![Walking the dog](https://manboobz.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/eb960049cc8a8b3a826f29c1020880f8.jpg?resize=454%2C604)
An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.
As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no I’m-not-really-an-MRA-buts, don’t be mean.
An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.
As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no I’m-not-really-an-MRA-buts, don’t be mean.
Lots of insights in the current conversation . . . thank you.
That said, I came here for my own personal stuff. I am feeling very anxious and stressed out right now about various job search and personal things. I am having a particularly high-strung day. Could use hugs and kind words. Thank you.
:: re-stocks the hugs & kind words barrel ::
Adds More hugs and kindness! MORE!
@LBT, good on you! That’s something to be proud of, and very impressive when you don’t have much to start with.
@ grumpycatisagirl – Many hugs!
@ LBT –
That, right there, is a jerk filter. Anyone who tells someone to not squirrel a few nuts away for winter, just because that someone receives government funds to survive on, is a jerk. You don’t have to engage jerks, or factor their nasty opinions into how you conduct yourself. I’ve been homeless, too, and it scares the beejeebers out of me. Like you, I stash cash so that I can minimise the impact if it happens again.
LBT, if you are stingy, then I must be Smaug…
(You’re not being stingy)
Also, hugs for Grumpycatisagirl and all those who need hugs!
Thank you everyone. Just took a warm bath . . . feel somewhat calmed. . .
Grumpycatisagirl, this sounds like a good time for HOT TEA.
*just had a mug himself while watching Dr. Pol*
Space is playing all the Harry Potter movies today. When Deathly Hallows Part 2 is over, they’re starting again. It’s all Harry Potter, until about 9 pm tomorrow. Long weekend marathons!
LBT, I *am* having hot tea! You mind reader!
So sorry for you trying day, grumpycat. I hope you feel better soon!
My favorite soothing tea is karigane. If you haven’t tried it and you ever have the opportunity, you should consider it.
…Now if we could just get people in the US to see that about being working poor.
…Tell me about it. Except that 10 K is half of what I make in a year…
This is kind of common in the US, though.
I read somewhere that about 25% of people in the US pay 50% of their income in rent. That’s not secure housing.
My housing is really secure, my mom’s old raggedy mobile home. In the trailer park.
(Meth lab free since 2005!)
Pretty sure I would have been homeless without that, and considering how out of control my asthma was…asphyxiating probably would have happened. It almost did anyway.
I’m really lucky to be sucking oxygen.
I (and the other people in my head) have to strictly maintain absolute faith in my (our) ability to adapt, improvise, and overcome the obstacles we must overcome.
Like the Atlantic ocean.
We’re going to go be with LDR guy next week!!! YUSSS!
I owe owning my own house to an inheritance from my aunt.
And God did I have to justify it to the benefit people. They stopped all my income benefit because I had ‘wasted’ the money to continue getting benefit. According to them I should have used the money to pay rent for a few years then had to reapply for benefit to pay my rent.
Thankfully, on my appeal the head person ruling a> had a family member who suffered from depression, and b> knew the house I had bought was close to doctors and chemists and corner shop and understood why that was important and thus ruled in my favour.
Well, Kid has spent most of today under her headspace bed. I am under there with her as emotional support. It’s that kind of day. On the plus side, no episodes today! I think this calls for Markiplier or Dangan Ronpa videos.
RE: blahlistic
10 K is half of what I make in a year…
Yeah, it’s what I made in a year, back when I was the most gainfully employed I’ve ever made. *snrk* You can see why disability has not been much of a step down, financially.
I read somewhere that about 25% of people in the US pay 50% of their income in rent.
Very true. This is the first time I’m NOT paying about 50% of my income in rent! (Hooray, cheapass Ohio!)
Yeah 10k a year is my dream income. Living on just under 5k now, with parents paying heating and light.
Too right maaaaaaate!
Hugs for grumpycat and anyone else needing ’em!
I’ve got a nasty feeling this wasn’t one longish episode of heartburn, but first signs I’ve got GERD. So many people with asthma develop that condition, and I’ve still got an odd feeling behind the sternum – not hot, more like a lump, just enough to be distracting. What A Pest.
Well, I decided to dust off my soapstone oil diffuser (literally, it was sheltering dust bunnies) and box of oils. Not sure why I ever put this away. It’s so relaxing.
Hugs (and their equivalents) for the barrel.
I’m soooo happy today! It’s a long weekend (Yay, Turkey day!), so I don’t have to work tomorrow, and THE NANOWRIMO SITE REBOOTED!!!!
I’d totally start a Mammotheer thread in the clubs forum, but I kill threads, so if some kindly fellow nano’er would start one, I’d join it in a hot second!
Time to start herding the plot bunnies, select the comfort food, and stock up on caffeine. If anyone wants to add me as a writing buddy, please contact the mods to get my email, please.
Yay for happy day and long weekend, Puddleglum!
Joy (one of my 6 year olds) sends cookies.
She’s kind of the greater part of our collective ability to love.
She was also the one who was dead for 32 years.
…She is a cookie fiend.
Last week was a rough week…we went unto the Krogers, and we were…um…arguing in the store about appropriate food choices. Because when our headspace inside gets chaotic due to STRESS, it really does help to let some of it come out of my face.
Myself and Katherine decided PB&J would be allowable, so we went to the PB&J aisle, and we started arguing about jalapeno jam or raspberry, and which brand of must-be-stirred peanut butter we were going to get. In the middle of this an ad gizmo that operated on a motion sensor started talking to us, we pointed at it and said “SHUT UP!”.
It did shut up. (we find that machines respond to being spoken to sternly)
…We then realized there was a lady standing next to us trying to pick out jam too…there was that sheepish moment of eye contact…
“Sorry, I have to fake sanity on the job, it takes a toll.”
She nodded and said “Gotcha.”
Then Joy saw Marshmellowchocolatecoatedcookiethings and DEMANDED we buy them for girlfriend…
I am really lucky to have what I do, to be sane enough to work full time, to be able to access ALL the meds that keep me alive, to have a mostly sane family (mom divorced dad prior to me getting memory recall, got therapy). But I feel stuck, monetarily strapped, and frustrated a lot.
I can’t have a job without a car. I can’t have a car without a job. I can’t get anywhere useful without a car, I can’t afford rent in town mostly on what I make, and the bus system here is wretched.
…Also, I accumulated dumped animals, which isn’t what I intended to do with them, but animal control kills them here, for the most part. They have a 90% kill rate.
Thus I have custody of the goofy boxerhound, the spastic labrador, and the couch-humping terrier.
Anybody that wants to give a good home to a dog, please feel free to contact me.
Ok, I’m TL;DR-ing all over the fucking place….
The idea that poverty-related issues are personal problems really grinds my gears. Poverty is institutional. It’s not something that happens to random people because they just didn’t (whatever, insert sanctimonious bullshit here). The social and political systems are designed to create and maintain a permanent underclass. None of this is accidental, nor is it about poor people just not being awesome enough Galtian heroes.
Continuing the earlier conversation, intersectionality is great, but I’m really not on board with feminist causes being subordinated to other (totally valid! and important!) social justice causes either. This is the same “we’ll get to your silly little lady problems after the revolution, dear” crap that’s plagued feminism from the very beginning, and it keeps morphing into new forms ever time enough feminist notice that it’s happening and push back. The key thing to remember is that other people will always, always expect women to put them before ourselves, because that’s what socialization says we should do (and that we should be happy about it! it should make us feel so fulfilling to sacrifice ourselves for others!). This idea of women as a kind of cosmic nipple capable of and designed for the purpose of nurturing others is built right into the way most cultures see the concept “woman” as working, and if we let it that idea will be used to manipulate us into putting ourselves and others like us last every single damn time.
Pointing this out when it’s happening will often provoke a lot of hostility, because the idea that woman = self sacrificing angel whose goal is to care for others and whose life attains meaning via that process is so deeply ingrained, but I really don’t think you can have any sort of useful feminism that gets anything done without noticing that pattern and actively pushing back against it. We’re allowed to put ourselves and our fellow women first. We’re not being selfish or bigoted – every other group of people does this, if they want to get anywhere.
Kittehs: Time to find a GI doc and get checked out. GERD’s pretty treatable, but it could also be your gallbladder, so off you go! 🙂