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Men’s Rights Redditors agree: “The most important thing any society can do is properly regulate its p*ssy supply.”

Unregulated pussy supply
Unregulated pussy supply

So over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, they’re having yet another invigorating and insightful discussion of economics. Not micro- or macroeconomics. Pussyconomics.

Stalgrim starts off the discussion with a call for more affordable, er, pussy:

Stalgrim 19 points 16 hours ago We need to lower the value society puts on owning a pussy. Some men are so thirsty right now that they're willing to end their lives to be with a woman who's willing to use them until she finds something better and we have women so soulless that they treat men as nothing more than unpaid employees and are willing to walk out on them for someone "better".

The pussy is too damn high!

Demonspawn, a noted pussyconomist, explains the importance of having a well-regulated pussy market:

Demonspawn 9 points 15 hours ago We need to lower the value society puts on owning a pussy. The most important thing any society can do is properly regulate it's pussy supply. Today's society is the result of an unregulated pussy market enhanced with government mandated/replaced male support of women.

When another Redditor claims that the pussy market is already heavily regulated, what with prostitution being illegal and divorce laws and all that, Demonspawn gently corrects these common misunderstandings of pussyconomical thought.

Demonspawn 6 points 15 hours ago Perhaps you don't understand what the pussy market is: Men supply value (goods, services, etc) women supply pussy and reproductive potential. Prostitution is regulation. It sets a cap on the market for the value men must supply in order to obtain sex. Making divorce work such that men are still required to supply value while women no longer supply pussy is not regulation. It's pretty much inversion of the market.

“Perhaps you don’t understand what the pussy market is.”

“Perhaps you don’t understand what the pussy market is.”

“Perhaps you don’t understand what the pussy market is.”

Mammotheers! Your challenge for today is to see how many times you can work “perhaps you don’t understand what the pussy market is” into conversation. BONUS POINTS if you precede this comment with the words “au contraire,” or, even better, “au contraire, mon frère.”

The charming 5th_Law_of_Robotics suggests that we may be headed for pussypocalypse, pussyconomically speaking.

5th_Law_of_Robotics 3 points 8 hours ago I've heard concerns that we're rapidly approaching peak-pussy. I dismiss those as alarmist. Surely when we get near that point some sustainable alternative will have been developed. /perhaps some sort of corn based solution exists . . . permalink save parent report give gold reply [–]Demonspawn 1 point 2 hours ago I've heard concerns that we're rapidly approaching peak-pussy. It's more like a pussy bubble. The government that has been artificially increasing the price/value of pussy collapses and we return to a more natural market.

I’m honestly a little baffled by this discussion. My own pussy supply is quite stable. Except sometimes when it gets bored and bites me.

My pussy supply.
My pussy supply.

H/T r/againstmensrights

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10 years ago

@Pithy Pseudonym, is that the place with Mary-Ann’s Hammocks?

10 years ago

I know it was a while back in the thread, but, Michelle, may I borrow this?

“Oh, no. I don’t have a pussy. My landlord doesn’t allow pets.”

It is perfect.

10 years ago

Right, I thought stupid/evil feminists had actually DROPPED the price of pussy to hitherto unknown levels of cheapness, and that we’d all wind up alone and sadz when we turned 25 or 40 or whatever, since we’d all given away the fresh milk’n’eggs for free. This was CLEAR proof of our thoroughgoing incompetence and complete lack of future orientation.

Now it appears we have actually grossly overpriced our sole asset and maintain our market share through ruthless, canny regulatory capture. We’re like Ma Bell up in here.

There are clearly competing schools of pussy economic thought in MRA Land…

10 years ago

Aww man, this entire article is the funniest sh** I’ve read all day. Thsi reads like soem weird comedy routine along the lines of Wanda Sykes “Detachable P*ssy”,only sadder bc you realize these guys are serious about this subject. (If you haven’t seen that routine, please go find it. it’s the funniest and least offensive joke about rape I’ve ever heard.)

Incidentally, we are not allowed to have p*ssy in our house bc we’re allergic to them. This is especially difficult when everyone in the house is female.

10 years ago

@Policy of Madness

It’s easier to understand if you just grok that the Republicans/Libertarians making a panic out of welfare queens just want to fuck over black people. Since overt racism went passé, the old bigots changed tactics to support any policy that disproportionately affects minorities. That way they get what they want – hurting the ones who aren’t them – without being called out on it as easily.

10 years ago

@Cloudiah: Gah! Well, thanks for the context. 5th Law can have MORE CORN then.

Kane Thari
10 years ago

But I like my cat markets unregulated. It’s how I get cheap catnip.

10 years ago

I only have one question. How did these guys end up with such an overinflated sense of themselves? I know a number of teenagers and young adults, from diverse upbringings and with different capabilities, and not one of them is like this.

10 years ago

Just wanted to plop this here:
comment image

10 years ago


Love it! I could have used it earlier today. A Jezebel troll was arguing that men should get to freely approach women on the street even if we don’t like it because we need to learn to distinguish cat calling and respectful courting. Then he got upset when I called him a condescending fuck and asked me to not to reply back because I was too rude. He seemed blissfully unaware of the irony, expecting to be left alone when he won’t extend that courtesy to women.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Cassie’s Major Domo – well, the bit about being unpaid servants to the Furrinati certainly makes sense! My original nym here was The Kittehs’ Unpaid Servant.

There’s certainly a regulated pussy market here. By law we can only own two, they are supposed to be registered, and there’s an “excess animal fee” (disgusting wording) for having more cats. Same applies to dogs.

cloudiah, that magazine is gorgeous. I love the Grown-up answering their questions.

Hey, pallygirl, how ya doing?

10 years ago

“Men supply value…women supply p*ssy.”

The wrongness in a nutshell. Men have value. Women are nothing but walking sex organs.

10 years ago

Making divorce work such that men are still required to supply value whuile women no longer supply pussy is not regulation. It’s pretty much inversion of the market.

Since most money paid to a woman after a divorce is for child support, this argument is utter and complete bullshit.

All these guyz want is to have access to a woman’s body for as long as they desire…with no responsibility for the consequences, i.e. the children. Which is really weird, if you think about it. I mean, they want us to look sexy, but we are whores when we do. They want us to have sex with them, but we are rotten, vile creatures when we do. They want us to HAVE to accept their seed and let it grow in us, but they want no responsibility for the child (crotchfruit) when it is born – and we are ugly and useless when we are pregnant. And they even want to the right to rape us, while removing all legal recourse we might have.

This reminds me of a member of Congress, about 20-25 years ago, who “jokingly” said that women are so immature and stupid that we should be made legal chattel. I cannot swear to it, but I think he was from Utah. Oh, and he wanted all women to have virginity exams if they wanted to go to college…and yearly for as long as they were in college.

I could go on and on with the list, but why bother?

10 years ago

“Men supply value…women supply [dude, no]”

So, if this is the case, why are women who have carnal knowledge of many dudes higher in value? If men supply value, than you’d assume that each interaction with value would increase the net value of the thing the value interacts with.

Instead, these guys think that interacting with “value” makes women worth less (which is kind of hard when you value the worth at zero anyway because your posterior makes a fine hat for yourself), which seems to imply that interacting with men reduces value, or sucks value away, indicating that men are a value sink, which to women would mean men supply negative value.

So, men don’t really supply value in the [seriously?] market. Because otherwise they really shouldn’t be so derogatory towards high value, promiscuous [nether regions].

Yeah. This pseudo economics is ugly and not pretty and ew. My econ teacher (who is alive) would be rolling in his metaphorical grave at the mangle-ment of his beloved field.

10 years ago

@cloudiah –

To really know Demonspawn, you have to read his TRP “field reports.” (Filtered through The Blue Pill sub.)

Oh, YUCK!!!! Bleah! Fehfehfeh! I went – I read – I laughed AND gagged AND felt really…grossed out.

I have to go wash my eyes now. I feel like they might have contracted a disease…

10 years ago

Well, the pussy market around here is definitely unregulated. Sometimes, when I want a cat, there is no cat. Sometimes it is the wrong cat. And sometimes, instead of purring, the cat attacks my hand.

Pithy Pseudonym
10 years ago

@ Saphy,

The nice thing about that place is Mary Ann gets in the hammock with you.

10 years ago

In pussynomics, cat regulates you!

10 years ago

There are various examples of discussions like this. The book “Yes Means Yes” is a collection of essays, the first of which discusses how sex is treated like a transaction, and how it is so much better and accurate to just think of it as a fun activity, the essay compares it to playing music, noting that you could do it alone, or with others, maybe in a group, or even for an audience, but either way it wouldn’t make sense to coerce somebody into playing for you. Reading that was a revelation at the time. Then I read manboobz and I see examples of men who understood the transaction and some of its pitfalls, but completely failed to consider the possibility of simply developing a mutually caring relationship with a woman, and having sex there; and then went on to develop a whole set of theory around the transactional model. It feels surreal and worrisome.

I think the idea of “prostitution setting a cap” refers to men ignoring their demanding wives/girlfriends/dates and going to prostitutes instead. Ironically prostitution is more likely to respond to market forces, so it would get much more expensive if men as a whole tried to rely on prostitutes more often. Of course most prostitutes try to “screen” their potential clients, and will refuse potentially dangerous men. So unfortunately for these two crazies, even prostitutes would probably refuse them.

10 years ago

Hi Quantuminc,

Overall, pretty nice start. However, would you be willing to not call people you disagree with and think are bad (or dangerous) people “crazies”? Although people with mental illnesses can experience disordered thinking or become violent, most are perfectly nice. On the whole, people with mental illnesses are harmed more often and harm fewer people relative to “neurotypical” folks. I can find some studies, if people are interested.

So, here! Have a

Welcome Package that explains a little bit about why calling people like Demonspawn crazies is problematical. It also explains some of the more fun inside jokes, like the value of tigers in butter (or weed).

Also, scented candles. Hard chairs. Penguins!

Michelle C Young
10 years ago


Oh, wow. I had not thought of that.

(I still support it, but only after we actually have a functional social safety net that prevents women from reaching the point of choosing between streetwalking and starvation.)

I remember reading in the news several years back about a poor woman, I believe she was German? Anyway, she lived in a country where sex-work was legal. Now, she had been looking for a job, and was on government assistance, not only for sustenance, but they were also helping her in her search for employment.

One day, the government job-search people offered her a position as a sex-worker. Well, she did not want to do sex work. She had certain morals that prevented her from taking up sex work. She believed it was a sin.

The government told her that sex work was legal, and therefore there was absolutely no allowable reason for her to refuse it. Religion was not an allowable reason, since there is no state religion in that country. They told her either take the job as a sex worker, or lose all your benefits for refusal to accept work, when it’s available.

She refused, and it made the news. However, she then was stuck without the social safety net, and needed to find some way to sustain her life.

Amazingly, the news reporter did NOT follow up to say what she wound up doing after that. They had their “human interest” story, already, and didn’t feel the need to show either that she had found a way up, or a way out, or what.

Stories like this are one reason I am torn on the legalization issue. Because JUST legalization is way too problematic. It has to be legalization with protection and respect. And I’m afraid that’s not going to happen any time soon.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)


*golf clap*

Where I live there is VERY little value put on owning a pussy.
Otherwise they wouldn’t get dumped in my freaking neighborhood by people from further in town who think we trailer-park folks have the money to take care of all their freaking unwanted animals.
Speaking of pussy though, the one I have is really bored, keeps shredding my toilet paper rolls and attacking me. I just can’t seem to play with that pussy enough to keep him satisfied.
Seriously speaking though…
If the “pussy market” is a market of any sort, what you’re marketing to the other person is the entire package.
That is, all of you, your entire being, on the line.
…Unfortunately, the red pillers have refused to admit their entire being needs a shitton of work.
I’m wondering…
When y’all go out with someone, those of you who do, or recently have been going out… do you lay it all on the line?
I was told PTSD makes for an intense personality. I’ve had PTSD since I was 4.
I don’t conceal the crazy too much. Either the person climbs on or bails. It’s hard enough faking being normal 38 hours a week at my job, so I’m not going to do it when not getting paid.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

In pussynomics, cat regulates you!

Truth. You want to do some knitting while cat sleeps on your lap? Nope. That’s when cat will decide that the only way to do lap-sitting is by draping herself under your chin and requiring you to brace her back feet with your hand.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Dang, I’m getting repetitious,still not firing on all thrusters.

10 years ago

Prick market still down, eh? Short sales – there’d be the reason.