An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.
As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no Iโm-not-really-an-MRA-buts, donโt be mean.
An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.
As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no Iโm-not-really-an-MRA-buts, donโt be mean.
You must have way more exciting company picnics than we do here.
Shower curtain perfection right here.
Buttercup, yes! Just that hint of I don’t trust you, human, what’s this thing?
thebewilderness, that shower curtain is amazing! Makes me wish I had a curtain rather than glass door shower, because I would so buy it.
… Actually I’m tempted to anyway …
Or maybe not, because I’m stuffed if I’m paying over $80 for a shower curtain.
It was during the dot com boom era, where there was more money than common sense. I was tubing behind a boat being driven by the VP of development. He thought it would be funny to drive the boat in sharp circles and create a three-foot high wake. The tube launched me several feet in the air. I hit the water on my side going 25 mph, which was like hitting concrete. He never even checked afterwards to see if I was OK, the jerk.
The injury toll from that picnic was quite impressive: a lacerated foot, a concussion, sunstroke, and someone got sick from too much watermelon vodka.
Post-recession, our company picnics have been along the lines of a hibachi in the parking lot. I think someone in legal wised them up to liability issues.
That shower curtain is a thing of beauty, btw.
A horrible hought (SFW)
Yay, NaNoWriMo is over!
Kitty’s moment of horror!
Puddleglum, yay!
OMG, my tumblr has been inundated with kitty pics for me to photoshop.
kittehserf’s Miss Katie got reblogged by a popular cat tumblr and I was away!

I’m so excited that I wanted to share with you all. ๐
Holy shit that’s so cute!
Congrats on your fame, Kim! You deserve it!
If anyone heard the faint sound of squeeing, as from a great distance, earlier today, that was me when I saw Katiekins’s pic. ๐
That is a brilliant pic.
Bein’ as it’s Katie, and knowing what she’s like, I’m trying to figure out if she’s a hatchling from that nest or a Spotted Tabby Cuckoo getting ready to dump the eggs over the side.
She’s in that egg-shape that cats take on, so my guess is that she is a legit member of that nest. ๐
Also, I talked to my boss. It turns out she is not a human being. She is, in fact, a fricking awesome human being. She is keeping my name out of all official reports and has already implemented a plan to keep my co-workers safe and has given me verbal assurance that I will not be the patient’s primary nurse ever again. She totally respected my boundaries about not pressing charges (although she did offer to support me if I wanted to) and also respected the fact that I did not want to name the co-worker who was also assaulted. Social work and security are both on the job with violence prevention, too. There was also an announcement at daily report to alert staff about the incident (without going into too much detail or mentioning my name) and to remind people that we are allowed to set whatever boundaries we need to with regard to physical contact.
All in all, it was the best possible outcome!
I would also like to thank all of you, again, for your kind support and advice. You guys really came through for me! ๐
I mean, it sucks that that happened to you in the first place, and it absolutely should not have. But it’s great that your manager has your back.
Hallelujah!! A boss who knows the right way to boss.
Lucky you, grumpynurse.
I started making bread about 4 hours ago (because making bread in the evening is apparently something I wanted to do today) and I set it next to my computer for the second rising.
IT SMELLS SO GOOD. I’ve never done this recipe before. I needed something that didn’t require a lot of kneading, so that I could get away with kneading it with the dough hook. I’m trying this Sally Lunn recipe from Martha Fucking Stewart and it already smells delicious and it hasn’t even gone into the oven yet.
@ Policy of Madness – Mmmmmm, Home made bread… Yeah, I’m about as happy as can be expected. I might even try making some bread, myself!
@ mildlymagnificent – I can’t tell you how grateful I am that my boss is not a lizard person. I’ve dealt with some real charmers over the years, so it’s a relief to have a manager who manages, instead of bullying.
grumpyoldnurse! YAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! ::dances round room::
PoM – then there could be Other Katies hatching soon! I don’t know whether being excited or being very, very afraid would be more appropriate. (This is a cat who winds kings round her velvet paws, after all.)
Mmmm, new bread. Yum, yum, yum …
Here’s the recipe I’m using:
We have an epic stand mixer of epicness and the recipe does not actually call for kneading.
Grumpyoldnurse: So glad to hear it!
Let us know how it comes out, PoM!
(sorry, couldn’t help myself. Was doing a little happy dancing, too)
I’m still sorry that you had to go through that, but it sounds like the situation is being managed in the best possible way for the situation and for you. Yay for coworkers being protected, yay for you never having to be bad-patients primary nurse, and yay for your manager!