An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.
As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no I’m-not-really-an-MRA-buts, don’t be mean.
An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.
As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no I’m-not-really-an-MRA-buts, don’t be mean.
Nothing enrages men like telling them you’re going to prioritize yourself over mommying them.
I think that’s hilarious and decidedly eye-rolling as well! Gods, they’re so so special and sooper intelligent and superior because DUDE, but they still expect the oh-so-inferior weak wimminz to do every fucking thing for them.
gimme a 400-year-old-king any day
his attitudes then sucked less than this lot’s
Hey kittehserf, did you see tonight’s Catalyst? You can watch it on youtube-iview-whatever if you missed it.
They’re talking about cities and population growth. Started out talking about Sydney and it’s various problems … how could we do it better? Go to Melbourne! Quite jaw-dropping the way it was presented. They moved on a bit later to a few things I have some reservations about. But looking at a combo based on mixing up the new Malmo in Sweden and continuing-extending the current Melbourne plans and ideas looks to be a much more encouraging future than some people are thinking.
From a listicle about how Internet Commenters see the world.
I should have a look at that, mildlymagnificent – it’s hard to imagine anyone praising Melbourne’s *cough* planning *cough*. We’ve had a succession of witless planning ministers who’ve done nothing but rubber-stamp unsuitable developments and undermine the few VCAT decisions made in favour of residents and the environment.
OMG WWTH! That d00d is so over the top!
“If you just fix everything for men, then women will be happy” Holy lack of insight, Batman! Or, maybe it was a performance art thing, meant to illustrate the whole point of your post.
@ Kim – Young Master Grump looked over my shoulder and saw the cartoon. He looked absolutely horrified, unitl I explained it to him. He then told me about how kids at school like to play ‘boys v. girls’ but he doesn’t like it, and how he doesn’t speak up against it, because of social backlash. So, even though you didn’t mean to, thanks very much for sparking an important dialogue in my house!
Oh yeah. I’ll admit that they were emphasising revitalising the city centre and getting umpty thousands to actually live in the dead heart of the CBD. We’ve been doing a bit of the same here. But when you look at the whole of the city plus suburbs, your heart does sink a bit.
There are already quite a lot of people living in the CBD these days, and it has exactly the problems you’d expect – primarily the absurd costs, lack of services like schools, and NOISE. Plus there’s Docklands, the most failed of failures, a horrible, bleak, concrete desert.
I’m on the very edge of the suburbs, in what’s really West Gippsland, yet we’re still part of Melbourne. They just don’t seem to be able to get a balance between the old quarter-acre block idea (now filled entirely by the houses) or endless, awful townhouses crammed together, and attempts to build huge blocks of flats in older suburbs. We’ve outgrown our infrastructure and all the bragging about “world’s most livable city” is just a bad joke. It’s a lot better than an awful lot of places, but it’s ridiculously expensive and takes a hell of a long time to traverse.