An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.
As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no I’m-not-really-an-MRA-buts, don’t be mean.
An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.
As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no I’m-not-really-an-MRA-buts, don’t be mean.
So, slightly exciting news!
I’m getting another live in at the station, finally. The only problem is he’s also scene support (so we still don’t have a legit firefighter live in) and he’s an ETT, so I’ll still be lead medic for the time being.
BUT: He’ll be taking Fire 1 with me in the spring, so by summer we’ll have 2 entry qualified firefighters! He moves in sometime next week. Time to reorganize the kitchen cabinets so he has room for his stuff!
The only con is now I won’t be able to talk super freely about my living situation while I’m visiting my retired baptist preacher-man of a grandfather this Christmas. It was a little awkward back before my predecessor moved out, but I think the fact that our “off to a new job in a different state” firefighter was legit old enough to be my dad made it a little easier for Grandpa to wrap his mind around.
If I told him his grandaughter was going to be sharing a station with a bloke in her age cohort… Grandpa’s a sweetheart and I love him dearly, but yeah. He’d start giving me his worried face, and the worried face is kind of killer.
My parents might also give a little bit of a worried face and a be careful warning, but they also kind of understand the whole fire-department culture thing a bit better, so they’ll adjust a little better. Also, they’re not half as good at the soul crushing “I’m so worried for you” face.
Seriously, his “worried for you” face makes me feel like I’ve just kicked a thousand puppies.
…not that I know what kicking a thousand puppies would feel like, but I’d imagine it’d feel about as bad as the worried face.
Also, Katz:
I’ll cross fingers for non-headache inducing glasses in the near future. That sounds really, really awful.
Also, ninja-internet-hugs delivered through the pillownet for any who need them.
katz, that’s a pain when they screw up with glasses. I’ve had it once (not so much a screw up as simply not being able to adjust to the new scrip) and my sister’s never yet got a pair that work for her. I’d be inclined to look for a new optometrist at this point. Do any in your area have deals for new customers? Though if they’re like here, I guess that’d be more about frames anyway, which you’ve already got.
gilshalos – yay for new fridge with small – no, wait, BIG, really big – dent, and for nice delivery guys!
puddleglum, eeep, that snow! Beautiful, but hella scary the thought of being caught in that.
Falconer, love the babby pics. Miss BelovedFalconer looks like she’s about to halloo to the reverberate hills in that last one. 😀
contrapangloss, congrats on new live-in colleague coming! Hope he proves a great person to share a space and work with.
I cannot believe how gorgeous cold roast beef salad tastes.
I mean, cubes of cold roast beef, a few salad leaves, grated carrot, grated beetroot, lemon juice, lemon-flavoured rapeseed oil and a grate of salt.
So simple and so wonderful to eat!
Bonus is the salad being cold, not hot from fridge-light in non-working fridge 🙂
And thus was heard in the land in those days, a cry sure to make the stoutest of mousers vanish in the twinkling of an eye, and which made the very hills shake in its volume and its pitch: “CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATT!!”
It’s a bit cheeky, I know, but I could do with some help for a work thing. I’m trying to raise social justice awareness and my problem in this instance is as follows:
One of the things we do is value the liabilities of pension schemes and, in order to calculate these, we have to make certain assumptions like how long people will live (i.e. how long will the pension be paid for) and how many people are married (i.e. if they die, will the pension scheme have to pay a spouse’s pension). “married”/”spouse” includes civil partnerships as well as same and opposite sex marriages (we’re in the UK).
My problem is with the % married assumption. We say that we assume that “at retirement x% of members of the scheme will be entitled to a spouse’s pension and that husbands will be y years older than their wives.”
As you can tell, implicit in this assumption is that all marriages are heterosexual (a statistically justifiable assumption currently) but we never explicitly say that. Given that we are assuming that all marriages are heterosexual, I think we should say so but my colleagues are boggling at how to do it without panicking our clients who are the trustees and tend therefore to be mainly affluent white older cis males.
Any ideas on how to express this assumption clearly and simply?
Trigger warning – women murdered.
I am so sad. I read about Miss Honduras & her sister being kidnapped on Bina’s blog, and so I’ve been following the story, and their bodies have been found, an arrest made. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-30114841
Stupid GOP and their stupid temper tantrum. “Obama can’t do things by executive order! That’s illegal! Obama’s not working with us! He should work with us so we can refuse to work with him and blame him for nothing getting done! Hey it won us the midterms!”
Stupid GOP and their refusal to remember that George W. Bush was a thing. Stupid It’s OK If You’re A Republican.
They are why we can’t have nice things.
surgery went ok. typing left-handed as my right arm is completely dead from the nerve block. that should resolve in ~24 hrs at the most. anesth was fine & i had no adverse reaction. thanks everyone!
I saw you tweet but do not tweet. The only band that broke up, kept their name and stayed good that I can think of is Genesis.
Excellent PoM. Here’s to a speedy and complete recovery.
@titianblue, is this a thing that is specific to opposite-sex marriages? Is there a typical age gap for same-sex marriages? Can you say something like “the older spouse will be x years older than the younger spouse”?
Congrats on the working fridge, and successful surgery, and anything else that I missed.
I just came home from work, and the roomie has received the Pogues 30-year anniversary collection he’d ordered, so we’re sitting here just soaking in bitter, drunken, Irish folk-rock. I feel good all over.
@ PoM – very glad all went well! Here’s to a speedy recovery! 🙂
@ Falconer – Gosh, your smalls are beautiful! What big, blue eyes they have!
Yay PoM, I’m pleased the surgery went well.
PoM, so glad the surgery went well!
Wonderful that the surgery went well, PoM
Hey POM,
Sorry you needed surgery. Glad it went well. Best wishes. <3
PoM: Glad to hear everything went well!
Got to love this.
Source: Paws, Pee and Mice: Cats Among Medieval Manuscripts
For all the evil feminists I adore:
BAD kitty!
Very bad kitty!