An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.
As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no Iβm-not-really-an-MRA-buts, donβt be mean.
An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.
As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no Iβm-not-really-an-MRA-buts, donβt be mean.
Yaaaaay. Job!
YAY!!!!! for pendraegon!!!
Congratulations on the job!
Yay, Pendraegon!
Best wishes, Strivingally.
Don’t have anything to add to the conversion/boyfriend discussion that hasn’t already been put better by someone else
Okay, this is weird. I’ve got heartburn – kept me awake last night and is still noticeable today, though nothing dramatic – and bought some Mylanta liquid for it. The stuff doesn’t make a huge difference to the poor old tubes but it does make my mouth go numb when I take it. Maybe I should borrow one of Fribbie’s syringes and squirt it down my throat. :/
Yay for employment, I have nothing to add re Judaism discussions, I can add to the proferred hugs.
Re heartburn, I haven’t tried liquid, but I use the Gaviscon tablets and they work well. In NZ you can get an over the counter form of omeprazole called Losec (http://www.medsafe.govt.nz/consumers/cmi/l/LosecandLosecExtra.pdf) and it comes in capsules. The tablets are chew, not swallow, and the capsules are easy swallow. Have you tried either of those forms? I get instant relief from chewing (more like sucking, they don’t taste too bad at all, but have a mouth feel somewhat resembling wet chalk) the Gaviscon tablets.
Trigger warning for bulimia imagery.
This option might not be palatable for everyone, but making myself throw up by putting my finger down my throat always gets rid of my heartburn. I usually get it because there’s something my system is reacting badly too so I just hit eject. It really works better than any medication.
The omeprazole is what I swear by for heartburn. I can’t even look at a tomato without refluxing.
::scribbles medicine names::
Thanks, folks! I’ve only considered taking anything today, because last night was the first time I’ve ever had proper heartburn – I’ve noticed very, very mild touches of it before, but last night was nuisance/definitely uncomfortable level, and it’s still hanging around more’n twelve hours later. My stomach feels fine, it’s just the burning behind the sternum.
WWTH, yeah, I wouldn’t want to try the vomiting thing. I’ll make myself do that when I’m really, really tense, to relieve the stomach, but it leaves me wrung out enough that it’s not something I’d want to do except as a last resort.
I’m pretty sure I triggered this by having chocolate biscuits just before I went to bed (didn’t know about that being a double-whammy for heartburn). For today, I’ll take as many Mylanta doses as appropriate, and see how it goes.
Start slow. Don’t attack acid reflux with anything aggressive unless it’s needed. If Tums aren’t doing the trick, try 75mg ranitidine with the Tums. 150mg of the ranitidine if needed. Until you’ve determined that isn’t enough for you, don’t use anything stronger! Proton pump inhibitors can have nasty gastrointestinal effects.
Thanks, marinerachel! I’d forgotten about Tums. Should get some. Apart from anything else, they don’t taste bad.
Well, I just went round to the chemist – they don’t have Tums but they do have good old Quick-Eze (made in Australia rah rah rah). Just had one. It was like junior Minties, glues the teeth together but without breaking them first. π Now if only they’d make Minties Antacid …
Kittehs, if you try a few things and it doesn’t go away and stays constant… Get checked out. At the very least, try and get a 4-lead EKG.
Sometimes heart funniness tries to hide as heartburn.
Of course, I’m totally trained to immediately imagine the worst thing and try ruling out from there… So I could be jumping a gun.
Worst headache of your life? Worse when you lie down, syncope? COME WITH ME TO THE ER AND GET A MRI SO I KNOW YOU AREN’T BLEEDING IN YOUR BRAIN.
It’s a good point, contrapangloss. I’m intending to follow up if it doesn’t improve, ‘cos even if it is only heartburn it’s a pain in the, ah, esophagus.
[Content note: attitude to my own death]
Mind you, if they did say “Yes, your heart’s about to go bang” the only reason I’d be really inclined to deal with it instead of saying “Yup, fine” is Mum and the kitties. Otherwise it’d be WHOOT, I’M OUTTA HERE.
Well, Louis would be glad to have you full-time!
Your mum, this side kitties, and I would miss you, though. Tell Louis that he still has to share. He can have all eternity with you (and other side kitties and pups) in a bit. Delayed gratification is a good thing. π
Best. Comment. Ever! True and sweet and funny.
And I’d miss you and all the Mammotheers, too. I don’t think they have internet on the other side …
I’ve been looking at the “when to contact your doctor” stuff, and I’m pretty sure this is mild heartburn. No sweating or coughing or sore throat, just the burning right behind the sternum – enough to keep me awake for a while last night (though it takes me forever to sleep nowadays anyway). I’m guessing it’ll calm down if I do the right things and don’t do the wrong ones.
Quick-Eze, Tums, a glass of milk, any calcium carbonate supplement that combats those excess hydrogen ions will do.
Add ranitidine if needed. Remember GERD is a medical condition though and it’s worth checking out the cause in case it needs addressing.
The most frequent symptoms for me are a very warm (but not burning, just really warm) feeling in the oesophagus. Sometimes I also get a hard feeling, like I swallowed something that got stuck – this is why for years I always had to drink with meals because I didn’t realise it was heartburn symptoms. The stuck one, it may come up again with me, even with fluid, so I have to stand near something like a sink.
Mine does tend to be more mechanical in cause – bending over when eating, exercising too soon either before or after meals, not drinking enough liquid around relatively dry food.
Gaviscon is a gentle start to treatment, and as I said above is reasonably palatable (not to be sniffed at, some medicines are hideous to take): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaviscon
Congrats on being employed, Pendraegon! Hope you like your new job!
pallygirl, yeah, this is warm-to-hot, not burning hot, but enough to be uncomfortable.
Too true about unpalatable medicines. I had to take some of that electrolyte stuff you dissolve in water once – both the orange and lemon flavours were so utterly disgusting I couldn’t bring myself to finish the glasses.
Right now I’m sipping water. A glass of milk might be a better idea ahead of dinner, maybe.
I forced down Gastrolyte when I was younger and had the vomiting and diarrhoea combination. It was horrible.
Did the milk work?
Thank you for the good wishes everyone. π
Congrats pendraegon!
Kitteh – I am on prescription omeprizole for acid reflux. Works wonderfully, and means I don’t get the lesser forms of indigestion either π
Except if I mess up prescriptions, and run out. Then I am eating /all/ the over the counter stuff and still suffering π But milk is a help, yes.
Just gonna throw this in because it’s the only thing that works well for me when I get heartburn…lemonade. Really acidic so it makes your stomach shut down acid overproduction. Also pickle juice, but I know a lot of people hate that.