#gamergate a voice for men antifeminism antifeminist women attention seeking doubling down evil SJWs FemRAs gamebros gross incompetence gullibility harassment judgybitch lying liars misogyny MRA racism radfems oh my sarkeesian! taking pleasure in women's pain twitter yeah that's the ticket

A Voice for Men's Janet Bloomfield libels Anita Sarkeesian with an obviously fake "screenshot" of a Tweet that never was

Janet Bloomfield: Unapologetic asshole. Profile picture for one of her Twitter accounts.
Janet Bloomfield: Unapologetic asshole. Profile picture for one of her Twitter accounts.

EDIT: Bloomfield says she found the screenshot on Facebook. Details below.

Janet Bloomfield – A Voice for Men’s compulsively lying “social media director” – is at it again.

A couple of months back, Bloomfield – who goes by JudgyBitch1 on Twitter – decided for some reason that she could best serve AVFM’s social media directing needs by straight-up libeling feminist writer Jessica Valenti – by making up inflammatory quotes and attributing them to Valenti in a series of Tweets. She later boasted in on her blog that the quotes – which she admitted she’d conjured out of thin air – had inflamed hatred of Valenti and caused her to catch “a bit of hell.”

Now Bloomfield is pulling the exact same stunt again. This time, her target is feminist cultural critic and #GamerGate bete noire Anita Sarkeesian.

On Saturday, Bloomfield tweeted an obviously doctored “screenshot” of a tweet that Sarkeesian never made.

Screenshot here in case she takes it down or gets tossed off Twitter again; here’s another screenshot including replies from JB’s fans.

How do we know this is fake? Well, whoever made this fake screenshot made one glaringly obvious mistake: this Tweet is way too long to be a real tweet. Twitter, as you probably know, has a strict limit on the number of characters you can use in a Tweet. 140. This fake tweet has 218.

Here’s what happened when I typed the same text into Twitter myself: as you can see, I went over the limit by 78 characters. That’s, uh, a lot.



As you can see, the “Tweet” button is disabled; it’s simply impossible to post Tweets that are too long.

Looking back through Sarkeesian’s Twitter timeline, I found the real Tweet that she posted at 2:32 PM on the 29th of September.

As you can see, not only does the time match, but the numbers of favorites and retweets is roughly the same as well; there have only been a handful more added since the fake screenshot was made. Whoever made the fake tweet obviously just screenshotted this real tweet and then pasted in new text using the same font used by Twitter.

The sheer incompetence is astounding.

Did Bloomfield make this Tweet herself, or did she simply pass along a fake screenshot she found somewhere else? Well, Google Images couldn’t find any other instances of this fake screenshot on the internet; Bloomfield appears to be the first person to post it. Which suggests that either she or someone she knows made it – or someone else made it and sent it to her, and she posted it on the internet without checking to see if it was real.

Given her proclivity for making up quotes and attributing them to her enemies, I’m going to take a wild guess and say that I think she had something to do with creating the fake screenshot.

EDIT: Bloomfield says she found the screenshot on Facebook, on a page called Feminist Crazy Quotes, where it seems to have first appeared. Here’s her Facebook repost of it. It’s not clear where Feminist Crazy Quotes got it, as I can’t find any other instances of the tweet on the internet using Google Image search. It’s still not clear why the supposed “social media director” of AVFM, a woman who seems to spend half her life on Twitter, would not immediately realize that the Tweet was way too long to be a real Tweet.

If you scroll down through the responses to Bloomfield’s tweet, you’ll notice that Bloomfield’s fans ate this blatant deception right up; inclined to believe the worst about Sarkeesian, they easily convinced themselves that this preposterous, overlong, literally impossible tweet was real. And Bloomfield was in the thick of it, egging on their hate.


When one #GamerGater noted that the quote seemed a bit much, even for the hated Sarkeesian, another commenter pulled out the “radfem” card.

It goes without saying that Sarkeesian is not, in fact, a radical feminist.

When a few other tweeters pointed out the obvious – that Sarkeesian’s alleged tweet was in fact way too long to be a real tweet – Bloonfield fell back on the same “logic” she used when she was called out for making up quotes about Valenti: well, she may not have said this, but doesn’t it sound like something Sarkeesian would say?

No she wouldn’t. She didn’t. If she had, you wouldn’t need to use a fake screenshot to demonize her.

Amazingly, even after the tweet had been revealed to be fake, even after JB was reduced to claiming it was a “Poe” – just as she did with the fake Valenti quotes – the hatefest continued on, with dozens more tweets from JB’s peanut gallery denouncing Sarkeesian for her imaginary racism.

Here are just a few of them:

One more prudent Tweeter suggested that Bloomfield might want to take down the blatantly fake screenshot, if only to protect herself.

Ironically, while going back through Sarkeesian’s timeline to see if I could find the Tweet that was used in the screenshot, I ran across this:

And while most the overwhelming majority of this defamation comes from angry men, some of it comes from angry women – like Janet Bloomfield — who are every bit as dishonest and abusive as their male counterparts.


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10 years ago

You see it’s just sooooo much easier to argue with someone if you can just make shit up. Do you expect Janet Bloomfield to take the time to look up what her opponents are actually saying and the take the time to form a detailed and researched rebuttal? That takes time and effort, time and effort she could spend do more productive things. The new Season of “Orange is the New Black,” isn’t going to watch itself, is it?

10 years ago

To be (sarcastically) fair to Bloomfield, how can you expect her to even have an argument for her cause if she can’t make shit up? It’s not like there ARE any facts to back up her up.

10 years ago

Well. I’m in a bind. I enjoy anime. There’s a lot that I can criticise about it, but there’s also plenty of anime that I really like, that hit the spot. xxxHolic was brilliant. Outbreak Company included feminist criticism *in* the series. And had women characters responding to sexist behaviour by some men.

But then I’m crazy cat lady. What would I know. Does Judgy Bitch get a cookie for pleasing her MRA handlers, for posting that? Does she feel a little safer that they won’t beat or rape her for being a bad girl?

I hate bullies. And seeing people play this sycophantic line in order to garner a little bit of security from them is disgusting. Poor woman.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

This looks like JB trolling her own followers (probably the majority of which are men) in hopes that they will retaliate by trolling AS. She’s essentially trying to use men to do her dirty work for her.

When I see things like this, I am inevitably brought to mind of the type of behavior that MRAs believe is characteristic of women: passive-aggressive manipulation of men for their own purposes. This is what MRAs believe all women are like.

I wonder, is this a self-fulfilling prophecy? Does JB behave this way because her MRA circle expects it of her, and so she conforms to that expectation? Or is the direction of causality the opposite from that? Was JB was drawn to the MRA side of the internet because they think this is normal, and won’t call her out on her shit as long as her shit is not directed their way?

In any case, this just reinforces the MRA model of male/female gender relations, like a circular wheel of toxicity.

10 years ago

Just a pedantic note David, about the fake tweet versus the real tweet: the time of the two tweets only matches if you’re in the same time zone as Chicago, because the second isn’t a screenshot and Twitter will correct the time to the local time of whomever’s viewing it – so for me, that tweet appears to be many hours later on the following day. (A screenshot of the authentic tweet won’t have this problem.)

10 years ago

I like how the MRA conception of Poe’s Law basically allows you to write straw feminist quotes and attribute them to real feminists, as if this is something they *really* think.

It reminds me of how my male basset hound used to get bored, dig a hole in the yard, and bark into it pretending it was a rabbit’s warren.

RIP Lucky. I know you would find this repugnant too.

10 years ago

Oh, dear.

I will avoid facepalming because I’d most likely knock myself out.

@Policy of Madness

Now that I read you, I think it’s possible she’s intending to instigate yet another harassment campaign.

10 years ago

I like how the MRA conception of Poe’s Law basically allows you to write straw feminist quotes and attribute them to real feminists, as if this is something they *really* think.

Yeah, they add their make-it-yourself twist to the law, apparently.

There should be a name for doing that.

Poe’s Sraw?

10 years ago

You see it’s just sooooo much easier to argue with someone if you can just make shit up.

On the other hand, when you post what people like Adam Baldwin actually say letter for letter, it’s “an amateur attempt at discrediting him”.

10 years ago

My favorite part is the way jb manages to be super racist while pretending she cares about racism

10 years ago

Someone doesn’t know what Poe’s Law is, I guess? Jeez.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

Now that I read you, I think it’s possible she’s intending to instigate yet another harassment campaign.

The only other purpose I can imagine for this type of behavior is pure attention-seeking, which would not be out of character for JB. However, she can get attention in many other ways, and this will certainly whip up fresh (illegitimate) outrage against AS.

There should be a name for doing that.

Poe’s Sraw?

I like Poe’s Straw.

10 years ago

Obviously this screenshot is further proof that Anita Sarkeesian is part of a mega-conspiracy with Twitter that allows her to make 210 character tweets that are only visible to MRA’s and other logical thinkers. It’s the same conspiracy that allows her to ban MRA heroes from Twitter without leaving any evidence that she has done so.

10 years ago

Hold on.. are we all sure this is not Anita Sarkeesian going Zoe Quinn by faking a hate campaign against her?

10 years ago

*herself, I men

10 years ago

Was it the politician John Kyl who had some statements read into the official record, and then when they were proven to be false said, “That wasn’t intended to be a factual statement”?

10 years ago

I’m starting to think there was an industrial accident at 3M. An experimental tank of Scotchguard vented into the atmosphere, making a large number of people impervious to reality.

10 years ago

JB has no integrity, shame or brains. What a train wreck of a human being.

10 years ago

ood luck trying to ever get through to GG supporters and MRAs that Sarkeesian isn’t a radfem. They treat it like the Tea Party treats National Socialism: “well it’s got [radical/socialism] right in the name, so that’s what it is!” I think if GG types knew about trans critical radical feminism, at least some of the guys would be itching to sign them up for the movement.

10 years ago

Eh, is she bucking for love and attention by doing an impersonation of a mean girl in a high school movie? Do her MRA handlers pat her on the head for that spewage? What a sad asshole.

10 years ago

So, why is Anita NOT a radical feminist? I don’t understand. Couldn’t she be? And if she is, so?

10 years ago

Good luck trying to ever get through to GG supporters and MRAs that Sarkeesian isn’t a radfem.

Radical feminism is a perfectly legitimate stance. Nobody needs to “prove” anything to these nincompoops.

10 years ago

Am I wrong, or is the fake tweet not even all that racist? Fake-nita is talking about media, not Japanese people, and anime is watched all over the globe, so the “caters to losers” could apply to anybody. Substitute in “hentai” instead of “anime” and I could easily see a more extremist person legitimately making a similar claim, probably someone who was anti-porn.

I’m definitely open to being wrong, but I think even in making a fake tweet Bloomfield inserted racism on her own. Which would be hilarious.

10 years ago

@Shiraz I think JB’s just like this. Even in that blog post about making a wedding cake for a friend she went out of her way to state that most people’s wedding cakes taste terrible because they use fondant instead of buttercream.

“Ergo, it wasn’t dried up shitty vanilla flavored sawdust, as most wedding cakes are”

Even when she’s trying her best to be nice, she’s tearing other people down.


10 years ago

Maybe this is what Janet Bloomfield really thinks? I don’t know she reminded me of this

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