerned about this wannabe Scooby Doo villain thinks of it? He hates that.

Why? Because you have two thing he can never have.
1. Control over your life
2. Even the slightest bit of self-esteem

This is a guy who hates his life so much that he has had to invent an elaborate fantasy world in which women have ruined everything by not thinking he (he describes a rejected type of man and you know he thinks he is that sort of man) is Lord God Studmuffin (an actual title once passed around among my peers) and accepting his benevolent “training”. He’s so frustrated. These make believe women have made such a mess of things for him. It’s not his fault. He’s brilliant! Just ask him. Why, his potential would blossom and he’d be celebrated as something other than an ass pimple hack on Youtube if only the women would start thinking he was sexy and the boss of them.

10 years ago

Women are [insert everything but human beings here], [doing something frivolous], therefore [exortation to remove agency from them], take eleventy billion. Yawn.

10 years ago

I also notice that he thinks all men who have sex with women are just awful and beneath him. If he thinks your female lover is hot, you could not possibly love or respect her and you’re probably an abuser. If he does not, then you are a stupid beta settling. If you are single and dating, you are a user. If you are married, you’re a dupe. Either way, he’s sure you are the worst. Why else would women choose you over him?
Sorry, I mean choose you over men who happen to be exactly what he thinks he is. 😛

Also, LGBT people? What are they? He does not know. It’s straight, fat sluts all the way down in this guys world.

Kevin K
Kevin K
10 years ago

Women are sluttyslutsluts who gangbang alphas every week, and therefore are fat? Wut?

You’d think these guys would try to write down their “thoughts” (using that term extremely loosely) before they spewed all over the screen.

10 years ago

Thanks for pointing that part out.

Men women fuck are awful, beneath him AND there are so damn many of them!

Sex with men who aren’t me is misandry and it’s ruining humanity!

10 years ago


Women are [insert everything but human beings here], [doing something frivolous], therefore [exortation to remove agency from them], take eleventy billion. Yawn.

Yeah, they really are getting very repetitive. Also more transparent. We get it, dude. It’s super annoying when women won’t just do what you want all the time. Poor you.

10 years ago

ROFL @ 1:16 where you can hear Aurini drinking something out of a rocks glass

10 years ago

Being a misogynist is thirsty work.

10 years ago

Ooh, are we comparing women to random animals? Let me try!

Women are like sloths. Their arms are longer than their legs, so they constantly hang upside down. They live most of their lives in trees, which leads to hypergamy, because they are obsessed with being high up. Women also have long, curved claws and a thick coat of fur.

Did I do it right? Let me try again.

Women are like bees. They live in hives, made up primarily of hexagonal structures. They are also deeply interested in flowers, specifically because they use the nectar from flowers as a primary food source. Aerodynamically, women should not be able to fly, but they do.

10 years ago

Whenever this guys speaks, I’m always going to hear slightly-too-loud, grating film noir music in the background. It makes his drivel a lot easier to listen to, imagining that it’s all just a pretentious speech in a confusing indie movie.

10 years ago

Wasn’t Anita Sarkeesian on the Grassy knoll? Or was she the chick that faked the moon landing?

10 years ago

Actually Alex Jones has gotten on board with Gamergate.


I’m guessing Anita Sarkeesian, with help from the NWO, Illuminati, the Luciferians, the Trekkies, and Mothers Against Drunk Driving, was sent back in time toe the second shooter on the grassy knoll help out the shape changing lizard people who control our world.

10 years ago

“Women have become sl*ts, gang banging every weekend”

Virgins (including me) and lesbians don’t exist I suppose in his sad little world.

“Women are flirting with the scumbags”

How come women never flirt with you then?

“They post their pictures all over facebook and twitter”

Yep men NEVER do that

“We will have the most disgusting, fat women who thinks they’re hot stuff”

Fat Women and them having self esteem disgusts you?

“Women are untrained dogs”

Dogs are mans best friends

10 years ago

What is it with these MRA types and their penchant for fonts that look like crudely smeared blood? It isn’t compelling or convincing. It just makes you look like a feckin’ serial killer wannabe.

10 years ago

Reminds me of the ‘are we the baddies?’ Mitchell and Webb skit

10 years ago

I’m disappointing in Log1c B0mb’s Sarkeesian Conspiracy video.

Don’t get me wrong, it was a good, thorough refutation of the more recent conspiracy-theories surrounding her, but he didn’t mention the earlier, even more batshit stuff from Jordan Owen about how she attempted to use Neuro-linguistic mind-control techniques in he Kickstarter vid that were taught to her by a handwriting-analyst-turned pickup-guru (evidence by the fact that she put adverbs in front of verbs, used “and” in a certain way, and gave the direct command “donate what you can”).

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