no trolls allowed open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: October 2014 Dog Walk Dog Edition

Walking the dog
Walking the dog

An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no Iโ€™m-not-really-an-MRA-buts, donโ€™t be mean.

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10 years ago
10 years ago

@katz: they are seriously cute too. I have never seen them before.

10 years ago

I’ll add to the cuteness.

I’m pretty sure this rascal is related to my Darrow!

10 years ago

Off topic. gave in to nostalgia and bought Myst about a week back.



Maybe I’m just less patient and willing to think things through now than I was in middle school… that’s a possibility.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

What a wicked kitty, WWTH! XD

I saw my doctor about this reflux business today. She’s given me a scrip for a ppi to use if I feel it’ll be necessary. She also wants me to lose 10kg – no time frame for that, thank goodness! If the reflux isn’t resolved in four weeks, she wants me back in for tests, in case it’s not reflux but something else. Tube down the innards, aaaaaah!

10 years ago

I bought Myst about 6 months ago and gave up on it in about 15 minutes. ๐Ÿ™‚

Good luck with the reflux meds. At least with doing the investigation, you’ll have an anesthetic over it and swallow it down, if it comes to that.

10 years ago

You’ll be sedated for the endoscopy. They just go in, take a peek, grab a sample and get out of there. Lozanges are about all you need following it. It’s worth having done if the reflux continues.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Sedation is good! Do they insert the scope through the nose or mouth?

10 years ago

@ kittehserf – any time I’ve seen it done, the upper GI scope goes down the mouth. If they offer it, I would definitely suggest that you take sedation. If they do a lower GI scope, well, you don’t want to know where that one goes in! Still, for reflux, I would expect that they would do a gastroscopy, rather than a colonoscopy. Hope it doesn’t come to either, though, and the PPI’s work for you.

Good luck, kittehserf!

10 years ago

Myst! There’s always That One Puzzle.

I can never remember how to make the ship in the fountain in Myst rise out of the water.

I can’t play the piano-notes puzzle in the rocketship easily. I thought I had pretty good pitch, but no. Too many clicks in between.

My sister in law blew her character up by leaving the gas running in the boiler room, wandering around the island, and then going back in and lighting a match.

In Riven, there’s a balance puzzle in one world that I could never get right by trial and error. I think I looked at a FAQ finally; and I was rewarded with the best cinematic ever.

10 years ago

Oh Myst. Love love love love love that series. I played as a kid and looked up walkthroughs (and have regretted it ever since) and I *still* remember how all the puzzles go.

… If anyone wants hints, I’d be happy to provide. ๐Ÿ˜›


You’re thinking of Exile (Myst III), I don’t believe Riven had a balance puzzle, and it doesn’t exactly have separate worlds. But yes, the ending cinematic for that world was incredible.

Funny enough, Exile was the first and only game I beat without a walkthrough. The biggest place I got stuck on was Voltaic, where I spent over a day continuously missing the one place I needed to go to continue.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Thanks, grumpyoldnurse!

I’m going to fill that PPI scrip this afternoon. I had a pizza (mozzarella and mushroom, how mild can you get?) yesterday and the ‘flux has been playing up ever since.

I think I’ll straight out ask for sedation if I have to get the scope done. I’ve a pretty hair-trigger gag reflex.

10 years ago

@ kittehserf – Yeah, I took the kids out for pizza last weekend and paid for it all this week ๐Ÿ™ Seems I can’t do wheat, dairy, and tomato together anymore. Oh age, destroyer of fun!

10 years ago

I was relieved to be able to eat lasagne without paying a price for it the other night – I’ll eat pizza maybe once a year, I only had this because I was having lunch in town. But damn am I heading off to get some Gaviscon today!

10 years ago

Oh man, the Myst games. I played the first 3 but couldn’t find a place to get 4.

10 years ago

If you have Steam, it may have all the games. Also try

10 years ago

Yes, I would like an adorable tiny flying squirrel. No, I would not like my cat to learn the removing pipe from wall trick.

Odd thing about games – I haven’t played any for years, really, but ever since I got my iPod (present from Dad when he was visiting) I’ve been downloading all of the silly games to play when I’m in transit or somewhere without wifi. I am the evil women who are ruining gaming by not being True Gamers!

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go play 100 Ways to Die for a while.

10 years ago

I’m off to play Guild Wars 2. Dailies to do!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Myst was great. My brother and I got all the way to the end, made the wrong choice, and got trapped forever. I gave up on Riven partway through because there were too many switches millions of miles away from the actual thing they operated, and I couldn’t seem to piece together which lever did what and how to get off the island.

Please indulge me for a moment in a small rant…

So, for my Halloween act of misandry, I was going to let my son dress up as Jessie from Toy Story. He’s been a little indecisive over the past few weeks. At various times he’s wanted to be the beach, applesauce, a wagon, his twin brother, dinosaur Jessie, robot Jesus, and Buzz Lightyear. Even with all the vacillating, Jessie’s been a pretty constant go-to for him. His brother wants to be Woody, so I was like, “well, that could be a cute pair of characters”.

So, wanting to be a crafty DIY-er, I duly went out and acquired various thrift-store items, fabrics, rickrack, bias tape, heat ‘n’ bond, craft foam, fabric paint, brown tights, etc. (and, might I add, the total cost was more than a store-bought Jessie costume)

I spent three evenings measuring and cutting and stitching and gluing and ironing. I sewed cow chaps onto a pair of old jeans and a yellow fabric yoke onto a thrift-shop shirt. I added yellow cuffs and stretched a pair of brown tights over his rain boots and cut some cowboy boot covers out of craft foam. This was going to be great! The costume started to take shape and actually looked, if you squinted at it in dim light, almost reminiscent of Jessie. I added loop detailing on the yoke of the shirt with red fabric paint, then started gluing red piping around the edges,

Then I accidentally glued my fingers together. While trying to rub the glue off, I smudged the still-wet red fabric paint, got some paint on the back of my hand, then managed to smear it across the front of the shirt. I tried to wipe the smear up and created another smear. In the space of about ten seconds, everything went all to hell.

After trying hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, hairspray, Goo Gone, surveying the red smears, and briefly considering having Twin #2 go as Mob Hit Jessie, I finally said “fuck it” and threw the whole thing in the trash. Fifteen wasted hours down the drain.

I don’t even know what the moral of this story is, but it’s 1 am, I’m too annoyed with myself to sleep, and we don’t have a costume for tomorrow’s party. Anybody have any good, simple costume ideas? Maybe we’ll revisit the idea of being his twin brother.

10 years ago

@pallygirl and katz:

Unfortunately, last time I checked only the first two Myst games were on steam. Licensing changed over to include Ubisoft for 3 and 4, and apparently there hasn’t been an agreement that would let steam host them. Real shame, and as far as I can tell there isn’t really anything being done about it.

But 4 is amazing. It is the last great game of the series before 5 took out live actors and ruined everything. Play it if you can.

10 years ago

Ah, crap, Buttercup! (and that’s why I don’t craft. I haz teh clumzy)

Quick, home made costumes, though… Robot? Cover a big box in tin foil and draw dials and stuff on it, cut a hole for head and arms, and put a strainer on his head? Do you have glow in the dark skeleton pyjamas? Glow in the dark skeletons are fun! Send him out in pyjamas and a bathrobe and explain that he went as a broken alarm clock? Pirates are semi-easy to fab up out of regular stuff around the house (newspaper hat painted brown or black)… Old, ripped clothes and zombie face paint?

Not good ideas, but I do hope that they might inspire you. Good luck.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Oh, Buttercup, I wish I had ideas, but all I have are commiserations! ๐Ÿ™

10 years ago

Both Steam and GoG appear to have only Myst, Riven, and Myst 5 ๐Ÿ™

Buttercup: What a bummer about the costume.

10 years ago

Do you still have the cowboy hat? He could be a cowboy…

10 years ago

So, it’s quarter to midnight, and I just put a batch of beef bourguignon in the slow cooker. It should be ready about 8 am. My inexplicable burst of energy is gone, and the kitchen is a small disaster. I blame it on the fact that it snowed today. It melted pretty much as soon as it touched the ground, but still. Winter is Coming.

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