a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? empathy deficit entitled babies evil moms evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA

Today In Inexplicable A Voice for Men Memes

Classic WTF-ery from AVFM's Facebook page
Classic WTF-ery from AVFM’s Facebook page

More brilliant public relations work by the AVFM crew.

The top “meme,” posted on AVFM’s Facebook page, isn’t inexplicable in itself — I assume someone said to the meme-maker that by “criticizing” women he was doing the same thing feminists were doing by criticizing men, and this was meant as an enormous insult? It’s just inexplicable as a way to, you know, reach out to a broader audience beyond misogynist douchebags who think that the idea of ironing a woman in lingerie is inherently hilarious. But I guess that’s not really AVFM’s aim, is it?

Another one from the AVFM Facebook page:

More of AVFM's memetic magic
More of AVFM’s meme magic

Ah yes, I remember the chants at the last feminist demonstration I went to.

What do we want!?

Childsupprtagencies’protecting’childrendivorcecourtspolicearrests cheaperworkforcecontrolofeducationworkerprisonsdisposablesoldiers!

When do we want it?


Let’s just finish off this edition of inexplicable AVFM memes with this lovely submission from the AVFM forums, which is ostensibly about child abuse.


AVFM, proving critics of the Men’s Rights movement right pretty much every time they post a meme!





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10 years ago

RE: Michelle C Young

Rogan: Yeah, and we were the kid who followed all the rules and did everything right. Still didn’t stop two rapists from getting their hands on us when we were sixteen, and everyone blaming it on us. I wish there WERE as easy a way to make all rapes less dangerous just like a seatbelt. As it is, it’s just a bunch of superstitions.

10 years ago

I was referring to the meme that compared women being upset with advice about how not to get raped, with being a good girl, and wearing her seatbelt, so as not to get killed.

Discard the stupidity hypothesis and go with malice. It’s a deliberately dishonest argument.

10 years ago

@Policy Of Madness:

Hey, when I attended the national assembly of the danish liberal youth party I got to watch in surprised horror as they took a vote on a resolution that amounted to: ” this organization does not believe it is the purview of the government to dictate behaviour of its citizens. Therefore, what someone desires to do in their own shop or home is outside the control of the givernment, and all legislation that mandates that taking a specific stance on social issues should be stricken. We hope any racists go out of business, but it is not our job to tell them they cannot deny service based on whatever criterion they desire”

Which, sure, as a piece of liberalist metaphysics is fine… As actual purported government policy? HahahahhhahahhhHHhHJHhHHha.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago


Yeah, that’s more or less Ron Paul’s position. And, by all indication, also Rand Paul’s, although he’s gotten better over time at not describing what he actually believes (because he’s realized that most people think it’s atrocious). This is especially relevant to me because I am from Kentucky, which Rand Paul represents in the Senate. 🙁

Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

kitteh, what are you making with that?!?
And where can I get some?

10 years ago

Re: “accidental rape”:

I can just see it. Dude explaining to Feminist Police Officer…

“So there I was, just walking down the sidewalk with my erect dick flappin’ carelessly in the breeze, when I slipped on a banana peel and landed inside this chick who was just lying there with her skirt up and her legs apart! Honest!”

Or how about this one:

“So there I was, rockin’ out with my cock out on my motor scooter, when I swerved to miss a cyclist, and ended up hitting her right in the crotch!”

Yeah, no. Rape is something somebody does to someone else. It doesn’t just happen by accident. You can’t just get accused of it for doing nothing. Real men own their shit and don’t palm that responsibility off on someone else.

And surely I can’t be the only one who thinks that would-be-macho M logo from the Voice for Mangry Muppets looks like a poopy diaper that came to life, grew legs, and is waddling around without a head to guide it?

10 years ago
Reply to  Bina

re: “accidental rape”
reminds me of those MTV “sex doesn’t happen by accident” AIDS awareness posters.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Torture chambers are legal.
Torturing someone without the torturee’s express consent is illegal.

Depends on where you are. In some states in the US, hitting, cutting, or otherwise torturing someone is illegal even with their consent.

Found the shutterstock photo! New game, everyone! Try to guess which subset of key words were used to find this image.

I got it on the first page of “man ironing”. Also, Shutterstock doesn’t know the difference between “ironing” and “iron” – the same search brought up a bunch of Tony Stark and some weightlifting stuff.

So, the second image has a picture of a woman eating money. Very unhygenic. But that suggests that she will be the one “choking on it.” Yet every single talking-phrase listed is something they feel negatively affects men and positively effects women. So why would the woman be “choking on it?” According to you, MRA meme-maker, those things are everything she wants.

I think “choke on it” is similar to “shove it”, but with more sexualized violence.

Hmm. Shutterstock lists the owner of the image as (among other things) a vector artist, and living in Poland. Unfortunately I don’t see a way to contact this individual to let zir know about this theft of zir work.

Do we know it was stolen?

My favorite part is the random chess piece on the tshirt of one of the white knights. Why? Is chess misandry now too?

It’s a knight piece. Y’know, in case we didn’t know what this guy was supposed to be.

10 years ago

RE: Bina

Rape is something somebody does to someone else. It doesn’t just happen by accident.

Bingo. Assholes just like to muddy the waters, make it seem like it’d be SO EASY to just rape someone by accident, because that gives them cover. What’s horrifying is a lot of folks believe them.

10 years ago

Oh hey, emilygoddess! What would you think if we were able to meet up… er, sometime next week? It looks like uh, we might actually get a surprise con trip into Boston very soon! It’s still up in the air, depending on my ability to find crash space and gauge my own health.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

…The Men’s Right to avoid responsibility movement…
I mean, you know, use a freaking condom. Use it correctly. Condoms work.

As far as not getting raped? 70 to 85 % or so of people who get raped( depending on which data you consult) are raped by people they know.

You can tell this to the ” don’t wear short skirts! ” crowd until you are blue in the face and it doesn’t sink in with them…the real risk behavior is associating with a rapist.
How the hell are you supposed to know who’s a rapist and who is not?
I mean, some people are obviously creeps. But others mask really well.

…considering I tried to stop Iraq war 2 (clusterfuck boogaloo) from happening, I really resent the whole ” disposable soldier ” thing.
I’m not the one declaring men disposable, it’s the goddamn elites that tend to declare lots of people surplus to requirements.

Still feeling kinda bleh.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

For MRA who real are that and not just misogynist by another name

Might as well make a statement about unicorns or the Loch Ness monster. Or is someone finally going to win the “find a moderate MRA” challenge?

No voice of national or world wide importance is expressing the idea that progressiveness will lead to solving of the male problems you mentioned. Really is simple as it sounds I think just hearing that from more progressive leaders would change a lot of minds on the MRA side of things.

1) Bullshit. Progressive politics are talking about prison reform/abolition, workers’ rights, the minimum wage, and so on, all of which address the points WWTH brought up.

2) I feel no obligation to coddle people who will only fight for justice for themselves, and even then feel compelled to reject movements that might benefit them because the wrong sort of person is involved. If you want to hold their hands and guide them, be my guest, but it’s not the responsibility of any justice movement to focus on how they’re going to help the privileged.

How many photos would Neil Armstrong have taken if he’d had a digital camera with humungous amounts of memory? I’m guessing a lot more than 37, and a fair bit of HD video too.

Right? It’s the freaking moon. Anyone who says they’d only take five photos is either lying or not remotely cool enough for a trip to the moon.

And if you really wanna know something that will make MRAs shit their pants, Neil Armstrong was NOT a macho showman like Buzz Aldrin — he was quiet and humble and thus a total beta, by their lights.

Which just goes to show how stupid their categories are, because “I’ve been to the moon” is one pick-up line that would actually get my attention.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Yeah, that’s kind of a stumper when one’s knowledge of economics is entry-level, or informed mainly by libertarian ideology.

Well, it’s not just economics, either. Women are not being hired en masse for the same reason they are underpaid in the first place: our work is not valued as highly. And also, it’s hard to take advantage of something you don’t believe you’re doing, and I bet many employers aren’t consciously aware of how they’re undervaluing or underpaying women workers.

LBT: I have PMed you my email address via Tumblr. Hopefully we can find a day when we both have free time!

10 years ago

…considering I tried to stop Iraq war 2 (clusterfuck boogaloo) from happening, I really resent the whole ” disposable soldier ” thing.
I’m not the one declaring men disposable, it’s the goddamn elites that tend to declare lots of people surplus to requirements.

Exactly. Another wonderful side effect of CAPITALISM, not feminism. Remember how wars were a thing long before women started seriously agitating for equal rights? Oops, MRAsshat slept through history class. Imagine that!

(And yeah, that’s why I’m a commie-pinko peacenik, as well as an eeeeevil feminist.)

10 years ago

Dammit, I’m wearing a “War Is Not Healthy for Children and Other Living Things” pendant right now. For the kids out there, it’s the motto of a 1960s anti-war group started by women, Another Mother for Peace, which makes MRA dudes co-opting it to bag on women especially ironic (or just nonsensical). Another Mother for Peace is still around, in fact (

I’ve got to go iron myself to calm down.

10 years ago

I am not one bit impressed by this crap.

10 years ago

RE: Shaenon

Rogan: What’s this? MRAs co-opting something women put a lot of work into it, adding a sloppy MSpaint job, and then claiming it as their own? Color me shocked!

For guys who claim women never make anything of note, they sure aren’t very original themselves.

Ken L.
10 years ago

@ emilygoddess – MOD

I have to believe there are MRAs who are not terrible people, If there are NRA members who are not ammo-sexuals. Then it’s possible that these fabled MRA exist.

To your first point your right but those are really cross gender issues. No one is speaking for men issues specifically and those who do just parrot the same old stereotypes of manly men. I know it stupid sounds but just hearing leaders mention men by name will change things.

as to your second point that line of thinking is exactly what is wrong with The Progressive Movement as a whole. I include myself in this criticism as well. It really easy to fight the enemy and see them as scum. But when you get to the place where shit get real serious, when your realize you have to live with your enemy and that their human just like you. While then it a bit late to start to care. I in the past have been like that and I am trying to change that and hopeful change others by example. That is why we have to “hold the hand” of the privileged. We will never win this fight if all we does is tell men (in general) how privileged they are. Your right, we may never change MRA minds but for normal men who don’t see there privileged like I don’t know a guy who busts his ass in a coal mine all day who might reasonably not see what his male privilege has done for him ,Those minds and hearts can be changed. People on both side of the divide left/right, Progress/tradition all need to more often step back and take a breath and remember in the end we all are human beings. Of course the right also should maybe hit a joint or two and some therapy.

10 years ago

RE: Ken L.

Look, I get what you’re trying to say, but the problem isn’t that I don’t “remember in the end we all are human beings.”

I am very well of the humanity of the child-molester in my family. Of my rapist. Of my parents, who were willing to send us off with child rapists multiple times, and responded to our inevitable victimization with rage and denial and punishment.

I am aware, because these are the people I had to appease all of my life so I would survive. I knew their feelings, their motivations, and they had to become mine if I wanted to not die. And now I’m in the disability system, where I know that my housing, food, healthcare, and income can be stripped away with a single error.

I have extremely limited energy to burn for people other than myself and my system now. If the privileged who learn can’t hold the hands of the privileged who don’t… well, I’m sorry, but they have more energy for this shit than I do. I’m kinda busy planning for the inevitable paperwork error that axes my way of life.

10 years ago

Ken, if you want to go sing kumbaya with the misogynists, have fun with that. In fact, if you’re a man as your name suggests, you’re considerably better placed to do so than any of the women here, since the misogynists care more about your opinions than they do about ours.

If you’re suggesting that any of the women here should feel obligated to go hold hands with the misogynists, then you might want to take a good look at the way in which your own privilege is influencing that expectation. Also, my answer is “no”.

10 years ago

I also don’t care for the false equivalency that acts as though my anger at the people who want me dead is somehow equivalent to the anger of people who want me dead. One anger is life-affirming; the other life-negating.

And Ken, unless you can post and show one of these mythical unicorn non-misogynistic MRAs, you’re arguing entirely for something you only THINK exists. I’ll be more than happy to be buddies with your unicorn man, but he has to actually fucking exist first, and I’ve shown no evidence from you that supports that.

10 years ago

I have to believe there are MRAs who are not terrible people

Well, if believing in fairy tales helps you sleep at night then have fun, I guess.

10 years ago

RE: cassandrakitty

I used to hope for that too. Then I had two MRAs specifically try to recruit me, only to then confess their movement had literally nothing to offer me, and the one MRA who focused on male rape victims though me getting ridiculed for my history was hilarious comeuppance for my being a feminist.

Yeah, no. Feminists and MRAs aren’t two sides of the same coin. From what I can see, they’re fucking opposed forces, and men who actually ARE interested in liberating men from restrictive gender roles avoid the MRM as much as possible.

10 years ago

That is why we have to “hold the hand” of the privileged.

All the NO to this. If you expect me to hold the hand of people who hate me just because I’m a woman, you can get bent, sir. You can have a fine time holding the hands of the privileged. See how far that gets you.

And you even saying that shows your privilege.

*wanders off muttering about the nerve of some people*

10 years ago

Ninja’d mightily by Cassandra. Oh, well, it’ll probably have to be repeated several times for Ken to get it.