no trolls allowed open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: October 2014 Dog Walk Dog Edition

Walking the dog
Walking the dog

An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no Iโ€™m-not-really-an-MRA-buts, donโ€™t be mean.

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10 years ago

Thanks, everyone! I couldn’t be much happier right now if I won the lotto!

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

The crumb is a little dense. I probably should have let it rise a bit longer. I was afraid of that, because the recipe calls for a gianormous pan that I think no non-industrial human being has in their kitchen, so I divided the dough and put it into two separate pans. This made it hard to judge the rise and hard to judge how long to bake. I baked it the right amount of time, but should have given it another probably 30 minutes to rise.

The flavor is fantastic, though. It’s rich and buttery, and really needs no toppings. I’m just cutting slices and munching it.

10 years ago

The flavor is fantastic, though. Itโ€™s rich and buttery, and really needs no toppings. Iโ€™m just cutting slices and munching it.

In that case, it’s just as well you separated it into two loaves.

And just to spoil the happy mood, I thought I was sick to death of gaming posts. But this one makes me realise that the all-day-every-day misogynists are quite sickening enough on their own.

10 years ago

Ah shit, grumpyoldnurse, that’s really bad and I hop– oh. It’s already solved in a meaningful, effecient manner that helps you and everyone else?


Congratulations! That’s super good news!

10 years ago

mildlymagnificent – yeah, I read that earlier today. Mind you it comes as no surprise that judgytwit is being her usual scabrous self.

I’m having such fun at the moment, converting files on Calibre so I can read online stuff on my Kobo. My Captain Hook fanfic collection is growing apace. ๐Ÿ˜€

10 years ago

Glad the boss came through GON!

10 years ago

@ Fibinachi – yeah, I was really shocked, too.

@ mildlymagnificent – I just don’t have the fight in me, right now, to look at a JB post. The creepy bunnies on the front page just now are nightmare inducing enough for me at the moment, thankyouverymuch!

@ kittehserf – Captain Hook fanfic is a thing, now? Where might one locate some, hypothetically speaking? I’m only asking for a friend and it’s not for me! Stop looking at me!

10 years ago

Thanks, WWTH! It’s so nice to be pleasantly surprised by people, for a change!

10 years ago

I wouldn’t look at you, grumpyoldnurse! Of course I wouldn’t look at you!

And it’s not really my collection, of course. I’m just doing it for a *cough* technically challenged *cough* friend *cough*.

Now, hypothetically speaking … these are pretty good stories. They’re Hook/Wendy romances, except Faerie Rings, which is about the one child who loves Hook, contrary to Pan’s claim that none do. I like them all. None of them is the OUAT Hook, who does nothing for me; they’re all based on the lovely Mr Isaacs. There’s a bit of sex in most of them (well of course) and Faerie Rings gets very violent in places (well, I’d have got violent in that situation, too).

Cove of the Moon
– Hook and his modern-day love

Faerie Rings

Not Old, Alone or Done For

Those three are all from the one site, but if you look up An Archive Of Our Own or Adult Fiction you’ll find more. (Yes, the Adult Fiction is what it sounds like; there’s a lot of slash.) Look for Peter Pan fandoms and you’ll be pretty right.

Needless to say the writing quality varies hugely. Some stories I give up on after the first paragraph of capitalised speech tags. ::shudder::

There’s also an actual published book out, Alias Hook by Lisa Jensen. It’s really, really good; Hook narrates it and Jensen writes very well.

Say, let me know if you want my email addy to talk about this stuff, or just generally!

For your friend, of course, I mean. *cough*

10 years ago

Thanks, kittehserf! I mean, please thank your friend for my friend! Yeah, yeah, that’s what I mean…

I’ve seen you mention Alias Hook before, and it sounds good. Will certainly try to give it a read. Must agree with you on OUAT’s Hook. They reduced this seductive, brilliant force of masculinity to a mere pretty boy. It was almost as sad as what Sherlock did to Irene Adler! (still like OUAT and love Sherlock, though!)

I can’t remember the name of the book off hand, but I have a version of Treasure Island told from Long John Silver’s point of view. I loved Treasure Island when I was small, and it was very refreshing to see what Silver’s narrative may have been. Also, the book contained rather biting social commentary about some of the nasty stuff that was pushed to the back in Treasure Island. Thoroughly good read, and I wish I could find it so that I could recommend it accurately. My Google-fu has also failed me, too, and turned up nothing!

10 years ago

Do either of these sound like it grumpyoldnurse?

John Silver was also the protagonist in Bjรถrn Larsson’s fictional autobiography of the character, Long John Silver: the True and Eventful History of My Life of Liberty and Adventure as a Gentleman of Fortune and Enemy to Mankind (ISBN 1-86046-538-2 respectively 91-7263-285-2). The novel was first published in Sweden in 1995.

Silver is the main character in Silverโ€”My Own Tale As Told By Me With A Goodly Amount Of Murder by Edward Chupack (ISBN 978-0-312-53936-8).

10 years ago

My friend says your friend’s welcome, grumpyoldnurse!

I’ve heard of a book narrated by Long John Silver too, but I can’t recall the name at all, so I don’t know if it’s one of those Kim quoted.

Love the title of the Chupack one. Truth in advertising!

10 years ago

Oh my

Long John Silver has been played by both Brian Blessed and Tom Baker

10 years ago

@ Kim – The first sounds like it, although I thought the title was shorter. Maybe I had a different translation.

@ kittehserf – Brian Blessed as Long John Silver? Oh, my! ๐Ÿ™‚

10 years ago

… is it weird that I (as a kid in my 20s) find two middle-aged ladies covertly sharing links to fanfic under the guise of “from my friend to your friend” kind of adorable?

I don’t do fic often, but when I do I go for the fluffy. Fluff is good. Fluff is so good. Plot is also good. I like plots.

10 years ago

@ contrapangloss – I don’t think it’s weird (of course, I could be just a titch biased). I’m actually glad we’re not squicking you out! ๐Ÿ™‚

10 years ago

Well, “Adult” fanfic is scary. I much prefer the K+ to T variety. I may be an adult, but I’m so not mature enough for M.

So, yeah.

My “Ewww! Gross! Adult People talking about reading fanfic with the nasty!” instincts are currently being over-ridden by the “D’awwww” feels of the covertness and fanfic/fandom bonding.

10 years ago

On that note, this probably isn’t the best forum for an ongoing discussion of this nature!

So, yes please, kittehserf, I would like your email. I’m going to assume that you have access to mine, by virtue of being a mod?

10 years ago

The staffing agency I signed up with is submitting my resume for a temp to hire position at a behavioral health company. It’ll require a phone interview first so wish me luck!

10 years ago

Good luck, WWTH!

10 years ago

Good luck, WWTH!

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

Good luck, WWTH!

10 years ago

Thanks everyone! The job sounds like a great fit for my experience and education and hopefully they need to hire someone quickly and that’s why they go through a temp agency. I feel cautiously optimistic.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

So, my goal with the bread was not actually to just eat hunks of naked bread. It was to make French toast.

I can report that, even with a very dense crumb, this bread makes fantastic French toast.

And yes, I did just eat French toast for dinner. I’m an adult and I get to do stuff like that. I am not ashamed!

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago


Some companies routinely use temp agencies to make new hires. It gives them a chance to try someone out without going to all the legal hassle of making that person an employee. It’s a lot easier to dismiss someone who is on a temp assignment than someone who has actually been hired.

If this is that kind of company, they will hire you as soon as they are assured that you are a good fit.