a voice for men antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? boner rage crackpottery creepy entitled babies evil sexy ladies grandiosity gross incompetence incoherent rage mansplaining memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men playing the victim that's not funny!

Even more gloriously incomprehensible memes from A Voice for Men's most prolific meme-maker

That doesn't even make a tiny bit of sense.
That doesn’t even make a tiny bit of sense.

The unquestioned king of A Voice for Men’s crew of meme-makers is the mysterious fellow known only as John Galt. Galt, whose contributions are often chosen as AVFM’s “meme of the week” and posted to AVFM’s Facebook page, is truly the meme-maker AVFM deserves — a graphic designer whose graphically challenged photoshopped masterpieces are as baffling as they are offensive.

I highlighted several of his, er, designs in my recent post on Inexplicable AVFM Memes. Today, I’d like to delve further into the photoshop disasters that fill his own Facebook page, some of them official AVFM memes and others posted under his own fake name.

But first, a little introduction to Mr. Galt, as found on his blog.

I live and work in the UK, am a physically fit man in his mid thirties currently studying Computer Science and Mathematics. … I, like most men I know have dated on and off for the past 20 years or so and from my experiences I have come to realize as, no doubt many of you have that there is a deep sickness in our society in regards to how men are treated. …

With a 50 billion dollar divorce industry, sex sold as some sort of priceless resource and victim hood sold to a nanny state as the only valid form of currency it is evident that Men must protect their independence and freedom more vigilantly than ever.

The price, for failing to see what is essentially a fairy tale lie is higher than it has ever been. That price is paid to governments and businesses who profit from the misery of destroyed families, men and women with tax rates and laws that only ever increase. It is paid to greedy women and feminists who demand one sided equality while forcing men to shoulder responsibilities with none of the inherent rights associated with

Sorry, I nodded off for a second.

These fascist lies permeate everywhere from the destruction of Masculine Roles to the ignorance of sex differences in medic

Oh fucking hell he goes on like this for several hundred more words. You can go read it if you like.

Anyway, he ends with a question:

What are you going to do about it?.

Longtime readers of this blog will no doubt notice that Mr. Galt ends his sentence with a new variation on the famous MRA two-dot ellipsis, which I think we can call the Galtian MRA Question Period.

Galt has answered his own Question Period with an ever-growing collection of terrible, terrible memes. So let’s take a look!

There’s this inexplicable homage to a 24-year-old song by MC Hammer.

"It" hate your guts?
“It” hate your guts? And why is she on a scooter?

And this conspiratorial take on “the pill.”

Huh. Yet Galt thinks a male pill WILL bring sexual liberation ... to men.
Huh. Yet Galt thinks a male pill WILL bring sexual liberation … to men.

Apparently feminism was writing nursery rhymes in the early 19th century:

What does this soft-porn pic have to do with feminism or nursery rhymes?
What does this soft-porn pic have to do with feminism or nursery rhymes?

Hey ladies! Get on the feminist gravy train!

One ... MILLION dollars!
One … MILLION dollars!

Apparently feminists want everyone to live in tents, which supposedly look like … vaginas?

"Engenuity?" Apparently spellchecking is for manginas.
“Enginuity?” Apparently spellchecking is for manginas.

Apparently the true cause of erectile dysfunction is … nagging?

Er, why did you use a picture of a Viagra float at a Pride Parade?
Er, this meme is aimed at women. So why did you use a picture of a Viagra float at a Pride Parade?

I’m not sure what’s the most offensive thing about this one — the comparision of feminism to a nuclear weapon or Mr. Galt’s egregious typo.

There are only [] words in this poster. And one of them is misspelled.
There are only 13 words in this poster. And one of them is misspelled.
Your interpretation of this next one is as good as mine, though in a comment on Facebook Mr. Galt explains “yes it does refer to the sexuality between men and women. Specifically sexual aggression – which of course is for all judicial purposes is essentially illegal nowadays, at least for men.

Ok, then.
Ok, then.

Honestly, I don’t think Mr. Galt needs a Men’s Rights movement to solve his problems. I think he might just need to hire a dominatrix. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

I’ve just scratched the surface of Mr. Galt’s graphic work. I may have to return to him in a future post.

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10 years ago

RE: proxieme

Yeah, he’s a good friend. And I think having someone with very different opinions than me can be valuable, since he’s not a douche.

I feel weird because I started at second base, or third, but the moment things hit the shits with our family, I got tackled by a stray linebacker and carted off back to the dugout while I flailed and screamed bloody murder about how NO THIS ISN’T HOW BASEBALL WORKS GODFUCKINGDAMMIT

And then I fled screaming into the dugout, hid in the baseball tub, and have been camping out there since.

I think that metaphor got away from me there.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Possibly a different diogenes? His random splotch is pink this time. Would our old Diogenes stand for being colored with the most feminine of colors?

Yeah, I don’t think it’s the same Diogenes. This one’s not calling zirself the Cynic or trotting out endless death-by-boredom screeds.

If he had written colours or something like that, saying, “Oh, he’s from the UK or Canada. They like doing the extra u’s. It’s all good,” would be totally legit. However, I’m pretty sure that ingenuity is spelled ingenuity in the UK, and not engenuity.

I’m not an expert, because not a UKian…

Correct. Oz spelling is mostly the same as UK, and no, this dude is just weak or careless on the spelling, as well as having failed Decent Human Being 101.

Contrapangloss, don’t forget that Ayla is a super-genius who gains the distinction of being the first of the homo sapiens to domestic horses and wolves, make a bra, start a fire with a flint and pyrite, sew with a needle, stitch wounds, diagnose illnesses, and figure out that sex between men and women is what leads to pregnancy.

I’m shattered she hasn’t invented the wheel yet. Though she did invent snowboarding, at least.

And Jondalar is The Most Boring Hero Ever.

10 years ago

LBT, he sounds like a righteous dude. I guess that lots of Randians mature and realize that the world doesn’t actually work the way that Ayn Rand thinks that it does. Hell, Ayn Rand herself used government benefits like Social Security and Medicare when she got lung cancer after years of claiming that anti-tobacco ads were lying pieces of propaganda.

10 years ago

Aww, but the “staff” and “member” parts were the only parts of those books I actually read! (I was 12, okay?)

10 years ago

I’m shattered she hasn’t invented the wheel yet. Though she did invent snowboarding, at least.

Oh thank God! Her status as the most perfect being to ever perfect is safe. And take comfort in the knowledge that she did, in fact, figure out where babies come from before literally anyone else.

10 years ago

Though she did invent snowboarding, at least.


10 years ago

I don’t remember the snowboarding. Like deiseeliza, I only remember the naughty bits (I was also 12).

10 years ago

Well, it was more sledding than snowboarding. And she was pregnant at that point, so it seemed like a good idea at the time?

She also invented boa boots, which are good for horses who don’t really like shoes.

chronic lurker
chronic lurker
10 years ago

Thanks, 🙂
I think I did ok.

10 years ago

Oh, Snap! Very sorry to abuse your nym, deniseeliza!

🙂 I hated exams, chronic lurker.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Yeah, sledding, snowboarding (I’m not really sure of the difference) but when they were crossing the glacier in Plains of Passage, they had their stuff in a sort of circular wicker/skin thingy, and rode it down a huge slope, iirc. It was fast enough to make me think snow sports rather than actual practical travel. Also Wolf rode in it with them, I think; he didn’t have to pull it. 😛

10 years ago

@ alaisvex – thanks for that article!

chronic lurker
chronic lurker
10 years ago

Well this one was ok. It was animal behavior.
It’s the Animal Physiology exam this Friday that’s going to be scary.

10 years ago

😛 Good luck there, too, chronic lurker!

chronic lurker
chronic lurker
10 years ago


10 years ago

Am I th sonly one who noticed the guy’s logo is Patroklos’ sword from Soul Calibur V?

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Good luck with the exams, chronic lurker!

10 years ago

How is the new prof for Animal Phys? If it was the one who is on sabatical, I’d have more practical advice, but I don’t really know the new prof that well…

10 years ago

@LBT: I had strained the hell out of that metaphor, anyway.
You did good things with it.
It somehow sounds like what Australians would do with baseball if given enough time and autonomy.

Re: diverse friend set: I love my wide assortment of friends – those who I’ve kept close have formed their belief systems with some degree of thoughtful compassion – though I do avoid (or mute if they’re across the country/the world) some of them during election cycles.

Re: starting and ending points: I was trying to think of an articulate way to phrase this, but my attempts all sounded like bullshit. So I’ll just say: Don’t sweat where you came from or where you’re going*. Every place and stage has lessons for someone willing to learn. That’s the important bit.

(*Of course, I say this as a compulsive planner who keeps spreadsheets of everything from the mundane to the ridiculous, so take that as you will…though I can say with some chagrin that my life has yet to actually adhere to any of my long term plans, usually for the better.)

10 years ago

RE: alaisvex

LBT, he sounds like a righteous dude.

He is. Not a lot of people have survived our coming out process (from singlet, straight, and cis to multi, generally queer, and generally trans) but he did.

Ugh, Clan of the Cave Bear. We only made it through the first book; the second turned us off.

10 years ago

Ugh, Clan of the Cave Bear. We only made it through the first book; the second turned us off.

Well, that was just sensible on your part:)

10 years ago

Actually I wasn’t born on second base (my biological mother never married, my biological father was almost 40 years older and died before I was born, she died of lung cancer from working in an asbestos factory for 25 years), I was sent there as a pinch runner (adopted by a Harvard/Harvard Law graduate and wife), then managed to get myself picked off (went to prison as a Vietnam-era draft-resister). My father and I were probably among the few (if not the only) father-and-son jailbirds (note that I do not say criminals) in Harvard history — he went to jail for putting tear gas in the ventilator of the New York Stock Exchange — sort of an Occupy thingy 80 years earlier.

10 years ago

he went to jail for putting tear gas in the ventilator of the New York Stock Exchange

So, GrumpyOldMan, is your whole family cool, or just you and the older old man?

10 years ago

(And am also saying this from a position of relative privilege. I’ve been hungry and even clinically malnourished – yay, college, have been on the receiving end of abuse, and…well, other stuff, but have never been in what I’d consider a truly desperate or seemingly insurmountably hopeless situation while I know that many others have and platitudes do very little for them, at least in the moment.)

10 years ago

Grumpy – Yay, extending the metaphor! 😀

And you and your family sound cool.

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