a voice for men antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? boner rage crackpottery creepy entitled babies evil sexy ladies grandiosity gross incompetence incoherent rage mansplaining memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men playing the victim that's not funny!

Even more gloriously incomprehensible memes from A Voice for Men's most prolific meme-maker

That doesn't even make a tiny bit of sense.
That doesn’t even make a tiny bit of sense.

The unquestioned king of A Voice for Men’s crew of meme-makers is the mysterious fellow known only as John Galt. Galt, whose contributions are often chosen as AVFM’s “meme of the week” and posted to AVFM’s Facebook page, is truly the meme-maker AVFM deserves — a graphic designer whose graphically challenged photoshopped masterpieces are as baffling as they are offensive.

I highlighted several of his, er, designs in my recent post on Inexplicable AVFM Memes. Today, I’d like to delve further into the photoshop disasters that fill his own Facebook page, some of them official AVFM memes and others posted under his own fake name.

But first, a little introduction to Mr. Galt, as found on his blog.

I live and work in the UK, am a physically fit man in his mid thirties currently studying Computer Science and Mathematics. … I, like most men I know have dated on and off for the past 20 years or so and from my experiences I have come to realize as, no doubt many of you have that there is a deep sickness in our society in regards to how men are treated. …

With a 50 billion dollar divorce industry, sex sold as some sort of priceless resource and victim hood sold to a nanny state as the only valid form of currency it is evident that Men must protect their independence and freedom more vigilantly than ever.

The price, for failing to see what is essentially a fairy tale lie is higher than it has ever been. That price is paid to governments and businesses who profit from the misery of destroyed families, men and women with tax rates and laws that only ever increase. It is paid to greedy women and feminists who demand one sided equality while forcing men to shoulder responsibilities with none of the inherent rights associated with

Sorry, I nodded off for a second.

These fascist lies permeate everywhere from the destruction of Masculine Roles to the ignorance of sex differences in medic

Oh fucking hell he goes on like this for several hundred more words. You can go read it if you like.

Anyway, he ends with a question:

What are you going to do about it?.

Longtime readers of this blog will no doubt notice that Mr. Galt ends his sentence with a new variation on the famous MRA two-dot ellipsis, which I think we can call the Galtian MRA Question Period.

Galt has answered his own Question Period with an ever-growing collection of terrible, terrible memes. So let’s take a look!

There’s this inexplicable homage to a 24-year-old song by MC Hammer.

"It" hate your guts?
“It” hate your guts? And why is she on a scooter?

And this conspiratorial take on “the pill.”

Huh. Yet Galt thinks a male pill WILL bring sexual liberation ... to men.
Huh. Yet Galt thinks a male pill WILL bring sexual liberation … to men.

Apparently feminism was writing nursery rhymes in the early 19th century:

What does this soft-porn pic have to do with feminism or nursery rhymes?
What does this soft-porn pic have to do with feminism or nursery rhymes?

Hey ladies! Get on the feminist gravy train!

One ... MILLION dollars!
One … MILLION dollars!

Apparently feminists want everyone to live in tents, which supposedly look like … vaginas?

"Engenuity?" Apparently spellchecking is for manginas.
“Enginuity?” Apparently spellchecking is for manginas.

Apparently the true cause of erectile dysfunction is … nagging?

Er, why did you use a picture of a Viagra float at a Pride Parade?
Er, this meme is aimed at women. So why did you use a picture of a Viagra float at a Pride Parade?

I’m not sure what’s the most offensive thing about this one — the comparision of feminism to a nuclear weapon or Mr. Galt’s egregious typo.

There are only [] words in this poster. And one of them is misspelled.
There are only 13 words in this poster. And one of them is misspelled.
Your interpretation of this next one is as good as mine, though in a comment on Facebook Mr. Galt explains “yes it does refer to the sexuality between men and women. Specifically sexual aggression – which of course is for all judicial purposes is essentially illegal nowadays, at least for men.

Ok, then.
Ok, then.

Honestly, I don’t think Mr. Galt needs a Men’s Rights movement to solve his problems. I think he might just need to hire a dominatrix. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

I’ve just scratched the surface of Mr. Galt’s graphic work. I may have to return to him in a future post.

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10 years ago

He has the prose of a true Rand fan.

10 years ago

Pup-tents: They look like vaginas but are held up by rods (yay, phallic symbols!) and are therefore still inadequate housing for the special brand of feminism represented by a single quote from a really, really old inspirational speech and a particular speaker that thought that there might be some hidden innuendo in blueprints that ought to be examined and potentially rejected?

I’m struggling to come up with justifications for that one,

I think I sprained my brain. I went to bed at 1 am after taking the GRE, packing fast, and watching Guardians of the Galaxy with the folks, and had to get up at 4 am to catch a plane… and now I’m at work.

Spraining my brain right now isn’t too hard.

Still, that reach…

10 years ago

Wow. He’s definitely put his issues on display, not his graphic design talent.

10 years ago

Given his history of questionable-to-outright-misogynistic statements, there’s few things that would make me feel empathy for the Governator.

Having his image used by the poster-maker John Galt is, indeed, one of the things.

Also, note:

“Mid-thirties”. Assuming this is accurate, then he was a teenager in the ’90s. Now, look at those graphics again, with both their design style and smattering of pop-culture references, and realize that this man has been dwelling in a metaphorical bunker for 20-ish years.

John Galt: Poster-child for the dangers of perpetual adolescence.

10 years ago

The “M” looks very similar to this:

10 years ago

Also, I need to talk to the feminist high council.

Why was I not informed of and delivered my 1 million USD for being all feeeeeeeemale-y and stuff?

10 years ago

Freemage: You can only be young once, but you can be immature forever. Galt is a case in point.

10 years ago

This is amazing stuff. Just, wow.

His origin story does illustrate how he used sound research and a keen intellect to develop his well thought-out MRA positions.

I, like most men I know have dated on and off for the past 20 years or so and from my experiences I have come to realize as, no doubt many of you have that there is a deep sickness in our society in regards to how men are treated.

10 years ago

Image 1: Is that Arnold Schwarzenegger?

Image 2: There is no verse in the original that those lyrics match up to. He tried to match it up with the instrumental hook.

And what is the message supposed to be? The image seems to allude to dressing sexy but not having sex with any dude who asks, the lyrics allude to feminists being all man haters, and the line at the bottom alludes to family issues like child care and divorce. None of these are connected!

Image 3: And yet birth control has demonstrably and provably positive effects for women, including sexual liberation. Also, a 2-minute google search could correct your history.

Image 4: I got nothing for this one. Interesting note though, the citation on wikipedia for this poem being sexist points to a page titled “Rethinking His-tory” which is a pretty obvious MRA-style rant on how misandry is totes real.

Image 5: “The taxpayer” is the every-person, the common individual who’s money is being used. This image is saying that the general public is conspiring to fund feminists to ruin the family and other nefarious deeds. Something tells me this isn’t what Galt meant.”

Image 6: What a wordy and obtuse rehash of “if women were the dominant gender, we’d still be living in grass huts.” Allow The Huffington Post to give you some perspective.

(On a side note, “vagina shaped houses” is a very disappointing google search — lots of penis shaped landscape, a vagina tree, a dick lamp — save for one thing; a football stadium in Qatar. Vulvatastic.)

Image 7: When I see Sex Machine, I think James Brown. The rest of my thoughts on this are too fragmented and disconnected for a good comment… which interestingly enough also describes many of these memes.

Image 8: What would a mashup of WarGames and Saw look like anyway? And what does it have to do with feminism? I have no idea.

10 years ago

His criticisms of anti-buildings feminists is spot on though. Those exist, right?

Cassie's Major Domo
Cassie's Major Domo
10 years ago

Image 1: Is that Arnold Schwarzenegger?

Yes, I have no idea what emotion he is supposed be conveying. Neither does Arnie. Neither does “John Galt.” Adds to the confusion.

10 years ago

These memes are like a jigsaw puzzle with a third of the pieces taken out and the box taken away. And then the same is done to a bunch of other puzzles, and the remaining pieces are jumbled together and then separated into three piles. The only way you can fill in the blanks is if you’re already familiar with the message that’s being conveyed, and even then there’s like 5 different messages going on at once.

That last one is the “women dressing sexy in front of men is like dangling raw meat in front of a dog, you can’t expect the dog to do nothing,” right? Except the implication of the text seems to be that feminists are treating men like meat, which is more about objectification.

Master of the Boot
Master of the Boot
10 years ago

How the fuck does keeping women financially dependent on men benefit men in any way? How does equal pay for equal work threaten men so much? What the fuck are these idiotic memes and who designed them?

God! This is hurting my head

10 years ago

I am so confused!

Cassie's Major Domo
Cassie's Major Domo
10 years ago

I’m also so glad to learn that luxury skyscrapers have “cheaper rent”!

10 years ago

I was gonna say, want to tell me where these cheap luxury apartments are? Cause I may be interested, depending on location.

10 years ago

@Cassie’s Major Domo:

I have no idea either. It’s like he’s trying to imply that women are the bosses who put male employees into dangerous positions, causing their deaths, then tries to avoid responsibility by claiming “I’m the boss!”

It’s the only way I can make it make sense, but not one part of it is based in reality or sensible.

10 years ago

I love how every woman on these ‘memes’ (if you can call them that) look like Victoria secret models. Any other woman that doesn’t look like or act like that are not worthy to be called women I guess?

I still don’t get them though.

10 years ago

Jesus, Sir Bodsworth, where did you find that one?

10 years ago

“What a maroon!” – Bugs Bunny

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
10 years ago

@ kirbywarp – just came up on image search. I was just going to do something about Ms Pacman taking Pacman’s job, but the Ms Pacman in “sexy” pose was too good to miss.

10 years ago

Has there ever been an MRA meme that makes sense? I’d be so shocked to see one. Maybe Woody could be let out of moderation to explain it to us?

10 years ago

It is a sad reflection on the Mens Rights Movement when not even John Galt will go Galt fer crying out loud GO GO GO GO GO already. How can you call yourself John Galt if you will not effing GO!

10 years ago

Do you suppose that they think Feminism is supported with their tax dollars? Like it is an agency or wev? Tehey believe some rather odd things so I shoould not put ot past them.