
Do Facebook "likes" cause female obesity? You’ll be shocked by what one Red Piller says. Or, you know, not.

Modern American woman with beta orbiters
Modern American woman with beta orbiters

This just in! The cause of America’s so-called obesity epidemic has been determined! According to noted scientist and Red Pill Redditor “hobbist,” it’s … Facebook “likes.”

American women have become fat sluts, and it's the blue pillers that are to blame (self.TheRedPill)  submitted 22 hours ago * by hobbist  American women have become, on the whole, fatter and more loose since I left for Japan 9 years ago.  American men have become boring, pathetic and insecure. America simply has just become the most beta, blue pill nation of blind followers the world has ever known.  No longer the land of the free or home of the brave... America today is the land of wannabe thugs, government freeloaders, beta providers, pedestalizing chumps, complainers, chronic whiners, perpetual victims and seekers of the easy way out.  Here in America, if a girl is eating a piece of cake men will use it as an opportunity to express their interest in her. We encourage women to remain fat by liking all of their insipid, self-aggrandizing Facebook photos and overloading them with messages online. We encourage women to maintain their bad behavior by dishing out no punishment for it, but rather rewarding it.  American men have allowed women to walk all over us.      151 comments

Weird, because according to actual data, obesity rates for women have more or less leveled off over the past decade or so, while rates for men have been increasing. Currently, while more men than women are classified as “overweight,” the obesity rates for men and women are very similar (33.7% for men and 36.5% for women). [Full Disclosure: I am a fatty.]

Regardless, Red Pillers remain outraged by what they see as the overvaluation of American garbage pussy, which is apparently the work of the evil Garbage Pussy Cartel. Two Red Pill Pussyconomists explain:

stemgang 6 points 19 hours ago   The weird thing is that pussy isn't rare. So how can they charge so much for it? Just because betas are willing to sell themselves into slavery for an occasional piece...      permalink     save     report     give gold  [–]kanaduhisfruityeh 7 points 18 hours ago   Female rapists and their male accomplices want to rape men into paying for garbage pussy, because men are just supposed to be happy for some worthless garbage barely pleasurable vagina. That's why jacking off to porn has to be stopped, so men will be desperate enough to break their necks for some garbage pussy. Also men can't go abroad and get cheap pussy either cause that undercuts the garbage pussy cartel of fat ugly bitter used up useless American bitches who demand everything but have nothing to offer in return except the vague hope of plugging their garbage used up std-ridden pussy.      permalink     save     parent     report     give gold  [–]stemgang 3 points 18 hours ago   This comes under the category of "rent-seeking."  Trying to exclude other sexual outlets in order to increase the market value of Western White pussy.

BONUS “do you even lift?”

smokingmonkey420 14 points 21 hours ago   I agree. Everything is so fake. I can't find one RP man or woman in real life. Enjoy the decline. There is nothing we can do about it at this point.      permalink     save     report     give gold  [–]Iupvoteforknowledge 6 points 21 hours ago   So true. I asked like 20 people to lift with me before I found someone who even fucking lifts. Like...its a basic component of being a man. Come on. Everything is definitely going down hill. I'm just riding this bitch into the ashes as best I can.

BONUS BONUS “do you even eat raw broccoli and lift?”

IllimitableMan 2 points 5 hours ago       American men have allowed women to walk all over us.  Something to do with T levels having dropped year on year for the last 30 years in men of all age groups. Environmental pollution is to blame, specifically, synthetic chemicals which emulate estrogen in the body and block hormone receptors. Eat raw broccoli and lift. Raw broccoli = estrogen blocker. Lifting = pituitary gland sends a signal to your nutsack to create more test. Men who lift are manlier. Men who limit their exposure to endocrine disruptors are manlier.


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10 years ago

Things like the always remind me of a great John Green quote from one of his Vlogbrothers videos.

[T]here are going to be, in your life, some people who do not want to kiss you. And if you’re not able to reconcile yourself to that fact, you’re gonna have kind of a weird, miserable, life of narcissism.

These guys can’t seem to come to terms with the fact that not every woman wants to have sex with them, which is why they are now living weird, miserable lives of narcissism.

Here’s a link to the video. The relevant question starts around 2:20.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago


I can’t with these guys. They’ve taken over the Slate, Salon, and HuffPo comments sections now, too.

::nods:: I gave up on HuffPo years back, before I’d heard of MRAs, because of the misogynist morons taking over the comments.

I like your nym. Makes me think of a Springsteen concert set in the Garden of Earthly Delights. 🙂

Also, have you had your Welcome Package?

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago


This is sillier than the fart thing.

The ultimate weapon of misandry: cake that makes you fart.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Funnily enough, one study showed that sex offenders used less porn than the control group of normal men surveyed.–Good-for-us-/
So porn use actually may actually correlate with not raping.
What does correlate with sex offense? A punitive upbringing.
Going to go look up stuff on psychosexual makeup of johns now….

10 years ago


That makes some sense, though I don’t know how watching porn reduces your chances of getting raped, which was what kanaduhisfruityeh was implying.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
10 years ago

Garbage Pussy Cartel is my new band name.

10 years ago

“America today is the land of…. chronic whiners, perpetual victims and seekers of the easy way out.”

Some self-description anyone?

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

@ alaisvex
He was?

…it’s probably one of those things that I don’t understand because vagina…

Kane Thari
10 years ago

I would call this insane troll logic, but there isn’t even any logic to it. Also, I didn’t know that the garbage cat cartels are run by dogs. I wonder how those dogs got all those cats to work together. Getting cats to work together is like herding–well, cats.
In slight seriousness, (because who the heck can take this seriously?) I’m really trying to follow these guys’ logic. Because women get likes on their selfies and enjoy food, they should be punished. There apparently is some great conspiracy afoot to make prostitution more expensive, (or is it a relationship?) and apparently men are being feminized to a point where they don’t even lift. Also, broccoli is manly even though eating healthy is considered a “chick” thing. Am I missing anything?

10 years ago

@ cloudiah,

Its funny how some cats have permanent expressions. Pan always looks like he’s sad and pleading for something, and Jade always looks confused and startled.

And just in case anyone forgot, Redpillers are the kind of people who worry about absorbing estrogen from slut pee* through their pores while showering:

*I.e., from women on artificial birth control.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Wait…men will express interest in me if I eat cake?

What was the problem, again?

10 years ago

Garbage Pussy Cartel is my new band name.

I’d rock the uknowhat out of that band! GPC! GPC!GPC!

@ alaisvex & lacerta viridis; I still don’t understand the “female rapists and their male accomplices” thing. Don’t bother trying to explain it further, though. I have a feeling you’d just be wasting your time, and then, if I did get it, I’d have to go cry or something.

@ Kane Thari – Yeah. I didn’t get it, either. Nice synopsis, though!

10 years ago

@ Buttercup Q. Skullpants – Where did you say your blog was, again? Also, may I please subscribe to your newsletter?

10 years ago

What is with this correlation between misogyny and lifting. At this point, I’m wondering if weight lifting should be a deal breaker for me.

10 years ago

@WWTH – I think that the misogynist lifters are overcompensating. OTOH, I know some very cool people who lift, including a nurse I work with who does personal training on his days off, so…

10 years ago

“Women are ‘looser now”
Next post: “why are women not putting out more?”

Men never do selfies on facebook apparently it’s only bad when women do it

lacerta viridis
10 years ago

@grumpyoldnurse I still don’t have a clue either, honestly. I got about as far as “a woman did something I don’t like, which is apparently the same thing as rape” and gave up.

10 years ago

Hey, you don’t want it? Great, because I don’t want your penis in it! Funny how these things work out!

10 years ago

It is at times like this that all I can do is laugh. Really. Laughing at these guys makes them very upset. I think they think that we will notice their shortcomings if they do not keep us frantically trying to find out what they want and how to give it to them, or, conversely, wasting our time being angry. When we laugh at them and point out their flaws, they are like the medieval witch hunters who fear the power we have to shrink their little manhoods even further.

Well, according to Margaret Atwood, that’s the thing they fear most from us. That we will laugh their wee willies out of existence. So yeah…BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Wait…men will express interest in me if I eat cake?

What was the problem, again?

No problem at all. Care for some chocolate zucchini cake?

10 years ago

This is just so magical, I can’t even think of anything pertinent to say because I’m just sitting here grinning and shaking my head.

And I thought broccoli was something you were supposed to avoid eating because your mother always made you clean your plate of it?

And oh god @Bina chocolate zucchini cake is the best. I will need to make some this weekend.

10 years ago

I’m pretty sure broccoli gives you gas. Are these guys suggesting that Real Men™ should eat it so they’ll have plenty of fuel to fart on their women?

BTW, I checked on the broccoli vs. estrogen thing. Need I say that it’s a bit more complicated than just what these bozos make it out to be?

10 years ago

My pussy has her own facebook possy 🙂

10 years ago

Damn it, they blew my cover! I knew I should have gone with Children of the Kumquat!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Oh man, chocolate zucchini cake? Yes please, Bina!

Also, I initially read “bozos” as “brozos”. That really should be a word.

@grumpyoldnurse 😀 I had a blog once upon a time, but it went dormant about three years ago with the arrival of the Blessed Event(s). Someday I’ll revive it.