a woman is always to blame antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? crackpottery evil sexy ladies irony alert men who should not ever be with men ever misogyny penises

If you can't be with the dick you love, love the dick you're with

What do women want? One woman-hating man has the answer!

Fellas! If you’ve got a girlfriend, and you don’t want to lose her, don’t ever leave her alone for more than a few days at a time, because if you do, she’ll feel so penis-deprived that she’ll cheat on you with whatever penis-having person she can get her hands on first.

That, at least, is the contention of C. M. Sturges, the woman-hating, gun-loving founder of the blog Apocalypse Cometh. And you can trust his insights on all things related to relationships because, as he boasts,

every relationship I’ve ever experienced, from my parents, to fiance’s, to my ex-wife and every other relationship I’ve ever had has gone down the crapper.

Mr. Sturges explains that all of these relationships came a cropper (or a crapper) not because of any fault in his personality, or anything like that, but simply because he was simply on the road too much. Which, as he notes, meant that

My dick wasn’t in the house.

Now that might seem harsh, but listen to me for a second. Here’s one rule of life that will serve you well and it’s a hard lesson for me but after nearly forty years of seeing it in action, it’s something you need to sear into your brain. This is it:

Once a woman starts menstruating, she won’t go for long without a dick in her.

Now, before you jump to conclusions, he doesn’t seem to be suggesting that women suddenly become ravenously penis-hungry the moment Aunt Flo makes her monthly visit. Instead, he seems to think that from the time of their first period onward, female human beings are ravenously penis-hungry all the time.

This is the dirty little secret that the medical, psychological and sociology fields won’t tell you. If a woman doesn’t have a hard dick around giving her what she needs, she is going to find that only thing that she needs to make her life complete. And that’s a hard dick. That’s the only thing she cares about and it doesn’t matter what size it is, if she orgasms, she has to have that and it is the only thing she has any care for.

So, let me get this straight: you’re saying that she wants a dick?

I know what you are all thinking, “Mitch, how can you say that with any conscious logic?”

That is one of the things I was thinking, though I wouldn’t have worded the question quite so politely. I was also thinking that the median age of first menstruation (menarche) in the US is about 12.5 years, while the average age at which American teenagers today have sex for the first time is 17; only 16% have had sex before the age of 15. In other words, most girls manage to wait for five years before having sex for the first time. I am thinking it took me all of five minutes to track down these numbers. I am thinking that perhaps Mitch is not the expert on female sexuality he thinks he is.

In any case, Mitch puts less faith in science than he does in his own (alleged) experience.

I have so many stories about fucking girlfriends of my friends, I have so many stories about my friends fucking my girlfriends … .

Huh. This couldn’t possible have anything to do with the sort of person you are, and the sort of people you hang out with?

To put it bluntly, the bitches can’t go without dick. And given their proclivities, they won’t. If they don’t have a hard dick in the house, they’ll find one somewhere. And plastic is only a stopgap, they need the real thing and they won’t stop until they get it.

Ok, ok, we get it, we get it. So what can we do?

My recommendation is that you don’t leave for more than a week. Personally, from my experience, that’s about as long as they can go without some flesh injection. Trust me on this, I’ve been studying this subject for almost twenty years. …

It only takes a few days of absence for your woman to stray. Six at the most in my opinion. But that is only for women worth fucking. Now we see the roots of feminism.

Wait, what?

Imagine if you are a woman who needs dick at the level that most women need it but can’t get it? That enrages them, they need it as bad as their sisters but can’t get it.

Pisses them off. Imagine needing something that is vital for your survival, you don’t realize what it is but you still can see other women around you getting it?

Hate to break it to you, Mitch, but feminists have sex too.

Mitch insists that he’s not “going to to volunteer to help … out” the world’s dick-deprived feminists, which I doubt is the terrible tragedy for them that he seems to believe it is.

Thus concludes today’s lesson from some dude who has no idea what he’s talking about.

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blahlistic (@blahlistic)

@ canuck…since I live *just far enough* outside of a major city to make me pretty isolated,(they cue up dueling banjos about 3 miles from my place) I spend a lot of time in various mental health fora…online support is generally, if not always a good thing.

Not always a substitute for meatspace support, but better than nothing. It allows you to process stuff and share experiences among people with your DX pretty easily, and there’s usually someone awake somewhere.

10 years ago

Whatever happened to the argument that women only want a man with money? Guess that’s not even enough. Poor men. Or rather, poor men who have to come up with excuses for why every single relationship they have ever had in their lives has failed.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Here’s a piece of EvoPsych bullshit that needs to die off:
The notion that sex is vital to the survival of the individual – as opposed to the survival of their genetic phenotypes. The two things are very different.
Anyone can survive long periods of celibacy, but these misogynists seem to think men and women NEEEEEED to be having sex constantly, like it’s the same as eating or something.

Yeah, that really is stupid.
Even for a horndog like myself.

If I’m stuck having sex by myself only…and trust me, if I’m not having sex with some other person that’s not voluntary on my part…I will not be terribly happy about it.
I will constantly be thinking about sex. At work. At home. In my dreams. I will get…um…uncomfortably aroused at random times…for hours. It will be a lot of work to not look people in inappropriate places.
But at worst, all that’s a really big annoyance.

Whatever happened to the argument that women only want a man with money?

Oh, that’s still around.
Why is a relationship that lasts many years considered a failure? If you have a job that lasts many years *that* is not a failure.
I had a marriage that lasted for 10 years, and…should not have lasted that long!
But I don’t think that the marriage was a loss.
It was very painful, but I learned so much, and it wasn’t all bad.

…I was just thinking that we have this cultural expectation of “forever” when forever ain’t happening for the majority of couples.
Then we feel like we failed when forever doesn’t happen. Not that it can’t happen. But with some, like me and the ex, forever should NOT happen. She was untruthful, I was lying to myself at the start about important things (and thus to her). As a result I got with someone I should never have made a long-term commitment to.

Just thinkin’, yanno.

10 years ago

So the next time the manosphere lets out a collective whine about how women don’t want to have sex often enough we can call them liars and point to one of their own?

10 years ago

So… what happens if a lesbian leaves the house? Does she buy a dildo while she’s out? An entire dildo store? Does her partner chop off penises to turn into details? So many questions!

And, once again, asexual women don’t exist! Except they totally do and this guy is totally unable to comprehend any sexuality but his own.

10 years ago

So how do these guys reconcile the idea that women are supposedly prepared to bang anything that moves with their idea that women are selfishly and irrationally withholding sex as a power play over men? Surely if women were so mindlessly craving Teh Cawk all the time they wouldn’t be able to maintain any elaborate Sex Rationing?

Right, sorry. Logic and consistency. Not redpiller strengths.

10 years ago

[blockquote]“Feminists have sex too” is a shit rebuttal.

It undermines the feminist critique of intercourse in the first place and that many of us deliberately want nothing to do with intercourse with males.

Also, it completely erases Lesbians.[/blockquote]

Uh. Lesbians have sex. Why are feminists critiquing intercourse? Giving random sex critiques sounds kinda unsexy.

Here’s a radical idea: some women have penises. Some lesbians have sex with them. Penises may be a major “why would I even” to me in any non-imaginary context, but *everybody is different.*

10 years ago

Yet another post because I read through chronologically:


Yeah, highs and lows that are all in your head, but your head’s where you live, and who wants to live on a roller coaster? Have all the hugs.

10 years ago

Single women who are into one-night-stands will still not have a minimum of one PIV a week, every single week.

Maybe not, but I came pretty close between the ages of 19 and 26. Probably 3 out of 4 weeks a month on average. Even though it didn’t last forever, I remember those days fondly.

So I have to second everything that dashapants said.

10 years ago

I like crochity old man Doctor. It’s goes right back to Hartnell and his crochityness.

10 years ago

I should probably add that I wasn’t in any LTRs during this period.

Commenting on a phone is onerous. :/

10 years ago

Also, I don’t follow Dr. Who but I will be forever in his debt for spinning off Torchwood!

10 years ago
Reply to  Bina

Looks like she’s a TERPer so she doesn’t even consider post-op transwomen as actual women. And she seems to think the genital surgery involves cutting off the penis and drilling a hole down there.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Uh. Lesbians have sex. Why are feminists critiquing intercourse? Giving random sex critiques sounds kinda unsexy.

Sounds like an exam. “Enthusiasm good, technique needs work. 7/10.”

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
10 years ago

Mmm yeah baby, you critique me so good. Let’s get dirty and engage in critical dialectical response to the fluidity of meaning and identities in post-traditional society.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
10 years ago

Mmm yeah baby, you critique me so good. Let’s get dirty and engage in critical dialectical response to the fluidity of meaning and identities in post-traditional society.

Whoa. That’s like, directly from Alison Bechdel’s “Dykes To Watch Out For”.

10 years ago

“Feminists have sex too” is a shit rebuttal.

It undermines the feminist critique of intercourse in the first place and that many of us deliberately want nothing to do with intercourse with males.

Also, it completely erases Lesbians.

My first comment is that the poster seems to assume that “sex”: by definition means heterosexual PIV intercourse, which seems like an odd assumption for a person who presents as a radical feminist Lesbian to make. Perhaps she is assuming that “sex” means an erotic interaction between people of different sexes — you could make an argument for this definition, but that is not what most people mean when they use the word.

Secondly, zie seems to be advancing a position that is most commonly associated with Andrea Dworkin: that all heterosexual PIV intercourse, since by definition it violates a woman’s physical boundaries, is therefore a form of rape. In effect it states that a woman cannot really consent to PIV sex, because her apparent consent is an effect of being brainwashed into thinking that because it is a normal interaction it is therefore acceptable. Somewhat less radical is the definition of rape given by Robin Morgan: “I claim that rape exists any time sexual intercourse occurs when it has not been initiated by the woman, out of her own genuine affection and desire.” The problem with this is that in the first place probably most women would not agree with this — I have never read a sexually-active heterosexual woman state that she wants to always be the initiator, though I’m sure there may be such women — and I doubt that simple consciousness-raising would change that. Secondly, it would define almost all sexually-active heterosexual males as serial rapists, which tends to detract from the effort to define rape as a deviant criminal activity. If every man is a rapist, it is more difficult to justify punishing the minority that rapes in a different manner.

Now, as to whether this sort of argument contributes to the stereotype of feminists as man-haters — maybe it does, to the extent that people looking for straw-woman arguments might latch onto it. But people still need to be free to discuss ideas like this. The point is that these ideas have never made it into the mainstream — and someone who argues in effect that you can’t be a feminist if you have consensual intercourse with men is advancing a radically restrictive definition of feminism.

The poster might have been more accurate if instead of writing “the feminist critique” zie had written “one radical feminist critique” — but of course this sort of self-restriction is something you can’t expect from a dogmatic person.

10 years ago

You mean that if I expect a woman to get all her sexual needs met through me (monogamy) that she’ll then expect me to have regular sex with her? Shocking!

I think this guy almost stumbled upon the obvious; (some) women have strong libidos and view having sex as a relationship dealbreaker. Then he wandered off the edge of the logic cliff. Not all women are the same. Some prefer masturbation, some prefer PIV, some will wait out sexual frustration forever, some won’t, and etc. etc.

Although I’m pretty damn sure that every sexual woman cares about whether or not she orgasms, even if it’s not a main concern.

Come on dude! You were almost there!

10 years ago

Once a woman starts menstruating, she won’t go for long without a dick in her.

Jesus Murphy. I just read that line again, and now it sounds like he’s making excuses for statutory rape.

10 years ago

@ Bina – that’s how I took it. I mean, with teh laydayz always hungering for the D. /endsarcasm

I sincerely get the feeling that this guy reduces all human interaction to the most basic, primitive level possible. He also seems to be unable to recognise that different people will respond differently to the same stimulus. Sounds like a ephebophilia apologist to me. Does that count for a square on my bingo card?

10 years ago

My first comment is that the poster seems to assume that “sex”: by definition means heterosexual PIV intercourse, which seems like an odd assumption for a person who presents as a radical feminist Lesbian to make. Perhaps she is assuming that “sex” means an erotic interaction between people of different sexes — you could make an argument for this definition, but that is not what most people mean when they use the word.

Actually, GOM, that’s exactly what she means. Only PIV is sex in her mind, as bizarre as that sounds. She explains it on her blog.

10 years ago

Human sexuality is extremely complex, and people who try to make simple, definitive statements about it are doomed to making themselves look silly. Our culture tries to force everyone into the Eternal Binary but only succeeds in making everything vastly more complicated and confusing. So does the very human desire to put a simple, precise label on all of us and then cram us into the proper pigeonhole. Ouch! Doesn’t work.
One of the fascinating relationships in American political history is the one between the detestable fascist J. Edgar Hoover and his longtime top assistant at the FBI, best friend, and companion Clyde Tolson. They were clearly devoted to each other and neither ever married (though they kept separate residences near each other). Were they lovers, or were they merely following the pattern of very very close friends without actual genital sex that is probably more common among lesbians? Does it matter? My first-grade and fourth-grade teachers lived together for almost 50 years. This sort of thing was common enough that it has a name: Boston Marriage. Probably they were lovers, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they did what we would call sex.
A few years a professor claimed rather loudly that she had identified the “Master” that Emily Dickinson wrote about in her poems, and claimed to have identified the culprit — not only that, but she claimed that they had had an actual physical sexual relationship. (This attracted my family’s attention because her candidate was my wife’s great-grandfather.) Now the idea of shy, reclusive, aetherial Emily (who lived so much inside her own head) fucking a married man seems pretty bizarre to me (the main argument seems to be that her brother Austin was carrying on a fairly notorious extramarital affair, and like brother like sister, n’est-ce pas?). I have always thought of Emily as being basically asexual, but in this age of universal heavy breathing it is hard to sell that idea. I compare her to a poet I actually knew in person, Daniel Berrigan, who was a frail, aetherial person who sometimes looked more like a wraith than a living human. I always had the impression that celibacy was his natural state. On the other hand, his big athletic brother Philip was not cut out for celibacy; he left the priesthood, married a former nun, and fathered three children.

Actually, life would be pretty dull if we all fit into those few small pigeonholes.

10 years ago

“This is the dirty little secret that the medical, psychological and sociology fields won’t tell you. If a woman doesn’t have a hard dick around giving her what she needs, she is going to find that only thing that she needs to make her life complete. And that’s a hard dick. That’s the only thing she cares about and it doesn’t matter what size it is, if she orgasms, she has to have that and it is the only thing she has any care for.
To put it bluntly, the bitches can’t go without dick. And given their proclivities, they won’t. If they don’t have a hard dick in the house, they’ll find one somewhere. And plastic is only a stopgap, they need the real thing and they won’t stop until they get it.

My recommendation is that you don’t leave for more than a week. Personally, from my experience, that’s about as long as they can go without some flesh injection. Trust me on this, I’ve been studying this subject for almost twenty years. …

It only takes a few days of absence for your woman to stray. Six at the most in my opinion

Projection, much? I have rewritten it to make it more in tune with reality:

This is the dirty little secret that the medical, psychological and sociology fields won’t tell you. If a man doesn’t have a soft pussy around giving him what he needs, he is going to find that only thing that he needs to make his life complete. And that’s a soft pussy. That’s the only thing he cares about and it doesn’t matter how tight it is, if she orgasms, he has to have that and it is the only thing he has any care for.
To put it bluntly, the dudes can’t go without pussy. And given their proclivities, they won’t. If they don’t have a soft pussy in the house, they’ll find one somewhere. And fleshlight is only a stopgap, they need the real thing and they won’t stop until they get it.

My recommendation is that you don’t leave for more than a week. Personally, from my experience, that’s about as long as they can go without some sperm receptacle. Trust me on this, I’ve been studying this subject for almost twenty years. …

It only takes a few days of absence for your man to stray. Six at the most in my opinion.

Doesn’t that sound more like the real world — the PUA world, anyway?

10 years ago

I sincerely get the feeling that this guy reduces all human interaction to the most basic, primitive level possible. He also seems to be unable to recognise that different people will respond differently to the same stimulus. Sounds like a ephebophilia apologist to me. Does that count for a square on my bingo card?

It totally does! And if you also have “age ain’t nothing but a number” and “women hit the wall at 25”, you might already be a winner!

5 years ago

every relationship I’ve ever experienced, from my parents, to fiance’s, to my ex-wife and every other relationship I’ve ever had has gone down the crapper.

Wait…. Is he saying that his relationship with his parents went down the crapper because…. because they missed his penis and cheated on him?! What?!

Glad I’m not the only one who noticed that one hahahaha
Really weird. But would explain many things…

And what about lesbians? Or do they just don’t exist according to him?

And as Grumpy pointed out, those manosperians have a BIIIIIG issue with projection. It’s pretty exactly the other way around – among men like him at least.
Men and women cheat quite even frequently in fact.

I have so many stories about fucking girlfriends of my friends, I have so many stories about my friends fucking my girlfriends … .

But yeah, it`s the dick hungry women, dude. That’s the problem here.

If a woman doesn’t have a hard dick around giving her what she needs, she is going to find that only thing that she needs to make her life complete.

Given his blind belief in Almighty Dick, here’s yet another man unable to satisfy his partner which might rather be the reason for them eagerly going astray. Provided, that’s even true. But someone like him will likely attract women of his like so it might well be.
However, another manospherian who with many words and bizarre points conveys the basic truth he has no sexual skills whatsoever and no fucking idea what women need.