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Men’s Rights Redditors agree: “The most important thing any society can do is properly regulate its p*ssy supply.”

Unregulated pussy supply
Unregulated pussy supply

So over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, they’re having yet another invigorating and insightful discussion of economics. Not micro- or macroeconomics. Pussyconomics.

Stalgrim starts off the discussion with a call for more affordable, er, pussy:

Stalgrim 19 points 16 hours ago We need to lower the value society puts on owning a pussy. Some men are so thirsty right now that they're willing to end their lives to be with a woman who's willing to use them until she finds something better and we have women so soulless that they treat men as nothing more than unpaid employees and are willing to walk out on them for someone "better".

The pussy is too damn high!

Demonspawn, a noted pussyconomist, explains the importance of having a well-regulated pussy market:

Demonspawn 9 points 15 hours ago We need to lower the value society puts on owning a pussy. The most important thing any society can do is properly regulate it's pussy supply. Today's society is the result of an unregulated pussy market enhanced with government mandated/replaced male support of women.

When another Redditor claims that the pussy market is already heavily regulated, what with prostitution being illegal and divorce laws and all that, Demonspawn gently corrects these common misunderstandings of pussyconomical thought.

Demonspawn 6 points 15 hours ago Perhaps you don't understand what the pussy market is: Men supply value (goods, services, etc) women supply pussy and reproductive potential. Prostitution is regulation. It sets a cap on the market for the value men must supply in order to obtain sex. Making divorce work such that men are still required to supply value while women no longer supply pussy is not regulation. It's pretty much inversion of the market.

“Perhaps you don’t understand what the pussy market is.”

“Perhaps you don’t understand what the pussy market is.”

“Perhaps you don’t understand what the pussy market is.”

Mammotheers! Your challenge for today is to see how many times you can work “perhaps you don’t understand what the pussy market is” into conversation. BONUS POINTS if you precede this comment with the words “au contraire,” or, even better, “au contraire, mon frère.”

The charming 5th_Law_of_Robotics suggests that we may be headed for pussypocalypse, pussyconomically speaking.

5th_Law_of_Robotics 3 points 8 hours ago I've heard concerns that we're rapidly approaching peak-pussy. I dismiss those as alarmist. Surely when we get near that point some sustainable alternative will have been developed. /perhaps some sort of corn based solution exists . . . permalink save parent report give gold reply [–]Demonspawn 1 point 2 hours ago I've heard concerns that we're rapidly approaching peak-pussy. It's more like a pussy bubble. The government that has been artificially increasing the price/value of pussy collapses and we return to a more natural market.

I’m honestly a little baffled by this discussion. My own pussy supply is quite stable. Except sometimes when it gets bored and bites me.

My pussy supply.
My pussy supply.

H/T r/againstmensrights

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10 years ago

Michelle – yes, that case was in Germany.

Even with a safety net, legal prostitution has all the problems freemage mentioned. Working from some brothels is legal here, but that’s done nothing to reduce – it may even have helped increase – the trafficking of women, which is a major problem, along with all the violence sex workers face. The women taking up sex work from choice – no coercion, no economic pressure (the dole is starvation money if you’re on your own, or have kids to care for) – are a minority, probably a tiny minority, here.

I’d go for the Nordic model, if anything. Slam the pimps and the johns.

10 years ago

Speaking of penguins… Apparently a certain actor popular with some Mammotheers can’t say the word:

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@contrapangloss, of course you may borrow it. Be sure to deliver it with wide-eyed sincerity.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@cloudiah – I MUST now find a mod that will allow my Sims to paint landscape, as well as portrait, so that I can post that on my sims’ walls.

I wish I could write my own mods. Ah, well. Google is my friend, and surely someone out there has done it for Sims 2.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

btw, @kittehs, No luck, yet, on getting someone to simify Louis, but the request is in the request section of, and it will still be there whenever anyone who is good at CAS decides to check it.

That sort of thing seems to go in cycles, I think. People get into a creative mode, and just look for sims to create, and then nothing happens for a long time.

Louis, however, is proudly displayed on the dorm wall. My sim has graduated, but eventually, someone will go back to college, and get a room with Louis already there. Also the Lavender Menace SJW Seal of Approval, and the Bad Feminist comic. I just love those pictures too much to take them down, so they will become heirlooms for future generations.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Oh, wait. I just realized. I’m a woman, and am therefore POLLUTING the hobby of gaming, by actually playing a game.

but “The Sims 2” isn’t a “real” game, so….

I’d better up my pollution game, and do a stint at Baldur’s Gate for a while.

Funny thing, though. About ten years ago, I had a computer problem at work, and the IT guy who came to fix it and I were chatting. I mentioned that I loved to play Baldur’s Gate, and his face just lit up. He cried, “Where have you BEEN all my life!”

I just pointed to his wedding ring. Dude’s wife didn’t enjoy gaming, and it hurt him. He wanted someone to share the hobby with him.


Michelle C Young
10 years ago


your posterior makes a fine hat for yourself

May I please borrow this? I love it!

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Re: the misognyst elected official from possibly Utah:

UGH! I hope not! I’ve lived in Utah, and half of my family come from there, and I don’t like it when awful people give the state a bad name.

However, this reminded me of something. A character I want to include in a story I’m writing. She’s a feminist Mormon from Utah, and she found online that meme about “This is the field in which I grow my fucks. Note that it is barren.”

Being a feminist, she loved it. Being a good Mormon girl, she made an embroidery sampler of a barren field, with the caption, “This is the field in which I grow my fudges. Note that it is barren.”

Of course, she is then confronted with the idea that fudge is a confection, which is cooked, not grown, so her sampler makes no sense.

10 years ago

@Michelle: If you let me borrow the line about not having a pussy because my landlord won’t let me, then absolutely!


Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Welcom Quantuminc!

I see you already have your welcome package, so here, have a pretty picture.

/Users/michelleyoung/Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Paintings/Bad Feminist.jpg

I hope this embeds properly.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Nuts. OK, try this.
comment image?dl=0

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@blahlistic Regarding putting it all on the line.

A while back, I impulsively signed up with a “free” matching service. Well, it’s free if you don’t want to be able to actually communicate with anyone. For communication, you have to pay a fee. But you can look at all the pictures and profiles you want. Sort of. If you pay a fee.

I’ve been largely ignoring it since then. However, I did make it a point to put “I AM FAT” in my profile, and rather emphasize it, because I did not want to waste my time with men who want thin women. I even put in that I have absolutely no intention of ever dieting again. Also that I have short hair.

I still get some weird questions sent my way, which I have chosen to ignore. I’m not paying the fee, so all I get is the random weird stuff. Maybe if I paid the fee, I’d get something real, but I’m just not feeling up to fussing with it these days.

If I ever do get serious about it again, though, “I am FAT,” and “I will STAY that way” will be prominently part of my profile, because I do believe in honesty up front, and weeding out the people who can’t or won’t deal with it.

Also, any man who doesn’t appreciate my body for what it really is, can’t have any part of it. Nor will I let him pet my cat.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Hahaha! Pengwings!

Also, kittehs, my kitten loves to nuzzle and suck and lick my armpit. I let her because, KITTY! However, sometimes my arm gets tired from holding it proper position for so long. Eventually, however, she will flop over and go to sleep, and be cute in another position which allows me to move my arm again, although the rest of my body needs to stay still, so I don’t disturb her.

One night, she hopped up on my chest and meowed in my face to wake me up so that she could nuzzle me. Awwwwwwww! I loves me my kitten.

She gives lots of kitty-kisses, too. To me. Not so much to other people, although she will let them pet her, unlike the older kitty who runs outside at the first threat of human beings coming into the house.

10 years ago

Every time I read this sort of thing from the abuser lobby complaining that women should not be allowed to leave it makes the hair on my arms stand up and the skin crawl right off my body.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Yeah, me, too, be wilderness.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

darned autocorrect.

10 years ago

Even with a safety net, legal prostitution has all the problems freemage mentioned. Working from some brothels is legal here, but that’s done nothing to reduce – it may even have helped increase – the trafficking of women, which is a major problem, along with all the violence sex workers face. The women taking up sex work from choice – no coercion, no economic pressure (the dole is starvation money if you’re on your own, or have kids to care for) – are a minority, probably a tiny minority, here.

I’d go for the Nordic model, if anything. Slam the pimps and the johns.

Yup, me too. I’m a definite “Norma” (Nordic Model advocate). And part of that is because I’m of German descent. I regularly read news items on the prostitution situation in Germany (spoiler: It’s utterly appalling, overrun with trafficked women from Eastern Europe, and very likely run by the mafias, to boot). I regularly translate them for my blog, too. And yeah, the high “pussy supply” there has driven prices down for sex services. Flat-rate brothels now are the norm, and they are dirt-cheap. And everything’s allowed, even without a condom. Naturally this is no good for the women…they have to serve more clients, and they’re not protected from anything. Murder rates have risen and the whole thing has made a mockery of the rationale for the original legalization of prostitution in 2002. Now, there’s a growing movement to rein it in: do away with flat-rate brothels, raise the minimum age from 18 to 21 for prostitutes, open the joints up to police and health inspectors, etc. There’s also a fledgling movement that’s more radical still, and abolitionist, advocating the Nordic Model. It’s supported by trauma psychologists, who see exactly what the system is doing to women and are getting sick and tired of having to patch and repair them only to send them back into the place that fucked them over in the first place. That’s one reason for my coming down on the “bust the pimps and johns” side.

The other reason? Guys like the idiot sons-of-assholes in the post above. They are precisely the kind of mooks one finds in the German brothels, abusing women just because they CAN.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Louis, however, is proudly displayed on the dorm wall. My sim has graduated, but eventually, someone will go back to college, and get a room with Louis already there. Also the Lavender Menace SJW Seal of Approval, and the Bad Feminist comic. I just love those pictures too much to take them down, so they will become heirlooms for future generations.

Wheeeeeeeeeeeee! 🙂

Being a feminist, she loved it. Being a good Mormon girl, she made an embroidery sampler of a barren field, with the caption, “This is the field in which I grow my fudges. Note that it is barren.”

Of course, she is then confronted with the idea that fudge is a confection, which is cooked, not grown, so her sampler makes no sense.

I love this! It’d be perfect for completely baffling pests. Sort of like my go-to with the “But don’t you want a baayyyyyyyyyybeeeeeeeeeeeeee” types over the years: “The child I have will be the next king of France or I won’t have it.” Shuts them up instantly, and I suspect a barren fudge field would have a similar effect.

Hey, have you a screenshot of where Louis’s portrait is in your Sims house?

10 years ago

Bina, yes, exactly. I’ve heard some terrifying stuff about the situation in Germany, too. Apparently it’s reached the point in some towns, like Hamburg iirc, where men assume every woman they see is a sex worker looking for customers, and the harassment has scaled up accordingly.

10 years ago

@Michelle C Young

I MUST now find a mod that will allow my Sims to paint landscape, as well as portrait, so that I can post that on my sims’ walls.

I wish I could write my own mods. Ah, well. Google is my friend, and surely someone out there has done it for Sims 2.

I used to play Sims 2 all the time and had lots of downloads for it, so when I saw your post I went “…I’ve seen something like that, haven’t I? I’ve definitely seen something like that.”

So I did a quick look, and found these. They’re from 2009 and I don’t know how well they work, but it might be worth a try.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@Bina – I read “mooks” as the Big Bad’s henchmen. That is how I have seen it used before. Somehow, the way you use it to describe the men who use prostitutes in these dirt-cheap brothels makes me really wonder: Who is the Big Bad?

Does it have another meaning?

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@kittehs – Now I want to make that sampler, myself.

Screenshots? I’ll see.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

comment image?dl=0
comment image?dl=0
comment image?dl=0
comment image?dl=0
comment image?dl=0
comment image?dl=0

These were all painted by Ebil Ladybrainz, the artistic feminist. Who is, btw, a straight cis-woman, and now happily married to her non-violent husband.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Anonymouslazycat – THANKS!

I have been playing strictly vanilla, since my game broke down and I had to do a fresh install, but I’m going to risk this download. Thank you so much!

And Ebil Ladybrainz thanks you, as well.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

I’m going to play-test it in a brand new neighborhood, which I can delete entirely, if it goes wonky.

Sooooo, off to Sim! I’m excited to try my shiny new plaything! Thanks, again! WooHOO!