
Links: Multicolored Republicans, woman-hating atheists, jail for trolls, capital punishment for abortions, and more

From a new GOP ad celebrating their partu's alleged inclusiveness. Apparently the admakers don't understand how screenshots work.
From a new GOP ad celebrating their party’s alleged inclusiveness. Apparently the admakers don’t understand how screenshots work.

Some links for you this Thursday. I’ll start with one that’s actually pretty heartening, before getting into the more hilarious and/or appalling stuff.

Internet troll gets jail time for tweeting rape threats ‘in protest’ of Jane Austen banknotes, by Robyn Pennacchia at DeathAndTaxes. For background, see here.

The New “#IAmARepublican” Campaign Is Backfiring In Predictably Spectacular Fashion by Chez Pazienza at The Daily Banter

Republicans’ New Black Friend Is Either A Stock Photo Or Is Having A Very Interesting Day by Tommy Christopher at The Daily Banter

Dominant Male Atheist Leaders Seem to Have a Problem with Women, by Amanda Marcotte at AlterNet

Quiz: Can you tell the difference between National Review’s Kevin Williamson and a 4chan troll? by Elias Isquith at Salon

[Note: That’s the “capital punishment for women who have abortions” one. Also, it’s not the Kevin Williamson of Dawson’s Creek fame. Different guy entirely.]

The Sexual (and Racial) Politics of Nerd Culture: A Dialogue* by Priya Alika Elias and Ezekiel Kweku at The Toast

Update RE: YouTube Sex Abuse by Laci Green on her blog.  See more on the issue and her video on Sam Pepper here.




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10 years ago

Or Pierre has merged with his kitty and come to life!

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Now I really want to go to Boston! I’ve been there on The Last of Us 😛 but I read somewhere that the major cities in that game are geographically waaay off.

On the plus side, from what I’ve seen as a non-player, it looks like they at least got the look of the T stations right. They at least used real T signs, even if they did top them with a big “Subway” sign (which may just be for the player’s benefit). Maybe it’s nitpicky, but few things throw me out of a story like getting local details wrong. I’m still mad about that guy in The Mist talking about “Rumsford”, and not just because being near Rumford would put them uncomfortably close to my grandparents’ summer cabin…

10 years ago

TW for dog slobber XD

10 years ago

Ugh, I went to the second link and I noticed on their twitter feed that they have a post called Oh for God’s Sake, Do NOT Call the Kid Who Had a Threesome with Two Female Teachers a Victim”, which a piece of rape apologia about two teachers who had sex with (read: molested) a 16-year old boy. Gross.

10 years ago

I found this video on a pet rescue blog (

Anyway, the short version of the story is the dog comes in, get adopted, and a few days later his original owner finally finds him. So its a loss for the adopter, but, well… this is what happened when he gets reunited with his original people:

10 years ago

Camel selfie.

(That doggie reunion video is so sweet.)

10 years ago

Hey David, I just noticed the book links in the sidebar. You should look at being an affiliate with book depository and kobo books as well, which are where I buy my books, and are both better than Amazon. Free global shipping from BD, and being able to use any e-reader besides a kindle from Kobo make them much better than Amazon IME.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

@wordsp1nner, there’s actually a whole documentary about Katrina survivors fighting to get their dogs back from foster families, sometimes years after the fact. I can’t bring myself to watch it, but it’s called “MINE” if you’re interested.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Did anyone see the first comment on The Daily Banter’s piece about Republicans’ new black friend?

“You mean they don’t have binders full of black women?”


cloudiah, the guy posting the camel pic is right – best selfie ever!

Oh, that doggie video. MUMMYMUMMYMUMMYMUMMY!

10 years ago

That’s a situation where there is no good choices. At least this time it was only a few days (though I was pretty bonded to my kitties after a few days, so…)

10 years ago

RE: Myoo

*shudders* Nope, not touching that, nope nope nope. *nopetopuses away into the depts of the ocean* Nope.

10 years ago

In other depressing news, Gamasutra just lost Intel as an advertiser due to harassment from #gamergate.

10 years ago


Ugh. I wish that the next anti-rape educational effort would address the idea that men/boys are always up for it and erection != consent, because it clearly hasn’t gotten out far enough yet.

On the topic of brain… well, not so much bleach, if you like chemistry and/or explosions and haven’t read this series, I strongly advise you to get to it. It is an organic chemist going through all the chemicals that he considers too dangerous, explosive, and/or stinky to work with:

10 years ago

Clarifying my first paragraph: I would like an anti-rape campaign to address the rape myth that men/boys are always up for it and that erections equal consent.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Wordsp1nner, right? Also, boys don’t always want sex and saying no doesn’t make you less of a man.

10 years ago

Yup. I didn’t find anyone to teach me THOSE lessons till I met hubby. It’s actually one of the reasons I have been deeply disappointed in the so-called Men’s Rights Movement. They claim to care about the rape of boys and men… but they really, really don’t. The closest one to being useful I’ve heard of is ToySoldier, and dude thought my getting grilled for being a male rape survivor was just desserts for being a feminist.

So yeah. Much disappoint. Very aggrieve. Wow.

10 years ago

@cloudiah: Lol at that heavy metal link. It is like they don’t even realize what opinions many of the people who make their favorite music have. XD

10 years ago

I hate that people always just want to high five teenage boy rape victims. There was so much of that on Gawker last night about this story. Predictably, even though feminist commenters were the ones calling it rape and the dude bros were the ones scoffing at the notion, there were still mras

10 years ago

Ugh, hit post too soon! Meant to say that there were still mras blaming feminists for male victims not being taken seriously.

Shut up, Woody.

10 years ago

That is awful

10 years ago

@ Myoo – What a grim way to poison age of consent discussions.

Save The Queen
Save The Queen
10 years ago

Lots of Canadian bad history there. The Emergency Act replaced the War Measures Act and had nothing to with compulsory service. Conscription in Canada has only existed at two times in the nation’s history: 1917 and 1944; they were established under other bills or orders-in-council as emergency measures and were quickly discontinued.

In Canada, the right of Aboriginal peoples to vote was never dependent on military service. During World War I and II, First Nations men volunteered at higher rates than some Euro-Canadian communities. Yet, Aboriginals did not get the vote until 1960. The right to vote was always connected to abandoning communal lifestyles on reserves and embracing liberalism by becoming a private individual. It was freely offered in hopes that it would make Aboriginal assimilation faster but very few took the government up on the offer.(for recent coverage of the topic, see Keith D. Smith, Liberalism, Surveillance, and Resistance [Edmonton, AB: AU Press, 2009]).

Sorry if that was boring. I don’t comment here often but It physically pains me as a PhD candidate in history a to hear people who don’t know actually know Canadian history, talk about Canadian history. This is especially true when her motivations are so vile. She’s ignorant and I need a drink after watching that nonsense.

Save The Queen
Save The Queen
10 years ago

Damn typos. Sorry!

Save The Queen
Save The Queen
10 years ago

Wow, I posted to wrong thread. You can delete all of that if you want. /embarrassed