a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? empathy deficit entitled babies evil moms evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA

Today In Inexplicable A Voice for Men Memes

Classic WTF-ery from AVFM's Facebook page
Classic WTF-ery from AVFM’s Facebook page

More brilliant public relations work by the AVFM crew.

The top “meme,” posted on AVFM’s Facebook page, isn’t inexplicable in itself — I assume someone said to the meme-maker that by “criticizing” women he was doing the same thing feminists were doing by criticizing men, and this was meant as an enormous insult? It’s just inexplicable as a way to, you know, reach out to a broader audience beyond misogynist douchebags who think that the idea of ironing a woman in lingerie is inherently hilarious. But I guess that’s not really AVFM’s aim, is it?

Another one from the AVFM Facebook page:

More of AVFM's memetic magic
More of AVFM’s meme magic

Ah yes, I remember the chants at the last feminist demonstration I went to.

What do we want!?

Childsupprtagencies’protecting’childrendivorcecourtspolicearrests cheaperworkforcecontrolofeducationworkerprisonsdisposablesoldiers!

When do we want it?


Let’s just finish off this edition of inexplicable AVFM memes with this lovely submission from the AVFM forums, which is ostensibly about child abuse.


AVFM, proving critics of the Men’s Rights movement right pretty much every time they post a meme!





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10 years ago

Man, I want to get a big goggeh so my little kittehs can cuddle up with it.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
10 years ago

Similar cognitive dissonance?
People in privileged positions, either class or gender, like to pretend that they earned what they’ve got, fair and square. They also divert attention from systematic unfairness through claims that the people at the top are the ones who are really oppressed. MRAs deny that men have any systemic advantages over women, and that women are the real oppressors. Libertarians deny that the rich got that way through anything other than merit and hard work, and like to claim that all those evil poors are just mooching off of and oppressing the job creators.
This might also be why there’s so much overlap with the manosphere and “white genocide” style of racism, which is pretty much the same thing.

Oh, and they only bring up problems that men face to stop people from talking about women’s problems. They’re completely uninterested in actually solving them or even understanding why they happen.

10 years ago

I have figured out recently that I don’t speak dog. Like, at all. I went to Petsmart the other day and they had some adoptable dogs out, including a very friendly older white pom (he was adorbs). Anyway, he started barking every time I stopped petting him, and I had to remind myself that barking != aggression.

On the other hand, I grew up with a golden retriever mix who barely made any noise. If she wanted petting, she came up and leaned against you.

10 years ago

katz, any kitteh pictures?

More FANTASTIC graphics from AVfM:


10 years ago

And the best one yet:

10 years ago

My favorite part is the random chess piece on the tshirt of one of the white knights. Why? Is chess misandry now too?

10 years ago

Like, dudes, you know there have been female astronauts, right? Right?

10 years ago

The fact that I just got back from drinking caipirinhas with friends in now way colors how hilarious I find these images:
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zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
10 years ago

Right, they only took 5 photos on the moon* because they were MEN and fuck that sissy photo taking shit, right guys? What happens on the moon stays on the moon. Not because of the technology of the day and having to haul stuff to the moon.

*Also pretty sure they took more than 5 photos on the moon.

Ken L.
10 years ago


I have given a lot of thought to why progressive politics hated by MRAs. In part as much as I hate to admit it, some of it is the progressives fault. For MRA who real are that and not just misogynist by another name, No voice of national or world wide importance is expressing the idea that progressiveness will lead to solving of the male problems you mentioned. Really is simple as it sounds I think just hearing that from more progressive leaders would change a lot of minds on the MRA side of things.

10 years ago

I checked out his FB page and he leaves a lot of people confused by his posts. The dude really does not like women. I read his twitter feed and just felt I needed to get the heck off there. Just so much hate.

10 years ago

ESPN will be having a panel of eleven men on Monday night football to discuss DV.
There are not enough expletives to celebrate the foolishness.

10 years ago

Grr, didn’t embed.

10 years ago

Best meme ever, katz.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Geez, trust those fuckwits to spoil a famous poster from the 60s.

Hey dudes, if “gender war” isn’t healthy, stop waging it against women.

10 years ago

The chess piece is a white knight.

10 years ago

If anyone is wondering, that’s Valentina Tereshkova. She spent longer in space on her single mission than Americans had in total.

10 years ago

OT, but I have 2 kitties next to me so tangled up together that I can’t tell where each one begins and ends.

It’s fucking adorable.

10 years ago

I miss This Week In Kittens But no pressure. I just want more kittens. Apparently, they are freely available on the internet or something.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

OT, but I have 2 kitties next to me so tangled up together that I can’t tell where each one begins and ends.

Quantum kitties … sure to be quantum.

10 years ago

Disapproving rabbits went dark and I am fairly sure that Fafblog will not be back. I am having a sad.

10 years ago

I have no kittens at the moment, sorry.

What happened to Disapproving Rabbits? That is a loss.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

I just had a look – the folks running it were freelancing and didn’t have the time to run it at all. It’s still up, though.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Oooh, look at this gorgeous yarn:
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