no trolls allowed open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: October 2014 Dog Walk Dog Edition

Walking the dog
Walking the dog

An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no I’m-not-really-an-MRA-buts, don’t be mean.

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10 years ago

Good luck POM and welcome back Marci!

So, I just confessed that I used to have an eating disorder to my mom tonight. I actually thought she knew but she didn’t. We had a few drinks so she cried a little. I felt bad. Maybe I shouldn’t have told her at all, but I was trying to get her to understand why I’m not super confident and that being just okay with myself is an accomplishment. I feel bad that I made her feel bad because it’s not her fault. I just have a shitty brain.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Did she feel bad in the sense of not having known, or sorry for you having it?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

I think it’s important to watch those situations where you were the one who suffered and had (or have) a problem, and you nevertheless find yourself comforting someone else. It’s not automatically illegit, but it’s a weird dynamic that merits scrutiny.

10 years ago

She felt bad that she didn’t notice and didn’t help me. She wants me to be happy and felt bad that she couldn’t make me be so. It’s not her fault I’m a good liar though. I really am very good at hiding my feelings and behavior. People with EDs are usually very, very deceptive.

I don’t feel so bad about the ED now because I’ve been OKish for years. For her it was a surprise. Add in the drinks and it’s not a surprise she was emotional compared to me.

10 years ago

Good luck POM! Surgery can be scary.

10 years ago

Just had to share – today’s nanowrimo pep talk was from Tamora Pierce!!!! Guess I should try and catch up on my novel now…

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

WWTH, I guess it’s the way things go when one has an illness/disorder where deception is part of the package. Does it make sense to say I’m relieved that your mum was unhappy at not knowing/being able to help, rather than being upset/annoyed that you told her? She had the reaction of someone who cares, and yeah, because you care, you’re going to be upset at doing that.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Got to love this: a Liberal staffer has had to quit the party after they found out he used to be in a Neo-Nazi group.

Says it all, really.

10 years ago

PoM, sending all the support and hugs if you want them, hope you’re doing ok. And sorry to hear about the cost, I often forget how difficult it must be for folks outside of the UK to access affordable healthcare. Very grateful for the NHS.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Arty question! Which d’you think works better – colour or black and white?


10 years ago

I like the color one. You guys are having fun!

10 years ago

Colour. πŸ™‚

Good luck with the surgery, POM. When I have local sedation, I get a benzo to basically make me not care. I like not caring when people are doing surgery on me with a local, in particular the dentist or periodontist.

WWTH: good luck with the ongoing relationship with your mother over this. And congrats on getting better, eating disorders are notoriously difficult to work through.

10 years ago

I used to lie to my parents throughout my childhood and teenage years about my depression. Not that I knew it was depression, and maybe it wasn’t to start with. I just knew that there were periods where I felt really unhappy for no reason, and couldn’t stop crying.
It was kinda in self-defense though. If I told the truth, as I did at first, they assumed I /was/ lying to cover up bullying or something from them and kept on at me about it.
So I started saying I was reading a sad bit in a book, or something on tv or in a film had got me down, so all I got was a short talk about not letting fictional events upset me too much.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Thanks, katz, pallygirl!

I wasn’t sure about the colour one. The grass looks so dry and I’m not wild about the way the background’s faded out in the original pic, and trying to fix it didn’t work. Summer at Home is a lot greener than that. We see enough grass that looks like toast here.

We are having fun. Just being on a picnic with Mr K pretty much guarantees there’ll be fun of some sort. Probably several sorts. πŸ˜‰

10 years ago


That is all πŸ™‚

10 years ago
Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

Your works of art are fantastic. πŸ˜€

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Kim, that’s marvellous!

Poor Cleopatra, no help from the kitty.

I’ve been on a bit of a Captain Hook kick for the last few days – purely the Jason Isaacs version, beware of imitations – and reading a fair bit of fanfic, which I’ve rarely if ever done before. Never read Peter Pan or seen any of the films, because the idea of that brat killing the pirate captain turned my stomach since my primary school days.

So, with this little diversion going on, Someone decided to join in … and I can only say that this is way, way more fun.

10 years ago

That looks really cool. Honestly, velvet improves any outfit.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Thank you!

Hook’s wardrobe in that film was just magnificent. Mind you it’s hard to go wrong with something based on 1680s – 1690s fashion.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

I had pre-op today. I thought I’d been told that I would be speaking to the anesthesiologist, but I reckon I misunderstood something because I actually spoke with a series of nurses. I don’t think any of them were anesthetists. I did tell them about the SVT and one of them did an EKG (which can’t have been hideously abnormal because they let me leave). I also told them about the abnormally extreme reaction I had to sedation last time, and that was noted.

Apparently I will have my choice of how much sedation I want. They are going to do a nerve block, and I can be anything from totally awake to totally out depending on what I prefer. That is so weird and I never imagined such a thing.

Thanks to everyone for the good wishes! Surgery is on Friday. Still nervous but maybe less so based on this new info.

10 years ago

Best wishes, Policy of Madness!

10 years ago

Good luck!

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Hope it all goes well, PoM!

10 years ago

Good luck! Please check in with us when you can, we’ll all be positive thoughts for you.

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