no trolls allowed open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: October 2014 Dog Walk Dog Edition

Walking the dog
Walking the dog

An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no I’m-not-really-an-MRA-buts, don’t be mean.

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10 years ago

… is it weird that I (as a kid in my 20s) find two middle-aged ladies covertly sharing links to fanfic under the guise of β€œfrom my friend to your friend” kind of adorable?


::shuffles feet::


So, yes please, kittehserf, I would like your email. I’m going to assume that you have access to mine, by virtue of being a mod?

Yee-haaaa! Yes, I do, I’ll send you a message!

WWTH, ALL the good luck! ::hugs::

PoM, French toast for dinner, yum!

French anything for dinner, yum … *cough*

10 years ago

Good luck! Not that you need it I’m sure, seeing that you’re awesome.

That sounds delish. I wish I could join you for dinner πŸ™‚

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

I really wish I could get a pic of my cat with her tail puffed out for you, Kim. I call it her mischievous tail, because she only puffs it when she’s up to no good. She had it out a few minutes ago but I failed to get a pic.

10 years ago

Hey, Aussies, this is right in your back yard, or it will be if it goes ahead. This coal company wants to build a new shipping lane right through the Great Barrier Reef. I already signed, and sent a letter.

10 years ago

Signed and forwarded!

Every fuckwit out there wants to destroy the Reef, it’s mind-boggling.

10 years ago

Pizza at 0200. Well, at least I’m eating some dinner ?

10 years ago

Or really early breakfast … ::blanch:: no, let’s call it dinner.

10 years ago

Well, i had re-heated risotto for breakfast yesterday πŸ™‚

10 years ago

You’re stronger than me, I can’t manage anything but cereal for breakfast! πŸ˜€

10 years ago

I do love porridge for breakfast. But the left over risotto was just sitting there, smelling wonderful! πŸ™‚

10 years ago


10 years ago

Eeeee, I just had an image from last night at Home – Louis’s teaching himself to crochet!

10 years ago

Lol, guess somebody wants a couch dress, kittehserf!

10 years ago

For the history fans, I just ran across this on my FB feed:

10 years ago

They’re a bit confused about where the potential illegitimacy comes in and who it affects in that article. Henry V’s line died out with Henry VI; they have no descendants at all. There’s a serious question about whether Edward IV was legitimate, as the records show the Duke of York was on campaign at the time he’d have been conceived. That means Elizabeth of York, Edward’s daughter from whom the current royal family is descended, had no claim to the throne. But it’s a moot point anyway; Henry VII was descended from the Beauforts, John of Gaunt’s illegitimate children with Katherine Swynford. When they were legitimised by Richard II, it was with the very specific restriction that they and their descendants had no claim whatever to the throne. On Henry VII’s paternal side, well, he was descended from Katherine de Valois (Henry V’s widow) and Owen Tudor, and I don’t know if there’s any record of them marrying. Henry knew all this, of course, and he claimed the throne by right of conquest, not by blood. Hell, the only reason the Lancastrian supporters turned to Mr-Watered-Down-Royal-Descent was that they’d nobody better left.

10 years ago

Signed and sent.

10 years ago

We had an earthquake centred around my suburb and felt across Melbourne this morning – just a teeny one by CA or NZ standards, 3.3, but enough for people to notice here.

I slept through it, as through one last Wednesday. (Well, if they will insist on coming at 6am, what do they expect?)

10 years ago

Only sensible thing to do to an earthquake at that hour! πŸ™‚

10 years ago

My thoughts exactly! πŸ˜€

10 years ago

A troll posted some really horrifying and upsetting pictures in the Jezebel comments today. I can’t get it out of my head. I don’t even want to say what it was because I don’t want any of you to have to picture. Suffice to say it was awful and violent. I’m probably going to have trouble sleeping tonight and I have a phone interview tomorrow at 10 am.

Why do people do things like that? Okay, this person upset me and many others. But what does that accomplish? How does ruining the day of strangers improve his life any? I wish I could understand why people enjoy cruelty but I never can.

10 years ago

Internet hugs, if you want them, weirwoodtreehugger.

Also, jerks stink!

10 years ago

That kitty really has some intimidating and adorable mind control laser eyes.

10 years ago

Yes indeed! πŸ˜€

10 years ago

Okay, this little exchange I just had on a Jezebel sub blog is too delightfully hilarious not to share. It was on a post about toxic masculinity and how it hurts men and how that relates to feminism.

Agreed. Expecting women to sacrifice time and energy we very much need for ourselves to fix men’s problems for them is toxic masculinity. I’m happy to be supportive and be an ally to men who recognize patriarchy as harmful to them and are working to change it, but they’re going to have *gasp!* actually do the work themselves. I refuse to accept the notion that women should take a backseat to men in every aspect of life including feminism.

That was my comment. This was the reply.

fuck you. enjoy doing nothing to advance women’s rights

fixing toxic masculinity is the answer to most feminist issues but you dont want a fix

you just want attention

fuck off and die

Because nothing says the belief that fixing toxic masculinity is an important issue like telling a woman to fuck off and die for expecting men to their share of the work!

Sorry. I’m sure no one cares but I thought it was hilarious.