a voice for men antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? boner rage crackpottery creepy entitled babies evil sexy ladies grandiosity gross incompetence incoherent rage mansplaining memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men playing the victim that's not funny!

Even more gloriously incomprehensible memes from A Voice for Men's most prolific meme-maker

That doesn't even make a tiny bit of sense.
That doesn’t even make a tiny bit of sense.

The unquestioned king of A Voice for Men’s crew of meme-makers is the mysterious fellow known only as John Galt. Galt, whose contributions are often chosen as AVFM’s “meme of the week” and posted to AVFM’s Facebook page, is truly the meme-maker AVFM deserves — a graphic designer whose graphically challenged photoshopped masterpieces are as baffling as they are offensive.

I highlighted several of his, er, designs in my recent post on Inexplicable AVFM Memes. Today, I’d like to delve further into the photoshop disasters that fill his own Facebook page, some of them official AVFM memes and others posted under his own fake name.

But first, a little introduction to Mr. Galt, as found on his blog.

I live and work in the UK, am a physically fit man in his mid thirties currently studying Computer Science and Mathematics. … I, like most men I know have dated on and off for the past 20 years or so and from my experiences I have come to realize as, no doubt many of you have that there is a deep sickness in our society in regards to how men are treated. …

With a 50 billion dollar divorce industry, sex sold as some sort of priceless resource and victim hood sold to a nanny state as the only valid form of currency it is evident that Men must protect their independence and freedom more vigilantly than ever.

The price, for failing to see what is essentially a fairy tale lie is higher than it has ever been. That price is paid to governments and businesses who profit from the misery of destroyed families, men and women with tax rates and laws that only ever increase. It is paid to greedy women and feminists who demand one sided equality while forcing men to shoulder responsibilities with none of the inherent rights associated with

Sorry, I nodded off for a second.

These fascist lies permeate everywhere from the destruction of Masculine Roles to the ignorance of sex differences in medic

Oh fucking hell he goes on like this for several hundred more words. You can go read it if you like.

Anyway, he ends with a question:

What are you going to do about it?.

Longtime readers of this blog will no doubt notice that Mr. Galt ends his sentence with a new variation on the famous MRA two-dot ellipsis, which I think we can call the Galtian MRA Question Period.

Galt has answered his own Question Period with an ever-growing collection of terrible, terrible memes. So let’s take a look!

There’s this inexplicable homage to a 24-year-old song by MC Hammer.

"It" hate your guts?
“It” hate your guts? And why is she on a scooter?

And this conspiratorial take on “the pill.”

Huh. Yet Galt thinks a male pill WILL bring sexual liberation ... to men.
Huh. Yet Galt thinks a male pill WILL bring sexual liberation … to men.

Apparently feminism was writing nursery rhymes in the early 19th century:

What does this soft-porn pic have to do with feminism or nursery rhymes?
What does this soft-porn pic have to do with feminism or nursery rhymes?

Hey ladies! Get on the feminist gravy train!

One ... MILLION dollars!
One … MILLION dollars!

Apparently feminists want everyone to live in tents, which supposedly look like … vaginas?

"Engenuity?" Apparently spellchecking is for manginas.
“Enginuity?” Apparently spellchecking is for manginas.

Apparently the true cause of erectile dysfunction is … nagging?

Er, why did you use a picture of a Viagra float at a Pride Parade?
Er, this meme is aimed at women. So why did you use a picture of a Viagra float at a Pride Parade?

I’m not sure what’s the most offensive thing about this one — the comparision of feminism to a nuclear weapon or Mr. Galt’s egregious typo.

There are only [] words in this poster. And one of them is misspelled.
There are only 13 words in this poster. And one of them is misspelled.
Your interpretation of this next one is as good as mine, though in a comment on Facebook Mr. Galt explains “yes it does refer to the sexuality between men and women. Specifically sexual aggression – which of course is for all judicial purposes is essentially illegal nowadays, at least for men.

Ok, then.
Ok, then.

Honestly, I don’t think Mr. Galt needs a Men’s Rights movement to solve his problems. I think he might just need to hire a dominatrix. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

I’ve just scratched the surface of Mr. Galt’s graphic work. I may have to return to him in a future post.

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10 years ago

The world according to John Galt:
1. Female bosses cause workplace accidents. Choose your boss wisely, men!
2. Women dress in sexy lingerie and ride scooters because they hate you.
3. Feminism is capitalism. Also, if you have babies, you don’t need money.
4. Nursery rhymes are historical documents.
5. Feminist organizations all have a million dollars.
6. Camping is misandry.
7. I got nothing.
8. Feminism is stockpiling nuclear weapons. Also, John Galt has been blown to smithereens because he critisized feminism once.
9. Non-feminists all have to be vegetarians now.

10 years ago

@Sir Bodsworth:

Oh, I was talking about the image as a whole. I was trying to play on the idea that it could easily have been a meme created by the MRA crowd. Nice job, by the way.

On another note, I’m looking through the other memes on Galt’s blog. One of them, I shit you not, has one of those “hot singles in your area” type image compilations you see in porn site ads with the text “if women are so interested in commitment, why is my inbox full of women who aren’t?”

Because… you’re subscribed to a sex site that self selects for people who don’t want a commitment? Thanks for sharing that, by the way, really needed to know more about your personal life.

10 years ago

So there really is someone out there stupid enough to think that porn spam is real. Wow.

10 years ago

“4. Nursery rhymes are historical documents.”

They’re misandry too

“Camping is misandry”

List that next to ‘hard chairs’, whore penguins and of course Scented Effen Candles!

10 years ago

This one is fractally wrong.

(In case my imbedding doesn’t work –

10 years ago

frootloopsie, I think JG’s “art” boils down to “Women are misandry.”

10 years ago

Fruitloopsie I mean, sorry!

10 years ago

Is he trying to say in #7 that women’s nagging turns men gay? Then why the “Sex Machine” and the Viagra float?

Or is he trying to say that women’s nagging give men erectile dysfunction?

Why am I trying to make sense of this mess?

10 years ago

Bodsy, huzzah!

10 years ago

o_O I can’t tear my eyes away from that awful G-logo to pay attention to craptastic memes.

My mind boggles.

10 years ago

frootloopsie, I think JG’s “art” boils down to “Women are misandry.”

I think that goes for every other mra ‘art’ too.

Fruitloopsie I mean, sorry!

No worries

“Why am I trying to make sense of this mess?”


10 years ago

Ok. WTF. There is a meme on Galt’s blog titled “realWoman.” It is white text on a black background, headed “A Real Woman” followed by a huge list descriptions like “is honest” or “spends time with her kids,” some of which are references to MRA talking points (“does not falsely accuse a man of rape or abuse”), some of which could be found in the parody poster I expected this to be (“minds her manners,” “supports her man,” “takes care of her appearance”).

The list is ended with “is able to read this without feeling offended.” So I’m guess not many woman are real, because some of the contents are pretty hideous.

The real kicker, though, is the text below the list. Are you sitting down? Go find a place to sit down, I’ll wait.

You good? Are you sure? Make sure you aren’t drinking any liquids when you read this next part. Trust me on this one.

All set? Comfy? Alright, brace yourself.

The last bit of text:

“People grow and learn together… they are not a laundry list of your requirements…”

There is no indication that the list is supposed to be an example of how not to treat women, and the last line in the list (“able to read this without feeling offended”) only reinforces the idea that the list is serious.

You are now free to rage-palm-face-desk.

10 years ago

Obviously nursery rhymes are misandry. What did Doctor Fell ever do to you?

10 years ago

Every single one of these memes has Galt’s logo plastered over it, in most cases obscuring the image. Imagine if Van Gough finished a painting, then took a brush full of red paint and scrawled his signature across the canvas.

Also, I’m pretty sure he pumps these things out faster than Kinkade pumps out Christian cottages. Find random image on shutterstock, preferably with hot female within, write snarky text barely related to the image or itself, rubber stamp gigantic-ass logo, done.

10 years ago


I was gonna say, want to tell me where these cheap luxury apartments are? Cause I may be interested, depending on location.

Well, there are those apartment buildings with cheap rent sections for tax bonuses. The ones that have separate entrances for the poor and the rich folk.

10 years ago

I’m not as good at this as Sir Bodsworth:

10 years ago


I saw these memes (I can’t find them they were on facebook) and they said that real men are not Indiana jones and other fictional characters and to stop saying that ‘real men wear pink’ “stop telling us what to do!” And stuff like that. Hypocrites. Funny how mras and others that I see online compare real people to fictional people ALOT.

10 years ago

“they stab it with their steely knives but they just can’t kill the beast”?

WTF is that doing in my ear?

10 years ago

I love it! I don’t even know how to make those

10 years ago

Do MRAs simultaneously believe that the OCP was created as an act of benevolence by men to help women achieve greater freedom, AND that it was a coldly calculated tool to extract the maximum productivity from women by keeping them at work rather than procreating?

I guess which tack you take depends on whether you think women were behind the invention of oral contraceptives. And whether or not you’re into elaborate conspiracy theories.

10 years ago

Here something that I think makes more sense that what John Galt has to offer.

Profound I think you’ll agree.JG could learn a lot from this.

10 years ago

I’m dazzled by tiko72’s image.

10 years ago
10 years ago

The future of intimacy is an unused promo shot from The Human Centipede? The more you know, I guess.

10 years ago

By the way,I’m not having ago at people who do collage’s.
A picture of some vomit on the pavement probably makes more sense than JG memes and it’s more pleasant to look at.