a voice for men antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? boner rage crackpottery creepy entitled babies evil sexy ladies grandiosity gross incompetence incoherent rage mansplaining memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men playing the victim that's not funny!

Even more gloriously incomprehensible memes from A Voice for Men's most prolific meme-maker

That doesn't even make a tiny bit of sense.
That doesn’t even make a tiny bit of sense.

The unquestioned king of A Voice for Men’s crew of meme-makers is the mysterious fellow known only as John Galt. Galt, whose contributions are often chosen as AVFM’s “meme of the week” and posted to AVFM’s Facebook page, is truly the meme-maker AVFM deserves — a graphic designer whose graphically challenged photoshopped masterpieces are as baffling as they are offensive.

I highlighted several of his, er, designs in my recent post on Inexplicable AVFM Memes. Today, I’d like to delve further into the photoshop disasters that fill his own Facebook page, some of them official AVFM memes and others posted under his own fake name.

But first, a little introduction to Mr. Galt, as found on his blog.

I live and work in the UK, am a physically fit man in his mid thirties currently studying Computer Science and Mathematics. … I, like most men I know have dated on and off for the past 20 years or so and from my experiences I have come to realize as, no doubt many of you have that there is a deep sickness in our society in regards to how men are treated. …

With a 50 billion dollar divorce industry, sex sold as some sort of priceless resource and victim hood sold to a nanny state as the only valid form of currency it is evident that Men must protect their independence and freedom more vigilantly than ever.

The price, for failing to see what is essentially a fairy tale lie is higher than it has ever been. That price is paid to governments and businesses who profit from the misery of destroyed families, men and women with tax rates and laws that only ever increase. It is paid to greedy women and feminists who demand one sided equality while forcing men to shoulder responsibilities with none of the inherent rights associated with

Sorry, I nodded off for a second.

These fascist lies permeate everywhere from the destruction of Masculine Roles to the ignorance of sex differences in medic

Oh fucking hell he goes on like this for several hundred more words. You can go read it if you like.

Anyway, he ends with a question:

What are you going to do about it?.

Longtime readers of this blog will no doubt notice that Mr. Galt ends his sentence with a new variation on the famous MRA two-dot ellipsis, which I think we can call the Galtian MRA Question Period.

Galt has answered his own Question Period with an ever-growing collection of terrible, terrible memes. So let’s take a look!

There’s this inexplicable homage to a 24-year-old song by MC Hammer.

"It" hate your guts?
“It” hate your guts? And why is she on a scooter?

And this conspiratorial take on “the pill.”

Huh. Yet Galt thinks a male pill WILL bring sexual liberation ... to men.
Huh. Yet Galt thinks a male pill WILL bring sexual liberation … to men.

Apparently feminism was writing nursery rhymes in the early 19th century:

What does this soft-porn pic have to do with feminism or nursery rhymes?
What does this soft-porn pic have to do with feminism or nursery rhymes?

Hey ladies! Get on the feminist gravy train!

One ... MILLION dollars!
One … MILLION dollars!

Apparently feminists want everyone to live in tents, which supposedly look like … vaginas?

"Engenuity?" Apparently spellchecking is for manginas.
“Enginuity?” Apparently spellchecking is for manginas.

Apparently the true cause of erectile dysfunction is … nagging?

Er, why did you use a picture of a Viagra float at a Pride Parade?
Er, this meme is aimed at women. So why did you use a picture of a Viagra float at a Pride Parade?

I’m not sure what’s the most offensive thing about this one — the comparision of feminism to a nuclear weapon or Mr. Galt’s egregious typo.

There are only [] words in this poster. And one of them is misspelled.
There are only 13 words in this poster. And one of them is misspelled.
Your interpretation of this next one is as good as mine, though in a comment on Facebook Mr. Galt explains “yes it does refer to the sexuality between men and women. Specifically sexual aggression – which of course is for all judicial purposes is essentially illegal nowadays, at least for men.

Ok, then.
Ok, then.

Honestly, I don’t think Mr. Galt needs a Men’s Rights movement to solve his problems. I think he might just need to hire a dominatrix. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

I’ve just scratched the surface of Mr. Galt’s graphic work. I may have to return to him in a future post.

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10 years ago

Yeah, I guess that’s really what gets me. I got the same impression from The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind.

“You disagree with me? But I am Right. And therefore you are Wrong.

And because you are wrong, I can destroy you, for those who are Wrong have given up their claim to Reason, and are thus unfit for LIFE! DIIIIEEEE

10 years ago

Contra: I could be wrong, but I think Fibinachi intended “Actual Lawful Evil” to mean “Actually Criminal Evil.”

Katz: Yeah, the current moralizing trend concerning behavior during pregnancy has gone way beyond reasonable caution toward victim-blaming. From my observation, pregnancy is difficult enough without making a woman live in constant fear of making some trivial mistake with devastating consequences. On the other hand, to some extent this is just a modern version of the old superstition that a fetus could be “marked” or even damaged by certain kinds of experiences that the expectant mother might have. It doesn’t seem like society has ever tried very hard to make pregnancy as comfortable as possible.

10 years ago

Re: Terry Goodkind

I really liked Wizard’s First Rule. I even have a stuffed turtle named after zed who lives on my car-dash.

The rest of the series got really trope filled, really fast, and not in a hilarious pratchett way, but in the ooky “Must show everyone that main character dude is totally thoughtful but alphaest of the alpha men” and “Must prove that X is evilest of evils by making them also be a sexual predator! Let me detail all their badness…”

I gave up after Blood of the Fold. It takes a lot to make me give up on a series. Congratulations Goodkind, you succeeded where Jean M. Auel failed.

10 years ago

ej | October 1, 2014 at 3:17 pm

Slightly OT because this isn’t a meme, but I thought everyone here would get a kick out of it. A Republican politician has made an ad comparing voting to picking out a wedding dress in what appears to be an attempt to appeal to female voters.

From the article ej linked to (emphasis mine):

CRNC chairman Alex Smith told the Wall Street Journal that these are only the first of several ads meant to make the Republican Party seem “culturally relevant” to “the generation that has their earbuds in and their minds turned off.”

I… I don’t even… I mean, how the holy fuckshit do you retain your job speaking on behalf of an organization after a gaffe like that?

10 years ago


Yeah, that’s what I meant. It was actually a reference to the D&D concept of Lawful Evil. I’ve always felt that Rand’s characters, to a large degree, are the best examples of what exactly I understand by the phrase “Lawful Evil”. Utterly dedicated to themselves, without concern for others, unwilling and actually unable to sympathize and empathize, spiteful, malevolent, egotistical yet also with their own specific codes of conduct, ideas and visions that only really serve to make them all the more alien to anyone else.

“Criminally evil megalomaniacs” work as well.


Oh I wish I had quit at Blood of the Fold. I got to Naked Empire, growing steadily more convinced this series was actually one long prank detailing the rise of an evil murderous overlord and his gradual corruption of a generic fantasy world along the way. By the time the main character slaughtered peaceful protesters for their lack of moral clarity, I gave up.

Incidentally, it’s also a phrase that I have been unable to forget for 7 years. “Protesters armed only with their hatred for moral clarity”.

It’s purest mindpoison in word form!

Don’t know who Jean M. Auel is, though.
I take it I shouldn’t endeavor to find out.

10 years ago

Yeah, that’s what I meant. It was actually a reference to the D&D concept of Lawful Evil. I’ve always felt that Rand’s characters, to a large degree, are the best examples of what exactly I understand by the phrase “Lawful Evil”. Utterly dedicated to themselves, without concern for others, unwilling and actually unable to sympathize and empathize, spiteful, malevolent, egotistical yet also with their own specific codes of conduct, ideas and visions that only really serve to make them all the more alien to anyone else.

They really are. Chaotic evil does whatever the hell it wants. Lawful evil does whatever the hell it wants and then calls you amoral for not doing the same thing.

10 years ago

@ Fibinachi – I don’t usually give unsolicited advice, but, yeah, don’t read Jean M. Auel. At least, I’d suggest staying away from the Clan of the Cave Bear stuff (the only books of her’s that I’ve actually read).

10 years ago

By the time the main character slaughtered peaceful protesters for their lack of moral clarity, I gave up.

Wow. Richard did that? He should have never left the farm. Glad I gave up when I did. Just, wow. Seriously?

10 years ago

Also, yeah.

Jean Auel writes books that are goodkind long. The first in the clan of the cave bear series was actually pretty good, with only one bit of messiness (other than inherited memories which are totally wrong and no).

Then, in book 2, Homo sapien girl protagonist met supposedly ridiculously pretty Homo sapien male protagonist, and the rest of the series became them sideways tangoing with occasional breaks to do stuff like making sure they stayed alive, with occasional little subplots of “But what if they don’t like me!”

Hint: If you do brave her books, the minute you see the words staff or member, flip five pages. You won’t miss anything.

10 years ago

I, for one, refuse to take any book seriously that thinks “homo sapiens” is plural.

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

Cassandrakitty: “Also, perhaps I’m unique in this regard, but I’m fairly sure that my vagina isn’t triangular.”

Tyra: You’re not the only one.

Wait – how does Tyra know what shape Cassandrakitty’s vagina is?

10 years ago

Contrapangloss, don’t forget that Ayla is a super-genius who gains the distinction of being the first of the homo sapiens to domestic horses and wolves, make a bra, start a fire with a flint and pyrite, sew with a needle, stitch wounds, diagnose illnesses, and figure out that sex between men and women is what leads to pregnancy.

10 years ago

Contrapangloss, don’t forget that Ayla is a super-genius who gains the distinction of being the first of the homo sapiens to domestic horses and wolves, make a bra, start a fire with a flint and pyrite, sew with a needle, stitch wounds, diagnose illnesses, and figure out that sex between men and women is what leads to pregnancy.

This is a big difficulty when writing historical (or, in this case, prehistorical) fiction. It’s waaaaaay too easy to make your characters brilliant people who know all the stuff that seems obvious now but that nobody had a clue about back then.

10 years ago

Yes. She invented all the things. Including spear throwers, which are actually really cool. And is perfectly gorgeous but insecure about being gorgeous in the most perfect of ways.

She’s like the ultimate Mary Sue.

10 years ago

Thank you all three, that is a glowing recommendation to stay very far away from anything involving prehistoric staffs and members of clans and caves. Or just members in general. Shame. I kind of like fiction set in the far, far past.

Wow. Richard did that? He should have never left the farm. Glad I gave up when I did. Just, wow. Seriously?

Yeah, it’s… yeah.

It did give me one really useful tool that’s been handy many times over the years whenever, in any situation, be it games or movies or characters in fiction or roleplaying characters. Whenever anyone wants to make a character whose Thing is “Righteous Zeal” I can perform the Richard Test.

“You are sworn to oppose a force, let’s call them The Order, and you and they are locked in eternal batte. Leading a band of like-minded associates, you come across a village where, to your dismay, you discover a group of Order troops. The people of this village have been isolated from the larger conflict, and have no quarrel with either of your sides. However, seeing both of your forces drawing weapons and preparing to fight it out in the city center, the peaceful villagers lock hands to form a human chain between you! They chant in unison various peaceful slogans like: “End the wars!” and “No violence!”.

If you delay too long, maybe Order reinforcements will show up, and you will be outnumbered. What do you do?”

Anyone who answers:

I order my troops to draw their weapons fully and prepare a wedge formation with their horses. We will charge straight down the main streets and through the protesters, who will be unable to stop us heavily armored, armed knights with their unarmed, unshielded bodies. If any of them try to stop me by grabbing on to me or my mount, I will strike with as much violence as I can muster to decimate my foes, for if they stand between me and mine enemy, they are actually on the side of my enemy and deserve no quarter, no mercy and no compassion. Further, I instruct my men that they shall do the same, and hold no blows or seek no minimization of the force, for if we are swift and true in our strike with as much carnage as possible, we will brutally overwhelm everyone and suffer no losses at all!

is automatically playing a Blackguard or told that, maybe, they should consider that their character is actually the villain of this story. There’s collateral damage, and then there’s collateral “Being-a-dick”.

I’m fine with both, but don’t try to pull it and then tell me that your guy is still a “Sympathetic, suffering hero who is only doing the best for himself and his people”. What fucking people? He’s murdering everyone who so much as tells him he can’t have a cup of tea because they’re out this morning!

10 years ago

“Sympathetic, suffering hero who is only doing the best for himself and his people”.

But, see, the innocent villagers weren’t HIS people…

/endsarcasm. Thanks for warning me off the Sword of Truth. I really hate self-deluded asshat protagonists who sincerely believe that they are all that, even when they are pretty clearly the baddies.

10 years ago


I second Contrapangloss, though. The first one’s pretty tolerable and has some nicely written, odd moments.

After that it’s all… statues that make people cry and murdering two thousand people with a hand wave.

chronic lurker
chronic lurker
10 years ago

“My dad’s an engineer. He kind of hates architects as a general rule after having one too many try to convince him he needed to put 10 inch pipes in 8 inch walls.”

O_o I thought architects could math. Can they not math? Or is it just considered cool designing to have pipes bigger then your walls?

chronic lurker
chronic lurker
10 years ago

oops, wrong thread >_<
This is what happens when I have too many tabs open at once.

chronic lurker
chronic lurker
10 years ago

oh wait, is the right thread.
Sorry, I have a test soon. My brain is on hold.

10 years ago

Good luck on the test, chronic lurker!

10 years ago

RE: proxieme

Have his views changed at all?

Well, I haven’t heard him mention Rand in years, and he believes in universal healthcare. He also doesn’t seem to believe my life hit the skids because I suck, and he was one of my strongest supporters when I was pursuing disability. (When I asked him what his politics thought of that, his response was, “if the benefits are there, you should use them.”)

RE: GrumpyOldMan

As I recall, we didn’t have to sign a pledge on our applications that we would become either corporate lawyers or hedge-fund managers

Ha! That’s fair. Still, I think he’s a little surprised how our life economically swan-dived after leaving, while he did pretty well for himself. I’m pretty content where I am, though I sure could’ve foregone some of the homelessness…

You could ask our friend LBT what a barrel of laughs trying to make a living as an artist is.

Trololol, yes. Let me put it this way: I am doing BETTER than the vast majority of writers/artists I know, in that I actually am ALMOST paying my rent entirely on my artwork this year. (Fifteen bucks short.) This despite having no formal training, no teacher, and no clue. I am EXTREMELY lucky to be doing this well after only a year and a half of flailing.

That I’m living in a cheap city helps.

10 years ago

@LBT: He’s s’aright, then 😀

@Grumpy re: Harvard: Well, uh, if A path to Harvard was 2nd base, maybe I started off on 1st 😉
Or, like, at bat.

(Middle class and then slightly lower middle class family post-divorce and familial addiction issues; Mom didn’t go to college; was on my own paying for the SATs, scored pretty well for a slacker who wan’t engaged in school – yay, Latin class!; but – hey! – I scored quite well on the ASVAB and DLAB and so enlisted in the Army, er…ASAP.)

But at-bat’s still something 😀

Lady Mondegreen
10 years ago

Tessa, I plan to spread that pie meme far and wide.* So’s you know.


A Voice for Pie?




* “Far and wide” means I’ll post it on my Facebook page, and possibly elsewhere on Facebook.

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