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Men's Rights Biology 101: "Modern women choose to have periods instead of being permanently pregnant. That's a choice given to them by men."

Not considered an effective birth control method.
Not considered an effective birth control method.

Yes, I’m cribbing from r/againstmensrights again, but this is really too good not to share. Legendary Men’s Rights Crank DavidByron2 offers a little biology lesson to his comrades on the Men’s Rights Subreddit. I’m sure this will be news to a lot of you gals as well.

Only modern day women have monthly periods. In history women were more or less permanently pregnant until they hit menopause or died. When you’re pregnant you don’t get periods. Modern women choose to have periods instead of being permanently pregnant. That’s a choice given to them by men, even while men still have to continue with their historic gender roles of protecting the no-longer-always-pregnant women.

Huh. Never mind that birth control of various sorts has been around since time immemorial. And while most methods of birth control were a bit less than reliable until the twentieth century, various cultures have used extended breastfeeding to successfully ward off pregnancy. So no, women were not permanently pregnant until the smart mens came along and selflessly gave birth control to the women.

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10 years ago

David Futrelle,

So I suppose that women like vestal virgins in ancient Rome, not to mention nuns and Elizabeth the first ( The virgin queen ) never existed? I wonder how MRA’s would explain those women if women the past were “always” too pregnant to have monthly periods. That is in addition to everything else you mentioned here.

10 years ago

Not to mention that this part of the comment

women were more or less permanently pregnant until they hit menopause or died.

pretty much rests on the assumption that women couldn’t say no to sex.

I would have more generous assumptions if we weren’t dealing with Men’s Rape Activists.

10 years ago


“Men’s Rape Activists,” that’s a good one, especially given sick organizations like this, openly celebrating a man’s “right” to rape his wife.

Masculinist India: A woman-hating “Men’s Rights” group even more extreme than its Western inspirations

10 years ago

Rogan: *snort* Aw, how nice of the men, curing periods by keeping women constantly pregnant! How gracious and selfless of them! I’m sure that people never, EVER had to try and restrict their family size for financial or health reasons! Nope, it was always just babies, babies babies! Most women never even GOT a period!

Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

So the *only* reason to care about women is if they are pregnant? Did I read that right? Also the only thing women are for is to be pregnant? I…I…uhy…*head explodes*

10 years ago

Lots of “modern women” choose not to have periods at all.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

So, how do infertile women fit into this? Or do I not exist to them? =P

10 years ago

I definitely think we should backronymn the letters MRA to “Male Rape Advocate” or “Apologist” or something, since it’s pretty fucking clear they don’t care about rights.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

What is this “fall on your knees and thank men for your period” nonsense? Where did this guy get the quaint notion that birth control was gifted, Prometheus-like, to the feeemale race by men?

Two words: Margaret Sanger.

I love how they think they deserve a medal for being oh so chivalrous with dispensing basic bodily autonomy rights that weren’t theirs to dispense in the first place.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

Where did this guy get the quaint notion that birth control was gifted, Prometheus-like, to the feeemale race by men?

I would presume it came from the unfounded, non-researched assumption that MRAs seem to hold dear: that all of human civilization was invented and built by men, because women are no good at science and engineering and stuff.

10 years ago

Soooooo… Men have the power to GIVE us things like birth control and the right to NOT be pregnant all the time, but we’re still the oppressors, right? I will never not be confused by MRA ideology.

10 years ago

It’s hard to imagine what mental convolutions led someone to think this is a good argument. Rather than an incredibly self-defeating one, that highlights deep character flaws with the argument maker.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago


Men have the power to give (or not give) BC to women, but women control the power of the men, and therefore wield this power themselves, because: butts. Men are therefore just instrumental in women giving BC to themselves. Women can’t do this (give something they actually control to themselves) without the runaround involving men because of Reasons.

10 years ago

The stupidity of that comment…Just no.

10 years ago

What does menstruation have to do with men’s rights?

‘Cause I’m pretty sure they’re not thinking about trans men here.

10 years ago

Men gave women the “choice” to have periods? LMAO. David, do think there’s a possibility that that guy might be trolling?

But then again, Red pillers are MEN, so that means they invented science, technology, society, art anf fought wars while we ungrateful women sat on our asses and played with our smartphones, amirite? so why not periods also?

And does he seriously think that being pregnant and popping out babies constantly is less painful than having periods? is there is one thing that’s painful, it’s childbirth.

He reminds of that Ray Wolf dickhead who talks about how painful his girlfriends pregnancy was for HIM and completely disregards her feelings and safety:

ignorant, foolish men should just keep their traps shut about pregnancy, period. They lack the empathy to ever understand such a thing.

Mia Jessica
Mia Jessica
10 years ago

@Leah – Dammit, you made me realize how long it’s been since the office carpet has been vacuumed after I picked my jaw off the floor when I finished that horrific and hilarious natural childbirth article. Good grief.

10 years ago

Leaving everything else aside, do they actually believe that every single sexually active woman ever used to catch pregnant on the first try? Even today, a healthy couple having unprotected sex for a year doesn’t have quite 100% odds of getting pregnant.

10 years ago

I’m confused. Do these doodz think that women’s natural state of being is pregnant? Creepy. Very creepy.

10 years ago

Forced pregnancy… one of those pesky red flags of severely abusive relationships. I think underneath it all, that post (and others like it) are just a pretzel-y way of saying, “I have a right to keep her barefoot and pregnant; that’s how things should be”. The rest of the philosophy seems to follow: “Then I have a right to claim she’s privileged, because I have to pay (to keep her dependent), so anything I do goes…”

Then they come up with ‘cute’ terms like ‘gash cash’ to imply that women get money for either having vaginas or for having been wounded in life—by people like them, most often, but—details, details…

When I’m not laughing at the absurdity of MRA-speak, I’m crying.

10 years ago

Modern women choose to have periods instead of being permanently pregnant. That’s a choice given to them by men, even while men still have to continue with their historic gender roles of protecting the no-longer-always-pregnant women.

Oh thank you, gracious men! How could we ever do it without you? >breaks out lacy hankie, weeps, blows nose daintily<

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Paleolithic, a cavewoman is gathering emmenagogue herbs to help prevent an ill timed birth. After all, winter is not a good time for birthin' no babies.

10 years ago

Wait, if men are responsible for women having monthly periods, doesn’t that also mean they’re also responsible for PMS? /snark

MRAs: failures at biology, history, and logic. Sigh.

10 years ago

But then again, Red pillers are MEN

>smacks forehead<

OMG, now it all makes sense! The Red Pill is red…because that's the one that conveys the manly male mojo that "lets" us get our periods!!!

10 years ago

Wait, if men are responsible for women having monthly periods, doesn’t that also mean they’re also responsible for PMS? /snark

Har! I once saw a coffee mug that read “PMS = Putting up with Men’s Shit”. How I wish I’d bought that thing. It seems so germane to all this.

10 years ago

Mia: I know, right? I was pretty shocked when I read it and I had to share it somewhere it might get the mockery it deserves. The worst part it that that Guys gonna be a father. And He’s thinking about how he can use his daughter to control his girlfriend instead of how Lucky he is that the childbirth went well. Had something gone wrong, the doctors and nurses would’ve been far away because he insisted on homebirth like the pighead he is.

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